the ball lands on the number he didnt choose.
wait for it.. wait for it...
2) e-craps: $100 Passline bet on 3/4/5x. Point is a 5. max odds ($400).
He wins $700 + $500 original bet = $1200 = W2G form. (e-craps is considered a slot machine.)
he has a stack of them in front of him, proudly displaying them.
if he only bet $1 less on odds...
3) e-craps: past history showed the point being hit 5 times in a row.
Since i play Dark and my bankroll = 5x my bet, it would have been game over QUICK.
Good thing I didnt arrive at the casino 1/2hr early!
How about you?
The Date: Saturday before the Super Bowl 2010
The Table: Texas Hold'm Bonus w/ $1 Progressive
A lady was playing smart, not betting the bonus or the progressive; just playing the ante and raises. She gets two suited high cards and on the flop, the rest of her royal appears. If she had been playing the progressive, she would have won over $80,000. The dealer called over the pit boss to show him what happened and the drunk at the far end of the table was being a real tool about it to the poor lady.
I just re-read the title of the thread and about three weeks ago, I hit my own royal at Texas Hold'em Bonus but there is no progressive bet in Atlantic City. I have experienced a Royal, just not a regretful one.
What the hell do I know
This past weekend..I saw 4 "Yo's" roll IN A ROW (LUCKILY after the third, I bet $5 on the YO and it hit!)
I once fucked up at Shoot-To-Win and bet $25 on the hopping hard 4 & 10 (meaning only to bet $5 on each!) and it literally ran out of time JUST then, so I was like "Shit, I'm losing $50!" wouldn't ya know...HARD 10! for a $750 payday
Quote: sodawaterHave to say I wouldn't want to give the bathroom-goer anything...otherwise on a raked game it's a +EV to spend as much time in the bathroom as possible., it isn't, it's a waste of blinds.
Quote: 100xOddse-craps: past history showed the point being hit 5 times in a row.
Since i play Dark and my bankroll = 5x my bet, it would have been game over QUICK.
Being a frequent dark side player, I'd say nothing particularly stunning about this one IMO. Odds are against it, I mean it would be nice to lay even 40 to one against it happening, I think.
At a 10x odds table darkside, my stop loss condition is 4 points won for the right bettors in a row, but 3 points in a row that are the 4 or 10. Even though you roughly need to win 2/3 times when a point is set, darkside, the chances of the above happening instead are pretty good per my experience at the casino and also in simulations [for a set of 20 or so trials]
Quote: odiousgambitBeing a frequent dark side player, I'd say nothing particularly stunning about this one IMO. Odds are against it, I mean it would be nice to lay even 40 to one against it happening, I think.
Protip: 2^5 = 32.
(More relevantly, (495/244)^5 ~= 34.4)
Quote: sodawaterthe point is the table is taking a dollar for the bad beat drop every hand -- if there are 8 players at the table, that's 12.5 cents that's coming out of my EV every hand I get dealt in. However these 12.5 cents are exactly returned to my EV since the BB jackpot returns 100% to players. But in the bathroom, if the players cut me in, I get the benefit without the cost. So every hand I am in the bathroom I make 12.5 cents.
You know what else helps? Not playing every hand. Then not only do you contribute less, but you don't have to count on the other players' pity, and I think you'll find the game you've allegedly come to play will be kinder to you as well.
Quote: 24BingoProtip: 2^5 = 32.
(More relevantly, (495/244)^5 ~= 34.4)
no, not that bet, the bet I'm talking about ignores outcomes that are resolved with one roll on the come-out.
Playing 10x odds turns you into the kind of player that no longer pays much attention to bets that are limited to what you placed on the line.
[5/11]^5 = 0.0194037913456 [if all points are worst case, the 6 or 8, darkside, assuming I got 5/11 right]
1/0.0194037913456 = 51.53631999999627949
doublecheck: 1/51.53631999999627949 = 0.0194037913456
not sure, but I think this means is that 50 or so to one is a fair bet in a worst case scenario
out of embarrassment, quietly changing my mind [g]
the odds of losing on the darkside are the odds of winning rightside, 6:5, or 6/11 chances.
Wrong again. The odds are against you when you are a right bettor trying to make a point. That's why it pays better than even. Perhaps I was right in the first place.
[6/11]^5 = 0.04828284208108
1/0.04828284208108 = 20.71129115226333432018
double-check, 1/20.71129115226333432018 = 0.04828284208108000000000292
so fair bet might be roughly 20:1 and I would get killed with original prop if the shooter kept getting 6s and 8s to make.