Quote: onenickelmiracleI was given an upgrade here locally a few months ago at Mountaineer on a Saturday night to a suite without even asking. .
Yes indeed, happens all the time. But your chances improve
dramatically if you incentivise the desk with a little cash up
front, and don't wait for their fickle largesse gene to kick in.
It dose work, but so dose just asking. And that site you related to is a absolute joke and very self serving with absolutely no credibility. Even the first post, the people claimed it was their wedding. They wasted $20 bucks.Quote: EvenBobYou would have to be insane to give
a desk clerk $20 40 years ago for an
upgrade, rooms were $12 and $15
a night! And it works all the time NOW,
it's done all over the US and especially
in Vegas. Why is all of this news to you?
Quote: AxelWolfIt dose work, but so dose just asking. And that site you related to is a absolute joke.
Uh huh, sure it is. I can't stand it anymore. I have
to tell you that the word 'does' is NOT NOT NOT
spelled 'dose'. You do this all the time and it's
driving me insane. If you want to be taken seriously,
spell correctly.
It wasn't even on my mind. I might consider trying if I were planning on a few days stay getting value. I would definitely try asking first otherwise there is no way to know if it worked or if I wasted the money.Quote: EvenBobYes indeed, happens all the time. But your chances improve
dramatically if you incentivise the desk with a little cash up
front, and don't wait for their fickle largesse gene to kick in.
Quote: onenickelmiracleI would definitely try asking first otherwise there is no way to know if it worked or if I wasted the money.
What's the difference, you waste $20 on the slots or
tables without batting an eye, but worry it might be
wasted on a room upgrade. They don't keep the
money if they can't do the upgrade, BTW.
Quote: EvenBobAnd it works all the time NOW,
it's done all over the US and especially
in Vegas. Why is all of this news to you?
Not news to me at all, EB. I am well aware that it goes on. But, I am always a little surprised that people that claim to be decent people think that bribing an employee to steal from their employer, for your benefit is OK.
I see no difference between this and giving an employee of Best Buy $20 to give you a new TV. For a guy raised catholic who is offended by someone dressing up as a nun on Fremont street, it seems hypocritical to me that you find this OK. It is funny the things people justify when they are getting what they want.
Quote: kewljNot new to me at all, EB. I am well aware that it goes on. But, I am always a little surprised that people that claim to be decent people think that bribing an employee
Since when is a tip a bribe? I give the valet 5 bucks when
he says the lot is full. I give the head waiter 5 bucks for a
better table. These are tips, not bribes.
Quote: EvenBobSince when is a tip a bribe? I give the valet 5 bucks when
he says the lot is full. I give the head waiter 5 bucks for a
better table. These are tips, not bribes.
Lol. If it is a tip, do you tip all the front desk people $20? I suspect only the ones you want something 'extra' from.
Sounds more like something offered or given to a person to influence that person's views or conduct. Oh wait....that's the definition of a bribe. Lol
Quote: EvenBobSince when is a tip a bribe? I give the valet 5 bucks when
he says the lot is full. I give the head waiter 5 bucks for a
better table. These are tips, not bribes.
A tip is offered after services rendered, not before. Don't kid yourself. You tip based on performance of those services rendered, how can you know how much to tip without receiving any services to base said "tip" off of.
Besides a valet, that is the only time I see tipping before he takes your car, to assure good service when he brings it back.
Quote: EvenBobNo, the best way is to be nice and offer
them 20 bucks. Your travel experience
is obviously lacking. Money talks..
It also gets you a valet parking spot when
they say they're full. I used to beg, never
worked. Then I started offering a 5 spot
and it's worked 100% of the time, I've
never been turned down once. Money
is the grease that makes things run smoothly.
+1. I'm nice and I tip. I get the best service in return. Noticeably enough that other patrons want to know what the hell I did to get such good service. I Enjoy what they can provide and don't complain about what they can't. And tip well for good service. That's all there is to it. I'm a whale for minnow money.
Quote: kewljLol. If it is a tip, do you tip all the front desk people $20?
Absolutely, all of them. The purpose of a tip is
to get better service. As I said, try getting a
free Vegas drink and not tipping. You'll be
lucky to get a 2nd one 2 hours later.
Quote: EvenBobAbsolutely, all of them. The purpose of a tip is
to get better service.
So when you check in, you give the clerk $20 whether they upgrade you or not?
1. money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc
2. anything given or serving to persuade or induce
gratuity[ gruh-too-i-tee, -tyoo- ]
noun [plural gra·tu·i·ties.]
1. a gift of money, over and above payment due for service, as to a waiter or bellhop; tip.
2. something given without claim or demand.
Quote: kewljSo when you check in, you give the clerk $20 whether they upgrade you or not?
Again. They do NOT keep the $20 if they can't
give you the upgrade. You have obviously never
done this, yet are an expert on the subject. I
don't give housekeeping a tip for not bringing
me an extra pillow, I don't tip the head waiter
for not giving me a better table, I don't tip the
desk for not giving me an upgrade, I don't tip
the valet for not bringing me my car. You tip
for things that actually happen, not for things
that might happen.
Quote: Transcendbribe[ brahyb ]
1. money or any other valuable consideration given or promised with a view to corrupting the behavior of a person, especially in that person's performance as an athlete, public official, etc
2. anything given or serving to persuade or induce
gratuity[ gruh-too-i-tee, -tyoo- ]
noun [plural gra·tu·i·ties.]
