So I don't feel bad in now saying this......Sara Huckabee looks a lot like her father, and that's not a good thing for a woman.
Quote: steeldcoSo I don't feel bad in now saying this......Sara Huckabee looks a lot like her father, and that's not a good thing for a woman.
She looks exactly like him.
That's one pussy we know Donald won't be grabbing.
Quote: RomesYou sho bout dat? Seems like you're about 5.5x more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist (in all forms).
Quote: TigerWu...
It's a matter of semantics. Replace chance with the odds of. You are more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist in America in 2017. I don't think anyone would argue that.
Quote: MaxPenQuote: RomesThe wall is probably his 2nd stupidest idea. What purpose will it serve? You do realize even by raising tariffs and taxes mexico will NOT pay for the wall, and we will have to, right?
Mexico Charges us $5 for a bundle of bananas.
US Raises taxes/tariffs/whatever on Mexico to end up costing them $1 more than previous per bundle.
Mexico now charges the US $6 per bundle.
So who ends up paying that extra dollar? A: US Citizens, i.e. not Mexico
- It only goes 6 feet deep... no way anyone would dig under that!
- It only goes 30 feet high... no way anyone could get a couple extended ladders, a grappling hook or some fashion, or any other contraption to get over the wall with ease!
- Even if it goes end to end, no way someone could just go AROUND the wall, right?
- No way any mexicans couldn't take a trip to Canada, then cross from the north, right?
Seriously... What would this wall accomplish OTHER than:
a) Making the US look like complete idiots (so similar to their current leader)
b) Cost the US trillions in debt
What purpose does the fence around your yard serve? Anyone of your neighbors can jump it. Who cares?
Property boundaries and markers have been used forever. It's a statement and a deterrent. It lets people know that you care about protecting and defining what is yours.
The thing is going to cost 30 billion. That's less than 5 aircraft carriers. Some say it will be 1/3 of that. Trillions?LMAO sounds like 99.98% BS. Even if it did who cares. Anytime you can swap worthless paper for something tangible that's a good thing.
Name a country that has a wall along its border? Even at the height of the troubles, Northern Ireland never walled itself off.
The Soviets built the Berlin Wall to keep its people in, not to keep others out.
There is only one country I can think of that is walled in, and that wasn't done by choice.
Quote: ams288She looks exactly like him.
That's one pussy we know Donald won't be grabbing.
So now you are giving him credit for having standards. Now we are making progress, by 2020 you will be voting for him.
Quote: billryanName a country that has a wall along its border? Even at the height of the troubles, Northern Ireland never walled itself off.
The Soviets built the Berlin Wall to keep its people in, not to keep others out.
There is only one country I can think of that is walled in, and that wasn't done by choice.
China and North Korea
Quote: rsactuarySara Huckabee Sanders is nothing more than a puppet on a string, and she knows it... and she knows that everyone watching her knows it. Her career is over after she leaves this administration. She has no credibility left at all.
I just want to reiterate, after her comments in support of that jerk's tweets. She a little scumbagette. And a darn ugly one!
Which is why I have an invisible fence for my dog... I don't need a fence. No one has a fence in my neighborhood because I live in a decent neighborhood... Aren't we supposed to be a decent ass country???Quote: MaxPen...What purpose does the fence around your yard serve?
1) We should be SLASHING our military budget, like less than half (and we'd still spend the most in the world).Quote: MaxPenThe thing is going to cost 30 billion. That's less than 5 aircraft carriers. Some say it will be 1/3 of that. Trillions?LMAO sounds like 99.98% BS. Even if it did who cares. Anytime you can swap worthless paper for something tangible that's a good thing.
2) Ignoring the fact that trump is going to break another promise? Can we at least agree he clearly "swindled" his voters in to "thinking" mexico would pay for the wall?? That much is just flat obvious either way. The same for his "lock her up" crap, which he openly laughed about at a rally after election where he said "ha that just sounds good during the campaign." You could visibly see some of his supporters confused like "wait, did he just tell us he lied to us??"
I don't know what it is.. You'd think I'd hate Kelly Ann more, and I'm a pretty passive guy... but there is just SOMETHING that makes me want to throat punch her so bad. I don't know what it is, but damn I feel like she needs one to the throat.Quote: rsactuarySara Huckabee Sanders is nothing more than a puppet on a string, and she knows it... and she knows that everyone watching her knows it. Her career is over after she leaves this administration. She has no credibility left at all.
