Quote: WizardI decline to issue a suspension because Zcore admits he is a nobody as well.
But we don't hold it against Zcore that he's a nobody and
his casino has neither craps or roulette. We like him anyway.
Quote: AxelWolfInteresting that the wizzard offers to meet up and discuss the situation and then Ahigh un registered.
Not surprising at all, though. Keyboard intimidation
and face to face are not quite the same thing. Mike
and Aaron are about the same age. My money would
be on Mike, he's very fit and probably fast and Ahigh
is a craps potato. No contest there.
Quote: AxelWolfI thought thsts all he wanted was to be the wizard's friend.
No, he's jealous of the Wizard. The Wizard is recognized as a legitimate authority in the gaming world. Ahigh isn't. The Wizard is repeatedly sought out by people for advice. Ahigh isn't. The Wizard is universally respected by those in gambling circles. Ahigh isn't.
But that's what he wants. I think he's jealous of Scoblete too (to some extent). In his mind, he's an authority on craps, and he gets upset when others don't treat him as such.
Quote: EvenBobAhigh is a craps potato.
A craps potato? LOL...I gotta remember that one.
Quote: Beethoven9thNo, he's jealous of the Wizard. The Wizard is recognized as a legitimate authority in the gaming world. Ahigh isn't. The Wizard is repeatedly sought out by people for advice. Ahigh isn't. The Wizard is universally respected by those in gambling circles. Ahigh isn't.
But that's what he wants. I think he's jealous of Scoblete too (to some extent). In his mind, he's an authority on craps, and he gets upset when others don't treat him as such.
+1 (I think this is the best way to comment from now on just in case Ahigh re-instates himself and tries to Private Message tell on me again.) :)
Read this while making my way to Vegas fyi.
Quote: Beethoven9thNo, he's jealous of the Wizard. The Wizard is recognized as a legitimate authority in the gaming world. Ahigh isn't. The Wizard is repeatedly sought out by people for advice. Ahigh isn't. The Wizard is universally respected by those in gambling circles. Ahigh isn't. But that's what he wants. I think he's jealous of Scoblete too (to some extent). In his mind, he's an authority on craps, and he gets upset when others don't treat him as such.
Nail, meet head. You nailed that right to the wall.
Wish I would have said it.
Quote: EvenBobKeyboard intimidation
and face to face are not quite the same thing. Mike
and Aaron are about the same age. My money would
be on Mike, he's very fit and probably fast and Ahigh
is a craps potato. No contest there.
They've already met, at WoVCon a few months back.
Much ado about nothing.
I met Aaron, the Wiz met him, and really, it made no difference at all.
Much to your credit. In the tradition of no less than Hugo Black.Quote: WizardI have too much respect for free speech to ban discussion of the topic.
Ahigh is gone? Forever?
As for duration, it says "?"
He resigned.
Make of it what you will.
Quote: AhighLook, I never accused you. You don't understand that?
Here's my apology: I'm sorry you don't understand that I never accused you.
Yes you did.
Quote:I said I was thinking you did it.
That is an accusation.
Quote:I'm not sorry I had that thought. It was a rational thought.
I'd argue it was not.
Quote: KeyserSozeSo that's it? That fast?
Ahigh is gone? Forever?
He put a condition on his return. I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say what it is, since it was said in private communication.
Quote: WizardHe put a condition on his return. I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say what it is, since it was said in private communication.
I'm not quitting the forum so Ahigh can come back.
Forget it.
Quote: WizardHe put a condition on his return. I'm not sure if I'm at liberty to say what it is, since it was said in private communication.
Do you have to do something to satisfy the "condition"? If so we can have a fun game for cash and prizes of "who can guess the condition". I'll supple the prizes!
Quote: Zcore13Do you have to do something to satisfy the "condition"? If so we can have a fun game for cash and prizes of "who can guess the condition". I'll supple the prizes!
I'm guessing it has to do with nudity and a Downtown casino Ahigh
hates. Am I close?
Quote: thecesspitYes you did.
That is an accusation.
I'd argue it was not.
You know, you're all right, brother. I appreciate that message. Even though we're polar opposites when it comes to politics, it's good to see that two people who don't necessarily see eye-to-eye on everything can still get along and be respectful. (Wish I could say the same about Ahigh, but oh well)
Quote: Zcore13If so we can have a fun game for cash and prizes of "who can guess the condition".
