Quote: BozHey, I missed you. The place wasn't the same without you.
Take that for what it's worth. I would assume nothing of actual monetary value to you, me or Zuga.
Hi, Boz. Boy I've got to hand it to you. I no sooner said something about you being physic regarding a suspension and Bam! If I ever play the lottery I want you to pick the numbers for me. Thank you for the welcome back and thanks for not gloating too much.
I want to extend a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported me. You guys are the best!
Quote: RonCbenbakdoff's Profile
Member Type: Regular Member
Join Date: July 13, 2010
Last Visit: September 20, 2011
So now you are admitting to having two accounts? JUST KIDDING!! I hope no one takes THAT seriously since it is clearly not your intention to post as different people...
I stand corrected...sort of...
Is it just me or does it seem like I'm making a lot of posts? There's a lot of catching up to do.
The two accounts is a story that I've told before.
I believe the first name is inactive though I'm not certain. I have never tried to do anything with it. Here's something to ponder. Should I be allowed to go back and edit posts on that account? Even though it's inactive they are still my posts. I have no desire to but an interesting question nonetheless.
Here's the scoop on the two accounts, some of which is in the archives.
I couldn't log in one day and tried for a few weeks to rectify this misfortune. I followed all the directions, all the protocols and even had my computer checked. The problem was not on my end. I emailed the Wizard and JB numerous times asking for help. Neither one even bothered to acknowledge me. In desperation and feeling that I may be shut out of this wonderful site that I had discovered, I joined under the new name and told my story confidant that someone would help me and that I would be able to retain my original name. Again no acknowledgment or assistance. They must have been aware if they locked up the first name. I've been posting under my current name ever since.
I chose benbakdoff as a play on words to show that I was a blackjack player and that I may have been backed off a few times. Some here think my first name is Ben but it isn't. For the second name, I took the two Bs and added the 1 so I would be near the top of the member list. Even then I knew I was going somewhere and look at me now. :-)
There are a half dozen or so sites following the action here and none of them have anything good to say. It's no secret that my name is frequently mentioned along with the names of some of our other members. I would like to state that this is the only forum that I participate on gambling or otherwise. These are the people I have come to know over the last five years and these are the people that I like and enjoy.
I don't know anyone on those other sites nor am I, or have I ever been, in contact with anyone from those sites. I don't encourage anyone from those sites nor do I discourage them. I like it right where I am and I hope Zuga will allow me to post here and support this site for many years to come.
One has to ask oneself why so many other sites see this one in such a bad light. You certainly can't blame the new owners.
Quote: 1BBFace, you know I love you but seriously? Go back and read your last sentence.
I did. I proofread 99%+ of my posts, and I did think about that statement. I stand by it.
Is your problem that you think it is untrue? Or is it the fact that I seem to be flouting the very rules I'm supposed to be upholding?
If the former, I really believe it. I'm sure you can think of an instance where someone was acted upon with no apparent or definite offense. I know I can. But a few outliers aside, I find my statement to be mostly true.
If the latter, I was trying to convey a point. My stance on actual socks has traditionally been very light. The act of creating a sock to skirt the rules in and of itself hardly registers for me. I feel the purpose of a banning it to eliminate an unwanted behavior. It is actions that cause conflict and strife, which I am here to contain. Creating a sock isn't a disruptive action, at least not IMO.
Since I do not find it disruptive, the bar for my own actions is necessarily lower. When the bar is high, like a troll interfering with a member's actual personal life, I have no compunction interrupting threads, making decrees, interviewing members via PM, or whatever I have to do to take care of a serious situation. The mere creation of a sock, though, isn't even worth one off-topic post to me. After all, it's not presence that creates strife, it's actions. I feel that not only does my inaction in these cases make this place cleaner and less oppressive, but also prevents dog piling on innocent newbies.
So I stand by my statement. If you play by the rules, there's nothing for me to do.
