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62 members have voted
"If you thought 2016 was a big WikiLeaks year 2017 will blow you away."
Given his current proclivities, I'd say "probably."
He'll need to piss off / alienate some of the Republican majority in Congress.
Strange Days, indeed.
I think Trump will be impeached.
Keep in mind impeachment is a political decision, not a legal decision.
Quote: gamerfreakKeep in mind impeachment is a political decision, not a legal decision.
Ding ding ding!
If Dems controlled either chamber of Congress, Trump would be a goner.
Republicans have no problem putting party before country, and are completely ignoring his numerous conflicts.
There should be investigations galore. But there won't be.
Quote: MrVIt depends on what he does and says.
Given his current proclivities, I'd say "probably."
He'll need to piss off / alienate some of the Republican majority in Congress.
Strange Days, indeed.
Since you say probably, that implies you would be getting a good bet at even money. I'll take the no for virtually any sum. What say yee, Mr. V?
Quote: ams288Ding ding ding!
If Dems controlled either chamber of Congress, Trump would be a goner.
Republicans have no problem putting party before country, and are completely ignoring his numerous conflicts.
There should be investigations galore. But there won't be.
And for that you can thank your hero and his policies. He gets the blame for all the Dem loses at the state and federal level the past 6 years.
Quote: BozAnd for that you can thank your hero and his policies. He gets the blame for all the Dem loses at the state and federal level the past 6 years.
lol can't wait for the mental gymnastics on how all your problems will still be the dems fault, when the republicans own everything and royally F it up
Removed from office, which is something different (remember, Bill Clinton was "impeached")? No - you need 67 Senators to do that. If Trump gets anywhere near that point, he'll be a one-termer anyway.
Quote: gamerfreaklol can't wait for the mental gymnastics on how all your problems will still be the dems fault, when the republicans own everything and royally F it up
Everything will always be the fault of freeloading liberals to boz....
The righties own Trump and all of his blunders and immense shadiness for the next four years. It's the liberals duty to hold the righties accountable.
Quote: ams288Everything will always be the fault of freeloading liberals to boz....
Correct, because that's about all that's left of the party. The hard working middle class American of all races has been forgotten by the leadership. They counted on those who they have made dependent on them and forgot how lazy that group is.
Face it, there is not enough Religious fanatics on the right to win elections. The GOP learned that. I wonder if the Dems ever will or just continue to count on minority's to grow in this country. Somehow believing they don't have the same concern for their future as the rest of us.
Quote: BozCorrect, because that's about all that's left of the party. The hard working middle class American of all races has been forgotten by the leadership. They counted on those who they have made dependent on them and forgot how lazy that group is.
Face it, there is not enough Religious fanatics on the right to win elections. The GOP learned that. I wonder if the Dems ever will or just continue to count on minority's to grow in this country. Somehow believing they don't have the same concern for their future as the rest of us.
Sure, I don't disagree with you that the middle class is forgotten. But to think that Trump and his swamp of a cabinet is the solution to that is comical.
Personally I don't believe either party has the solutions we need, especially without bipartisan cooperation.
And in terms of Obama being a hero, I do consider him a personal hero for several reasons. Putting into motion the greatest civil rights advancement in 30+ years is among the most significant. But that doesn't mean I have to be in love with everything he's ever done, which is what so many people don't get. It doesn't have to be so binary. I disagree with quite a few things he's dipped his hand in.
Quote: BozFace it, there is not enough Religious fanatics on the right to win elections. The GOP learned that.
Did they? You do realize Donald winning was a complete fluke, right?
The Republicans are a minority majority party. They win by getting less votes than the Democrats. That is unsustainable.
Donald lost by nearly 3 million votes, and would have lost the electoral college if it weren't for ~80,000 voters spread across three states (MI, WI, PA). If he maintains his current popularity and the Dems pick a candidate in 2020 who the FBI can't screw over a week and a half before Election Day, its bye-bye orange President.
There are currently conflicts of interest galore, yes ?Quote: MrVIt depends on what he does and says.
Quote: ams288Did they? You do realize Donald winning was a complete fluke, right?