Got to keep an eye on his forum. He may inadvertently drop some hints. ;)
Quote: beachbumbabsI would guess a string of public apologies from about 10 people on this forum. I could be wrong.
Would nudity be involved? I'm not going
there, forget it.
that's probably the main one of manyQuote: RaleighCrapsI am betting the condition is this thread is deleted.
Quote: IbeatyouracesCasinos have no problem banning professional gamblers and still have a ton of business. Why should the Wizard cater to just this one guy?
I don't know the Wizard, so it's strictly my impression on this forum, but I'm going to say it's because he is classy beyond measure. He listens and tries to respond to everybody on here who's having a problem with something, whether it's math, decorum, or some other question. He advocates the free exchange of ideas and information whether he agrees or not and only asks for basic decency towards the other participants when stating an opposing point of view. Congress could learn a thing or two from him.
What an ego!
Why in god's name would the Wiz feel constrained to do anything Ahigh tells him to do as a condition of Ahigh returning?
Yielding would be a major mistake.
Clearly the original focus and purpose of this board would be best served by having Ahigh stay far, far away.
Due to his contentious, disputatious posts Aaron has become a major distraction, a lightning rod, and not "in a good way."
He's become toxic.
He seems to think Mike needs him: that is the funny part: Mike needs him like he needs interstitial lung disease.
Rather, Mike probably seeks a return to relative normalcy, which will not happen so long as members of this board have an active, present, and vocal Ahigh to interact with.
Let Ahigh stay far, far away in his self-imposed exile; let him hunt snipe, search for bigfoot and take slo-mo shots of rolling dice in his den to his heart's content.
Oil and Water do not mix.
Quote: IbeatyouracesProblem is that Ahigh usually doesn't.
No disagreement on that, Ibeat. I was speaking of the Wizard, not defending Ahigh's posts or demands.
Enough is more than enough...
Quote: beachbumbabsI don't know the Wizard, so it's strictly my impression on this forum, but I'm going to say it's because he is classy beyond measure. He listens and tries to respond to everybody on here who's having a problem with something, whether it's math, decorum, or some other question. He advocates the free exchange of ideas and information whether he agrees or not and only asks for basic decency towards the other participants when stating an opposing point of view. Congress could learn a thing or two from him.
Then one day the RJ did an expose on the guy placing the ads. His modus operandi was to qualify you for bankroll over the phone. Then he would meet you in a neutral place, like the bar at the Mirage closest to the craps tables. His hustle was to tell you that you didn't have to pay him up front to learn his system, you could just give him 25% of your win after the first hour. Then he would take you to the table. Even my uneducated ass can do the math on this one. A certain percentage of players are going to be ahead after the first hour.
At the same time the guy was an independent casino host. There's no telling what he got to bring in the suckers. I heard the same thing was going on in the New Jersey newspapers.
I can't speak for the Wizard but I get the feeling your a bitter sweet taste his mouth, lately more bitter. Dice control or whatever you call it, in which you are/were mostly all about seems to go against what he is about. I would guess the Wiz wants quality over quantity You seem to think he is against you but, I haven't seen him say anything bad about you or your site, yet you have many taken jabs at this site and its members.
I think a lot of people really were interested in your show but you spent far to much time and energy focusing on your critics, all that seemed to drive you bat shit crazy.
I bet if you spent half the time on your show as you did battling forum members your show would be very popular by now.
Seriously you need to have someone you respect, like and trust, someone with a open mind and fresh view to follow and read everything concerning all of this. Then simply ask them their thoughts. It's mind boggling you don't see it, perhaps you do and you are playing a game with yourself . It plays out like your a drug addict spirituality out of control.
Why not make the first step in repairing your reputation and make the first apology? A real one not one of your sarcastic ones. Skip the, "I apologize BUT" I have yet to see you make a real apology for anything without some excuse or trying to shift the blame. I don't think it's to late to get back to the good days when you had your show and some growing followers if you could just suck it up and apologize and forget it.
Quote: beachbumbabsI don't know the Wizard, so it's strictly my impression on this forum, but I'm going to say it's because he is classy beyond measure.
And he's a well known author too. Here he is with
some of his fans.

Quote: chickenmanIt would be best to delete this hateful thread IMNSHO, but a reasonable compromise would be to simply close it and prevent any more similar threads on this forum.
Enough is more than enough...
