Quote: aceofspadesI am partially to blame as I revealed too much personal info - I suppose being a real person is the wrong thing to do online
Still so what? I happen to 'know' few people in person. They play way above my league, and stomoch. They get lots of goodies from casinos, but I don't wish ill of them.
Quote: BhappyStill so what? I happen to 'know' few people in person. They play way above my league, and stomoch. They get lots of goodies from casinos, but I don't wish ill of them.
Well I meant that someone took advantage of my outgoing nature and used information against me.
Quote: BuzzardNow Ace, You really must stay away from reality TV shows, you know !
You can't even remember, what I'm trying to forget - U2 "Dirty Day"
That all sux and to say the least is very BIZARRE.
Best wishes to you. I guess this is a cautionary tale ( ? )
for the rest of us.
Just walk off with your head held high and your eyes on the horizon.
Quote: Zcore13Mine was an anonymous note left on my car after a close game early in my umpiring career. I had a pretty good idea who it was, but I just kept doing an honest and fair job. I eventually earned the respect of others, going on to become League Supervisor, District Supervisor, getting State Championship plate assignments for every level from 10 years old to 18 years old and finally working Spring Training games for the SF Giants.
When I am "king for a day", I would like to implement a rule that says
any idiot in the stands who crosses the line with verbal abuse of an
official automatically gets to put on a striped shirt and try to step in
and Ref the game if they think it is so easy.
The lack of civility in our culture is disturbing. But good for you for
carrying on.
Quote: MrVNo offense dude, but it's time to close the barn door and bid the horses "adieu."
Just walk off with your head held high and your eyes on the horizon.
No offense taken - but, it is my farewell thread and I am trying to ensure I answer all posts and thank everyone for being there.
Quote: CroupierAce - you have been a great and valued member of the board. I hope that one day this situation is solved and you can return.
I very much enjoyed your reports, and felt like I was flying by the seat of my pants with you.
All the best for the future.
Croupier hit it right on. The trip reports were better than a lot of tv shows...and you gave the bad and the good.
Wife is disappointed "her boy" will be off the grid.
If you figure out a way around things please sign me up!
If we go to AC this year I'll pm you...the least we could do is buy you a drink for all the entertainment....the wiz can vet us for you.
Quote: WoldusCroupier hit it right on. The trip reports were better than a lot of tv shows...and you gave the bad and the good.
Wife is disappointed "her boy" will be off the grid.
If you figure out a way around things please sign me up!
If we go to AC this year I'll pm you...the least we could do is buy you a drink for all the entertainment....the wiz can vet us for you.
I am going to attempt to work something out with the Wiz once I feel the coast is clear and, of course, with the Wizard's advice and consent. Please stay in touch and will look forward to that drink.
should stick around. Everybody here likes him and his
trip reports are a hit. This was my fave from last summer:
"REVEL AC has deeeeeeestroyed me"
I don't want him to lose, far from it, but what fun would it
be if this didn't happen sometimes. That was great thread,
there were a lot of great threads where won too.
C'mon, you don't have to leave, nobody wants you to, and
only you are forcing the issue.
) you are the #1 reason I learned a little better count so thanks for that..So we will never know about the 1k free play? Can't handle that. Karma will catch up to the SOB.He/she will bury them selves.Take care bro.
Quote: EvenBobHe still hasn't given a good reason for leaving and he
should stick around. Everybody here likes him and his
trip reports are a hit. This was my fave from last summer:
"REVEL AC has deeeeeeestroyed me"
I don't want him to lose, far from it, but what fun would it
be if this didn't happen sometimes. That was great thread,
there were a lot of great threads where won too.
C'mon, you don't have to leave, nobody wants you to, and
only you are forcing the issue.
Bob - the entire thing sickens me - that someone I do not know and does not know me can insert themselves into my life without invitation. Sure, if it was the 2013 Playmate of the year inviting herself to a wild weekend in Miami with me, sure that might be different...but, such is not the case...this person has invaded my life and did it behind my back to third parties who have the ability to affect my enjoyment in life, and my professional relationships with certain others.
Quote: mycranGonna miss ya ace.Every time you said speed count made me smile(in a good way
) you are the #1 reason I learned a little better count so thanks for that..So we will never know about the 1k free play? Can't handle that. Karma will catch up to the SOB.He/she will bury them selves.Take care bro.
HAHA - you are not the first person to have told me I inspired them to move beyond Speed Count lol
I guess the times I got "deeeeeeeeeestroyed" really made you guys think!
As for the $1k free play - that will be played - maybe chauncey will throw in an update on that...
Quote: mdhGL Ace, you will be missed.
thank you mdh - wishing you positive variance
Quote: aceofspadesPlease stay in touch and will look forward to that drink.
Whiskey Village or O2? Your choice. This weekend I'm at the Toga (but not wearing one--too cold).
Quote: aceofspadesBob - the entire thing sickens me -.
Do what you have to do, I guess. Not what I'd
do, I don't see the point of giving in to third
party whatever's. That's what they want, I would
think, so I would never give it to them. Ever.
Certainly not.
C'mon, fight the S.O.B.
Quote: EvenBobDo what you have to do, I guess. Not what I'd
do, I don't see the point of giving in to third
party whatever's. That's what they want, I would
think, so I would never give it to them. Ever.
So you would stick around and risk this person gaining even more insight...and then perhaps ramping up their invasive tactics?
Quote: MrVHey ace, you being an attorney: do you give up like this on your clients, too?
Certainly not.
C'mon, fight the S.O.B.
