Quote: TigerWuI would be terrified playing baccarat at $5,000 a hand with only a $50k credit line. I certainly wouldn't bet any bigger like MaxPen wants you to do.
Forget MaxPen I don't even read his posts. He's blocked. He's like a little gnat circling above me that I don't bother to swat. Maybe someday I'll take a look to see if he has something polite and worthwhile to say but I assume he's just coming with the stupid snide remarks. Like Axel, who is also blocked. Probably in real life if I met them we'd get along, but in this forum, it seems that we do not.
Well in the old days my lines were mostly 20-25K (I had one $50K) and I used to play to $15K a hand and clock them for six figures routinely. But I'd also sometimes lose the entire line, and then run across the street to a different casino to win it back immediately. Sometimes it would work out. Other times it would not. That was in the old days. But over all, I ended up ahead.
Nowadays I try to play at one casino at a time only. I play where I stay.
We are only missing golden monkeys and a few over the top stories. Now if I can only get MAXPEN to make another dumb bet with me we have the making for a B79 reboot series.
Quote: OnceDearDoes anybody have any evidence that MDawg's claims are legitimate?
He's posted pictures as evidence. Can anyone dispute them? I've reversed image searched them. They seem to be original. Does the Cosmopolitan just randomly let people take pictures of their $5000 chips for internet attention?
Are we at the point in this forum where we don't take people at their word "just because?" I'll admit, I haven't been on this forum too much lately, but what exactly has MDawg done to warrant such suspicion and ridicule other than post high roller tales that aren't even that outlandish?
Always apply Ockham’s razor. Or its adaptation: when an assertion is contrary to reason, it needs extra proof to be accepted as true.
Not just a picture.
Suspicion: Posted claims which are contrary to what is likely: Espoused skills that are accepted as nonsense by some who suspect him : Joined and posted through certain internet connections that aroused suspicion by the mods. (Can't say more on that)Quote: TigerWuwhat exactly has MDawg done to warrant such suspicion and ridicule other than post high roller tales that aren't even that outlandish?
Ridicule: If he attributed his remarkable wins to good luck and a bunch of high variance wagers, that would be believable. His constantly claiming its all skill and that only morons and losers (I paraphrase) would fail to make money with his insight, invites ridicule and goes against the maths based bedrock of the site.
Also, I personally find it ridiculous and rather pathetic him posting pictures of his supposedly expensive watches, as if that gives him some sort of status.
Some here seriously suspect that they (we) recognise his posting style as that of a previous banned mischief maker.
I actually debated on whether to post pics of watches next to chips but I couldn't think of any other way to show quickly that yes those are my chips or Baccarat tournament tickets. However, given that this is the internet I really would NOT want to meet MAXPEN or AXEL and have guys I don't know who seem so disagreeable online know exactly who I am, and that I wear very expensive watches jewelry and might be carrying tens of thousands in chips or cash. So, I guess you're just going to have to accept what I say at face value, or not. I'm just tellin' it like it is. It is in fact because this is an anonymous forum that I feel comfortable disclosing some of the details of my personal life.
I assume that it really comes down to that these guys are so enmeshed in their own B.S. that they no longer recognize the real deal when it confronts them.
And, as I have said before, if I wanted to make up a tale, I could certainly come up with a better one than I used to play at 3K a hand, stopped for about a decade, and now average around 300. (Although this trip my average is much higher.)
Right now we're eating Hattie B's fried chicken in the suite,

then will go to the hotel gym, then later horseback riding. I will not be gambling today. Really outlandish claims. 🤩
Quote: kubikulannAny filthy rich can go into a casino, buy $10’000 chips, lose half then have a picture of the leftover.
Any filthy rich can go into a casino, get a $50,000 credit line, and get lucky on a shoe of baccarat, too. Neither one is more unbelievable than the other.

Kubikulann evidently knows absolutely nothing about Baccarat or else he would understand that anyone who FAILED to win big on a shoe like that would be as clueless about the game as he apparently is. I am not trying to insult him per se, but he is being insulting when he fails to acknowledge that this was an easy winner's shoe.
