My forum name is Swahili for amoser.Quote: amoserHi everyone! I hope you're having a nice day! Recently I noticed that some forum members have quite complicated nicknames, and it makes me wonder what do they mean?
I was a rebel and added a half 0 (ie: D)
I missed her "V."
Oh well, any port in a storm.
Quote: Mission146"Mission," is a word with a meaning that can be found in most, if not all, English dictionaries.
But which mission is mission 146?
Mine is a boxer I like. He refuses to give up his edge, no matter how much the fans hate it. He just grinds away, refusing to give anything up until his opponent makes a mistake and then he pounces on it.
Had I known at the time how important WoV and its people would become to me, I would have used my real name here, Dave Miller.
For the record, even though I no longer DJ, I still maintain my website,
Quote: RigondeauxBut which mission is mission 146?
The one that I am on, of course.
There's really not much of a story behind, '146.' I wanted my first E-Mail address (that I set up when I was a kid and haven't even looked at in over ten years) to simply be, 'Metallicat,' but to my chagrin, someone already had that one. I think it was a Hotmail account, but I could be wrong. I was a huge Metallica fan at the time.
Anyway, my friend who was helping me set up the E-Mail suggested that I add some numbers to the end of it. I closed my eyes and ran my hand over the number pad (because I didn't want to use my birthday, or anything) and out popped, '146.'
I just use, '146,' at the end of things now, but it doesn't signify anything at all.
Quote: DRichMy user name is the first email account I ever had. The usernames were limited to five characters so I used my first name initial and the first four letters of my last name.
Previous to our racing conversation, I imagined you as a dermatologist.
DR ich
Dr ich
Dr Itch
Its called Dark Oz. U can still purchase a copy on amazon
The name "LostWages" was actually assigned to me when I applied for an account. It fits, though, because if you're from Hawaii and enjoy gambling, the ever-pounding thought on your mind is when you get to go to "LostWages" (pidgin for Las Vegas) . . . fits?Quote: amoserHi everyone! I hope you're having a nice day! Recently I noticed that some forum members have quite complicated nicknames, and it makes me wonder what do they mean?
The avatar is my best friend, Belle The Beagle (passed away last 2014). My signature is what has kept me going since 2008, and anyone interested is welcome to ask:
Eat real food . . . and you won't need medicine (or a lot less!) . . .
Quote: DocDidn't Frank Baum write about a dozen sequels? Did your attempt to conform to all of the evolutions he described in the Land of Oz and the Ozites?
Its more complicated than that
In the 90s baums books started entering public domain. Caliber comics(most famous for first printing the Crow) began a series called Oz later retitiled Dark Oz. It was a huge hit
Baum himself contradicted his own books rewriting events past and with most people familiar with the Judy Garland musical it was decided to take the best from both and craft a few changes where necessary
I obtained the rights to turn the comics into a film and spent 8 years shopping it in Hollywood. The producers of the Batman and Transformers franchises were both involved at one point as well as the producer of Bridge to Terabithia and Pras Michel of the music group The Fugees
I wrote the novel based on the screenplay to further recognition of the project
Unfortunately Disney greenlit Oz the Great and Powerful which caused my project to fall apart
If u r an Oz fan though I believe u will really enjoy it
Quote: darkozI wrote a novel which was the sequel to the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy is a young adult who finds herself back in Oz. The Scarecrow Tin Man and Lion are evil although they are so due to a spell which Dorothy lifts one by one
Its called Dark Oz. U can still purchase a copy on amazon
no copyright on Wizard of Oz?
anyone can write a sequel?
Quote: 100xOddsno copyright on Wizard of Oz?
anyone can write a sequel?
The original novel by Baum was published 1898 so yes no copyright
However there are things that you cannot use such as Characters introduced in later books. There were 40 sequel books
Images originating with the 1939 musical. Best example the book had silver slippers. Ruby slippers are still under copyright (currently Warner Brothers which obtained the rights from MGM)
0:10 Local's Casino Owners
0:15 Casino MBA's in Accounting Dept
0:18 Face
0:21 Mission146
0:27 EvenBob
0:29 Face again, on right
0:36 Strip Casino Owners
0:37 Mrs. Q's dog
0:42 Tourists in the Buffet Line
0:47 Romes
0:48 Overbooked United Airlines Passenger
0:49 Wizard = Lizard, get it ? Maybe a bit of a stretch
1:11 Dr. ich
Quote: JohnnyQA Saturday morning TV show from the 60's I liked as a kid.....
0:10 Local's Casino Owners
0:15 Casino MBA's in Accounting Dept
0:18 Face
0:21 Mission146
0:27 EvenBob
0:29 Face again, on right
0:36 Strip Casino Owners
0:37 Mrs. Q's dog
0:42 Tourists in the Buffet Line
0:47 Romes
0:48 Overbooked United Airlines Passenger
