Quote: Pinit2winit
I am dying of laughter over here Wizardofnothing
I think Kent still got some learnin to do..
It's obvious that some here question his motives for joining and may think that he is something other than he represents himself to be. If anyone has proof that he is here to disrupt this forum or that he is a previously banned member, by all means present it. Until then he is a member in good standing. Just because these attacks are allowed does not mean that they are appropriate. It's as if his 7 day suspension has given the impression to some that it's "open season" on Kentry.
In the meantime there are banned members posting under their second, third or more screen name. One in particular comes to mind and I can tell you the city he's posting from. I won't because it doesn't bother me and I think he has value. He's very smart and knowledgeable about many things. He has his own opinions and you know what happens there.
Quote: KentryThis really did happen to me about my Mom beating me up for gambling away my haircut money....
You're not helping your case. Work with me here.
I don't want to have to lay out all the facts
Either you are a kid and your mom maybe beats you, which I do not advocate but if you are a kid you can't get entrance into a casino. If you are over 21 and your mom beats you for a haircut?????? I could make a million posts on here that may not break rules but come on. How long would it last f I made threads like....
Hey guys I played five hands of jacks or better poker and didn't hit a pair how can I get gaming to investigate a gaffed machine?
Quote: 1BBWhy the obsession with Kentry? Why the constant trolling and baiting?
It's obvious that some here question his motives for joining and may think that he is something other than he represents himself to be. If anyone has proof that he is here to disrupt this forum or that he is a previously banned member, by all means present it. Until then he is a member in good standing. Just because these attacks are allowed does not mean that they are appropriate. It's as if his 7 day suspension has given the impression to some that it's "open season" on Kentry.
In the meantime there are banned members posting under their second, third or more screen name. One in particular comes to mind and I can tell you the city he's posting from. I won't because it doesn't bother me and I think he has value. He's very smart and knowledgeable about many things. He has his own opinions and you know what happens there.
It'll always be 'open season' on someone here.
Quote: DodsferdIt'll always be 'open season' on someone here.
Truer words were never spoken. :-)
Whoa! Bob speaks and markets move! NTGL down 25% this morning.Quote: EvenBobSo low, don't you mean so high? What's it based
on, certainly not sales. 2 cents seems very over
valued, time for a correction.
Quote: BozMore reasons to respect the forward thinking of making you President.
I just found something called a "dipstick" that would impress you even more if that is cause for respect. These guys in Houston (IMPROVE) really have truly innovative products! Definitely some smart guys from down south there in Texas.
It saves a ton of time dealing with those stick icky butter balls not contacting the coils properly.
It just tickles me to death to see people having respect for folks who are more health conscious than culture conscious when it comes to drugs of choice. I think people who prefer alcohol to marijuana are victims of their own desire to conform when it comes to engaging in dangerous and harmful drug use.
I think there were some discussions about the changes here:
And more recently here:
There have been a LOT of changes in Marijuana policies here in Las Vegas. Public use is still strictly forbidden, but legal use is extended (in private) to any medical marijuana cardholder in any state that has a medical program.
It is part of good business to support medical marijuana in Las Vegas this year (2015) and beyond. What was going on in 2014 and before is pretty much outdated.Quote: NewRulesCan people use medical marijuana cards from other states in Nevada?
Yes. Nevada is the only state in the country that will recognize medical marijuana cards from other states. Patients from California, Arizona and anywhere else medical marijuana is legal will be able to shop at Nevada dispensaries while visiting.
Supporters said they want visitors to be comfortable while in Las Vegas, but the decision also opens up the industry to a significantly larger base of customers — and tax dollars.
http://lasvegassun.com/news/2015/jan/19/answering-burning-questions-about-medical-marijuan <-- LINK TO SAFE SITE CALLED LAS VEGAS SUN
stands for ethical treatment of the new members.Quote: 1BB
I two believe there's something up with theses 2 guys however it seems harmless and I don't care either way.
Besides a little hazing never hurt anyone.
Oops! I take that back. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hazing_deaths_in_the_United_States.
Quote: WizardofnothingWouldn't it be funny if dean or kentry were really the Secind coming of ace of spades lol
Interesting that you would mention that, you of all people. I think AoS was long gone before you joined our little club.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLInteresting that you would mention that, you of all people. I think AoS was long gone before you joined our little club.
