Quote: darkozEveryone understands the point of the question. It is trying to compare a racist symbol the comfederate flag created out of and for racist reasons with the cross which was perverted to racist means thru burnings
An attempt to make plain crosses and plain bedsheets comparable to the confederate flag
Forgive me if i didnt fall for it
Hey guys why not parade a swasticka around in a synagogue and ask the cross and bedsheet question to the jews praying inside
Not sure what you are going on about...
Question was simple, do you think a cross is racist symbol? It's either yes or no.
If you feel it isn't then a no would be what you reply back with not ramblings that have nothing to do with what was asked.
Quote: HomelessnycNot sure what you are going on about...
Question was simple, do you think a cross is racist symbol? It's either yes or no.
If you feel it isn't then a no would be what you reply back with not ramblings that have nothing to do with what was asked.
Okay to spell it out for people who need it spelled out
A cross by itself is not a racist symbol
A burning cross is a racist symbol
A confederate flag with a creation and historically racist purpose is racist
Waving a cross is not racist
Waving a comfederate flag is racist
Enjoy your racism and racist remarks guys. Its just sad how much racist people are in denial
Some people, 150 years later, still refuse to heed that message.
When has the GOP EVER been fiscally conservative? They have grown the size of government AND increased the deficit at every opportunity they've had. This Trump era is no different.
Quote: SteverinosThe South seceded to preserve the enslavement of black people, and the Confederate flag only exists because of that secession. It's really all we need to know about the stupid thing. It's clearly divisive. And I think it's important to note that even Lee distanced himself from divisive symbols of a Civil War his side lost. "I think it wiser moreover not to keep open the sores of war," he wrote.
Some people, 150 years later, still refuse to heed that message.
Ditto what he said
Quote: SteverinosAnd I can't remember who said it, but somebody asked something along the lines of "when will the gop return to fiscal conservatism" a couple pages back.
When has the GOP EVER been fiscally conservative? They have grown the size of government AND increased the deficit at every opportunity they've had. This Trump era is no different.
When money is debt, you need an ever increasing amount of debt to give the appearance of winning. Rothschild was so right when he surmised that so few would understand how the monetary system actually works.
Quote: SteverinosWhen has the GOP EVER been fiscally conservative?
When the President is a Democrat.
Quote: darkozEveryone understands the point of the question. It is trying to compare a racist symbol the comfederate flag created out of and for racist reasons with the cross which was perverted to racist means thru burnings
Uh, the Confederate Flag was created as a battle flag, nor for "racist reasons." It is used all over for non-racist use, same as a cross.
You did fall for it! Your refusal to answer shows that.
Quote: darkoz
A cross by itself is not a racist symbol
See, i knew you could answer the simple question posed to you.
Quote: AZDuffmanUh, the Confederate Flag was created as a battle flag, nor for "racist reasons." It is used all over for non-racist use, same as a cross.
You did fall for it! Your refusal to answer shows that.
Which battle?
Hmm oh yeah the civil war. The one about keeping black people enslaved
Your logic is flawed. Like asking do fish swim in the ocean. Then demanding a yes or no to whether whales swim in the ocean to prove your point they are fish
Quote: darkozWhich battle?
Hmm oh yeah the civil war. The one about keeping black people enslaved
Your logic is flawed. Like asking do fish swim in the ocean. Then demanding a yes or no to whether whales swim in the ocean to prove your point they are fish
So, the Stars and Stripes is racist for the same reason? The Union Jack? How many other flags? The Battle Flag is not even the flag of the CSA.

Quote: AZDuffmanSo, the Stars and Stripes is racist for the same reason? The Union Jack? How many other flags? The Battle Flag is not even the flag of the CSA.
Its well known that the founding fathers of this country wrote the words "all men are created equal" while enslaving a whole population of men
Certainly when slave ships arrived and the black prisoners disembarked and saw the stars and stripes they didnt equate it with freedom and prosperity
Quote: darkozHow can this possibly be good for the country
It's not good for the country. But lots of #MAGA folks really really really don't like brown people, that's why we are where we are....