And as an aside, since it's been mentioned a few times previously, this ties into the overall sock debate. I am as aware as everyone else that there are currently socks among us. The above is why I personally have done nothing about it. As I said yesterday, I mod similar to the way I ref, and that means I call definitive offenses. Me taking action on a sock because "I just know it" I view similar to calling an offsides because "I just know it". That's wrong, IMO. An offense needs to be seen and be definitive. Not a hunch, or a tickle, or a feeling; I need proof. When it comes to modding, "easy proof" of an admission or the dupe forgetting to spoof the IP is hard to come by, so I need to dig for proof. You've seen me do that before, was it Sonuvabish? I remember people being impressed and thankful, but thing is, that is a buttload of work to do. For someone who had become a huge disruption, sure, it's worth it. But to determine whether muleyvoice is really Buzz, or Kentry is really the monkey, or EB is really Wiz? It's just not worth it. My interference becomes more of a disruption than the offense itself, and then things get silly.
Hope that cleared things up? Probably not; it's early and I'm in a hurry to go fishing =p
Quote: 1BBQuote: Wizard
Wizard, you have a long and well documented history of favoritism, bias, vindictiveness and retaliation.
As many have stated, this is Mike's forum. It may be owned now by LCB, but they have wisely let him continue as the main influence and guiding light. I hope a moderator sees this and bans you for just being plain rude to your host.
Quote: 1BBWizard, you have a long and well documented history of favoritism, bias, vindictiveness and retaliation.
Personal Insult against the Wizard. Trolling, also.
Dinner's ready, the pot doesn't need stirred anymore.
Maybe you'll decide to apply a few of those adjectives to me.
You are the weakest link, goodbye.
Quote: Mission146Personal Insult against the Wizard. Trolling, also.
Dinner's ready, the pot doesn't need stirred anymore.
Maybe you'll decide to apply a few of those adjectives to me.
You are the weakest link, goodbye.
Boy, I don't care for this action, Mission. The title of this thread is "discussion about the suspension list" for crying out loud.
Long past due. Thanks.Quote: Mission146Personal Insult against the Wizard. Trolling, also.
Quote: kewljBoy, I don't care for this action, Mission. The title of this thread is "discussion about the suspension list" for crying out loud.
It wasn't just for that statement. He also suggested that Wizard resign or be reduced in his capacity on the Forum. He suggested the Forum is not well run under Wizard, which is a ridiculous assertion. He mentions some number of other unspecified websites in which this one is discussed unfavorably.
In my mind, there is absolutely no question that 1BB has limited or no concern with the actual welfare of this Forum. If he had what he perceives as a legitimate gripe against the actual Administration of this Forum, it could have been handled privately.
To openly state that the Wizard should no longer be in the highest position of authority on this site is extremely insulting to the Wizard when he could simply PM Zuga with something like that.
Wizard might have sold the house, but he still built it with his bare hands and is, I would argue rightfully, its primary caretaker.
1BB's complete and total lack of respect for our host is appalling. He has been invited to leave if he doesn't care for the management of this Forum more than a handful of times. He has not done that. I decided not to give him a choice.
If 1BB wishes to appeal, Zuga is not difficult to contact.
But now, several times, he's asked for someone to get suspended because they "insulted him".
I don't think 1BB should ever be unsuspended. peace
It's Mike's and drinking friends', and their "friends in business"'s. Always was, and always will be. The plain and simple truth doesn't matter here to any of them. And, when the so-called experts feel challenged in some defining manner, it's the "Mike and friends" routine. And then the resident ingenuous comics and dimwits of the day.Quote: 1BBWizard, you have a long and well documented history of favoritism, bias, vindictiveness and retaliation.
A long list of unhealthy biases and spasms. Early on, eg, was JB's making up of a vulgar quote directly in another's post, whole posts, and an entire thread to boot, which he then left attributed to/authored by Garnabby... before he banned him for such. Gotta love the intentional misquotes, etc, by administrators, but alongside the quick bannings on well intentioned members for doing less of precisely the same. Like the one on Kerkebet for a misquote of GJ in a separate post under Kerkebet. This is hilarious. JB went on sheepishly the whole time, as Kerkebet was banned for less of exactly the same. (Say, what happened to JB? This site no longer working out for him?) The list goes on, were anyone left to stop and think about it.
