Quote: Beethoven9thEven 17-year-olds should know that you can't go around bashing people's heads against the ground.
Even adults know that when you are kicked out of the house, you don't point a shotgun at the other person.
Even adults know that if somebody kicks you out of their house, you simply leave.
Even adults know that when the police come to the door, you answer it, not make the police move the furniture to get in.
Even adults know 911 is for emergencies, not a number you call to tell your side of the story, its an emergency number.
What a tool, he wont leave another persons place till the police make him.
Thank goodness they took his guns away, definitely dangerous due to his unhinged emotional problems.
Would you want an armed Zimmerman living next door to you?
Quote: terapinedThank goodness they took his guns away, definitely dangerous due to his unhinged emotional problems.
Would you want an armed Zimmerman living next door to you?
I love how all the pro-Trayvon people are now switching their argument. For months, we heard about how "racist" Zimmerman is. BUT, if all the subsequent allegations against him are true, then doesn't this prove that he is NOT a racist guy???? His estranged wife isn't black, and neither is his girlfriend. You guys can't have it both ways.
Quote: Beethoven9thI love how all the pro-Trayvon people are now switching their argument. For months, we heard about how "racist" Zimmerman is. BUT, if all the subsequent allegations against him are true, then doesn't this prove that he is NOT a racist guy???? His estranged wife isn't black, and neither is his girlfriend. You guys can't have it both ways.
Seriously, the problem with this guy is he is big on guns, and he is big on the power guns gives him. Regardless of being innocent or guilty in the trial, this guy really disturbs me. He follows somebody with a weapon, a gun. Its disturbing
Now with this domestic violence, this guy has a problem. Its guns and the power it gives him. Its her place, she is kicking him out. Yet he remains in somebody elses house. Why, because he has a gun therefore he has the power to occupy. Any normal dude would simply leave. Not Zimmerman. Why does it have to be the police that has to make him leave somebody's else's place. Regardless of the result of the last trial, this guy is a tool. Why not lay low, he cant because he has guns and guns give him power. really disturbing.
I don't want him living next door to me. Cmon, does anybody want a violent disturbing person that owns guns living next door to you.
Quote: terapinedRacism?????
Seriously, the problem with this guy is he is big on guns, and he is big on the power guns gives him. Regardless of being innocent or guilty in the trial, this guy really disturbs me. He follows somebody with a weapon, a gun. Its disturbing
Now with this domestic violence, this guy has a problem. Its guns and the power it gives him. Its her place, she is kicking him out. Yet he remains in somebody elses house. Why, because he has a gun therefore he has the power to occupy. Any normal dude would simply leave. Not Zimmerman. Why does it have to be the police that has to make him leave somebody's else's place. Regardless of the result of the last trial, this guy is a tool. Why not lay low, he cant because he has guns and guns give him power. really disturbing.
I don't want him living next door to me. Cmon, does anybody want a violent disturbing person that owns guns living next door to you.
You're still avoiding my point. I'm not going to accuse/defend him on the current matter until I hear more facts, but will you at least admit that the whole "racism" charge was a crock of sh*t? Race was never an issue in the Trayvon incident. You're an honest guy, will you at least admit that much?
Quote: Beethoven9thYou're still avoiding my point. I'm not going to accuse/defend him on the current matter until I hear more facts, but will you at least admit that the whole "racism" charge was a crock of sh*t?? Race was never an issue in the Trayvon incident. You're an honest guy, will you at least admit this much?
Honestly, I think Zimmerman followed Trayvon due to him wearing a hoodie and being black. If the kid was white in just a t-shirt, Zimmerman would not have followed, would not have gotten out of his car. White kid with a hoodie, who knows?
Quote: terapinedHonestly, I think Zimmerman followed Trayvon due to him wearing a hoodie and being black. If the kid was white in just a t-shirt, Zimmerman would not have followed, would not have gotten out of his car. White kid with a hoodie, who knows?
When I was young I was taught if you dressed and acted a certain way you will get treated a certain way. Dress and act like a gang member and people will assume you are one.