1. a gift of money, over and above payment due for service, as to a waiter or bellhop; tip.
2. something given without claim or demand.
It is within the check in person s job to have discretion on who and when to upgrade and how much. They are given that discretion as primary representatives in a very competitive industry. They don't know me from Adam. I tip, I smile, I understand if they can't help. None of them has ever accepted the 20 without the service. "Next time! " is how they seem to turn me down if they have to. I would estimate 4/5 times it works. The fifth time my host has already set up great rooms.
Quote: Transcend
1. a gift of money, over and above payment due for service, as to a waiter or bellhop; tip.
Exactly, they perform the service, they get the
tip. You don't tip hoping they will do something,
that would be foolish. If they give the upgrade,
they get the tip.
Quote: beachbumbabsThey don't know me from Adam. I tip, I smile, I understand if they can't help. None of them has ever accepted the 20 without the service. .
Exactly! Thank god, a real person who knows how
it works. I'm tired of explaining this to all the 'experts'
around here.
I gave the Spanish lady cab driver a $10 tip because
I drove cab, I know how bad a bad day can be. She
was very appreciative, I know exactly how she felt.
If you've never worked for tips, you're missing out on
half of what life's about.
Quote: EvenBobExactly! Thank god, a real person who knows how
it works. I'm tired of explaining this to all the 'experts'
around here.
I gave the Spanish lady cab driver a $10 tip because
I drove cab, I know how bad a bad day can be. She
was very appreciative, I know exactly how she felt.
If you've never worked for tips, you're missing out on
half of what life's about.
I apologize I was under the impression they kept the money either way and as for working for tips, I have worked for them for the past 10 years. I always tip.
Quote: TranscendI apologize I was under the impression they kept the money either way and as for working for tips, I have worked for them for the past 10 years. I always tip.
Good for you, tips are what keeps these people
going. Unless you're a dealer, of course. Then
you think you're entitled to them.
store. It was a Monday night and there were 2
armed guards in the store, dressed like cops.
I asked one of them why there were 2, and was
told that 1 guard can be easily compromised,
very difficult with 2.
That's the new Vegas. If there's a single store in my area
that has an armed guard, I'm not aware of it. What
he was saying is, the street thugs could easily tackle
a guard by blindsiding him while his pals grabbed $300
worth of liquor. It's like this all over Vegas now. The
cab driver we had later regaled us with story after story of
what a scary place Vegas is now, compared to 10 years ago.
It hasn't worked for you yet. Since my spelling is the only real argument you can muster up, we can put this issue to rest.Quote: EvenBobIf you want to be taken seriously,
spell correctly.
Quote: AxelWolfIt hasn't worked for you yet. Since my spelling is the only real argument you can muster up, we can put this issue to rest.
We can? Dose that work for you, cause it dosen't work for me..
Quote: EvenBobWe can? Dose that work for you, cause it dosen't work for me..
I nominate EvenBob for Chief of the Spelling Police on WoV.
Quote: mickeycrimmI nominate EvenBob for Chief of the Spelling Police on WoV.
I hate to do that, but he was dissing me with
words that weren't even spelled right. It's
Quote: EvenBobI hate to do that, but he was dissing me with
words that weren't even spelled right. It's
I'm guessing smartphone. I notice the constant substitution of "defiantly" in place of "definitely". My phone always substitutes that same mistake and I loathe it. Stupid phones.
Quote: FaceI'm guessing smartphone. I notice the constant substitution of "defiantly" in place of "definitely". My phone always substitutes that same mistake and I loathe it. Stupid phones.
Most likely the mis-correction is due to you misspelling the word "definately" instead of "definitely". With no context, "defiantly" and "definitely" both seem to be adequate corrections of "definately".
This Has to be his best one, though. "impotently" instead of "importantly". In the juicyjennie thread, no less! Priceless!
(Axel, you know that I respect you a lot, and I'm just messing with you here... I did laugh at "impotently" though....)
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceMost likely the mis-correction is due to you misspelling the word "definately" instead of "definitely". With no context, "defiantly" and "definitely" both seem to be adequate corrections of "definately".
If he's using Swype, then the corrections are based on the trail. If so, then I can understand the typos since it's often hard to get an accurate trail on a small smartphone screen.
Quote: EvenBobYou don't get it. It depends on who you're
dealing with. Doing the $20 will get you
more yes's than no's. Doing it your way
works sometimes, sometimes not. Do
you really think they give an upgrade to
everybody who asks, if they can? They
don't, far from it. The $20 incentivise's
them. And there are different levels of
upgrades. A room with a better view is
an upgrade. The $20 will often get you
a better view AND a suite.
The $20 trick at Ballys got me this:

A suite with a gigantic whirlpool in the centre of the room and two bathrooms (a picture of which of course I can't find). Of course this is from 6 years ago. The next time I stayed there (and did a review) I got the standard room which faced north where I had a view of Flamingo Street, Bill's and the Stage Coach.
Quote: FaceI'm guessing smartphone. I notice the constant substitution of "defiantly" in place of "definitely". My phone always substitutes that same mistake and I loathe it. Stupid phones.
I used to be a spelling nazi but after dealing with phones to type I relaxed a bit since they are impossible to spell everything correctly because I have fat fingers.