Quote: RonCEvenBob has put up with everything the forum has to offer; Buzzard went off the rails. Not much to compare to date. EB knows the lines and stays within them. There are other people who jump off the rails fairly regularly. I consider those people more likely to make up "sock puppets" if they were sent away than EB.
...but who knows?
What? buzzard and EB aren't one and the same, just using 2 wifi outfits, in separate houses? buzzard and EB aren't married? (Sorry, I can't help it....)
<edit> that's it, another self suspension for 48 hours, got some stuff I got to get done....
Quote: TwoFeathersATLI am somewhat familiar with both 'old' names. Have been back and read some of their posts under a number of different names if I didn't catch them when they were posted. I noticed when GJ guessed Buzzard? on 10/29 (had to go back to find the date ). Also noted when 1BB asked if this incarnation was another resurrected Buzzard after the nuke. Just never saw any firm answers.
I thought I understood the slang 'sock puppet' but sometimes it is used and sometimes it is not. Wondered if it was a special term for the worst of the bad, or something.
Thx for your response.
<edit> saw AHigh's illustration, creative.
BuzzPaff, Buzzard, charles, aladyat42, dummy, honestjohn, Fredddead, redjohn, bloodoil, hyisgp. These are off the top of my head. I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least as many more. I'm not sure that the forum is informed every time the guy shows up and I know that not every name is entered onto the suspension list.
By the way, here's what appears under this site's forum rules. "These rules also apply to sister site Diversity Tomorrow. A ban at one site shall apply to both".
Don't forget Jimbodabimbo. (Or was that Jerry Logan?)Quote: 1BBBuzzPaff, Buzzard, charles, aladyat42, dummy, honestjohn, Fredddead, redjohn, bloodoil, hyisgp. These are off the top of my head. I wouldn't be surprised if there were at least as many more. I'm not sure that the forum is informed every time the guy shows up and I know that not every name is entered onto the suspension list.
By the way, here's what appears under this site's forum rules. "These rules also apply to sister site Diversity Tomorrow. A ban at one site shall apply to both".
Quote: TwoFeathersATLWhat? buzzard and EB aren't one and the same, just using 2 wifi outfits, in separate houses? buzzard and EB aren't married? (Sorry, I can't help it....)
<edit> that's it, another self suspension for 48 hours, got some stuff I got to get done....
Not even close. The majority of members here like Buzz.
Quote: 1BBNot even close. The majority of members here like Buzz.
I'd like to be able to vote who I'd like to be nuked as a new rule. More than X% say to nuke you, you're nuked.
Quote: AhighI'd like to be able to vote who I'd like to be nuked as a new rule. More than X% say to nuke you, you're nuked.
That would be under the assumption that a forum is democracy based, which it isn't.
Quote: DodsferdThat would be under the assumption that a forum is democracy based, which it isn't.
Nope. My desire depends 0% on any assumptions. It is simply there.
So much wrong on this forum it's hard to find the right sometimes.
Quote: AhighNope. My desire depends 0% on any assumptions. It is simply there.
So much wrong on this forum it's hard to find the right sometimes.
And yet we all continue to post here. They must be doing something right, which I the way I like to look at it.
Quote: AhighNope. My desire depends 0% on any assumptions. It is simply there.
So much wrong on this forum it's hard to find the right sometimes.
why not find another forum then?
Quote: BozAnd yet we all continue to post here. They must be doing something right, which I the way I like to look at it.
We who post do continue to post. You are correct, and an interesting tautology for sure.
Quote: ajemeisterwhy not find another forum then?
You are assuming I do not post on other forums, then?
That's clearly an incorrect assumption!
I even run my own forums -- multiple of them in fact, and only one of which I assume anyone here knows about -- http://forum.goodshooter.com <-- not a virus!!!
Quote: Ahigh- http://forum.goodshooter.com <-- not a virus!!!
Says you.. I already got burned once.
Luckily I have good malware detection.
Quote: RSI think EB's happiness comes from him perceiving his wife is miserable because of him. But in reality, she couldn't be more happy, living in a different house and never having to see EB.
Personal insult. Although this is a first offense, I find this post very heavy and worthy of jumping to seven days.
Quote: WizardPersonal insult. Although this is a first offense, I find this post very heavy and worthy of jumping to seven days.
I didn't even see that post. Odd..

Some say life's a game.
Quote: DeanWizard and EvenBob, I agree with both of you. That RS post was creepy, out of line, and inappropriate.
That is certainly subject to counterargument.
I recall EB posted recently, on the subject of marriage, that he and his wife live either separately or have essentially little if any contact with each other.
He opined, IIRC, that such arrangements are common and work well for him and others.
Given that admission: where is the insult?
Perhaps the Wiz never read that thread?
If he hadn't, I can certainly understand his belief that RS was making a flippant insult, but the post by RS must be viewed in context.
My point: Given EB's comments about his living arrangements with his wife and how he really likes it that way, RS didn't coin any new insulting allegations, he just restated and ran with what was originlally claimed.
I disagree with this statement.Quote: DeanWizard and EvenBob, I agree with both of you. That RS post was creepy, out of line, and inappropriate.
It's the kind of flack manly men pitch each other all the time. I didn't think an insult was intended at all? And, I will guarantee Bob was not offended.
I read most of Bob's posts and wasn't aware that he wasn't staying in "the big house", I hope all is well. On the other hand if there are no diffugletees between he and the misses, every guy should have a man cave, or "dog house" if we are going "old school".
I don't know where you hang out, but it obviously isn't on a construction crew.
Finally, a gentleman doesn't say anything about another man's wife or mother unless it is 100% flattering or they are extremely close friends.