My strategy is to wait for such shoes, and play into them, into the runs. If a person cannot "see" that, he might as well just give up gambling now.
Of course not.Quote: TigerWuAny filthy rich can go into a casino, get a $50,000 credit line, and get lucky on a shoe of baccarat, too. Neither one is more unbelievable than the other.
What is unbelievable is the claim of a sixth sense to ‘feel’ when good cards are going to show... Or that there are ‘good’ shoes. Or that one player can be more savvy than another at Baccarat.
Quote: OnceDearSuspicion: Posted claims which are contrary to what is likely: Espoused skills that are accepted as nonsense by some who suspect him : Joined and posted through certain internet connections that aroused suspicion by the mods. (Can't say more on that)
Ridicule: If he attributed his remarkable wins to good luck and a bunch of high variance wagers, that would be believable. His constantly claiming its all skill and that only morons and losers (I paraphrase) would fail to make money with his insight, invites ridicule and goes against the maths based bedrock of the site.
Also, I personally find it ridiculous and rather pathetic him posting pictures of his supposedly expensive watches, as if that gives him some sort of status.
Some here seriously suspect that they (we) recognise his posting style as that of a previous banned mischief maker.
Okay. Well, I obviously can't comment on the "behind the scenes" stuff going on in the forum, so I have to take your word for that.
It's one thing to criticize MDawg's claims of a baccarat system or "inherent skill" or whatever, especially on this site, but it seems like some people are unnecessarily trashing him and criticizing him just for betting big money and claiming to be former/current/whatever high roller.
Whatever, I guess. I still enjoy high roller stories, fictitious or not.
Quote: MDawgTiger you play Bacc. so you know what that shoe I played last night means.
Kubikulann evidently knows absolutely nothing about Baccarat or else he would understand that anyone who FAILED to win big on a shoe like that would be as clueless about the game as he apparently is. I am not trying to insult him per se, but he is being insulting when he fails to acknowledge that this was an easy winner's shoe.
My strategy is to wait for such shoes, and play into them, into the runs. If a person cannot "see" that, he might as well just give up gambling now.
What kinda crap is this?
B79 posted up pictures as well. Guess how that turned out? That's right, it was all b*******.Quote: TigerWuHe's posted pictures as evidence. Can anyone dispute them? I've reversed image searched them. They seem to be original. Does the Cosmopolitan just randomly let people take pictures of their $5000 chips for internet attention?
Are we at the point in this forum where we don't take people at their word "just because?" I'll admit, I haven't been on this forum too much lately, but what exactly has MDawg done to warrant such suspicion and ridicule other than post high roller tales that aren't even that outlandish?
It actually turned out well for me because probably without that, I wouldn't have made a bet with Max and we probably would have never met up so he could pay me.
Quote: AxelWolfB79 posted up pictures as well. Guess how that turned out? That's right, it was all b*******.
I don't know that story. How was B79 finally "brought down?" Use those same tactics for MDawg if his story is in doubt....
That's what everybody was doing, but you keep getting in the way. 😉Quote: TigerWuI don't know that story. How was B79 finally "brought down?" Use those same tactics for MDawg if his story is in doubt....
p.s. Since you like good stories (fiction or not) you should go back and read the entire soap opera, it's fairly entertaining.
It's got everything from Highway deaths, Casino fires, and big action Baccarat and all the many sock puppet he made afterwards claiming to be this that and the other thing. I can't remember exact man anymore baccarat player 79 or something like that.
Why does everybody hate me so?
Quote: MDawgTiger you play Bacc. so you know what that shoe I played last night means.
Kubikulann evidently knows absolutely nothing about Baccarat or else he would understand that anyone who FAILED to win big on a shoe like that would be as clueless about the game as he apparently is. I am not trying to insult him per se, but he is being insulting when he fails to acknowledge that this was an easy winner's shoe.
My strategy is to wait for such shoes, and play into them, into the runs. If a person cannot "see" that, he might as well just give up gambling now.
What progression do you use when you press into a run?
Quote: MDawgTiger you play Bacc. so you know what that shoe I played last night means.