0:49 Wizard = Lizard, get it ? Maybe a bit of a stretch
1:11 Dr. ich
That was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid.
My name was in reference to a family property, similar to Walton's mountain.
Quote: RSSelf explanatory.
I guess im dense. I dont get it
Your initials?
Richard Simmons?
Roulette Slots?
what does Running Scared have to do w/your pop tarts avatar?Quote: RSSelf explanatory.
Speaking of which, RS, your Nyan Cat doesn't seem to be running any more. Did you remove the animation?Quote: 100xOddswhat does Running Scared have to do w/your pop tarts avatar?
This is much funnier/ironic than people apparently realize.Quote: CrystalMathI deal math.
And Romes, I had to do a bit of a search to come up with the fine print in your avatar. Both funny and appropriate!Quote: RomesThis is much funnier/ironic than people apparently realize.
As for my own forum handle, it's a reference to the fact that I make my posts from a small office at the Department of Commerce, though when I signed up I neglected to capitalize the final letter and couldn't change it later.
And if you believe that, I have some nice, moderately-priced instructions and suggestions for how to improve your dice game. Demonstrations not included.
On the other hand, the name could be the one used by some of my students while we played basketball together in the evenings and they felt the classroom appellation was a little too formal for use on the court.
Quote: RomesThis is much funnier/ironic than people apparently realize.
I totally got it
Think CrystalMath real name is Walter White
Quote: darkozI totally got it
Think CrystalMath real name is Walter White
thought he (CrystalMath) was a lawyer named Saul?
According to an unnamed gamblingforum RS stands for Really Stupid.Quote: darkozI guess im dense. I dont get it
Your initials?
Richard Simmons?
Roulette Slots?
They just started a new season of Better Call Saul.Quote: 100xOddsthought he was a lawyer named Saul?
And no, Sual isn't Walter White. Saul was WW's "attorney".
Quote: JoemanMy first name may (or may not... this is the interwebs, after all) be Joe, and I may (or may not) be a man.
Speaking of which, RS, your Nyan Cat doesn't seem to be running any more. Did you remove the animation?
I tried uploading a different Nyan Cat a little while ago. I think before that (and after the time I originally uploaded my avatar before), a web administrator likely changed .gif image uploads to no longer "be animated" in avatars. So I tried switching it back to this one, but still, not animated. :(
Quote: AxelWolfAccording to an unnamed gamblingforum RS stands for Really Stupid.
At least I didn't spell my username incorrectly when I signed up on this forum.
Quote: RSAt least I didn't spell my username incorrectly when I signed up on this forum.
Quote: 100xOddsAexlWolf?
In CRAPS bases loaded means you have a Pass/Come bet on every box number with full odds. (Across betting is not the same)
The betting is continuous COME betting, with full odds.
Once the bases are loaded every box number rolled creates an 'Off and On' payout of the Pass/Come flat bet and the odds.
You are now 'printing money'!
What information can I give you for advice on how to ensure a healthy harvest of what we think are "white piri" mangoes? I'm not lazy to Google; I will, but prefer info from friends or farmer friends. We only have one tree, and the harvest count in the last 3 years was 65, 37, 62 . . We had a professional tree cutter trim the tree after 1st harvest. The tree was just uber-healthy! Our entire neighborhood must have at least 1 mango tree in their yard; some have 3 trees!Quote: DeMangoUsed to grow mangos.
We can freeze some and save for making smoothies!
Each of our fully ripened fruit was almost the size of a softball, and the flesh was clean and without strings, thin skin, very gently aromatic, small seeds. There are now about 25 fruit, each about 3.5" long. We estimate harvesting around late May/early June.
Here's a few pictures . . .
Single tree in full bloom

Bad lighting, but shows a small grouping

About 3.5" long

Quote: BasesLoaded'Bases Loaded' is a baseball term of course, when 1st, 2nd, and 3rd base are occupied. Any further hits, walks, or errors will drive in a run. (not interested in sacrifices)
In CRAPS bases loaded means you have a Pass/Come bet on every box number with full odds. (Across betting is not the same)
The betting is continuous COME betting, with full odds.
Once the bases are loaded every box number rolled creates an 'Off and On' payout of the Pass/Come flat bet and the odds.
You are now 'printing money'!
I've lost more $ with bases loaded than made. :(
and several times I made no $ back because the 7 showed up after the 6th # was 'loaded'
thus me switching to '3 point Molly' betting system
Quote: PokerGrinderI think my handle is the most self explanatory name possible. I play poker for a living.
And all this time I thought you grinded these down...

Quote: IndyJeffreyNo cool background story. No ironic genesis to the handle. Feel free to make stuff up.
Quote: JohnnyQA Saturday morning TV show from the 60's I liked as a kid.....
0:04 and (fast forward to) 2:03 are both available !
Your pick !