Quote: FaceI may not, but I have more hope and faith than most.
I am also not attacking him, which I hope was communicated in my delivery. Simply, there is a potential issue here. Said issue is what I've been tasked to handle, and I feel doing so will serve to protect the base membership whom I serve.
There are many answers to this question. Some are innocent, some are less so. Some may reveal an integrity issue, some may compliment his honesty.
I'm just attempting to find out which.
the really bizarre thing is, I've been checking IP's all along the last 3 days, and ohio didn't have a match until (I guess) today. But you're right, it's now showing calijeff there.
Quote: BazaI doubt you will get a valid reply. You will now be on his Hit list and he is probably telling all his friends that WOV has attacked him.
I would of course welcome him to post a reply
It is suprising to me that someone like blonde who is obviously established on vegas boards also gets attacked. I think people getting banned for no reason as I and others have previously said is now proven by brad's own words to be correct. I cant wait for John (CEO) to be unbanned so he can use big legal words to refute all of this and attack my credibility as well as others but you can't attack people that are well known to this and other boards.
I guess I'll wait and see. The opinions and experiences of known members here mean more to me than random posts from first time posters. Those are completely worthless to most, I would assume.
Credibility is EVERYTHING when dealing online with a company. Especially when they might have personal information about me.
Hoping this turns out well. But kind of doubting that it will.
Quote: texasplumrI just saw this thread today and thought it sounded promising. Then I started reading.....things sure did get weird.
I guess I'll wait and see. The opinions and experiences of known members here mean more to me than random posts from first time posters. Those are completely worthless to most, I would assume.
Credibility is EVERYTHING when dealing online with a company. Especially when they might have personal information about me.
Hoping this turns out well. But kind of doubting that it will.
I would think blonde4ever's comment should cover this
3. No free advertising. If you want to advertise on this site then expect to pay. Members in good standing may plug their own product or service, with prior permission. However, "good standing" must be earned. Definitely don't post an ad in your very first message!
In fairness, I guess it was his second message and I don't know if he had permission or not.
Quote: JimRockfordSeems like a good reason to enforce rule #3
3. No free advertising. If you want to advertise on this site then expect to pay. Members in good standing may plug their own product or service, with prior permission. However, "good standing" must be earned. Definitely don't post an ad in your very first message!
In fairness, I guess it was his second message and I don't know if he had permission or not.
Well his first message was his affiliate link still an ad
Quote: JimRockfordSeems like a good reason to enforce rule #3
3. No free advertising. If you want to advertise on this site then expect to pay. Members in good standing may plug their own product or service, with prior permission. However, "good standing" must be earned. Definitely don't post an ad in your very first message!
In fairness, I guess it was his second message and I don't know if he had permission or not.
Posting an ad in his very first message is exactly what he did on August 14, 2013 at 10:39:28 PM. Either he had permission, the mods missed it or something else went on. The link is still there.
Most are nuked for that but we all know that interpretation and enforcement of the rules vary greatly.
Quote: 1BBPosting an ad in his very first message is exactly what he did on August 14, 2013 at 10:39:28 PM. Either he had permission, the mods missed it or something else went on. The link is still there.
Most are nuked for that but we all know that interpretation and enforcement of the rules vary greatly.
Speaking for myself, I missed the boat on this one. I actually wasn't even aware of this thread until today, and I was only aware because it was brought to my attention.
Had I seen it immediately, I'd have likely busted and banned as SOP. However, AxelWolf began chatting him up immediately, and seemed interested. That followed with input from you, another long time, valued member...
Quote: 1BBI would hardly call this spam. A member in good standing has posted something of interest and possibly of value. It is in keeping with what this forum is all about. It's a great link that should have been posted earlier. I'm thinking stocking stuffer. Good luck with it, ohiovegasguy!
New member influx aside, a few established members have participated here, and the feedback mostly seems positive. Perhaps it can be looked at as "he got away with it". I think that opinion would be fair.
Sometimes, I miss.

Quote: 1BB... but all this drama is starting to take advantage of this forum's hospitality.
I agree, but Babs and Mission have addressed it. And since it's Xmas, I trust the chaff and the wheat will magically separate themselves without further interference, and I can get back to my search for a sub-$100 bottle of Lagavulin.
I mean, it's miracle season, right? =)
I don't plan on visiting any Face book groups unless it has some special worthwhile deal. I don't plan on donating or investing in this group personally.
I'm not avoiding them just because they have a sketchy past. If you are avoiding every business, that has, or had a person in charge or associated closely, with a sketchy past... DON'T COME TO VEGAS. Hell don't leave your basement.