Bob, we now now why Ahigh lost money recently, from Ahigh himself :
" I actually hurt my shoulder last June and I think that caused me to lose a lot of money. "
Quote: Mission146
That's a tan shirt! What could possibly be wrong with that shirt? I have an identical shirt.
I'm sure you do, Pierce, I'm sure you do.
You and Mike together would be the wild
and crazy guys from the old SNL skits.

I see it simply asQuote: Beethoven9thSo the Ahigh-ster is back!
I wonder which "condition" was met?
"Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)"
Quote: 7craps
"Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)"
"Yeah, yeah, oh-oh ye-ah"
Darn, now I can't get that song out of my head... :-(
Satellite Radio's "60's on 6" has been play Kenny Rogers regularly of late
Quote: Beethoven9thSo the Ahigh-ster is back! I wonder which "condition" was met?
Clock operator, please reset the official clock to 5:42. Thank you.
Quote: Beethoven9thTo Ahigh: So what do you say now, brah?
I say that you are very slow to understand. If you were not so slow, you might not also have been so afraid to reveal yourself when you saw me because you would have been able to come up with a way to introduce yourself without anyone in the casino associating the two of us. But that would require some quick thinking!
At this point, I am beginning to doubt that you saw me, however. That would explain a lot if you actually did, in fact, have a habit of making untrue statements on message forums under the benefit of knowing that nobody could prove that your statements were in fact not true.
I have no idea who you are. I have never met you. I expect that I will never meet you. I expect that you will never have any desire to meet me. I expect that your only desire is to have me respond to your inane postings in order to congratulate yourself for having warranted my attention in posting in response to you.
But to the concept for which you very liberally considered to be a bet, I do not even consider it to be a bet because, as we all expect, you have altered the parameters of your, let me just say, scam such that no proof could be made that would enable me to get paid.
Without opportunity to get paid, there is no bet. Merely a scam that only a fool would enter into willingly.
I am not a fool, and your proposal is hardly a bet. Being unable to prove something does not mean that the suspect is innocent. Certainly you should understand such concepts. Yet I am not truly sure given your posts.
The entire discussion is, therefore, simply more circumstantial evidence that you did in fact make the post. Not proof, but certainly evidence. It provides motive if it is all part of a way to scam me for money.
When someone else admits to having done this cowardly act of making untrue allegations of me meeting and kissing another man at the craps table, I will apologize. Until then, I do not know who made that post, but you are certainly the primary suspect so long as you continue to perpetrate this, as I described it, scam to obtain $10,000 cash from me. You're not the only person seeking to extract cash from me without risk or due diligence. Just one of multiple. So join the club, I guess.
Perhaps you should go back and read my proposal. I said in no uncertain terms that the burden of proof would be on me. If I can prove that it WASN'T me, then you owe me $10,000. If I CAN'T prove that it wasn't me, then I owe you $10,000. We can let the Wizard (or any other unbiased arbitrator) view my evidence and make a decision.Quote: AhighBeing unable to prove something does not mean that the suspect is innocent. Certainly you should understand such concepts. Yet I am not truly sure given your posts.
The entire discussion is, therefore, simply more circumstantial evidence that you did in fact make the post. Not proof, but certainly evidence. It provides motive if it is all part of a way to scam me for money.
Just admit it, brah, you don't want any part of this action because you know deep down that I'm probably right. Heck, you can't even be honest about my proposal. Over on your forum, you said I demanded that you "give" me $10,000. *facepalm*
This is the part that really intrigues me.Quote: AhighWhen someone else admits to having done this cowardly act of making untrue allegations of me meeting and kissing another man at the craps table, I will apologize.
You had apologized to Zcore without "someone else admitting to having done this cowardly act", so I don't know why you steadfastly refuse to do the same thing here. After apologizing to Zcore, it's not like a quick 'Sorry' isn't without precedent.
You and I had never even had any flame wars or anything prior to this, which makes your targeting of me all the more baffling.
LOLQuote: Ahigh...you might not also have been so afraid to reveal yourself when you saw me because you would have been able to come up with a way to introduce yourself...
Ahigh, before you criticize me for not introducing myself, let's recall the time you saw AlanMendelson playing craps at Caesars.
...and guess what you did? (Or, rather, DIDN'T do?)
You failed to introduce yourself to him, even though you clearly identified him. Even worse, you stealthily wrote down all of his rolls when he was shooting (for some unknown reason), thinking that he wasn't aware of you. That's just plain creepy.
So should I call you Mr. Pot or Mr. Kettle? :)