No one should wear a hoodie (unless your skin is lighter than a grocery store bag)Quote: AZDuffmanWhen I was young I was taught if you dressed and acted a certain way you will get treated a certain way. Dress and act like a gang member and people will assume you are one.

because covering your head is totally gang member like.
I wonder if George Zimmerman's girlfriend was wearing a hoodie. Because then she should have expected him to treat her like a gang member.
Quote: terapinedHonestly, I think Zimmerman followed Trayvon due to him wearing a hoodie and being black. If the kid was white in just a t-shirt, Zimmerman would not have followed, would not have gotten out of his car. White kid with a hoodie, who knows?
C'mon, man, just admit that there's a little inconsistency here. ;)
You're trying to make some sort of connection between Zimmerman's alleged attacks (against his wife and his girlfriend) and the incident with Trayvon. BUT in the Trayvon incident, you claim racism. All right, fair enough (even though there's no evidence whatsoever that this was the case).
So let's take a look at Zimmerman's wife and his girlfriend. They're NOT black!! If you're trying to say that the latest incidents prove something, then I agree.....they prove that the scuffle with Trayvon wasn't based on race at all.
Quote: s2dbakerNo one should wear a hoodie (unless your skin is lighter than a grocery store bag) because covering your head is totally gang member like bash another person's head against the concrete pavement.
Quote: terapinedRacism?????
Seriously, the problem with this guy is he is big on guns, and he is big on the power guns gives him. Regardless of being innocent or guilty in the trial, this guy really disturbs me. He follows somebody with a weapon, a gun. Its disturbing
Now with this domestic violence, this guy has a problem. Its guns and the power it gives him. Its her place, she is kicking him out. Yet he remains in somebody elses house. Why, because he has a gun therefore he has the power to occupy. Any normal dude would simply leave. Not Zimmerman. Why does it have to be the police that has to make him leave somebody's else's place. Regardless of the result of the last trial, this guy is a tool. Why not lay low, he cant because he has guns and guns give him power. really disturbing.
I don't want him living next door to me. Cmon, does anybody want a violent disturbing person that owns guns living next door to you.
It seems you guys have some running battle going on and I don't want in the middle of it, but other's do read what you write. So, my .02.
It appears terapined is against guns? Opinions like pro or against firearms seem to me to be a little geographical or local custom.
Rwanda, two years two million Tutsi and Hutu's hacked to death with machete's, gruesome. No intervention by the un or us or anybody else, the bluehats watched it happen, didn't do anything. And they were all African.
If this Zimmerman fella is guilty of domestic violence his right to have firearms will be taken away. Crazy reasoning to me, if the domestic violence had included a gun the victims would be dead. In the situation getting bantered back and forth here, if she had a gun, she could have just killed him and no one would have cared, she might even be given a medal.
As far as would I like to live next to some violent person with a gun. No, I wouldn't like it, but I wouldn't like living next to a violent crazy person with a machete either. What would you prefer to live next to, a violent crazy person with a history of assault who was unarmed or a hunter next door who enjoyed target practice on the weekends with their kids and was a member of the NRA?
The law certainly isn't perfect, but this guy was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. That's it, move on. There is plenty more wrong then to dwell on this.
Zimmerman might have been sane before all that's happened and the last year drove him over the edge? Don't know. Maybe someone next door will go stark raving crazy, don't know. But out west you have to assume everybody is armed.
Luckily in Mexico people don't have the right to have guns. How many laws against guns will it take to make them safe?
Quote: AZDuffmanWhen I was young I was taught if you dressed and acted a certain way you will get treated a certain way. Dress and act like a gang member and people will assume you are one.
Absolutely. We had dress codes in school and
if you let you hair grow and wore a Fonzie
type jacket to class, you got sent to the
office. If you wanted to portray yourself as
a tough guy, do it somewhere else.
Quote: petroglyphIt seems you guys have some running battle going on...