Just about every major business has played dirty, stole employees, information, ideas, etc. etc.
If you're an angel or have high moral standards and want to avoid this group, I commend your decision.
Like KJ said, I'm an EV whore....
The bottom line for me is.... if the deals work, I will use them and recommend others to do so as well. I highly suggest anyone who is tempted but unsure, wait until we have a few reports from members you trust. Even then, I would be cautious and diligent, keep yourself updated here before you make a decision.
Personally I will have my group /friends and family give it a try, but I'm waiting for the opportune time to maximize value.
We were given the opportunity for a free gold card at the January meet up, Id rather not wait that long. I'm not 100% sure some of the deals(Tropicana) will last that long or what may happen.
Perhaps they found a legitimate business idea and will move forward in a legitimate manner. If the worst that happens is... I pay $60(the most ill spend for now) and don't get anything, I'm not worried. On the upside, I might get 15x my investment back. It's a risk I'm willing to take for now.
Can someone show me why a $400 membership has any decent value? I can't see it, but free rooms/food and car rental discounts are almost meaningless to me, especially if I have to put up $ hundreds of dollars.
Quote: AxelWolfCan someone show me why a $400 membership has any decent value?
Yes, the VIP parking!!!
Almost all of the match play and slot play offers from the basic membership can be found in ACG. I bought the ACG 2013 for $5 in the late December last year.
The downside of it is that you have to use all coupons in a short time.
In any event, my primary concern is still the EV, so I'm perfectly happy to sit back and wait until we have some input from Members. I'm particularly interested in the input from Axelwolf about the experience of his family/friends with this group because the group won't know who they are, so we'll know that nobody is getting special treatment just to get the A-OK from Members here.
That having been said, there are still a few new Members that don't appear to have read my post, which is understandable, because this thread is 1,398 pages long.
He really will. He told me.
I have his number.
Just ask my kids.
Anyway, if I have to LOCK this thread and Unlock it later, I will, but would prefer not to. At the end of the day, this is about gambling and EV and it's refreshing that we should talk about those things, on occasion, on, you know, a gambling message board.
Quote: Kickass
Almost all of the match play and slot play offers from the basic membership can be found in ACG. I bought the ACG 2013 for $5 in the late December last year.
The downside of it is that you have to use all coupons in a short time.
I heard that! Buy both, and LVA too!
"No Spam
The forums should not be used as a promotional tool. Advertising 3rd party services is strictly prohibited. Spammers may be warned, limited or banned at our discretion from all social elements of the site."
Quote: Blonde4everInteresting to note...the FIRST rule on the Vegas Rover website is......
"No Spam
The forums should not be used as a promotional tool.
Advertising 3rd party services is strictly prohibited. Spammers may be warned, limited or banned at our discretion from all social elements of the site."
He once refused a member that wanted to raise money for his nephew who had cancer from posting a link and that same day posted a 3rd party link sickening
There's only one deal I feel is worth it for me with VR. I don't usually mess with all the coupon books anymore , they will just sit and expire. Unless I see something dam good, I wont bother.Things like lots of FREE food/ rooms, Double any 4 of a kind. lots of $50 match play's/Aces double RF coupon. I'm not running around town for $10 match plays, BOGO, 30% off.Quote: KickassYes, the VIP parking!!!
Almost all of the match play and slot play offers from the basic membership can be found in ACG. I bought the ACG 2013 for $5 in the late December last year.
The downside of it is that you have to use all coupons in a short time.
If they can get multiple offers worth doing in a few casinos, I would be more interested. 1 place with free dinner, a few match plays, free play. That's more interesting because we have to eat anyways.
Quote: heretobustfraudFunny how the post that brad started he no longer wants to comment on. Could be because of negative people or maybe because he got found out having multiple accounts from the same ip. So instead of answering questions people have had (which would help his integrity) he tries to hijack another post with his self promotion https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/off-topic/general/20424-wov-event-in-january/5/#post418725
Yes, we know what happened in that thread, because it happened on this site. There's really no need for a link, thank you.
I'm going to try to make this really simple: I'm interested in ascertaining one thing and one thing only, does this Vegas Rover offer Expected Value that exceeds the cost to purchase it or does it not offer expected value that exceeds the cost to purchase it?
That's all.
I don't care about a catering event gone wrong, whose fault it was, why it happened. I bartended, we catered, s*** don't always go down like planned.
I don't care what the co-founder/Marketing Director was found guilty of fourteen years ago.
