I took away some knowledge from that experience and the associated dialogue. Primarily that tickets with "all-winning-spots" are not as rare as I imagined them to be, and also that these tickets don't typically result in super large prizes. Live and learn.
Although not super scarce, these tickets do not appear to be extremely common either. And, after leaving the gas station last night, I have been fortunate to once again find myself in possession of a ticket that has all winning spots!

I thought it might be fun to post the results of this new ticket here again, but with a little extra spice added to the process in the form of a freebet for everybody for half of the winnings up to $20. (I.e. If the total prize is $30 then you get $15. If the total prize is $25,000 then you get $20).
Below are the "rules" and how I plan to play it out:
1. At the moment all boxes remain unscratched.
2. Sometime today I will scratch off one of the prize boxes.
3. I will make a quick "15 minute warning" post before I reveal the results.
4. I will post a pic of the ticket with ONE prize box revealed.
5. AFTER I post the "one box revealed" pic, anybody can post their "official" guess at what the TOTAL prize for the ticket will be.
6. Only one guess per person.
7. I will post a pic of the fully scratched ticket first thing tomorrow morning.
8. Whoever made the first post with the correct total (after I posted the first box revealed) will win half of the prize up to $20.
9. The prize will be paid with an Amazon gift card code.
WARNING... Watch out for strictlyAP! He has his finger on the pulse of these tickets and set the exact line on my last one! (This is a compliment, btw.)
Also, my desire is for this to be a fun experience. I know this is the internet and trust is hard to come by, but please indulge me and keep everything positive. My word is good, and I always pay my bets.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceBlount has already paid me. Gotta love amazon gift cards for payment!
Good luck!!
Are you going to do a video of the scratch off's again (should only be two this time - first number, and then the rest of the card tomorrow)? If no one gets the correct exact total will you count the winner as the closest person, or will there be no winner? (Price is Right rules I might have to guess $10 lol)
Thanks for posting, it will at a minimum be amusing and fun =). StrictlyAP, give us an over/under to bet on!
im wiling to book bets if anyone is putting them out there
and 4-1 odds that its over 50 if anyone wants this
Quote: RomesHa, I enjoyed reading the last one as well (even it it was way after the actual timeline it happened). Yay, I get to be a part of this one =P.
Are you going to do a video of the scratch off's again (should only be two this time - first number, and then the rest of the card tomorrow)? If no one gets the correct exact total will you count the winner as the closest person, or will there be no winner? (Price is Right rules I might have to guess $10 lol)
Thanks for posting, it will at a minimum be amusing and fun =). StrictlyAP, give us an over/under to bet on!
Thanks! Things like this are fun to do and can provide a bit of entertainment for sure.
Yep, I'll be posting a video of the scratching(s) after I do them. Hopefully we'll see a nice big number show up under that first box (unlike last time)!
I think we'll let it stay at guessing the exact correct total to win. Leave myself a little room to maybe keep the whole thing. ;)
Quote: strictlyAPafter working it up, im going to hold fast on this ticket to be exactly 20 with a line of -140 on the over
im wiling to book bets if anyone is putting them out there
I'll take $20 on the under +140.
Did you want PM's with predictions, or should we post in the thread?
LOL.... hes going to have to move the line.Quote: DRichI'll take $20 on the under +140.
Quote: AyecarumbaThanks for the freeroll blount2000! Is it possible for you to post a picture of the back of the card?
Did you want PM's with predictions, or should we post in the thread?
You are welcome! Below is a pic of the back of the ticket.
The official predictions should be posted directly in the thread (after I post the pic of the first box results).