The Republicans are a minority majority party. They win by getting less votes than the Democrats. That is unsustainable.
Donald lost by nearly 3 million votes, and would have lost the electoral college if it weren't for ~80,000 voters spread across three states (MI, WI, PA). If he maintains his current popularity and the Dems pick a candidate in 2020 who the FBI can't screw over a week and a half before Election Day, its bye-bye orange President.
And we are counting on your thought process. Look at the State results, Dems are losing everywhere except their old strongholds. Unless they find another smooth talking minority community organizer to run again, they have big troubles. And If, yea it's a big if, Trump makes people feel better about the country and themselves it will only make their job tougher. But if he f's it up like you are hoping for, them it's open for the Dems.
Quote: ams288Did they? You do realize Donald winning was a complete fluke, right?
The Republicans are a minority majority party. They win by getting less votes than the Democrats. That is unsustainable.
I don't usually weigh in on political discussions here. I'm always willing to vote for either party.
Aside from the presidential race, I believe you'll find the Republicans had a lot more votes than the Democrats in the House of Reps races nationwide and they have for many years now. That's why they are a majority party. That can also easily translate to a bigger win in 4 years, as it did for GW Bush.
For 2020 the Dems will need a young candidate that can bring back that energy that Clinton couldn't manage and provide a bigger contrast to Trump. I wouldn't be surprised to see Gavin Newsom get the nod for the Dems, if he wins the governor of CA, and it should be a very competitive race depending, almost entirely, on how Trump can deliver on his domestic policies for the middle class.
Quote: ams288Ding ding ding!
If Dems controlled either chamber of Congress, Trump would be a goner.
Republicans have no problem putting party before country, and are completely ignoring his numerous conflicts.
There should be investigations galore. But there won't be.
Not so fast, my friend. Last I checked, it took 67 Senate votes to impeach anybody. I don't think the Dems have any chance of controlling 67 seats since not enough Repubs are even up for election in 2018.
Quote: SOOPOOSince you say probably, that implies you would be getting a good bet at even money. I'll take the no for virtually any sum. What say yee, Mr. V?
I say: "I hope you're right, for the good of the country."
No bet.
Quote: BozAnd we are counting on your thought process. Look at the State results, Dems are losing everywhere except their old strongholds. Unless they find another smooth talking minority community organizer to run again, they have big troubles. And If, yea it's a big if, Trump makes people feel better about the country and themselves it will only make their job tougher. But if he f's it up like you are hoping for, them it's open for the Dems.
He doesn't have to make it better for them. He just has to make them think it is, or have excuses they'll buy. And that's his special gift. He lies, they buy. The truth is put out in refutation, they don't care. He's golden. Or the Teflon Don.
Gary Hart was put out of the running for a single photo on a boat with the wrong woman on his lap. Trump grabs them by the genitals (by his own admission and testimony of a dozen victims), walks in on naked teenagers, married a porn model for his 3rd wife, publicly screwed around on the first 2, considers women pigs and objects. Meh, say the Trump voters.
Repeat ad nauseum re: Trump University, Trump Foundation, Trump dissing Mexicans, blacks, disabled people, Trump offshoring his products, Trump not paying hundreds of contracted services, Trump bankruptcies, Trump international conflicts of interest, Trump with dozens of other outrages over decades, that would have tanked any other candidate. Meh.
How average Joe and Jane can imagine he's going to GAS about them when his entire track record is of screwing them over, I just don't know. Union or union-level job? Trump screwed you. Small businessman? Trump screwed you or didn't pay you. Student? Trump conned you and screwed you. Business partner? Trump screwed you, stripped the assets, declared bankruptcy, left you holding the bag.
Quote: MrVI say: "I hope you're right, for the good of the country."
No bet.
I agree. Trump as president is what this country needs.
Quote: RSI agree. Trump as president is what this country needs.
I did not claim that, nor do I believe that to be true.
I did not vote for him.
However, we are stuck with the guy, at least for awhile, so all I can do is "hope for the best."
What this country "needs" is a unifier, a peace-maker, a person with keen political skills and abilities.