I don't care if either of these guys spent three days or three years in Vegas.
I don't care if they solicited money several months ago, who from, or what means were used to do so.
I don't care if Brad Baker has a pet hyena that sleeps on the couch and likes having his belly tickled.
I don't care if the owner, whose name I forget, because there are 4,896 pages between here and when his name was mentioned, slept with my sister on a drunken night back in '07 and they both regret the decision.
I don't care if they don't regret it, and plan to do it again someday.
I cared about whether the Expected Value of something that cost $10 exceeded $10. That deal is completed and the time has lapsed. At this point, I DO CARE whether something that costs $29.95 has an expected value that exceeds $29.95.
I don't even care about Gold or the Tropicana Match, or whatever, because I'm not getting the EV on the price difference because the free rooms at Tropicana aren't of any greater value to me than the free rooms I am offered other (well, two, okay) places and the value of the Free Play does not exceed the cost difference.
Some people might care about the Gold and the Tropicana, and those are good things to care about.
I don't care if Brad's dog went pee-pee on the lawns of fifty-two people seventeen years ago.
That's all. Thank you for your kind attention.
Let me ask you something....If various members get cards and everything works successfully and we have happy campers all around, then what? Remember this forum is not meant for hashing out personal vendettas or whatever.Quote: heretobustfraudFunny how the post that brad started he no longer wants to comment on. Could be because of negative people or maybe because he got found out having multiple accounts from the same ip. So instead of answering questions people have had (which would help his integrity) he tries to hijack another post with his self promotion https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/off-topic/general/20424-wov-event-in-january/5/#post418725
AT this point, I think anything said about the the owners personally (who are now "members" here) would be considered personal insults. If you have any information about the actual membership deals being bogus, feel free to enlighten us(but you're not a VR member?) I take no sides, I just want the membership facts.
Quote: AxelWolfLet me ask you something....If various members get cards and everything works successfully and we have happy campers all around, then what? Remember this forum is not meant for hashing out personal vendettas or whatever.
AT this point, I think anything said about the the owners personally (who are now "members" here) would be considered personal insults. If you have any information about the actual membership deals being bogus, feel free to enlighten us(but you're not a VR member?) I take no sides, I just want the membership facts.
I can't say whether something is bogus or not since I no longer have a card. I hope when you guys get yours you share the experience. If it works out that's awesome.
Quote: heretobustfraudI can't say whether something is bogus or not since I no longer have a card. I hope when you guys get yours you share the experience. If it works out that's awesome.
Thank you, that has been my entire point for nearly the last 24 hours!
Quote: heretobustfraudI can't say whether something is bogus or not since I no longer have a card. I hope when you guys get yours you share the experience. If it works out that's awesome.
I really don't get your beef here. Ok so you dislike the owners and think that they are bad people, we get it. I think the CEOs of many fortune 500 companies are complete a holes yet I will still shop at those stores because their prices are better than I can get elsewhere. If we have value somewhere, then most of us are going to jump on it. Its not like people are paying $799 for the basic membership and half to hope that offers don't get pulled. At the low price, the risk is definitely worth the reward if the value exceed the price of the card. Without doing any math, it really appears that it does.
If you are worried about these people stealing your identity then so be it, but there are ways to prevent that. If you are paranoid about companies doing that then you best stop using your credit card or debit card anywhere, ie. target. According to US Today, 43% of companies had a data breach this year. If you are worried about that then just put a fraud alert on your credit reports and stop using your debit/credit cards anywhere. Set up a PO Box or even a box with a real address like at the UPS store and buy pre paid cards and maybe someone at the landfill won't find your info and you will be safe.
Quote: GWAEI really don't get your beef here. Ok so you dislike the owners and think that they are bad people, we get it. I think the CEOs of many fortune 500 companies are complete a holes yet I will still shop at those stores because their prices are better than I can get elsewhere. If we have value somewhere, then most of us are going to jump on it. Its not like people are paying $799 for the basic membership and half to hope that offers don't get pulled. At the low price, the risk is definitely worth the reward if the value exceed the price of the card. Without doing any math, it really appears that it does.
If you are worried about these people stealing your identity then so be it, but there are ways to prevent that. If you are paranoid about companies doing that then you best stop using your credit card or debit card anywhere, ie. target. According to US Today, 43% of companies had a data breach this year. If you are worried about that then just put a fraud alert on your credit reports and stop using your debit/credit cards anywhere. Set up a PO Box or even a box with a real address like at the UPS store and buy pre paid cards and maybe someone at the landfill won't find your info and you will be safe.