People are like "yeah well my grandaddy fought in the civil war with the confederacy, does that make him a bad person?!?!" Well yes, yes actually it does. 100% it does. Your grandaddy was a horrible human being who was willing to murder people to try to continue keeping african americans ENSLAVED. Your grandpa KILLED US SOLDIERS. He was not an American, he was a TERRORIST. He deserves to rot in whatever hell you believe in.
1) Historically accurate
2) Fact Checked
3) Hilarious
Quote: RomesAnother days, more lies, but will anyone actually care or will they continue to be conned (quite obviously I might add)...
So the FBI did a background check and briefed the WH on Rob Porter's issues... how he would not be suitable for a security clearance, and how he has potential to be blackmailed and shouldn't be in the office at all.
Then the WH let him be in his position for months, sending out Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Raj Shah (separately) to knowingly lie that the investigation was still ongoing, when in fact they handed them their preliminary findings back in March.
Quote: RomesPeople are like "yeah well my grandaddy fought in the civil war with the confederacy, does that make him a bad person?!?!" Well yes, yes actually it does. 100% it does. Your grandaddy was a horrible human being who was willing to murder people to try to continue keeping african americans ENSLAVED. Your grandpa KILLED US SOLDIERS. He was not an American, he was a TERRORIST. He deserves to rot in whatever hell you believe in.
I thought about taking issue with this, and compared it to the Nazis. Essentially, Nazis who were participating in war crimes (genocide) should go to hell. Fighting for the Germans on the other hand is just self-defense. Similarly, believing in slavery which at the time was morally defensible is only an error of judgment. But waving around the german flag to be proud of one's long-term heritage is much different than waving around a Nazi flag (even 50 years from now). One supports the long term culture and history of Germany. Another supports the suppression of Jews and Genocide.
I would think that if you are going to wave around a flag to show you how proud you are of your history, try waving the American flag. The confederate flag denotes the suppression of blacks and slavery. The American flag supports a long 241+ year history.
Quote: Dalex64It's that distract, deflect, and redirect strategy.
Yeah, but Obama looks funny in that painting! Look!
Quote: boymimbo
I would think that if you are going to wave around a flag to show you how proud you are of your history, try waving the American flag. The confederate flag denotes the suppression of blacks and slavery. The American flag supports a long 241+ year history.
Haven't you heard? Liberals are trying to ban the American flag, too.
As to the Confederate flag, it has grown to mean more than slavery. I do not see the same liberals who complain about the Confederate flag upset when illegal aliens wave the Mexican flag. I do not see them get upset when the American flag is disrespected.
Quote: AZDuffmanHaven't you heard? Liberals are trying to ban the American flag, too.
As to the Confederate flag, it has grown to mean more than slavery. I do not see the same liberals who complain about the Confederate flag upset when illegal aliens wave the Mexican flag. I do not see them get upset when the American flag is disrespected.
So you admit it has grown to mean more than slavery (your words) so in essence a slave (racist) symbol that you wish to emulate because in the minds of people inconsiderate of its past Association you want to elevate it to mean something else
Why? Why elevate an admittedly slave related symbol? Why not pick a new symbol with neutrality? Except to demean those it is racist to by waving it around in their face while decrying it means something else
Quote: darkozSo you admit it has grown to mean more than slavery (your words) so in essence a slave (racist) symbol that you wish to emulate because in the minds of people inconsiderate of its past Association you want to elevate it to mean something else
I am not using it to promote slavery or anything like it.
Quote:Why? Why elevate an admittedly slave related symbol? Why not pick a new symbol with neutrality? Except to demean those it is racist to by waving it around in their face while decrying it means something else
If nothing else it is worth it to see the SJWs have a breakdown over something so innocuous. Maybe it is like being proud to call yourself a "redneck" same as young black makes call each other "nigger." But mainly because it has been used for 150 years and not looking for some new fad.
Quote: darkozWhy not pick a new symbol with neutrality?
It's hard to come in without sounding like an ass; I can only promise I'm not trying to be and am asking an honest question...
What one?