Quote: steeldcoSara Huckabee Sanders is, without a doubt, a 2 bagger.
You and Don would have a blast sitting around sharing your opinions on the looks of women. Again, seems like you guys have more in common than you think.
Quote: BozYou and Don would have a blast sitting around sharing your opinions on the looks of women. a locker room!
Quote: steeldcoSara Huckabee Sanders is, without a doubt, a 2 bagger.
What does that mean? I'm guessing it's some kind of coyote - ugly slang, but I don't recognize the reference. Maybe someone so ugly, you BOTH have to wear bags over your heads?
SHS, the difference between her and KAC, is attitude. SHS is smug, self-righteous, and condescending, while KAC is a salesperson who sometimes does not believe in the brand of bs she's peddling, but plugs gamely on. KAC is a paid shill; SHS is a true believer. Which, if you don't like her, just wait until we get President Pence; they're cut from the same cloth.
KAC is also a great deal more intelligent than SHS, and I think you recognize the difference without realizing it. With SHS, there will never be any introspection or larger context to her statements: she knows what she knows, in her dim bubble, and she has no interest in broadening it. She's like the stereotypical DMV worker who won't listen to anything.
Last fall, Republican financier Peter Smith assembled a team of computer experts to contact hackers connected with the Russian government. Smith wanted to obtain any hacked emails of HRC that they potentially had. There is evidence he was doing this with the cooperation of/at the behest of Mike Flynn, who was working for the Trump campaign at the time.
Peter Smith was proud of this operation. He called the WSJ in May to give an interview about it.
He died 10 days later.
From an actual "how does this effect me" view point, how much would this wall actually cost ME? How much more in taxes will I have to pay for this wall to be built?
Quote: RSIt seems like those who oppose "The Wall" being built do not want it because they support "human rights" (wtf?), they think it's morally wrong or something somehow, they say Mexicans should be able to immigrate here, "our country was built on immigrants", etc etc etc., even though they're just saying they disagree with it because it costs money, you can tunnel underneath, or fly over it.
From an actual "how does this effect me" view point, how much would this wall actually cost ME? How much more in taxes will I have to pay for this wall to be built?
I object to the wall for 2 reasons.
1. It's a complete waste of many billions of dollars the government doesn't have and hasn't budgeted for. 12B, 17B, I'm guessing it will cost 50B before it's done. A tariff on Mexican goods is a financing joke.
2. It's xenophobic nonsense, an ineffectual vanity project that will solve nothing (unless you're a wall construction company looking for work).
The money we don't have would be much better spent fixing bridges and building runways.
That's why I suggest putting machine guns with Mexican detectors on top the wall. Cant drones handle this by now?Quote: beachbumbabsI object to the wall for 2 reasons.
1. It's a complete waste of many billions of dollars the government doesn't have and hasn't budgeted for. 12B, 17B, I'm guessing it will cost 50B before it's done. A tariff on Mexican goods is a financing joke.
2. It's xenophobic nonsense, an ineffectual vanity project that will solve nothing (unless you're a wall construction company looking for work).
The money we don't have would be much better spent fixing bridges and building runways.
Quote: AxelWolfThat's why I suggest putting machine guns with Mexican detectors on top the wall. Cant drones handle this by now?
The feds will collect income taxes from the workers, and income and corporate taxes from the contractors.
The money the workers and contractors spend on housing, buildings, goods, machinery, supplies and services will enrich other people and companies, and the government will collect taxes from them as well.
This, spend, enrich, tax process, will be repeated many times over as the dollars flow to other people and companies.
The federal, state and local governments, will collect the taxes at every step.
When the house takes a percentage of every pot, sooner or later, the house ends up with all the money.
This is much fairer and better way to create jobs and stimulate the economy, than creating and paying interest on $3.75 trillion in electronic cash that did not exist before, and buying securities from pension funds, insurance companies and banks, where the money went directly into the financial markets, rather than to the households who would have made use of it.
Quote: Tanko
This, spend, enrich, tax process, will be repeated many times over as the dollars flow to other people and companies.
There seems to be a flaw in your point: The wall would not be a productive asset. What you suggest is that employing lots of workers to do massively unproductive work is a win-win because they will draw a salary, pay taxes, feed money into the local businesses and everyone will prosper.