for future reference anyone asking would be a lot easier to settle via amazon gift cards
I Should have privately bet if you would adjust the line.Quote: strictlyAPline has now been adjusted to +137
You are a crappy book, moving the line for a 20 spot.
Quote: AxelWolfI Should have privately bet if you would adjust the line.
You are a crappy book, moving the line for a 20 spot.
I applaud strictlyAP for taking the initiative. I think he's doing us a great service. If you think you can do better, please step up, the market is open.
Quote: AxelWolfYou are a crappy book, moving the line for a 20 spot.
I am just like Billy Walters. My action moves lines. Lol
Quote: strictlyAPfor future reference anyone asking would be a lot easier to settle via amazon gift cards
What's the process for settling up with Amazon Gift Cards (as I just never have)? I have a prime account, so I guess I would just need to know what to do in case of losing, or winning.
To send a card, go to the Amazon main page, and click on the "Gift Card" link, then look for "Instant Delivery - Email"Quote: RomesWhat's the process for settling up with Amazon Gift Cards (as I just never have)? I have a prime account, so I guess I would just need to know what to do in case of losing, or winning.
To receive a card, you get an email with a link that credits the amount to your Amazon account. You can also copy the code in the email into your Amazon account like a physical gift card to credit your account.
Quote: AyecarumbaTo send a card, go to the Amazon main page, and click on the "Gift Card" link, then look for "Instant Delivery - Email"
To receive a card, you get an email with a link that credits the amount to your Amazon account. You can also copy the code in the email into your Amazon account like a physical gift card to credit your account.
Wow, that is somehow even easier than I previously imagined. Thanks for the info! Now if the line moves just enough I can strike my bet =P
so is this correct strictlyAP:
Over/Under is 20... Would you care to make this 19.5 or 20.5 as to avoid ties?
Even Money on the Under
+137 on the Over (20)
+200 on the Over (30)
+400 on the Over (50)
for a measly 63 cents more per dollar if I could get the +200 on over (20) I'd take some action ;)
strictlyAP: 20
me: 40
I was just busting his balls. I'm certain he knows that.Quote: AyecarumbaI applaud strictlyAP for taking the initiative. I think he's doing us a great service. If you think you can do better, please step up, the market is open.
SA knows way more about lottery tickets than I do. He's on his 12th step I think ☺
I wouldn't want to do it myself for a few reasons.
Its a pain in the ass with transferring money for a few bucks.
Not that blount would, but someone could scam and already know the outcome.
Once the boxes are scratched that could tell a story what's possible. I don't know enough about that, but I not willing to open myself up to the possibly.
PS I appreciate the thread it's fun for some members.
Since strictlyAP is taking action on this, I wanted to extend him the courtesy of officially calling "no-more-bets" and giving me the go-ahead to post the results.
Quote: blount2000It is a little past 4pm where I am, and I am prepared to post the results of the one prize box. I did the scratching and took the video a little over an hour ago so I could have everything uploaded and ready to post.
Since strictlyAP is taking action on this, I wanted to extend him the courtesy of officially calling "no-more-bets" and giving me the go-ahead to post the results.
Well, I guess I'll have to see it later tonight (taking off from work and heading to play a little blackjack actually).
If strictlyAP will round from +137 to +200 I'll take $25 action on the over 20!
Quote: blount2000It is a little past 4pm where I am, and I am prepared to post the results of the one prize box. I did the scratching and took the video a little over an hour ago so I could have everything uploaded and ready to post.
Since strictlyAP is taking action on this, I wanted to extend him the courtesy of officially calling "no-more-bets" and giving me the go-ahead to post the results.
StrictlyAP has given me the go-ahead, so this is the 15 minute warning I promised to give before I posted the results.
We'll see what happens!
any parlays available ?Quote: strictlyAP20. --
How Many on average before you get one like this?Quote: blount2000
Below are the video and picture of the one prize box that I scratched off. Please forgive the watermark on the video. I had to trim the length of the video using a "free" program that left a watermark. :/
For those who want to watch the reveal, here is the video of the scratching:
For those who want to skip the video and get right down to the results of the scratching:

Let the official guessing begin. :)
Quote: AyecarumbaI think I'm still first on 50 even with my correction. Congrats blount2000!
Thanks! So far it's definitely shaping up better than last time. :)
Quote: MidwestAPI'll take $45. Out of curiosity, what are the available denominations under under each prize?
I'm not sure. I have gotten plenty of amounts from $1 to $10 before on various winning tickets (and one time even a $20 spot), but I haven't personally gotten one over $20.
$70.00 likely isn't even a valid amount he can win since the game report states over 2,500 prizes of exactly $75.00 remain for game #514.
My brother (whom does count obviously) is $48
strictlyAP are you readjusting the over/under at all or taking anymore action? Anyone else willing to take action?
Quote: chaunceyb3My guess is $75.00.
$70.00 likely isn't even a valid amount he can win since the game report states over 2,500 prizes of exactly $75.00 remain for game #514.
I like strictlyAP's $25 guess. It forces the rest of the prizes to be equal to $2, the amount of the base game. I'm hoping there are $8 prizes in there, but not optimistic about it.
Quote: AyecarumbaAre the amounts under the same winning number on a card always the same, or have they been different?
They can be different. If you search for "Tennessee Lottery" on YouTube, you can find examples of this.