Maybe he likes archives.
Quote: GreasyjohnMaybe he likes archives.
I like the archives myself.
But that is not where I started when I joined, it took me awhile.
I have no problem with banned members coming back if they contribute and don't cause a lot of trouble.
But mostly the banned members had character flaws that prevented them from staying within the proscribed boundaries of what is and what is not acceptable decorum within these forums. Yea, I know, we all got character flaws. And mostly the returning banned members have exhibited those same flaws again, some very quickly.
I welcome everyone, but I am not in charge, don't want to be in charge. I got enough problems already ;-)
I hope you are having a good day today GJ. 2F
I am one of three people at the company who creates our games and math models and graphics. I also have an assistant (that makes a fourth) who helps me with the day-to-day tasks. Every person on my team knows that I post here and they know what I post and they stand behind me. Today our market cap is 3,451,552.35 for those four employees or approximately $862K in market cap per employee on average. This is almost exactly four times the low of July just a few weeks ago.Quote: BozThis might seen like piling on Ahigh, but it's not intended to be that way. Just wondering what President of a publicly traded company would act like this assuming they are not short the stock? I know penny stocks are not well regulated, but could you see the concerns that would be brought up at a shareholders meeting of a Fortune 500 company if this is how a CEO acted?
Sorry but picking fights online when you are clear with who you are is not very smart IMO for a companies public image, assuming they want a positive one.
But we all like watching trainwrecks and this seems to be headed for one.
If you have a problem with me on the forum or my principles or what I stand for or if you just think we are going to go out of business, I suggest that you short the stock and put your money where your mouth is! Contrary to what one poster on this forum asserted, you can short penny stocks, and if you can't figure it out, there's a link I can give you called "let me google that for you" that can show you how to do it.
Why don't you align your finances with your statements? Are you hedging so you can either cash in or blame someone else for your losses? Sounds like less of a plan than figuring out what you think is going to happen and aligning your finances to that outcome. But that's just my opinion. I have been wrong about what's going to happen and I lost and I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I've never gone long on a stock and then talked smack about the CEO or other leader. That's just me. I went long on IGT and defended Patti Hart years ago, and I regret that. But at least I was arguing in line with my position (I sold before I lost on that one).
I really get annoyed with people who buy $10 worth of stock so they can spew out damaging statements towards my company in the name of shaking fists at the company or performance of any of the employees at the company. Personally I think that's low class, but I know for a fact there are people doing it because ALMOST NOBODY IS TRADING NTGL but everyone seems to have some bull crap to say about what they think of it.
As far as it relates to this thread, it should be known that my posting here as the President of NanoTech Gaming is a direct result of the terms of service disallowing me from having the same protections for my identity that everyone else here enjoys. I would be posting anonymously except that I am disallowed by the TOS from doing that.
Any harm that comes to NanoTech Gaming as a result of my posting from this day forward may be an indirect result of my inability to post here anonymously.
However, I don't have anything to hide, and I'm pretty sure that anyone doing due diligence on my character is going to figure out that "Ahigh == [my legal name]" pretty quick and be able to search the internet on "Ahigh" and find me. So it's not like I see the anonymous hiding routine to be particularly effective. I'm pretty sure more than one person knows who ME is who (anyone else who's a "professional") is and others on this forum who are in the industry.
Quote: IbeatyouracesAnyone worried about posting here, then DONT F'ING POST!!
Yeah, don't effing post. So effing is okay then I take it? Effing awesome!
I have no idea what y'all are talking about.
Quote: jjjooogggIf I actually took the time to read all these posts. I would probably die laughing.
I have no idea what y'all are talking about.
I think that this thread is about discussions related to the TOS or related to suspensions as a result of the TOS.
Discussion about this:
Suspension list
So, for example, if you click on (the first instance of) my name in the above link (which is not malicious FWIW), you'll see where I was suspended for revealing the identity of someone who works in a Casino who made a disparaging comment about me when his identity is hidden and mine is well known.
It creates this sort of effect where people like me aren't extremely encouraged to participate in this forum.
I think it's worth of discussion to talk about these subjects.
Apparently the post-count agrees with me.
Quote:Any harm that comes to NanoTech Gaming as a result of my posting from this day forward may be an indirect result of my inability to post here anonymously.