I admit attraction to that flag for the exact reason AZD listed. I don't own one for the exact reason you listed. But for those like AZD (and me) who intend to make a stand, to point at .gov and say "I see you, and you can GFY", what symbol is there?
Quote: FaceIt's hard to come in without sounding like an ass; I can only promise I'm not trying to be and am asking an honest question...
What one?
I admit attraction to that flag for the exact reason AZD listed. I don't own one for the exact reason you listed. But for those like AZD (and me) who intend to make a stand, to point at .gov and say "I see you, and you can GFY", what symbol is there?
I am partial to the Gadsden flag for the purpose of GFY
Quote: FaceIt's hard to come in without sounding like an ass; I can only promise I'm not trying to be and am asking an honest question...
What one?
I admit attraction to that flag for the exact reason AZD listed. I don't own one for the exact reason you listed. But for those like AZD (and me) who intend to make a stand, to point at .gov and say "I see you, and you can GFY", what symbol is there?
That would be for supporters of the confederate flag to decide. Symbols are not that difficult to create as long as there is agreement. A following can build
Hell how about a peace symbol. Two arms joined in friendship. Im not saying use those but that anything besides a symbol with racist back history
Why have a symbol that is known to be divisive while insisting that it now stands for something else?
Quote: AZDuffmanIf nothing else it is worth it to see the SJWs have a breakdown over something so innocuous. Maybe it is like being proud to call yourself a "redneck" same as young black makes call each other "nigger." But mainly because it has been used for 150 years and not looking for some new fad.
Basically admitting what I already knew, that the only reason to fly it is to divide people. We got enough of that already. Geez.
Quote: SteverinosBasically admitting what I already knew, that the only reason to fly it is to divide people. We got enough of that already. Geez.
I hate to break it to you, but as long as people are individuals they will divide. Some of us are tired of having PC shoved down our throat to.......DIVIDE US!
So don't mind me while I cling to my guns and religion.
I see far more violence from those who dislike the flag than from people who support it.
Quote: AZDuffmanI hate to break it to you, but as long as people are individuals they will divide. Some of us are tired of having PC shoved down our throat to.......DIVIDE US!
So don't mind me while I cling to my guns and religion.
I see far more violence from those who dislike the flag than from people who support it.
You didn't have to hate to break anything to me, since I recognized the division in my post when I said "we have enough of that already".
And I don't mind. You can cling to whatever it is you feel you need to hold onto; if that's the guns, the religion, the idea that the "South will rise again", or the treasonous symbol of hate in your avatar. Do your thang!
Quote: MaxPenI am partial to the Gadsden flag for the purpose of GFY
I too am very partial to Gadsden, but that's not nor has ever been its point, at least historically. The original use of the rattler showed it cut into bits, these bits representing the original colonies, with the phrase "Join, or die". It was used to support the bringing together of these new lands, as just like the rattler, to be separated is to perish.
Its continued presence in literature and ideas of the day eventually resulted in Franklin's essay which I have quoted numerous times on this forum, which focuses on the similarities between the rattlesnake and the attitude of our burgeoning country. In other words, a strong heritage, and one which I find noble and attractive, but doesn't convey whatsoever a feeling of GFY.
I dunno, that's my take anyway. I'm not familiar with the groups who've tried to co-opt it since then, so perhaps it does have a growing, modern meaning. If so, I'm just not aware of it.
Quote: darkozWhy have a symbol that is known to be divisive while insisting that it now stands for something else?
That, my friend, is a hell of decent question. Let's see, which way do I want to take this?....
I usually use the Nazi's. The swastika, as I'm sure you know, is an old Sanskrit symbol of good fortune and auspiciousness. It has existed for over TEN THOUSAND YEARS with this meaning, until some dude failed art school and flipped his s#$%. Now in Germany it's a crime to display it, here it's seen as the nut low of taste, yet in many places in the East, it is still prominent on multitudes of buildings. But you knew that. Let me use a more personal example.
I was watching the Mighty Ducks the other day. The original, the good stuff. As we near the climax, if you're paying attention, you'll hear Coach Bombay call for "the Oreo line", which consists of the white center Guy Germaine with the wingers being the black Hall twins. "Oreo". Get it?