Kubikulann evidently knows absolutely nothing about Baccarat or else he would understand that anyone who FAILED to win big on a shoe like that would be as clueless about the game as he apparently is. I am not trying to insult him per se, but he is being insulting when he fails to acknowledge that this was an easy winner's shoe.
My strategy is to wait for such shoes, and play into them, into the runs. If a person cannot "see" that, he might as well just give up gambling now.
i have no clue how bacc is played.
i just know the Wiz says bet Banker always.
i just let the dealer/screen tell me if i won or loss.
so when buzzed, i just sit at an ez-Bacc table (no commission) and just toss chips on Banker.
when i win 2 in a row, press 50% on 3rd bet. and keep pressing 50% till i lose.
on your shoe, if i started at $10, i would have made a few $ using my simple drunk system
I'll be more likely to believe you if you make sure I notice you have a couple Rolex watches and included in all your pictures. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.Quote: billryanI'm a huge playa. Run billions through the tables. $5,000 is a small bet for someone like me.
Why does everybody hate me so?
If I only knew how to post up pictures from my computer.
p.s. Toss a picture of a 99-cent ribeye and it's on brother. Bonus points if you show me your bus pass.
That is the reason you are being subject to scorn by the AP contingent. They all know that after a streak of 6 consecutive players, the next hand is still more likely to be banker. After a streak of 6 consecutive bankers, the next hand is still only slightly more likely to be banker, and still not a good bet as you only get paid 95 cents on the dollar.
A question for you.... if you would have lost those last 3 $5000 bets, would you have posted about it? Hi guys, let me tell you about how I lost $31k today....
Soopoo I guess you're not a Bacc. player? because Baccarat players dream about shoes like the one I hit,

or really any shoe where the bank or player runs more than five or six in a row. It's not even just that the bank and player ran it's that they ran BACK TO BACK repeating the same pattern.
Saturday night when I was playing, at the table next door they got something like a dozen players followed by one bank and then ANOTHER dozen players and they practically emptied the tray. Perfect symmetry. They had players playing to table limit $20K a hand within several hands of the first player run. I kept wanting to run over to their table and toss some bets down too, but I kept thinking that it might be too late, that the run might end, also every betting circle was full on that table so I would have had to place bets alongside some of the smaller players who weren't playing to the limit.
By the way, the reason I got down $16K in the first place before I got even and then ahead $26K or so, was on a shoe where it chopped player bank back and forth nine times. I kept betting progressively on that a second player or bank would drop, and it dropped only once. I should have simply played the chop as the pattern expressed itself quickly, but I just didn't see it until it was too late. For whatever reason I am much better at detecting and hitting runs than chops. I have to work on that.
In that shoe

there was no particular skill or detection necessary it was just plain obvious. You bet one side until it ran out, then played the other, then back to the other, I mean it had back to back five sets of runs, it was a no brainer. It had a several good runs near the beginning of the shoe too. Someone asked about my usual progression - it depends on a lot of factors, but partly on whether I am already ahead, in which case my most aggressive progression is to triple at least 3 hands in a row. If I had been playing like that I would have cleared a half million easily on that shoe, but I was instead just tossing an extra hundred or so on each hand, and didn't really play harder than a thousand a hand. That's the thing, once you have won a bunch in a row and are comfortably ahead it's sometimes hard to jump the bet and risk everything you have recently won in one hand, but when given the opportunity, that's what you really should do.
Last trip I made a gang of loot on this shoe that I posted previously:

and the pattern there was quickly and easily painfully obvious - bet the bank and stay with the bank after any single player, this pattern was broken only thrice in the entire shoe. The guy above who posted about betting only bank would have won on this shoe, but betting only bank in the long term is defeatist might as well not even play Baccarat, over time you'll just lose.
Everyone who plays Bacc. knows that there are good shoes and bad shoes, to claim otherwise tells me that you don't play the game. And anyone who didn't clean up on either of the shoes I just posted has no business in a casino. The key also is to get up and leave after a good shoe, I actually haven't even been back to play since that shoe Monday night.
Anyway the stock market just opened gotta get back to that. Good luck in whatever your casino play is. And for the record, I consider AP to be BJ while counting cards/tracking the flow, which I do that when I play BJ. NOT scrounging for free play.