What harm could possibly befall NTGL due to your inability to post anonymously?
Besides, if the TOS were changed, we'd know it was you after a couple posts.
Get back to work and bring the throngs your version of The Next Big Thing.
Perhaps you've hit a variation of Inventor's Block; if so, dab some good wax and seek inspiration where ever it may be.
Beyond that, sometimes way beyond that, then you're on your own.
God Bless!
Quote: MrVWhat harm could possibly befall NTGL due to your inability to post anonymously?
Stock was as low as .013 today and finished at
.019 (must be the correction I predicted).
Quote: EvenBobStock was as low as .013 today and finished at
.019 (must be the correction I predicted).
Anyone want to say/advise buy? It doesn't take a lot of money (relatively) to jump on these kinds of stocks. Of course that whole conversation could be construed as illegal depending on who you ask. Forget I asked.
Quote: TwoFeathersATLAnyone want to say/advise buy? It doesn't take a lot of money (relatively) to jump on these kinds of stocks. Of course that whole conversation could be construed as illegal depending on who you ask. Forget I asked.
I think there's a thread on investing.
Quote: AhighI am one of three people at the company who creates our games and math models and graphics. I also have an assistant (that makes a fourth) who helps me with the day-to-day tasks. Every person on my team knows that I post here and they know what I post and they stand behind me. Today our market cap is 3,451,552.35 for those four employees or approximately $862K in market cap per employee on average. This is almost exactly four times the low of July just a few weeks ago.
If you have a problem with me on the forum or my principles or what I stand for or if you just think we are going to go out of business, I suggest that you short the stock and put your money where your mouth is! Contrary to what one poster on this forum asserted, you can short penny stocks, and if you can't figure it out, there's a link I can give you called "let me google that for you" that can show you how to do it.
Why don't you align your finances with your statements? Are you hedging so you can either cash in or blame someone else for your losses? Sounds like less of a plan than figuring out what you think is going to happen and aligning your finances to that outcome. But that's just my opinion. I have been wrong about what's going to happen and I lost and I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I've never gone long on a stock and then talked smack about the CEO or other leader. That's just me. I went long on IGT and defended Patti Hart years ago, and I regret that. But at least I was arguing in line with my position (I sold before I lost on that one).
I really get annoyed with people who buy $10 worth of stock so they can spew out damaging statements towards my company in the name of shaking fists at the company or performance of any of the employees at the company. Personally I think that's low class, but I know for a fact there are people doing it because ALMOST NOBODY IS TRADING NTGL but everyone seems to have some bull crap to say about what they think of it.
As far as it relates to this thread, it should be known that my posting here as the President of NanoTech Gaming is a direct result of the terms of service disallowing me from having the same protections for my identity that everyone else here enjoys. I would be posting anonymously except that I am disallowed by the TOS from doing that.
Any harm that comes to NanoTech Gaming as a result of my posting from this day forward may be an indirect result of my inability to post here anonymously.
However, I don't have anything to hide, and I'm pretty sure that anyone doing due diligence on my character is going to figure out that "Ahigh == [my legal name]" pretty quick and be able to search the internet on "Ahigh" and find me. So it's not like I see the anonymous hiding routine to be particularly effective. I'm pretty sure more than one person knows who ME is who (anyone else who's a "professional") is and others on this forum who are in the industry.
All I am saying what President of a Publicly Traded Company would act like you do? If I am wrong show me examples. I am President (Worthless Title) of both an S-Corp and multiple LLC's. But I still have to earn my customers business and I would never disclose my name and act like you do in a forum relating to my business. Anyone willing to do a little work can see who I am and what companies I own. And with that information they may decide I am a GOP leaning A-Hole. And then not decide to visit my business. Its their choice and my loss based on my decision to post here on gaming and other topics that don't relate to my daily business. Again my risk and at the end of the day me and my employees may pay the price, but the risk is low.
On your end, the President of a Publicly Traded Company acting like you do fighting with Casino execs and possible grumpy old men offers nothing positive to the shareholders of your company. Honestly how could you defend yourself at a shareholder meeting? Self bannings and then coming back to a public forum to fight with those who offer what they see a honest criticism of your product? I get defending your product, but lets face it, you come off as a winey bitch. I hope that statement as I see it isn't worth a suspension, but that is how I see your defense.