Nah, terapined is cool. Even though he's wrong on the issues, he's a good, decent guy. I'd love to have a beer with him someday. I wish I could say the same about some of the others (who shall remain nameless). ;)
Quote: Beethoven9thNah, terapined is cool. Even though he's wrong on the issues, he's a good, decent guy. I'd love to have a beer with him someday. I wish I could say the same about some of the others (who shall remain nameless). ;)
My post or opinion is definitely not against anyone on the forum.
I tried not to post, but just see so many arguments about gun control and race cards.
I guess I just had to way in.
No offense meant, I just seem to have a world view, which is totally out of context in a local discussion.
Quote: petroglyphMy post or opinion is definitely not against anyone on the forum.
I tried not to post, but just see so many arguments about gun control and race cards.
I guess I just had to way in.
No offense meant, I just seem to have a world view, which is totally out of context in a local discussion.
Doubt there was any offense taken. The vigorousness with which politics gets argued on here is completely out of proportion to how angry people are or how personally they take an opposing view. It's like a debate club for them. Me, I'm built more like you, though I don't think we should move on when it comes to George Zimmerman. He had a history of events like this that were suppressed before the trial as prejudicial. He was on medication for depression and paranoia the night he killed Trayvon, and that was suppressed. He had a recorded history as well as an anecdotal history of racist remarks and actions that was suppressed. He's a problem. The laws that protected him from being held responsible for his own actions are a bigger problem.
But yes, the media tells us what to care about and what not to care about. I live near Orlando/Sanford, where it was 2 years of wall-to-wall Casey Anthony bickering and coverage while millions were being slaughtered elsewhere with no fanfare, let alone productive outrage. As that was petering out, the Zimmerman thing happened and it's been wall-to-wall whenever possible since. National breaking news when he was stopped for speeding in Texas. Really? Wall-to-wall national coverage for 2 days now, while thousands are dying in the Phillippines waiting for help that can't get there fast enough. Really?
+1Quote: beachbumbabspetro,
Doubt there was any offense taken.
Oh, not at all, beachbumbabs was right on the money. No offense was taken at all. In fact, guys like terapined and me are just too darn stubborn to shut up, so it's good to get some new voices in the mix. ;)Quote: petroglyphMy post or opinion is definitely not against anyone on the forum.
I tried not to post, but just see so many arguments about gun control and race cards.
I guess I just had to way in.
No offense meant, I just seem to have a world view, which is totally out of context in a local discussion.
rage, he was certainly calm when he called 911. I loved
how the girlfriend was conducting the narrative in her
911 call. 'Don't point that at me. Don't break that'
Blah blah. He says she did all the breaking and I believe
Edit. I'm about as concerned for the Philippines as they
are when we get a bad tornado. Just about as concerned.
Quote: Beethoven9thSo let's take a look at Zimmerman's wife and his girlfriend. They're NOT black!! If you're trying to say that the latest incidents prove something, then I agree.....they prove that the scuffle with Trayvon wasn't based on race at all.
George Zimmerman: Hey girlfriend, I got an idea!
Girlfriend: What's that?
George Zimmerman: Some people think I might be a racist 'cause Martin was black and I might of profiled him, so I was thinking, you are WHITE, and if I assault you that will prove that I am not racist, because you are white. Get it?
Girlfriend: WTF? No! That won't prove you aren't a racist? You could be a racist and assault women also.
George Zimmerman: What? No Bitch, someone on the Internet said it proves I can't be a racist once I assault you. (grabs shotgun)
Girlfirend: Eeeehhh, I'm calling the police!!!
George Zimmerman is the OJ Simpson of the 2000-teens. He get's away with murder but can't control himself and continues to get into trouble anyway.Quote: rxwineGeorge Zimmerman: What? No Bitch, someone on the Internet said it proves I can't be a racist once I assault you. (grabs shotgun)
Girlfirend: Eeeehhh, I'm calling the police!!!
Quote: s2dbakerGeorge Zimmerman is the OJ Simpson of the 2000-teens. He get's away with murder but can't control himself and continues to get into trouble anyway.
Zimmerman denied killing Martin? I missed that part..
Quote: rxwineI've got close to 3000 posts. .