I do consider AP from freeplay to BE AP.
i pretty much make an AP living doing that.
I wouldn't call it "scrounging". We can assign words to anything.
Ex.(I was systematically and strategically collecting freeplay while xyz player was operating as a degenerate gambler playjng martys at negative ev games.) See, its pretty easy to do
But rather than assign descriptors of my choice let me state that any comment I made that Axel or Max are just jealous of success was most probably descriptive of their attitude towards my ability to ride public transportation. They suffer from a sad phobia and I can sympathize with their condition

just a dash of each bottle on each pec, luck on the left, money on the right (or vice versa, but only one dash, and do not mix) spray a whiff of the Gamblers aerosol overhead while prepping in the bathroom, and I'm unstoppable.
I lost $8K at BJ. This was mostly during a couple of sequences when the count and flow were beautiful including in three big hands the dealer got the ace underneath blackjack on one when I landed a twenty and in two others where the dealer didn't bust even with a five underneath and ten on top and I landed something less (but a pat hand) than what she ended up with. I was actually up (not a lot, maybe five hunny) earlier during the play when the count was terrible and I was betting table minimum ($100.). Just the way it goes sometimes.
So then I went to Bacc. and pulled a ten K marker and another eight K and lost them both. I had plenty of hands where I won big, but I didn't press hard enough on a great shoe where I could have won everything back, but didn't.
But really, the main mistake I made was that I was playing somewhat recklessly because I was 26K ahead from the session two days ago, and felt like so what I'm playing with the house's money. I should have quit once I was still ahead half of it 13K or so but I didn't. Anyway I ended up even, pulled another ten K marker, and lost that too, lol, so I stopped down 10K. I had the presence of mind to quit then.
Then I walked all the way from one end of the strip to the other not even quite sure of what I was going to do when I got to one of the casinos at the other end where I had more lines. I wanted to cool off so I just walked. It wasn't really even that late at that moment maybe like ten PM. I had been drinking green tea all night and I had to use the high limit bathroom at the Mirage on the way to my destination, and I really wasn't feeling my best.
Anyway I got to my intended casino and asked them for $50K, my whole line. BACCARAT. To my surprise, they actually wouldn't give it to me. They said, "It's a courtesy not a right." I had never encountered something like that. "We'll give you ten, if you need more we'll give it to you." Actually they were right, I was still a little hot and I was going to just slam ten K down in one hand, but since they gave me only $10K I wasn't feeling like doing that.
Anyway, I putzed around for Bacc. shoe after shoe, up a few K, down a few K, finally I hit a shoe where I won over five grand just on three tie bets that were perfectly lined up exactly where they should have been, and about five grand on other bets, really good shoe, and I left. So I won back the ten that I lost at the first casino. But I couldn't even get all the cash at once because I didn't want a transaction report so I got half, will go back Monday to cash the other half. I don't really feel like playing again until maybe Sunday the whole experience left me a little shaky I thought I had gotten past playing "catch up" but that's exactly what I was doing and the main reason I dumped almost $30K in one night in one casino.
It's funny though thinking back it was exactly like Joe Pesci in Casino demanding a FIFTY K MARKER! but Robert DeNiro granting him only ten. But I just accepted it didn't start hitting the shift manager with a phone. He's an old school guy been in the business forever he doesn't play by the same rules as everyone else.

What's also funny in a way is that after they gave me the ten grand I ran into a host I had no idea still worked there I hadn't seen in over a decade. Hugs and felicitations, and then she went over and talked to the shift manager. I am certain they were pulling my bank balance on my main account because after we had said hello, she had gone to the cage and come back and asked me briefly if I wanted to keep such and such bank as my main one for my account, and then I could see them visibly relax after they saw whatever they saw on the screen, which was my balance, which it's been extremely high over the past few months. The reason I think they even put me under such scrutiny is other than a little play I gave them a week ago where I stopped in for some face time and won a couple hundred, I hadn't played at this particular casino in almost a year.
Anyway I'm still ahead what I won in the first week at the first casino, but that's not a huge amount, like four grand. And the trip goes on! but I don't feel like playing again anytime soon. I've earned a lot of comps tho, lol, just extended the suite here a few more nights. Now they have me as losing about ten here, my first loss here ever.