Quote: Wizard
Finally, a gentleman doesn't say anything about another man's wife or mother unless it is 100% flattering or they are extremely close friends.
tru dat
Quote: WizardI'm not aware of any back story ...
In the interest of full disclosure, I'll paste excerpts of two posts made by EB on Nov. 1st and 2nd in the "Can I make a living thought gambling?" thread.
"Marriage is frightening, I see my wife
as little as possible. If absence makes
the heart grow fonder, then closeness
breeds hostility."
"I'm not unhappy, I don't live with
my wife, we have separate houses.
This is getting more and more
common. Twice as many couples
live apart today than 20 years ago.
My insurance agent says it's very
common now, he see's it all the
Now, consider those statements in context with EB's admitted love of schadenfreude to get the humor and wit of RS's post.
Quote: MrV
Now, consider those statements in context with EB's admitted love of schadenfreude to get the humor and wit of RS's post.
Nice try. It was mean spirited, that was his
point. Have you ever seen a TV show or a
movie where a guy is always putting his
brother down to other people, and one
day someone says, yeah, your brother is
a real moron, and gets hit in the mouth
for saying it? He's told, "I can say that
because he's my brother. You say it and
I'll hit you in the mouth every time."
Quote: EvenBobNice try. It was mean spirited, that was his
point. Have you ever seen a TV show or a
movie where a guy is always putting his
brother down to other people, and one
day someone says, yeah, your brother is
a real moron, and gets hit in the mouth
for saying it? He's told, "I can say that
because he's my brother. You say it and
I'll hit you in the mouth every time."
So, Wizards your brother?
Quote: petroglyphSo, Wizards your brother?
What does that mean, I don't get it.
Quote: EvenBobWhat does that mean, I don't get it.
I believe he's asking if the Wizard is your brother in relevance to the scenario you posted.
If I am not mistaken, you are indicating that any comments made in regard to your personal life with your wife, when made from you or her, are fine. When others start interjecting their own comments, that is unacceptable.
Hey, go with the subliminal. Don't eat do-not's...
Quote: IbeatyouracesI wonder what the ratio is of people getting suspended replying to EB as opposed to EB getting suspended replying to everyone else. Has to be pretty high.
Astronomical. And that is a subject which has been discussed several times stretching back to at least '11. And people still think they can dance with him.
The Bills will win a Superbowl before someone draws EB into a banning. I don't think they get the nuance between troll and curmudgeon.
Others enjoy placing obstacles in their path and arguing with them about it.
Wicked world.
And to chime in on a little bit earlier topic. There is a huge difference between me saying I am fat and then someone else saying I am fat. Same type of point of saying something about your wife or girlfriend and then someone else saying something.
Quote: DodsferdWhen others start interjecting their own comments, that is unacceptable.
It was a nasty and snide comment, there's
no way around it. Just like Ahigh posting
Zcores personal info, it was meant to be
hurtful, and nothing else.
Quote: Zcore13
And to chime in on a little bit earlier topic. There is a huge difference between me saying I am fat and then someone else saying I am fat. Same type of point of saying something about your wife or girlfriend and then someone else saying something.
That's it exactly. And tons of people have
been suspended because they didn't know
how to write something that wasn't a
personal insult about me. How can that
possibly be my fault. I'm tempted to spell
out why that is, but it would be insulting
to the forum. But I know that in advance,
so I don't write it. See how it works?
Quote: djatcMan this is a huge thread.
As long as people either A,) get suspended, or B.) stir the pot, there will always be something to talk about here :)
Quote: djatcMan this is a huge thread.
5 years as of Xmas. I remember when the suspension list only had four entries. And two of them were Logan. I was so young...
Quote: EvenBobIt was a nasty and snide comment, there's
no way around it. Just like Ahigh posting
Zcores personal info, it was meant to be
hurtful, and nothing else.
Anonymous attacks are cowardly!
Quote: Face5 years as of Xmas. I remember when the suspension list only had four entries. And two of them were Logan. I was so young...
That Rob Singer guy is a handful isn't he.
Just a FYI, mods. Ahigh is skirting the editing rules by posting images that he can later edit on his side. Just a FYI. I'm not sure what kind of policy you may want to enforce with regard to this novelty. It's pretty sharp on his part, that's for sure.Quote: Ahigh
Ahigh, I've given you this advice before, and I hope you will listen to it when I give it again. We all make ourselves smaller when we engage in public fights. I've learned this lesson many times and I often need a kick in the pants to remind me again. I hope you will consider how you can be a bigger man here. Think about the people on this site whom you most respect and ask when the last time was you've seen them engaged in a brawl in a thread. Be that.
Kind regards.
Quote: teliotWe all make ourselves smaller when we engage in public fights.
I agree.
Wizard of Vegas ladies and gentlemen.
Quote: MrVDoes Phil Knight personally respond to every negative comment on the 'net about Nike shoes?
EvenBob deserves a response. He is a very valuable member of this forum and one whom if you don't please there will be trouble.
Quote: AhighEvenBob deserves a response. He is a very valuable member of this forum
Damn straight..
Quote: Face
The Bills will win a Superbowl before someone draws EB into a banning. .
Hey, let's not bring the Bills into this. Rex has the SB in his sites this year. 3-4 is just to get the other teams to relax.
Odd indeed because rumor has it you called a moderator.Quote: EvenBobI didn't even see that post. Odd..
Quote: AxelWolfOdd indeed because rumor has it you called a moderator.
Nope. I alerted nobody. If I'm lying they can ban me
for life.
Quote: EvenBobNope. I alerted nobody. If I'm lying they can ban me
for life.
So you told Nobody, and Nobody will ban you? Genius!
Quote: WizardI can't believe 1BB hasn't complained about the RS suspension yet. What are the odds?