I remember when I had 3000 post here. I was young,
so young.
Quote: rxwineGeorge Zimmerman: Hey girlfriend, I got an idea!
Girlfriend: What's that?
George Zimmerman: Some people think I might be a racist 'cause Martin was black and I might of profiled him, so I was thinking, you are WHITE, and if I assault you that will prove that I am not racist, because you are white. Get it?
Girlfriend: WTF? No! That won't prove you aren't a racist? You could be a racist and assault women also.
George Zimmerman: What? No Bitch, someone on the Internet said it proves I can't be a racist once I assault you. (grabs shotgun)
Girlfirend: Eeeehhh, I'm calling the police!!!
This dialogue is so stupid. You don't even realize it, but you just argued that a person can take action without thinking about race. lol!
Quote: s2dbakerGeorge Zimmerman is the OJ Simpson of the 2000-teens. He get's away with murder...
Using liberal logic, you are racist because OJ is black, and you think he's guilty.
Quote: Beethoven9thThis dialogue is so stupid. You don't even realize it, but you just argued that a person can do something without being racist. lol!
I never claimed otherwise.
If you can find where I did claim that, post it. You, on the other hand did claim that you proved something.
Quote: rxwineI never claimed otherwise.
If you can find where I did claim that, post it. You, on the other hand did claim that you proved something.
The funny thing about that dialogue is that YOU don't even know what the point was. lol!
Quote: Beethoven9th... if all the subsequent allegations against him are true, then doesn't this prove that he is NOT a racist guy???? His estranged wife isn't black, and neither is his girlfriend. You guys can't have it both ways.
It doesn't prove shit. And yes, you can have it both ways.
Michael Parrish was involved in a white supremacy organization, (Vinlander Social Club) he had white supremacist tattoos on his arms, neck and hands, including a swastika, a Wolfsangel, the word "HITLER," etc.
Parrish murdered 2 white people, one of whom was his son: an 18 month old white baby. By Beethoven's logic, the victims were white, therefore Parrish wasn't a racist. That's some messed up logic, Beethoven.
Zimmerman has been arrested for assaulting a police officer, he has had restraining orders against him from 3 different (white) women, he has been accused of choking a woman, he has punched his (white) father-in-law, and he has killed a teenage boy.
I admit it: I don't know if Zimmerman is a racist. I do know that he's an unstable, violent lunatic who belongs in jail.
Quote: rxwineThe funny thing is, you continually tell me stuff I know already.
I told you that the dialogue was stupid. Glad you agree.
Quote: renoI admit it: I don't know if Zimmerman is a racist.
Thank you. You just proved my entire point, genius. DUH!
Quote: Beethoven9thI told you that the dialogue was stupid. Glad you agree.
I dumbed it down on purpose to about 3rd grade level. Even then, I wasn't confident it would be simplistic enough that I wouldn't have to repeat it 20 times.
Quote: rxwineI dumbed it down on purpose to about 3rd grade level.
Wow, and you still failed to make a decent point? lol
Quote:An FBI investigator has found that just hours before the shooting of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman had repeatedly visited several pornographic websites, “aimed toward gay Black men.” The sites visited were Taggaz.com, CocoDorm.com, and Thugboy.com. “Graphic in nature, the sites are premium adult pay sites containing images, videos, and erotic stories of Black ‘thug’ males engaging in sexual acts with other men. “
So, what do think. Did Zimmerman want to have gay sex with martin? I don't think this is true, but I found it on the net. What do you think?
Maybe Zimmerman didn't want rough sex, and Martin did? Were they rubbing against each other, but it looked like a fight?
That doesn't surprise me since you go off on a tangent in every other post.Quote: rxwineI'm bored.
Why are you so obsessed with this subject? This is the second time you've brought gays up.Quote: rxwineNow whenever you (Beethoven) respond to my posts, I'm going to add a new element and make it relate to the point. For instance. Every point will have a gay element.
I have to admit Zimmerman doesn't seem gay, but what do you think? Was that why he was following boys through his neighborhood.