Quote: MDawg
Anyway I'm still ahead
There’s no need to state the obvious
Quote:...It's funny though thinking back it was exactly like Joe Pesci in Casino demanding a FIFTY K MARKER! but Robert DeNiro granting him only ten. But I just accepted it didn't start hitting the shift manager with a phone. He's an old school guy been in the business forever he doesn't play by the same rules as everyone else....
I think the old-timers can smell somebody on tilt while running bad. Then they have a decision to make, and this guy made it in your favor, forced on you a stop point. Sounds like you knew each other a little, but that's all they need. They have seen it ALL.
You probably owe him a really nice tie, now that you've had time to reflect.
Noooo. Coming soon to a forum near youQuote: MaxPenWhen you're fully busted just keep walking North on the boulevard.
Quote:'How I re-hydrated and won it all back plus much, MUCH more. All I had to do was play properly'
Do you really think so BBB?Quote: beachbumbabsthis guy made it in your favor, forced on you a stop point. Sounds like you knew each other a little, but that's all they need. They have seen it ALL.
I'm surprised MDawg hasn't thought to blame the guy for disrupting the flow of his play and making him lose. If only he'd had the full 50K, he could have played through the short bad streak and come away, up by hundreds of thousands.
It was your money. The house no longer owned it.
Quote: vegas" I was 26K ahead from the session two days ago, and felt like so what I'm playing with the house's money"
It was your money. The house no longer owned it.
Thats how you know he isnt looking at like a job.
When you make money at a job you dont say "well, its my bosses money"
That's your money. You earned it.
Quote: beachbumbabsI think the old-timers can smell somebody on tilt while running bad. Then they have a decision to make, and this guy made it in your favor, forced on you a stop point. Sounds like you knew each other a little, but that's all they need. They have seen it ALL.
You probably owe him a really nice tie, now that you've had time to reflect.
That's exactly what he said actually, later on while I was playing and we started talking a bit, he said "We know when a guy is trying to get even."
I still don't feel like playing today yet, lol.
Quote: vegas" I was 26K ahead from the session two days ago, and felt like so what I'm playing with the house's money"
It was your money. The house no longer owned it.
I doubt it was either of theirs.
Read the first sentence and then I predicted the ending.Quote: michael99000There’s no need to state the obvious
"So I did end up losing my arse."
"Anyway I'm still ahead"
PM me for AxelWolf's Psychic augury: The only psychic truly dedicated and focused on gamblers.
You know, I didn't have BR blocked before but he is now, because his posts have gotten so consistently inane. Harmless, but just too silly no worthwhile content.
Do you have a consistent income, or did you happen upon a large lump sum of money at some point in your life?
Those are very rude and personal questions so just ignore me, but it’s all I can think of when I hear these types of stories.
Yes you are correct once you start winning you just deposit those chips on top of your credit line and then your total available becomes more. So yes, when I started my bad run few nights ago I had 76K available as I had deposited $26K in chips and cashed just five hundred to stick in my running envelope, which at that point had just under ten K in that envelope between the four I had won at the first casino this trip, the five I had brought and the five hundred or so I had added to it. (On the last trip, at this particular casino when I won only like $9K early in the trip (I ended up winning abut twenty K at this casino that trip) they wouldn't let me cash the $9K at the beginning they told me if I cashed it all they'd temporarily close my line so I didn't even bother trying to cash or get a check for $26K this time I knew what would happen. But this particular casino is the only one I've played at where they've done that, threatened to close out temporarily my line if I cash out too many chips. When you think about it the reason they do that is exactly in the hopes of a player running bad and losing everything. Chips cashed or locked up in a safe aren't right there to access, while chips deposited are.)
When I got down ten K after losing the 26K, I could have just run up and gotten my envelope and more or less paid off the ten K I was down at the end of that session but I was hot and instead went out on the strip and not back up to the room safe. Luckily it worked out but I don't like the way the night went at all.
I lost a dollar yesterday. Had it in my pocket but then it was gone. I was going to walk it off but I'm simply too lazy.