I would love to explain this further but I dont want to be banned I have said what I said and thats it. Members here will hopefully get the cards they were promised and report on how things went.
Hes very concerned about WOV members, that's why he waited so many months to warn us.Quote: GWAEI really don't get your beef here. Ok so you dislike the owners and think that they are bad people, we get it. I think the CEOs of many fortune 500 companies are complete a holes yet I will still shop at those stores because their prices are better than I can get elsewhere. If we have value somewhere, then most of us are going to jump on it. Its not like people are paying $799 for the basic membership and half to hope that offers don't get pulled. At the low price, the risk is definitely worth the reward if the value exceed the price of the card. Without doing any math, it really appears that it does.
If you are worried about these people stealing your identity then so be it, but there are ways to prevent that. If you are paranoid about companies doing that then you best stop using your credit card or debit card anywhere, ie. target. According to US Today, 43% of companies had a data breach this year. If you are worried about that then just put a fraud alert on your credit reports and stop using your debit/credit cards anywhere. Set up a PO Box or even a box with a real address like at the UPS store and buy pre paid cards and maybe someone at the landfill won't find your info and you will be safe.
No one new seemed to care about the WOV members welfare, they all just wanted to besmirch the representatives of VR.
Same goes for the so called VR "members", they don't care about WOV members, they just want to promote a business.
Personally I just want WOV members to get some vale without any hardship.
I'm only rooting for VR because it's a good concept that creates opportunities for us and competition among these type of groups.
Quote: AxelWolfHes very concerned about WOV members, that's why he waited so many months to warn us.
No one new seemed to care about the WOV members welfare, they all just wanted to besmirch the representatives of VR.
Same goes for the so called VR "members", they don't care about WOV members, they just want to promote a business.
Personally I just want WOV members to get some vale without any hardship.
I'm only rooting for VR because it's a good concept that creates opportunities for us and competition among these type of groups.
I would have warned people earlier but I didnt know about this site until it was pointed out to me that Brad was posting here.
I'm in the same camp as Mission146 and Axel. To VR and their detractors I would say to you both that when you ran into WoV you ran into the sharpest gamblers in the world. Hence, we're pretty sharp in life too. The only thing we give a rats ass about is +EV. Hopefully, you know what that means. We don't care about a nasty fight amongst competitors. The only thing we care about is if the offer is legitimate and of benefit to us.
To VR, you guys have weathered the storm here. So forget about your detractors. Its unseemly for you to continue to attack them back. We've got people who are going to check your business out and get back to us. Thats all you should be concerned with.
To VR detractors we've heard your argument. Continuing to pile on won't get you any brownie points here.
I laughed at the criminal records that got put up here. In that regard you guys are both a couple of candy asses compared to me in my younger days. I'm living proof that a man can reform himself. Some of my best friends are ex bank robbers, muggers, etc.
I really hope VR works out for WoV members. We'll see what happens.
That's Exactly what happened.Quote: mickeycrimmReading between the lines it looks to me like some ex employee's or whatever stole a good idea.
Rover will say it was some kind of disagreements.
The MyVegas Group will say it was blatant theft.
Personally I think the VR group did delete / transfer current members or something sneaky like that.
I think VR associates did ask for people to donate funds.
Did they purposely mislead people and make faults promises?
seems to be on top of the customer service
$1000 free play. Meet me in the alleys between trop and hooters if you are interested. Bring $100 cash, also no weapons. Look for a big guy named bubba.