Quote: rxwineYour posts are boring and rarely enlightening.
So instead of ignoring or blocking them, you've decided to bring up the subject of gays?
Serious question: Are you gay?
*Mods, this is NOT an insult. I ask only because this is the second time he has brought this subject up with me.
Quote: Beethoven9thSo instead of ignoring or blocking them, you've decided to bring up the subject of gays?
Serious question: Are you gay?
*Mods, this is NOT an insult. I ask only because this is the second time he has brought this subject up with me.
I am not gay. Not that it would matter.
I don't block people. I do block threads, but not other people here.
Quote: rxwineI am not gay. Not that it would matter.
I don't block people. I do block threads, but not other people here.
I seriously doubt that's true...haha
Quote: Beethoven9thI seriously doubt that's true...haha
Nope, never blocked anyone since I signed up. I've complained about a few like Jerry Logan and that he should be nuked.. Never blocked anyone.
Quote: EvenBobZimmerman denied killing Martin? I missed that part..
That is OK, s2dbaker missed the part where defending yourself against a person who is bashing your skull against the ground is self-defense and not murder.
Quote: rxwineNope, never blocked anyone since I signed up. I've complained about a few like Jerry Logan and that he should be nuked.. Never blocked anyone.
I have only one person blocked on this board. Guess who!
Quote: AZDuffmanWhen I was young I was taught if you dressed and acted a certain way you will get treated a certain way. Dress and act like a gang member and people will assume you are one.
I was profiled weekly after Newtown. Me, a regular at my son's school, there to pick him up all the time. Walk to the door in suit or khakis, buzzed right in without a word. Same me, walk up in hoodie and skull cap (face exposed), at least 3 questions of who I was and what I was there for, who my son was, room number, teacher's name....
Not complaining, just supporting your point.
Anyways, yeah, Zimmerman is a tool, a dolt, and several other disparaging adjectives. Martin incident aside, Zim needs to lose his guns, if not his freedom. You point a gun at someone you want to kill, and you only want to kill someone who wants to kill you. A girl yelling at you does not put your life in danger.
Who can defend this guy, and how?
Quote: FaceI was profiled weekly after Newtown. Me, a regular at my son's school, there to pick him up all the time. Walk to the door in suit or khakis, buzzed right in without a word. Same me, walk up in hoodie and skull cap (face exposed), at least 3 questions of who I was and what I was there for, who my son was, room number, teacher's name....
I was coming in from the Bahamas and the woman at customs asked me all kinds of questions, many more than most other people around me. When I told a co-worker he said, "You fit the profile of a drug smuggler. White male, 20s/30s, traveling alone." It can and does happen to all of us, you deal with it. The difference is you and I did not attack the person asking us questions.
Sick .....And people wonder why stereotyping is a thing.Quote: TankoNew Game.
Also called 'Polar Bear Hunting' for obvious reasons.
Quote: Excerpt from articleThe woman who told police that George Zimmerman pointed a gun at her face has recanted her story and is now saying “I want to be with George,” according to a court affidavit published by the Orlando Sentinel.
Quote: Beethoven9th
Of course she recanted her story. Women..
Quote: Beethoven9th
Hmm, because of your posting, I decided to listen to the 911 call again. Here's a partial transcript. I did edit the F word to f--- but the rest is accurate,
SAMANTHA: He’s in my house breaking all my shit because I asked him to leave. He has his freaking gun breaking all of my stuff right now.
SAMANTHA: I’m doing this again?? You just broke my glass table, you just broke my sunglasses and you put your gun in my freaking face and told me to get the f--- out!! This is not your house. No, get out of here!
DISPATCHER: Okay, Where is his weapon at?
SAMANTHA: He just put it down.
DISPATCHER: Okay, and this is
SAMANTHA: No, get out of my house! Do not push me out of my house!! Please get out of my house. Are you serious right now? Are you kidding me!! You’re going to push me out of my house?and lock me out.
Is this supposed to mean that she can't possibly be lying?
Pass the popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show, 'cause I'm betting we haven't heard the last from these 2 clowns.