The perfect place to go on "protecting" pseudo academics and famous gamblers with more idiocy and cronyism. (Yeah, ban the guy because "I didn't like a single one of his posts" because he posted up a link to modern grammar in which which in the restrictive clause is now popular usage; and a postdoctoral fellow noted that salt and ice react chemically, obviously, and poor old Doc couldn't then hold an actual argument.) All in the name of Mike's BUSINESS. Especially when things began to go shady, and the BUSINESS started to drop off. Well, it's suddenly Mike's home, get the f' out. Mike can do as please. Go stand in front of your house and do some more juggling, Mike, that will make a man of you.
But, I'm not going to sit here and write all day like the internet comics and profoundly dimwitted. Suffice it to say that Mike has a big chip on his shoulder. And of the casino sort. It's like, instead of positively dealing with having been called and otherwise treated as a freak when he was a kid, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of opportunistic shills, and shallow friends, to try to make it all go away. And, of course, he's really "going to show the world", now! Sad. But hilarious at the same time considering we're talking about a guy who really deserves it. A bully's bully for a cheap buck.
RS__'s (aRSe hole's, at Mendelson's forum of truth) avatar must be the Clown-Mobile of the forum? How to get that image out of my head now? Anyway, I'm out of here for good. LITERALLY. At some point a train wreck becomes a lot less than fun. You don't want to find yourself going around the bend with it. And wind up believing that this site sold for over two million dollars. Especially, when compared to even a part-time job as actuary in a decent company. (More idiotic secrecy to add to a long list of dumb stuff which did ultimately come to light. But which will not, not so surprisingly, ever make it's way to his short Wiki-autobiography in paradise.)
The grade school math stuff would have been great subject matter for a real professional of some sort as a real hobby. Just not a mainstream money-maker. Don't start gambling, and you won't have to deal with the "good bet", AP nonsense, because you can't then quit after Mike's informal online tutoring. And with, coincidentally - not - his own brand of approved online casinos.
GJ, it's Carcabat, the alternate name for the region of Kerkebet. Go figure.

When you point fingers, remember that there're always three pointing back.
P.S. Face, nobody called you a slug. You had to reach a ways to find yourself there. You guys are way too sensitive/uninitiated to be taken seriously.
"Hasta luego, arrivederci, bon voyage that means goodbye!"
Quote:Personal Insult against the Wizard. Trolling, also.
Maybe you'll decide to apply a few of those adjectives to me.
You are the weakest link, goodbye.
As soon as I read what he said about Mike,
I knew he was gone. Oh well.
Indeed, Wizard is allowed to show favoritism. It's his house. But that doesn't make it right.
Quote: HowManyIs 1BB gone forever?
One can only hope for the best.
Quote: KerkebetIt's Mike's and drinking friends', and their "friends in business"'s. Always was, and always will be. The plain and simple truth doesn't matter here to any of them. And, when the so-called experts feel challenged in some defining manner, it's the "Mike and friends" routine. And then the resident ingenuous comics and dimwits of the day.
A long list of unhealthy biases and spasms. Early on, eg, was JB's making up of a vulgar quote directly in another's post, whole posts, and an entire thread to boot, which he then left attributed to/authored by Garnabby... before he banned him for such. Gotta love the intentional misquotes, etc, by administrators, but alongside the quick bannings on well intentioned members for doing less of precisely the same. Like the one on Kerkebet for a misquote of GJ in a separate post under Kerkebet. This is hilarious. JB went on sheepishly the whole time, as Kerkebet was banned for less of exactly the same. (Say, what happened to JB? This site no longer working out for him?) The list goes on, were anyone left to stop and think about it.