Unless the wall generates wealth, or profitable exports, then no wealth will exist to enrich anyone.
Why not have a 100% employment scheme where the government pays everyone to dig and refill holes all day.
Playing funny money in the markets does not generate wealth either, of course: That just moves wealth around.
And though it's not directly an answer to your point...
Solar power from the wall: What a load of tripe:-
The wall will be vertical ( That's how walls work) and more or less on the equator. So at midday, while it's nice and sunny, the angle of attack at which the sunlight would strike the wall's faces would be about as sub-optimal angle as it could possibly be. Unless the wall is horizontal, of course, which kind of defeats the object. Oh, use mirrors eh? That would need to add massively to the effective thickness of the wall, and heaven forbid the sun's relative position in the sky not being static.
Still, I guess you could pay lots of laborers to constantly clean and optimize the position of the panels and mirrors, and they could pump money into the economy from their taxes. The Mexicans would be so jealous!
Is this legit? Can you link a source? Why is no one else interested in this if so?Quote: ams288The Wall Street Journal has a bombshell story tonight.
Last fall, Republican financier Peter Smith assembled a team of computer experts to contact hackers connected with the Russian government. Smith wanted to obtain any hacked emails of HRC that they potentially had. There is evidence he was doing this with the cooperation of/at the behest of Mike Flynn, who was working for the Trump campaign at the time.
Peter Smith was proud of this operation. He called the WSJ in May to give an interview about it.
He died 10 days later.
We have flying cars now... Things you sit in, have wheels, and fly around the world (and most importantly over walls) =).Quote: rxwineTen years from now it will be obsolete because of all the flying cars.
Quote: IbeatyouracesIt's ironic that this nation, who once stole this land from other people, are now wanting to fortify it to keep others out. The natives should be in an uproar.
We took their jobs!
Quote: RomesIs this legit? Can you link a source? Why is no one else interested in this if so?
Remember that Meet the Press guy died after questioning George W. Bush and John Kerry about how they belonged to the same secret society? Americans are only interested in what they're told to be interested in. In a democracy, media is all-powerful.
Quote: RogerKintWe took their jobs!
Great episode!!
Haha... Here's Sean Hannity defending Trump's latest Twitter tirade:
“Look, the American people elected a fighter. They didn't elect somebody to sit back and do nothing,”
Trump is literally arguing with the TV via Twitter. If that is not the definition of "doing nothing productive" I don't know what is.
Quote: TankoWhether the cost of the wall is $20 billion or $100 billion, in the end, it won’t cost the federal government a dime.
The feds will collect income taxes from the workers, and income and corporate taxes from the contractors.
The money the workers and contractors spend on housing, buildings, goods, machinery, supplies and services will enrich other people and companies, and the government will collect taxes from them as well.
This, spend, enrich, tax process, will be repeated many times over as the dollars flow to other people and companies.
The federal, state and local governments, will collect the taxes at every step.
When the house takes a percentage of every pot, sooner or later, the house ends up with all the money.
This is much fairer and better way to create jobs and stimulate the economy, than creating and paying interest on $3.75 trillion in electronic cash that did not exist before, and buying securities from pension funds, insurance companies and banks, where the money went directly into the financial markets, rather than to the households who would have made use of it.
By your logic any government capital project costs $0. Correct?
Quote: boymimboBy your logic any government capital project costs $0. Correct?
The only govt project to make money
The Hoover Dam
Is the wall gonna produce electricity?
Quote: terapined
Is the wall gonna produce electricity?
They should line the top of it with solar panels!
Quote: terapinedLOL
The only govt project to make money
The Hoover Dam
Is the wall gonna produce electricity?
Actually, I would expand on this (NOT the only govt project to make money) re:infrastructure.
Bonneville Power Dam
Grand Coolee Dam
Several nuclear power plants
Many runways
More than a few toll bridges
Lots of toll roads
Secondary businesses that profit from freeway construction.
Light rail and subway construction.
All of those projects, along with required maintenance of bridges, railways, and existing infrastructure, provide jobs during construction, secondary income, are or can be self-sustaining, and encourage small business growth in expanding circles.
This is a big difference from The Wall, which would simply be an insulting eyesore once finished.
See what happens when you don't build a wall.Quote: IbeatyouracesIt's ironic that this nation, who once stole this land from other people, are now wanting to fortify it to keep others out. The natives should be in an uproar.