Electing Trump, an avowed "outsider" and a non-politician to head the US political system makes about as much sense as hiring a schizophrenic, homeless, roadside beggar to perform brain surgery.

Quote: MrV
What this country "needs" is a unifier, a peace-maker, a person with keen political skills and abilities.
"Unifier" and "Peace-maker" are buzzwords used by politicians for convenience. Our country hasn't had a real "unifier" since FDR, well Ok, maybe Reagan to a point. After 8 years of Obama, we are more divided than ever. Who would you suggest is a "unifier" that can help?
As for "Peace-maker", there are none. Dems say a peace-maker doesn't fight in the middle east, but it's OK to bomb civilians in Eastern Europe or Somalia. Repubs say don't fight in Europe or Somalia, but it's OK to bomb civilians in the rest of the middle east. It's all crap from both parties.
Quote: MrVmakes about as much sense as hiring a schizophrenic,roadside beggar to be president
Fixed that for you. And it almost happened, too!

Quote: KingoftheEyeI wouldn't be surprised to see Gavin Newsom get the nod for the Dems,
As for what's going to happen in the next few years, I'm not too worried. I think that personally I'll do just fine, but I suspect that a lot of the people who have put their hope in Trump will be disappointed. We shall see what happens, but the first shot across the bow may be the dismantling of Medicare and I doubt that will go over very well.
As for me, I've developed an investment strategy for the immediate future;
1) watch for Trump to tweet something negative about a company
2) wait 5 days while the stop drops like a rock
3) buy
I figure I'll be able to buy a nice island in the south pacific within a few years.
Quote: beachbumbabsGary Hart was put out of the running for a single photo on a boat with the wrong woman on his lap. Trump grabs them by the genitals (by his own admission and testimony of a dozen victims), walks in on naked teenagers, married a porn model for his 3rd wife, publicly screwed around on the first 2, considers women pigs and objects. Meh, say the Trump voters.
Okay, my Liberal friends, feel free to jump in with your usual tried and untrue "false equivalencies" and "there goes RonC with another everybody does it"...those silly comments are just that. When you have nothing to say, say something silly, untrue, or nasty.
Gary Hart did indeed end up leaving the race because of an affair. Things changed a whole lot four years later when NOTHING Bill Clinton was accused of stopped him from being the Democrat nominee, and becoming the President. We can argue semantics of who is worse, how much Hillary aided Bill in his affairs, and how horrid Trump is...but the cat got out of the bag big time in 1992. It isn't that "stuff" didn't happen before that; it is just that we, as an electorate, decided in 1992 that we were sure we could ignore a whole lot of sexual misconduct.
I am not defending Trump; his conduct has not been anything to be proud of over the years. It is like many things, though...where is the line when the line is obliterated?
Quote: WatchMeWinWill Trump be impeached before his 4 year term is up?
Of course he will be, history has a long
record of congress impeaching their
own party's president. Happens all
the time. And there's no chance of
the Dems taking the senate in 2018,
not with 25 Dem seats up for grabs,
and only 10 Repub. So likely Trump
will be impeached by his own party
and then Pence, and Sessions will
be president by 2020.
This makes as much sense as the title
of this thread.
Quote: RonC
Gary Hart did indeed end up leaving the race because of an affair.
<insert trivia here>
Donna Rice. Nice looking girl. I just looked her up. She's 58 now, and conservative. She voted for Trump.
Quote: RonCIt is like many things, though...where is the line when the line is obliterated?
Well, Trump isn't helping. Now it seems any stupid lie is okay, as long as you say "make America great again" every once in awhile.
The news organizations just shrug their shoulders now, because it has become no big deal. It's just accepted that he will make patently false statements on a regular basis. It's not even fair to call some of it spin. Spin usually tries to be clever at least.
Even Goebbels would probably be amazed..
Quote: RSFixed that for you. And it almost happened, too!
Oh, for crying out loud. Enough with the photoshopped mean garbage. I bet you pick your scabs, too.
Quote: beachbumbabsQuote: RSFixed that for you. And it almost happened, too!