It struck me. This movie was, like, '94. Not too long ago. Yet today, what would happen if I were to call a mixed race squad or mixed race couple or mixed race child an "Oreo"? With my sample size of one, I got gently corrected (she prefers "Zebra"). But I don't think I'd be out of line saying that it would be taken from poorly to very f#$%ing poorly a majority of the time. Wouldn't you agree?
I find that fact, assuming it IS a fact, to be complete s#$%. When said 20yrs ago, it was simply a cute nickname. If that was said today, it's not unlikely there'd be a row. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the progress.
It seems to be the antithesis of progress to shield these words so that their evil is protected and ultra-solidified. I find dudes like Chapelle who will use it so indiscriminately in an way that brings folks together to be a far, far, faaaaaar more effective way at healing that wound. Because by keeping it untouchable, you highlight exactly where it hurts to be poked for any malformed sociopath out there. And why would you want to do that?
To paraphrase Jay, "I want to take it back". 2 generations of exposure therapy could do a world of good.
Quote: FaceI too am very partial to Gadsden, but that's not nor has ever been its point, at least historically. The original use of the rattler showed it cut into bits, these bits representing the original colonies, with the phrase "Join, or die". It was used to support the bringing together of these new lands, as just like the rattler, to be separated is to perish.
Its continued presence in literature and ideas of the day eventually resulted in Franklin's essay which I have quoted numerous times on this forum, which focuses on the similarities between the rattlesnake and the attitude of our burgeoning country. In other words, a strong heritage, and one which I find noble and attractive, but doesn't convey whatsoever a feeling of GFY.
I dunno, that's my take anyway. I'm not familiar with the groups who've tried to co-opt it since then, so perhaps it does have a growing, modern meaning. If so, I'm just not aware of it.
That, my friend, is a hell of decent question. Let's see, which way do I want to take this?....
I usually use the Nazi's. The swastika, as I'm sure you know, is an old Sanskrit symbol of good fortune and auspiciousness. It has existed for over TEN THOUSAND YEARS with this meaning, until some dude failed art school and flipped his s#$%. Now in Germany it's a crime to display it, here it's seen as the nut low of taste, yet in many places in the East, it is still prominent on multitudes of buildings. But you knew that. Let me use a more personal example.
I was watching the Mighty Ducks the other day. The original, the good stuff. As we near the climax, if you're paying attention, you'll hear Coach Bombay call for "the Oreo line", which consists of the white center Guy Germaine with the wingers being the black Hall twins. "Oreo". Get it?
It struck me. This movie was, like, '94. Not too long ago. Yet today, what would happen if I were to call a mixed race squad or mixed race couple or mixed race child an "Oreo"? With my sample size of one, I got gently corrected (she prefers "Zebra"). But I don't think I'd be out of line saying that it would be taken from poorly to very f#$%ing poorly a majority of the time. Wouldn't you agree?
I find that fact, assuming it IS a fact, to be complete s#$%. When said 20yrs ago, it was simply a cute nickname. If that was said today, it's not unlikely there'd be a row. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the progress.
It seems to be the antithesis of progress to shield these words so that their evil is protected and ultra-solidified. I find dudes like Chapelle who will use it so indiscriminately in an way that brings folks together to be a far, far, faaaaaar more effective way at healing that wound. Because by keeping it untouchable, you highlight exactly where it hurts to be poked for any malformed sociopath out there. And why would you want to do that?
To paraphrase Jay, "I want to take it back". 2 generations of exposure therapy could do a world of good.