"Fighting" him would reveal sources and confidences who could have their livelihoods affected. No matter how much I want to just reveal this person's name, alias and email address and have the board find him for me, I have too much respect for the sources of the information to do that to them...and much too much respect for the Wizard to turn his boards into a lynch mob recruitment center.
I am trying to brainstorm a way in which I can stay aboard here and I hope the Wizard can assist in my think tank.
Quote: aceofspadesSo you would stick around and risk this person gaining even more insight...and then perhaps ramping up their invasive tactics?
(sarcasm follows) Too bad you never went to college and
didn't become a successful attorney by your wits alone.
You could figure out how to post without giving somebody
any ammo. Yes, its a pity.. (sarcasm off)
Quote: aceofspadesI hope the Wizard can assist in my think tank.
Is it an actual tank? Cool..

Quote: EvenBob(sarcasm follows) Too bad you never went to college and
didn't become a successful attorney by your wits alone.
You could figure out how to post without giving somebody
any ammo. Yes, its a pity.. (sarcasm off)
Yes Bob, I could do that, which would rob me of the enjoyment I have of posting the nitty-gritty, gambling and non-gambling aspects of my trips. Sure, I could post that I am at Parxx in PA but then I couldn't post about having lunch with chauncey and sodawater or their valiant attempts at teaching me PGT - it would rob the humanity from my writing.
Quote: aceofspadesI am trying to brainstorm a way in which I can stay aboard here and I hope the Wizard can assist in my think tank.
Well, I suggest you consider suing him.
With the advent of the 'net I am seeing some new, pretty creative causes of action, and some of the old favorites being used in a different way.
Key: invasion of privacy.
You know his name: file a suit, subpoena his email provider for his address, and let the games begin.
Hello, injunction.
Law 101.
Quote: aceofspades- it would rob the humanity from my writing.
Oh creativity, where hath thou gone..
Quote: MrVQuote: aceofspadesI am trying to brainstorm a way in which I can stay aboard here and I hope the Wizard can assist in my think tank.
Well, I suggest you consider suing him.
With the advent of the 'net I am seeing some new, pretty creative causes of action, and some of the old favorites being used in a different way.
Key: invasion of privacy.
You know his name: file a suit, subpoena his email provider for his address, and let the games begin.
Hello, injunction.
Law 101.
Thought of that but, as I previously stated:
"Fighting" him would reveal sources and confidences who could have their livelihoods affected.
Quote: MrV
You know his name: file a suit, subpoena his email provider for his address, and let the games begin.
And you don't even have to hire an attorney, which
is 90% of the cost in civil suit.
Quote: EvenBobOh creativity, where hath thou gone..
That would mean researching whatever fake casino I would now be "playing at" in order to make up fake details about fake dining experiences, conversations, etc. I like to be real (waiting for Buzz to chime in on reality tv) and my life is very real and on the edge. Although being creative would be a way out, it would not feel genuine to me, and I always want to be sure I am genuine with the board members.
Quote: aceofspadesThat would mean researching whatever fake casino
You can write trip reports without mentioning what
casino you're in, people do it all the time. You can
say what you had to eat without saying where.
You're not a billboard for the casino you're at, people
care about your play, not about where the play is.
Quote: skrbornevryminMaybe I missed something, but how do you know that he has anything to do with this site? Could it be that some disgruntled spouse of a client chose to follow you around and yank your chain a little?
Quote: aceofspadesDeleted
I guess that means that it was obvious in some way?
In any case, best wishes on staying safe, positive variance, etc.
Quote: skrbornevrymin?
I guess that means that it was obvious in some way?
In any case, best wishes on staying safe, positive variance, etc.
This person knew things only mentioned hereon.
"I say we blow the fuckers up."
You have to be careful with your online presence. I got a PM over the week when I was at Windsor and made me realize that despite my user ID, my first name is easily findable. My last name is not really findable, but the Wizard knows it. The email itself was cordial enough which was fine, but the fact that sometimes I stick my neck out there online might be a problem.
For example, I joked to ahigh about something going on at his house. His address is easily findable: we know his name and what area in Las Vegas he lives in... he is easily exploitable if I was an evil person. He's published enough information. He needs to be more careful.
We have some general knowledge on some users that could be used against them. Be careful.
How can I turn down such a personal invitation ?
Actually hate watching so-called reality tv shows. Like Pawn stars, re-po men and storage wars. Been personally involved in all three
situautions and tall about Bullshit. Re-po work is boring, most storage units I saw sold in Denver rarely went over $100, and pawn shops go weeks without anything but the same regular customers.
Saw some weird shit from time-to-time, like Fat Earl Maggid re-po a mobile home with people inside at 3 AM. Quietly hooked home up to his Cadillac, banged on door, shouting Fire, Fire !. Then left hubby, wife, 2 kids, in underwear in the dust.
But these show keep script writers busy, that's for sure. Always have that weasel clause, may include re-enactments of events that
actually happened. SURE they did !
It's more of a "I want/need attention thread".....kinda like something HB would do.
Is there anybody still out there that is fooled by this???
You have the option to edit/delete, right ?
Sure, he continues to post: see his recent posts on the "LV: Out of ideas," "March madness" and "Ponytails and School" threads.
But he's a hale fellow well met, a man of his word, and oh so very popular on this board.
It's gotta be ... what?
An impostor?
A nervous breakdown?
A complete lack of discipline?
*fill in the blank*
I'm glad he's here. Why are men always so hard
on other men.
Ace, good luck with whatever you decide to do with your acquisition of unwanted attention from some d-bag that has nothing better to do.