Oh, for crying out loud. Enough with the photoshopped mean garbage. I bet you pick your scabs, too.
It's not even shopped. Her forehead has a big weird smudge on it! (I've seen her in person, you can trust me!)
What's wrong with picking my scabs? If there is, can you womansplain it to me?
Quote: rxwineWell, Trump isn't helping. Now it seems any stupid lie is okay, as long as you say "make America great again" every once in awhile.
I don't disagree that he isn't helping but he certainly is not the first person to lie a lot who has become President.
Quote: rxwineThe news organizations just shrug their shoulders now, because it has become no big deal. It's just accepted that he will make patently false statements on a regular basis. It's not even fair to call some of it spin. Spin usually tries to be clever at least.
The news organizations (the ones that are supposed to be unbiased, as opposed to ones that are openly biased, like Fox and MSNBC) let way too much personal bias into their reporting and have lost any trust they did have. No one "has to" accept any false statement but you have to actually do investigations, unbiased reporting, and present your story in a way that tells the story, not the reporter's feelings on the story. When you start off with an attack, you have already driven away a percentage of people who might have listened.
The excuse seems to be that people wouldn't listen, so why report honestly and fairly? That is not true, but you would have to build trust and a reputation for honesty. When a couple of top rung news guys get tossed for lies, it sure does make it harder for anyone to believe them.
Quote: rxwineEven Goebbels would probably be amazed..
This is where your comment goes off track. Trump isn't Hitler and he does not control the press. He only controls what he says. The press is not capable of doing their job at this point. They are next to worthless because they showed too much personal opinion and not enough tough reporting.
Quote: KingoftheEyeAside from the presidential race, I believe you'll find the Republicans had a lot more votes than the Democrats in the House of Reps races nationwide and they have for many years now. That's why they are a majority party.
House Dems got more votes than House Republicans in 2012.
Quote: KingoftheEyeNot so fast, my friend. Last I checked, it took 67 Senate votes to impeach anybody. I don't think the Dems have any chance of controlling 67 seats since not enough Repubs are even up for election in 2018.
He would be a goner because the Dems would have the ability to investigate and uncover all his illegal activities and conflicts of interest.
Congressional Republicans have completely buried their heads in the sand and refuse to investigate.
Party before country.
That being said, I still voted for him because I believe he will get things done and rewrite how politicians work in the future.... and the other option was an absolute disaster and biatch!
That just about sums up the entire election cycle. On one hand, you have a sizeable percentage of Americans who are aghast that someone who is a documented fraudster and crooked businessman would even make it out of the primaries. On the other, you have enough Americans who simply don't care about that to propel him to Electoral College victory. RonC just posted about how 1992 was the year Americans stopped caring about sexual impropriety in the Presidency. 2016 is the year Americans stopped caring about honor or integrity in the Presidency.Quote: WatchMeWinAt some point before his term is up, I believe he will be impeached. ... He is the Ultimate Sophisticated Con Artist!
That being said, I still voted for him
"Yeah he's a con artist but I voted for him anyway." smh
Quote: WatchMeWinAt some point before his term is up, I believe he will be impeached.
Not only won't he be impeached,
he will serve a full 8 years. I like
how everybody throws the word
around like it's a real possibility.
Parties do NOT impeach their own
presidents. It's the kiss of death
for their brand, for the sitting
members of congress in that party.
I'd take that bet...Quote: EvenBob...he will serve a full 8 years...
As a Lark ? To make America great again (c'mon) ? Because he has a huge ego ? Because he could ? Because he thought it would be great free advertising for his "brand" ?
Oh my, me too. $1000 at even money says Trump is not president on January 19, 2025.Quote: RomesI'd take that bet...
Quote: JohnnyQWhy did he run this time ?
Why did Obama run. To foist his radical
Leftie agenda on us, of course. He made
no bones about that, he was the most
extreme Leftie ever in the senate. Trump
actually wants to improve the lives of
Americans, not throttle them to death
with rules and regs and mountains of
business killing red tape. Imagine
if Obama had both houses of congress
for his first 4 years. The damage he would
have done.