Both good examples so i will address both
Yes im familiar with the history of the nazi symbol. Indeed its the word symbol Thats important. It means specificity to a group of people that might escape rational logic because of past Associations. I hope we both agree that using a swastika in the east is perfectly fine while displaying it in a synagogue is not
That said it is important to note where you are using a particular symbol. Ie not only delineating what it means to you personally but others. We in america have a large population for which the confederate flag means racism. Go fly it in brazil and it probably wont be a problem. Flying it in the deep south is like brandishing a swastika in the state of israel
I bring up brazil for the next little tidbit. I had a friend from brazil (this is what he related to me so not sure if he was pulling my leg) who said brazillians like making the 👌 sign to departing americans. Why? Because they know americans think they are getting the all good ok sign and smile back. In brazil it means you are an a$$hole
So if you went to brazil to start a business using that sign as your logo may not be a good idea. Again symbology is about people and region
EDIT: and i never got to the oreo example lol. Next time. I Dont like too long of a post
There's no reason whatsoever to ban the confederate flag. It's only bandwagon issue because of
Twitter and Facebook rants from the ignorant. Everyone's afraid of being convicted of not being PC and progressive. "Oh the horror!"
Quote: AZDuffmanI am not using it to promote slavery or anything like it.
Why not take a Union flag and burn it in the pubic square? That's what a REAL confederate supporter would have done.
Here's a museum piece of a variation of the Union flag.

Quote: FaceI too am very partial to Gadsden, but that's not nor has ever been its point, at least historically. The original use of the rattler showed it cut into bits, these bits representing the original colonies, with the phrase "Join, or die". It was used to support the bringing together of these new lands, as just like the rattler, to be separated is to perish.
Its continued presence in literature and ideas of the day eventually resulted in Franklin's essay which I have quoted numerous times on this forum, which focuses on the similarities between the rattlesnake and the attitude of our burgeoning country. In other words, a strong heritage, and one which I find noble and attractive, but doesn't convey whatsoever a feeling of GFY.
I dunno, that's my take anyway. I'm not familiar with the groups who've tried to co-opt it since then, so perhaps it does have a growing, modern meaning. If so, I'm just not aware of it.
That, my friend, is a hell of decent question. Let's see, which way do I want to take this?....
I usually use the Nazi's. The swastika, as I'm sure you know, is an old Sanskrit symbol of good fortune and auspiciousness. It has existed for over TEN THOUSAND YEARS with this meaning, until some dude failed art school and flipped his s#$%. Now in Germany it's a crime to display it, here it's seen as the nut low of taste, yet in many places in the East, it is still prominent on multitudes of buildings. But you knew that. Let me use a more personal example.
I was watching the Mighty Ducks the other day. The original, the good stuff. As we near the climax, if you're paying attention, you'll hear Coach Bombay call for "the Oreo line", which consists of the white center Guy Germaine with the wingers being the black Hall twins. "Oreo". Get it?
It struck me. This movie was, like, '94. Not too long ago. Yet today, what would happen if I were to call a mixed race squad or mixed race couple or mixed race child an "Oreo"? With my sample size of one, I got gently corrected (she prefers "Zebra"). But I don't think I'd be out of line saying that it would be taken from poorly to very f#$%ing poorly a majority of the time. Wouldn't you agree?
I find that fact, assuming it IS a fact, to be complete s#$%. When said 20yrs ago, it was simply a cute nickname. If that was said today, it's not unlikely there'd be a row. I'm sorry, but I just don't see the progress.
It seems to be the antithesis of progress to shield these words so that their evil is protected and ultra-solidified. I find dudes like Chapelle who will use it so indiscriminately in an way that brings folks together to be a far, far, faaaaaar more effective way at healing that wound. Because by keeping it untouchable, you highlight exactly where it hurts to be poked for any malformed sociopath out there. And why would you want to do that?
To paraphrase Jay, "I want to take it back". 2 generations of exposure therapy could do a world of good.
It's actually not the symbology. It's the sneering, condescending intent, like that AZD exhibited in gaslighting everyone for pages of denial, then finally admitted he's trolling the people who object to his racist avatar, which he admits is racist in origin.
If the intent of an "Oreo" comment were post-racist, it would simply be funny. It's simply funny to you, because you don't see and rank people by their color first. And we're in this uncomfortable, restrictive, non-humorous climate, not because "snowflakes" and "libtards" have no sense of humor, but because right-wing racists and haters MEAN IT.