The perfect place to go on "protecting" pseudo academics and famous gamblers with more idiocy and cronyism. (Yeah, ban the guy because "I didn't like a single one of his posts" because he posted up a link to modern grammar in which which in the restrictive clause is now popular usage; and a postdoctoral fellow noted that salt and ice react chemically, obviously, and poor old Doc couldn't then hold an actual argument.) All in the name of Mike's BUSINESS. Especially when things began to go shady, and the BUSINESS started to drop off. Well, it's suddenly Mike's home, get the f' out. Mike can do as please. Go stand in front of your house and do some more juggling, Mike, that will make a man of you.
But, I'm not going to sit here and write all day like the internet comics and profoundly dimwitted. Suffice it to say that Mike has a big chip on his shoulder. And of the casino sort. It's like, instead of positively dealing with having been called and otherwise treated as a freak when he was a kid, he has surrounded himself with a bunch of opportunistic shills, and shallow friends, to try to make it all go away. And, of course, he's really "going to show the world", now! Sad. But hilarious at the same time considering we're talking about a guy who really deserves it. A bully's bully for a cheap buck.
RS__'s (aRSe hole's, at Mendelson's forum of truth) avatar must be the Clown-Mobile of the forum? How to get that image out of my head now? Anyway, I'm out of here for good. LITERALLY. At some point a train wreck becomes a lot less than fun. You don't want to find yourself going around the bend with it. And wind up believing that this site sold for over two million dollars. Especially, when compared to even a part-time job as actuary in a decent company. (More idiotic secrecy to add to a long list of dumb stuff which did ultimately come to light. But which will not, not so surprisingly, ever make it's way to his short Wiki-autobiography in paradise.)
The grade school math stuff would have been great subject matter for a real professional of some sort as a real hobby. Just not a mainstream money-maker. Don't start gambling, and you won't have to deal with the "good bet", AP nonsense, because you can't then quit after Mike's informal online tutoring. And with, coincidentally - not - his own brand of approved online casinos.
GJ, it's Carcabat, the alternate name for the region of Kerkebet. Go figure.![]()
When you point fingers, remember that there're always three pointing back.
P.S. Face, nobody called you a slug. You had to reach a ways to find yourself there. You guys are way too sensitive/uninitiated to be taken seriously.
I understand enough of this to acknowledge your resignation as well as some Insults I'd probably Nuke you for besides.
You are the weakest link, goodbye.
Quote: Mission146
You are the weakest link, goodbye.
Pierce, this should be your sig line:
Generally that means "tread lightly" at least for awhile.
Not come rolling in tooting your own horn in a dozen posts.
Did he dig his own hole and jump in? Looks that way. Mission just shoveled the dirt on it and put a marker.
But has 1BB ever really listened to even well-meaning advice on this topic. He just dismisses it if he doesn't agree with it. Trying to drive wedges between mods/mike/ and owners is really not a great plan anyway. He may not be another account and doesn't have time to waste being one, but he sure has time to vouch for near all of them when they get suspended.
So, after reading this contribution, I began thinking of what I'd put in the top subject line if I was redrafting it in the form of a memorandum or what headline title might be appropriate if it was in the form of an article. I did not succeed. Maybe I'm missing some background that would make a big difference, or maybe not. But, even if that's so, I don't think it was the very most effective communication I've seen lately, whatever the gentleman may have wished for it to do.Quote: Kerkebet( ... )
Quote: GWAEI have always thought kerkebet was a sock. He sure knows an awful lot about the forum for only being here a year. It's a strange day when a former banned person wants to resign.
I could be mistaken, but didn't EvenBob think it was Garnabby?
Quote: IbeatyouracesI could be mistaken, but didn't EvenBob think it was Garnabby?
I still do. Very similar writing styles.
Quote: EvenBobI still do. Very similar writing styles.
He's "OneHitWonder" on Mendelson's forum.
Quote: Kerkebet
P.S. Face, nobody called you a slug. You had to reach a ways to find yourself there. You guys are way too sensitive/uninitiated to be taken seriously.
I think it's rather I didn't reach at all.