Quote: AxelWolfSee what happens when you don't build a wall.
Maybe the Mexicans will let us regular folks open casinos to support our families.
I'm not a fan of wind turbines because of the damage they do to migratory birds, but if they put up grids in front of the blades to keep them out of danger, it could work.
Quote: beachbumbabsYa know, if they insist on building the stupid wall, they could, in open range areas, mount wind turbines on top of it, and generate electricity, with the fan blades circulating low enough to be a hazard to wall-climbers, and storage cells every so often to make use of it.
I'm not a fan of wind turbines because of the damage they do to migratory birds, but if they put up grids in front of the blades to keep them out of danger, it could work.
We could kill two birds with one turbine!
I love how you want grids on them cause you're worried about migratory birds but want them low enough to be hazardous to migratory Mexicans LOL
Doh! How wide is the top?Quote: TigerWuThey should line the top of it with solar panels!
Solar energy generated is proportional to surface area presented perpendicular to the sun.
We need Temple Grande to study them and design the wall.Quote: RogerKintWe could kill two birds with one turbine!
I love how you want grids on them cause you're worried about migratory birds but want them low enough to be hazardous to migratory Mexicans LOL
Your comment was funny.
Quote: OnceDearDoh! How wide is the top?
Solar energy generated is proportional to surface area presented perpendicular to the sun.
I mean, it's gotta be at least a couple feet wide, right? Times almost 2,000 miles. That's a pretty big area of solar panels.
Quote: AxelWolfWe need Temple Grande to study them and design the wall.
Your comment was funny.
What's temple grande? I googled it but nothing came up? Secret mexican version of NASA?
Quote: RogerKintWhat's temple grande? I googled it but nothing came up? Secret mexican version of NASA?
109 -148 is the important part.
Quote: AxelWolfWe need Temple Grande to study them and design the wall.
Your comment was funny.
Good idea. I know they like to go swimming in their clothes instead of a bathing suit. Perhaps The Great American Wall can double as a water park, with a big water slide from the top of the wall? Temple Grande and other researchers just need to observe the patrons wearing clothes and ignore the ones wearing bathing suits.
We can also set up street vendors near the border who advertise the best Mexican hot sauce and guac. Temple Grande & co just need to observe the ones arguing with the street vendors. Mexicans hate it when you call sauce instead of salsa, or guac instead of guacamole. (Same way how I hate it when people call it mayo instead of mayonnaise.)
If they do the turbine thing or whatever, they should figure out a way to make them invisible. That way more birds get killed in the process. (Birds are evil BTW.)
Quote: TigerWuI mean, it's gotta be at least a couple feet wide, right? Times almost 2,000 miles. That's a pretty big area of solar panels.
No offence, but engineering of a solar panel array has to exploit the available surface area to the max extent possible if it's to stand a chance of ever costing in. Those panels have limited lifetime, require some maintenance and cleaning, and cost significant amounts to manufacture and install. One square or nearly square panel on a flat roof is pretty much optimal in terms of installation cost v payback. A long array of narrow panels would be high maintenance and a pig of an instalation job.
To stand any chance of being any where near cost effective, over the lifetime of the project, they have to be massive, perpendicular to the sun for most of their life and even then they barely pay for their own materials and labour. Imagine if you paid a man to mount a solar panel one centimeter wide along the fence that goes around your home. It would cost tens of thousands of dollars ( mostly labour ), constantly go faulty, and would maybe generate 100s of dollars of electricity per annum. Simply doesn't compare to having a nice big rectangular panel dropped onto your flat garage roof, which might have similar surface area, cost similar in materials to buy, take a couple of manhours to fit and be a doddle to get to to clean.
A solar panel atop the wall would simply never come within a thousand miles of covering its own cost.
Engineering wise, totally dumb.

Not so sure about the equator thing. Last I looked , they were building it in Texas and Arizona, not Ecuador. Or has Trump annexed Central America?
Building the wall across the Isthmus of Panama would certainly shorten its length, and it would still be almost as effective.
Quote: OnceDear
A solar panel atop the wall would simply never come within a thousand miles of covering its own cost.
Engineering wise, totally dumb.
Right on.... I don't know anything about solar panel technology, but I think the wall is a really stupid idea in the first place.