So the rest of us have to suffer through their idiocracy until they finally die off, because they've proven they're too dense to learn anything. Even when their transplanted heart comes from a black person. Or their blood transfusion comes from a hispanic. Or their surgeon is a Pakistani Muslim. Or a thousand other examples.
Same thing with the #metoo movement. Trump, the leader of this country (nominally), continues to defend people who are abusive, corrupt, liars, probably because he's all of those things. So he has to be scorned and called out. Tiresome, just like AZDs trolling. But silence in the presence of embarrassing ignorance or gaslighting is no longer possible.
Someday we'll all be able to laugh again about these things. But it's going to be a while.
Quote: rxwineWhy not take a Union flag and burn it in the pubic square? (snip)
Because that would hurt? Is yours square? Never seen one like that.
(I don't usually pick at typos, but that one struck me as funny .)
Quote: beachbumbabsIt's actually not the symbology. It's the sneering, condescending intent, like that AZD exhibited in gaslighting everyone for pages of denial, then finally admitted he's trolling the people who object to his racist avatar, which he admits is racist in origin.
If the intent of an "Oreo" comment were post-racist, it would simply be funny. It's simply funny to you, because you don't see and rank people by their color first. And we're in this uncomfortable, restrictive, non-humorous climate, not because "snowflakes" and "libtards" have no sense of humor, but because right-wing racists and haters MEAN IT.
So the rest of us have to suffer through their idiocracy until they finally die off, because they've proven they're too dense to learn anything. Even when their transplanted heart comes from a black person. Or their blood transfusion comes from a hispanic. Or their surgeon is a Pakistani Muslim. Or a thousand other examples.
Same thing with the #metoo movement. Trump, the leader of this country (nominally), continues to defend people who are abusive, corrupt, liars, probably because he's all of those things. So he has to be scorned and called out. Tiresome, just like AZDs trolling. But silence in the presence of embarrassing ignorance or gaslighting is no longer possible.
Someday we'll all be able to laugh again about these things. But it's going to be a while.
Cool. It is acceptable to accuse another member of trolling and insinuate that they are a troll.
Quote: beachbumbabs
So the rest of us have to suffer through their idiocracy until they finally die off, because they've proven they're too dense to learn anything.
Racists will never die off though right? Cause when that happens there's no more white guilt to mine for resources. Whites will continue to be mined for their guilt by being labeled racist, slave owners and land stealers. This will continue until all their money is bled dry and murica is a Marxist waste land. South Africa is America's future. The sad part is the white leftists think they can appease Marxist minorities by joining their side but, at the end of the day, white leftists are still just land-stealin', slave ownin', cop supportin' racists.
Quote: MaxPenCool. It is acceptable to accuse another member of trolling and insinuate that they are a troll.
As far as the rules go, I believe yes, (it is acceptable) based on many precedents. Even though I still don't like the worth-smithing games we're allowed to play ("the contents of your post are idiotic" is fine while "you're an idiot" isn't or "you're trolling" vs "you're a troll").
Quote: RogerKintRacists will never die off though right? Cause when that happens there's no more white guilt to mine for resources. Whites will continue to be mined for their guilt by being labeled racist, slave owners and land stealers. This will continue until all their money is bled dry and murica is a Marxist waste land. South Africa is America's future. The sad part is the white leftists think they can appease Marxist minorities by joining their side but, at the end of the day, white leftists are still just land-stealin', slave ownin', cop supportin' racists.
Could be you're right. Most minorities I know are satisfied to simply be treated as fellow people, but there are likely some who will continue to play the anger /guilt game to their advantage.
Quote: MaxPenCool. It is acceptable to accuse another member of trolling and insinuate that they are a troll.
No accusation necessary when the confession comes first. Been quoted numerous times in this thread; did you miss it?
Quote: AZDuffmanHaven't you heard? Liberals are trying to ban the American flag, too.
As to the Confederate flag, it has grown to mean more than slavery. I do not see the same liberals who complain about the Confederate flag upset when illegal aliens wave the Mexican flag. I do not see them get upset when the American flag is disrespected.
Next post.
Quote: AZDuffmanI am not using it to promote slavery or anything like it.
