Quote: MakingBookBy now, it's pretty clear this is not a farewell thread.
It's more of a "I want/need attention thread".....kinda like something HB would do.
Is there anybody still out there that is fooled by this???
You're not alone in your thoughts. April Fool's Day is right around the corner and this doesn't pass the smell test. I'm a skeptic by nature and my skepticism can be seen in my responses to ace's very first posts last April.
With over 100 responses and over 4000 views I've got a feeling that this thread is just getting started. Certainly one of the two people in the know could provide some details that would help all concerned to understand what's happening. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be in the plan at this time. Stay tuned!
Quote: 1BB
Certainly one of the two people in the know could provide some details that would help all concerned to understand what's happening. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be in the plan at this time. Stay tuned!
Surely there's 3 people in the know. Ace, Wiz, and ____. Personally, I'd like to hear ______'s take on this whole situation.
For the purpose of this question, let's define 'active' as at least 6 posts in a year.
Quote: RaleighCrapsWhat are the odds that Ace's stalker is a lurker, versus being a member, versus being an 'active' member?
For the purpose of this question, let's define 'active' as at least 6 posts in a year.
Yeah, we're definitely starting a pool based on this. But also, how are we defining stalker? Is it limited only to the person causing these problems? I'm pretty sure that Buzz's house is filled with pictures of Ace. We're not counting that, right? ;-)
Quote: RaleighCrapsWhat are the odds that Ace's stalker is a lurker, versus being a member, versus being an 'active' member?
I wondered about that too. WoV has like 4000 members and
maybe 300 active posters. It could be anybody, somebody
who never posted once. And, you don't need to be a member
to read the forum. Anybody on the net has access. And what
did this person do, we don't have a clue. It must have been
something pretty horrible for Ace to quit the forum completely
like this.
But I did enjoy the AC threads. Pure fiction, but still entertaining. I'll be glad when he returns.
Quote: MakingBook
But I did enjoy the AC threads. Pure fiction, but still entertaining. .
Meaning he was making it all up? You have proof of
that? I never doubted he was telling the truth, I talked
to him many times in PM's and he never came across as
a liar. Far from it, in fact.
Quote: aceofspadesGOODBYE!
You haven't posted in two weeks but you log on every day. Come on Ace, throw us a bone already!
"P.S." (I have also found they are linked to other initials, "J.P." )
additionally, their redacted email is: sinatra***gold@yahoo.com
Old Blue Eyes always was mischievous.

Quote: boymimboClearly, it appears that ace was somehow found and exploited in AC while posting his escapades, which really sucks.
You have to be careful with your online presence. I got a PM over the week when I was at Windsor and made me realize that despite my user ID, my first name is easily findable. My last name is not really findable, but the Wizard knows it. The email itself was cordial enough which was fine, but the fact that sometimes I stick my neck out there online might be a problem.
For example, I joked to ahigh about something going on at his house. His address is easily findable: we know his name and what area in Las Vegas he lives in... he is easily exploitable if I was an evil person. He's published enough information. He needs to be more careful.
We have some general knowledge on some users that could be used against them. Be careful.
Yep, I try pretty hard to keep my "real" identity private here, no pictures, no links to real identities...I don't use this screen name anywhere else on the internet, etc. Mostly due to the large amounts of money I usually have with me when I visit a casino. I would say also so that any casino employees that participate here can't prematurely back me off, but I'm not that deluded about my AP skills :)
This thread has reminded me to hold firm on this. With the upcoming WoV gathering an unscrupulous person already knows where I'm staying, when I'm getting there and when I'm leaving, and at least 2 planned meetups. Hopefully, as far as I know, they don't have any idea what I look like or any real identification info. I'll try to keep it that way :).
Quote: aceofspadesWith permission of the Wizard, I will state that the initials of the person that caused me grief in my personal life are:
"P.S." (I have also found they are linked to other initials, "J.P." )
additionally, their redacted email is: sinatra***gold@yahoo.com
I was going to say "ain't that a kick in the head" but that was Dean not Frank.
Okay, mysterious "P.S". show yourself. Tell us your side of the story. You know you want to.
Quote: aceofspadesDue to circumstances beyond my control, I will no longer be able to post on these message boards. My time on here has been extremely fun and educational. I have learned from people hereon and count some of you as friends in the real world.
However, someone on these boards has taken it upon themselves to not only forcibly insert themselves into my gaming life, but my personal and business life as well. This person has caused me to lose faith in how people treat one another. I do not know what this person has against me or why they did this. Rather than bringing any perceived inequity or slight to my attention, they chose to go behind my back and reach out to people in my personal, business and gaming life.
The Wizard is aware of this and will be on the lookout for any other complaints about this person (as I have their real name, just not their screen name). I hope you all stay untouched by this person's actions and that you all have positive variance in all aspects of your lives. I will stick around to comment on this thread but will no longer post any trip reports or any other threads.
Anyone remember this from 15 months ago?