Quote: ohiovegasguyhttp://www.vegasrover.com
Basic Offers
Hotel Offers
30% Room Discount the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
$35/$75 Room Discount Tuscany Suites (No resort fee)
Gaming Offers (Redeem at Players Club)
$25 Table Match Play the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
$25 Table Match Play Golden Gate Hotel Casino
$10 Table Match Play Tuscany Suites (Quarterly)
$10 Table Match Play Tropicana Las Vegas
$25 Push on 22 Blackjack the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
Pay $25 get $10 Slot Play Tuscany Suites (Quarterly)
$100 Free Slot Play ($5 slot play every 50 points) the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
$25 Free Slot Play (Earn 200 points) Golden Gate Hotel Casino
Food and Drink Offers
15% Discount Hash House A Go Go (Plaza, The Linq, or Sahara Ave location)
15% Discount Pizza Rock
20% Discount Ketchup Premium Burger Bar
20% Discount Cortez Room Gold Coast Las Vegas
20% Discount Carlos'n Charlie's
20% Discount McFadden's Las Vegas
10% Discount Harley-Davidson Cafe Retail & Food
2-1 Entree The Cantina or Marilyns Cafe Tuscany Suites
2-1 Frozen Margaritas Carlos'n Charlie's
2-1 Drinks Tropicana Lounge Anytime (Premium Drinks Included)
$15 Open Bar Thursdays McFadden's Las Vegas
Entertainment Offers
$20/$30 High Roller Tickets (Includes 1 free drink)
$21.99 Voodoo Zip Line tickets Rio Anytime
Exclusive Pricing Maverick Helicopter Tours
$18.18 Tickets or $10 off VIP Frankie Scinta the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
Save $10 Marriage Can Be Murder the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
2-1 tickets Laughternoon the D Casino Hotel Las Vegas
Save $7 Fast Lap Indoor Kart Racing
Save $40 Wild West Horseback Adventures
Up to 50% Off Vegas Pub Crawler
Transportation Offers
Up to 22% Off Las Vegas Monorail
10% Discount Airline Shuttle Corp
10% Discount Las Vegas Limousines
10% Discount SuperShuttle
12% Exclusive Discount EZ Car Rental
Up to 20% Off Hertz
You guys are fighting over this???? Table scraps! If it is a four night comped stay at say the Wynncore/Aria//Mandarin Oriental/MGM Grand or the bare minimum, a standard room at The Mirage with one free plane ticket, comped two days of food and drinks, free pick up at the airport then that will be worth it. LOL.
Even a low roller heading to Foxwoods or Sands gets better comps than this. Or even just getting my meals fully comped at the Red Rock gets better mileage.
Quote: djatcI l started a better service - Vegas Ben dover deals
$1000 free play. Meet me in the alleys between trop and hooters if you are interested. Bring $100 cash, also no weapons. Look for a big guy named bubba.
LOL. This deal sounds much better than what is offered. People are screaming and fighting over leftovers.
Quote: strictlyAPgot an email back from brad right away, said they normally submit offers on mondays but he will try and expedite
seems to be on top of the customer service
Yes because of this thread and lack of things to do. Maybe I lit a fire and he will straighten up. I sure hope so
Quote: strictlyAPgot an email back from brad right away, said they normally submit offers on mondays but he will try and expedite
seems to be on top of the customer service
Did this end up working for you?
I'm also looking forward to hearing the reports of other members after they attend the Vegas meet-up! I'm also looking forward to the, "Blind taste test," I believe Axelwolf mentioned that he had some family members or friends that were going to sign up for the card and report on their experiences, and it would not be known by VR ahead of time who they were. I'm especially eager to hear those Reviews, because that will give us an idea whether random people can expect the same.
Quote: Mission146it would be known by VR ahead of time
it would *not* be known, you mean?
Quote: odiousgambitit would *not* be known, you mean?
Yes, that. Edited. Thanks! LOL
I'm waiting for the best possible opportunity to use the card so it might be a while before I get a chance.Quote: Mission146It's definitely a huge plus that StrictlyAP had a positive experience with the Vegas Rover crew, which does inspire my confidence in them to a certain degree.
I'm also looking forward to hearing the reports of other members after they attend the Vegas meet-up! I'm also looking forward to the, "Blind taste test," I believe Axelwolf mentioned that he had some family members or friends that were going to sign up for the card and report on their experiences, and it would not be known by VR ahead of time who they were. I'm especially eager to hear those Reviews, because that will give us an idea whether random people can expect the same.
Quote: ohiovegasguy
Again I will repeat one last time for all to see. We are a Vegas Deals Card program. You purchase a card and receive the deals available. The program has not changed besides adding around 30 new offers and many partners since July 1st. We are launching several new partners on Jan 2 including casino partners.
I again challenge anyone to prove 1 deal listed is not valid. All that the trolls can bring up is someones history or personal feud which has nothing to do with the Vegas Rover Discount Card. There are a few people who would like nothing else but to see our program fail. They have a big surprise on Jan 2nd as we announce new partners.
Brad Baker
Co-Founder and Marketing Coordinator
What are the new partners? its Jan 6th now.
10% off at some obscure cupcake place no one has ever heard of.
Hold yourselves back now......
Assuming that there aren't any non-obvious restrictions, a single good offer can easily be worth more than the cost of the card.
This is not the first time they have promised big rewards during a member drive and under delivered.
Why the silence? I'm sure I am not the only person wondering why.
The Gold Card offers are well worth the cost already.
Let's support business like this if its good for gamblers and vacationers.
They made a generous offer, lets see how it pans out before we get to negative.