If I say something is funny, and then one wonders what could be funny to a bunch of slugs, I obviously take the comment as directed at me. I didn't mind; it didn't hurt my feelings, nor did I even warn you. Perhaps if I had thought deeply I could find that my comment was merely a lead in to yours, as opposed to the target of yours. But I didn't. Not that it matters, as I took no action even assuming the worst. I'm not sure how that makes me too sensitive.
Thanks at least for taking my advice. I will remember you.
Quote: GreasyjohnIt got removed.
Well, I realize that but why - was it a fake post?
Quote: aceofspadesWell, I realize that but why - was it a fake post?
It was garbage. I deleted it as spam and rule-violating. Specifically:
1. It had zero to do with gambling, Las Vegas, or anything this forum is about.
2. Kentry said he was quoting a news report, it was too long for copyright reasons if it was a quote, and had no attribution.
3. Someone asked him about a somewhat offensive sentence in it, and he replied he was quoting the article, but still no attribution. Those were the only 3 posts in the thread.
4. It was lurid and tasteless, below the level of even the Alien/Elvis/grocery aisle rags, with a clickbait headline, NSFW.
5. There was no possible place for a discussion to go on it. Maybe some more eye-rolling posts from members who expect more from this forum, but that's about all.
Not really fond of having to do that, and usually don't. I would possibly have left it if it had gone into the "miscellaneous discussion" thread as a random item, but it was not a thread that needed to stand alone here.
Quote: beachbumbabsIt was garbage. I deleted it as spam and rule-violating. .
I found it very offensive and amateurishly written
for an article. Then I saw who posted it and
wasn't surprised. It's not too hard to figure out
why he would post such drek.
Quote: KentryI was actually trying to be serious for a change and talk about something that made me upset when I started the morbid thread.
Really? First you get suspended for a foul
mouth, then you post foul material. Such
a dazzling coincidence, don't you think..
I'm SERIOUSLY SORRY to see 1BB go, I liked him. Sure I ragged on him about playing innocent all the time.
From what he said about the Wizard It looks as if he was holding this stuff in for a while. I didn't realize he really had such strong feelings about all this. I though they were just little pet peeves of his. Perhaps that's why he continuously kept insinuating things. It seems he really had big issues and something to say. Almost like a personal mission.
His comments were absolutely meant to be personal, spiteful and disrespectful. He should really. If he had that big of an issue with anyone he should've hashed it out privately.
Why 1BB cared about other peoples suspensions so much I'll never understand. It's as if he took everything personally, almost as if it was happening to him. If you're such a long term member in good standing then why worry and mess around with all that BS? Perhaps he should have Just worried about himself. He kept defending sock puppets and I know know why. He didn't care about them, he just had a problem with the guys in green.
He kept saying he didn't care about this or that bla, bla, bla. For someone who claims he didn't care what people said, he sure spent a lot of time focusing on all this crap.
Why couldn't he just let it go?
It's just a forum. If you get suspended, fairly or unfairly who really cares? Just go do something else, come back and move on. It's not as if it's a black mark on your permanent school or job record.
I understand if there's a serious issue but sometimes people take nonsense and dumb stuff way to seriously.
What was it Bob?Quote: EvenBobReally? First you get suspended for a foul
mouth, then you post foul material. Such
a dazzling coincidence, don't you think..
I cant 100% tell if this guy is for real.
It's as if he has to be illegitimate because I'm not sure who would want to come on the forum and act the way he has. It's so silly I cant even see the point.
Quote: AxelWolfWhat was it Bob? I cant 100% tell if this guy is for real.
Why do you think that is.
I am assuming that members in bad standing are already gone...
Also, I don't disagree with 1BB's banning...I said goodbye to him in my post knowing he would be gone before I got back from the Texans game yesterday, but I do disagree with the "weakest link" comment. Oh, I know it is just some silly game show thing that feels good to use, but 1BB was a sincere member who was frustrated by things (and many times he was correct). I don't think he was the weakest link at all...like some others before him who got a bit out of hand, the forum will not be as good without him here, but he could not stay after his actions of the last few days.
Quote: KentryI know that I am 100 percent real.
Now, I'm curious what you said. But they deleted it anyway.
He hasn't read my messages.