If nothing else it is worth it to see the SJWs have a breakdown over something so innocuous. Maybe it is like being proud to call yourself a "redneck" same as young black makes call each other "nigger." But mainly because it has been used for 150 years and not looking for some new fad.
Quote: RogerKintRacists will never die off though right? Cause when that happens there's no more white guilt to mine for resources. Whites will continue to be mined for their guilt by being labeled racist, slave owners and land stealers. This will continue until all their money is bled dry and murica is a Marxist waste land. South Africa is America's future. The sad part is the white leftists think they can appease Marxist minorities by joining their side but, at the end of the day, white leftists are still just land-stealin', slave ownin', cop supportin' racists.
You want guilt to mine? Try this
Quote:From 1778 to 1871, the United States government entered into more than 500 treaties with the Native American tribes; all of these treaties have since been violated in some way or outright broken by the US government,[21][22][23][24] while at least one treaty was violated or broken by Native American tribes.[25] However, violations by one party do not nullify the treaties under US law; the treaties still have legal effect today, and Native Americans and First Nations peoples are still fighting for their treaty rights in federal courts and at the United Nations.[22][26]
White people sure are lousy.
(disclaimer: I don't know if the Wikipedia info is accurate however)
Quote: beachbumbabsCould be you're right. Most minorities I know are satisfied to simply be treated as fellow people, but there are likely some who will continue to play the anger /guilt game to their advantage.
I'm sorry but the one minority you know is too small a sample size 😉😋
Quote: WatchMeWinYou never hear the Chinese complain or make noise or start riots if they don't get their way or game the system. They just value education and study harder and work harder and make contributions to society. It would be great if all nationalities did the same.
Two words: Tiemanmen Square.
I could expand more on China's literacy rate, what they pay for college, or the incredible sexism in that "nationality".
Quote: beachbumbabs
So the rest of us have to suffer through their idiocracy until they finally die off, because they've proven they're too dense to learn anything.
This, right here, is the attitude that causes the whole problem. You seem to think you are smarter than us. If only we would jump on the progressive bandwagon, all will be well. You do not get what you cause with such an attitude. We had it all thru the Obama years, the "if they would just quit clinging to their guns and religion we could move this country away from it's awful European heritage with it's awful attitude of make your own way in the world greedy attitude then we could really build a modern society."
Or the "you are a racist if you do not want open borders, do not love illegal immigration, and do not want as many muslim refugees as we can import."
I see the culture of the USA vs. Mexico and the muslim world. I know which I prefer. And do not give me the "they are individuals" line, please.
Do keep calling us idiots, though.
Quote: boymimboTwo words: Tiemanmen Square.
I could expand more on China's literacy rate, what they pay for college, or the incredible sexism in that "nationality".
Unfortunately, sexism is a global epidemic... and it has been going on since beginning of humanity.
Is this a f%*(^ing joke? It can't "grow to mean something different." History doesn't change. That flag represents the suppression of blacks and slavery. That flag promotes terrorism as well. END AND POINT. You can't just change the meaning of something you don't like to keep it around. That flag should be burned in every instance of its appearance. The only place it should be left is in a museum or a history book with the captions next to it "This is the flag the ignorant racist terrorists tried to rally behind, but thankfully we defeated these pieces of crap."Quote: AZDuffman...As to the Confederate flag, it has grown to mean more than slavery...
Quote: RomesIs this a f%*(^ing joke? It can't "grow to mean something different." History doesn't change. That flag represents the suppression of blacks and slavery. That flag promotes terrorism as well. END AND POINT. You can't just change the meaning of something you don't like to keep it around. That flag should be burned in every instance of its appearance. The only place it should be left is in a museum or a history book with the captions next to it "This is the flag the ignorant racist terrorists tried to rally behind, but thankfully we defeated these pieces of crap."
To me it means Southern Rock and country music, Dukes of Hazard, NASCAR, southern culture, and a general symbol of rebellion against the establishment.
Funny how liberals will defend athletes taking a knee to the national anthem or flag burning but what they don't like "should be burned."
Learn to deal with people you disagree with.