Put down the beaker of Kool-Aid, you've had enough for one year. Trump wants to improve the lives of Trump's children and close business associates. He campaigned on a bunch of promises that got people like you to buy into his fake vision for "improving the lives of Americans" but, as you should already have seen, he's disavowed those promises. Yet you and the rest of the Kool-Aid drinking "real Americans" are still hoping that your false prophet will lead you to the promised land.Quote: EvenBobTrump
actually wants to improve the lives of
Americans, not throttle them to death
with rules and regs and mountains of
business killing red tape.
You will be sorely disappointed if you ever snap out of your hallucination. But we'll let the economic results speak for themselves. Somehow, several generations of working Americans have bought into the self-destructive idea that letting rich, dishonest businessmen become richer and more dishonest is going to be good for their struggling financial lives. I don't get it. It wasn't true in the 1980s and it won't be true in the 2010s. If I do ever figure out why that lie has become a pillar of right-wing political dogma, maybe I'll go into politics and blow it up.
We'd need to consider whether we consider other job titles such as Prime Minister, Chairman, Chancellor, Emperor, King, Twit In Chief or Feurer as your democracy mutates and President becomes just a token position.Quote: MathExtremistOh my, me too. $1000 at even money says Trump is not president on January 19, 2025.
I really hope you're being ironic or joking... Whist trump is supposed to come from "the right" and be anti-government... He wants to impose the most impactful laws/rules/restrictions to the public we've ever seen. The most obvious one that comes to mind is he openly said in the debates (so from his own mouth) that he wants to appoint a supreme court justice that will overturn roe v. wade...Quote: EvenBobWhy did Obama run. To foist his radical
Leftie agenda on us, of course. He made
no bones about that, he was the most
extreme Leftie ever in the senate. Trump
actually wants to improve the lives of
Americans, not throttle them to death
with rules and regs and mountains of
business killing red tape. Imagine
if Obama had both houses of congress
for his first 4 years. The damage he would
have done.
Seriously hope you were joking...
I'm not even a democrat and I can even see how much good Obama did WHIST facing a republican house/senate that attempted to stop him from doing ANY good the entire time. Think Obamacare sucks? Thank the republicans... He put out Mitt Romney's plan that was WORKING in Mass. and the republicans said "Oh lord we can't let him do anything good..." so they stripped out the main benefits of it and now try to call it sh*t... after they made it sh*ttier.
This is what happens when people get their "news" from facebook and one off completely biased websites that say what they WANT to be true, and not what's actually true. I just can't stand the idiocy anymore... I literally lost several close friends by flat out calling them lazy moronic idiots after pointing out real, cited, facts opposing literally everything they said/believed on why they wanted to vote for trump. That's what it is... pure ignorance and idiocy.
Trump is a time bomb. He attempts to be classy and presidential but we all know he's anything but... Hell his own team took away his twitter like a 5 year old days before the election so he couldn't do anything "stupid." How long in to his presidency do you think it'll be before someone disrespects him enough that he just snaps and does something out of a knee jerk reaction? The guy is all impulse... and you've got to imagine people will be baiting him because of it. Seriously, how is he NOT going to get in some kind of political hot water? Hint: He already is for all the the crap he says/does.
Over/Under on 2 years before the first female comes out and says "President trump sexually assaulted me." ??? Got the Under going for -1000 and the over at EVEN... lol
for the legion of women who claimed he sexually
harassed them, or even the use of his power to
sexually use a young woman in the Oval. He was
impeached by the house for lying under oath.
Quote: EvenBobWhy did Obama run. To foist his radical
Leftie agenda on us, of course. He made
no bones about that, he was the most
extreme Leftie ever in the senate.
Do you consider Obama to be to the left of Bernie Sanders?!
Or are you just making stuff up like usual?
A standard trump response... point to and talk about the Clintons and use that as your lightening rod for ignorance of the very real facts and quotes about (and from) trump.Quote: EvenBobAlways remember, Clinton was impeached not
for the legion of women who claimed he sexually
harassed them, or even the use of his power to
sexually use a young woman in the Oval. He was
impeached by the house for lying under oath.