Telling those who "don't get it" they don't understand the math is OK when you show them they are wrong. The best defense? Sell your product to multiple casinos, make everyone money and SHOW them how wrong they were.
I hope you do, its best for everyone involved for your company to succeed. No one loses when you do.
Quote: KentryLook, I am no one else on this board.
Just on the face of it, that is a very believable statement.
Kentry, you have to understand some things that have apparently eluded you thus far.
There are some really intelligent, really engaged in the industry, really engaged mathematicians, serious AP, and other serious this and that, that comprise the bulk of the posters on this Forum. There are also some wanna-be individuals as well. There are also a handful of recreational players that like to read about all the stuff that the 'other' guys post here. That is not a complete description but I tried.
Your entrance onto the Forums was accepted with more than a bit of skepticism. Members wondered whether your stories were even true. Other members speculated about other, darker, motivations on your part. Other members just ignored your posts believing that those posts were beneath the 'standards' of the Forums in terms of their value. Maybe you have already discerned the responses and are feeling rebuked by the Forums. Maybe you are a practical joke from some other (banned) member. All these are possible.
I am not one of the elite members of these Forums. That is a true statement. I stand in awe of those guys and gals.
If you are for real, really real, then you should probably shut your mouth (meaning not post ) for quite a while, while reading everything that is posted, on every subject, by the normal posters. I wish someone had taken the time and consideration to offer me that same advice a year or two ago. They didn't, I was very foolish in my posts, and I am reaching out to you. That is my best advice, though others could have, and probably should have, I have tried. Good luck to you!
Quote: BozAll I am saying what President of a Publicly Traded Company would act like you do? If I am wrong show me examples.
OK, here's a few
The less "corporate culture" the better.
Quote: 1BBYou're not helping your case. Work with me here.
I fell out of my chair laughing.
I think you're games are AWESOME and I hope you and your company does very well.Quote: AhighI am one of three people at the company who creates our games and math models and graphics. I also have an assistant (that makes a fourth) who helps me with the day-to-day tasks. Every person on my team knows that I post here and they know what I post and they stand behind me. Today our market cap is 3,451,552.35 for those four employees or approximately $862K in market cap per employee on average. This is almost exactly four times the low of July just a few weeks ago.
If you have a problem with me on the forum or my principles or what I stand for or if you just think we are going to go out of business, I suggest that you short the stock and put your money where your mouth is! Contrary to what one poster on this forum asserted, you can short penny stocks, and if you can't figure it out, there's a link I can give you called "let me google that for you" that can show you how to do it.
Why don't you align your finances with your statements? Are you hedging so you can either cash in or blame someone else for your losses? Sounds like less of a plan than figuring out what you think is going to happen and aligning your finances to that outcome. But that's just my opinion. I have been wrong about what's going to happen and I lost and I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I've never gone long on a stock and then talked smack about the CEO or other leader. That's just me. I went long on IGT and defended Patti Hart years ago, and I regret that. But at least I was arguing in line with my position (I sold before I lost on that one).
I really get annoyed with people who buy $10 worth of stock so they can spew out damaging statements towards my company in the name of shaking fists at the company or performance of any of the employees at the company. Personally I think that's low class, but I know for a fact there are people doing it because ALMOST NOBODY IS TRADING NTGL but everyone seems to have some bull crap to say about what they think of it.
As far as it relates to this thread, it should be known that my posting here as the President of NanoTech Gaming is a direct result of the terms of service disallowing me from having the same protections for my identity that everyone else here enjoys. I would be posting anonymously except that I am disallowed by the TOS from doing that.
Any harm that comes to NanoTech Gaming as a result of my posting from this day forward may be an indirect result of my inability to post here anonymously.
However, I don't have anything to hide, and I'm pretty sure that anyone doing due diligence on my character is going to figure out that "Ahigh == [my legal name]" pretty quick and be able to search the internet on "Ahigh" and find me. So it's not like I see the anonymous hiding routine to be particularly effective. I'm pretty sure more than one person knows who ME is who (anyone else who's a "professional") is and others on this forum who are in the industry.
I only saying what i'm about to say in hopes of trying to be helpful and hopefully you can understand what someone observing from the outside may think.
You as the president of a serious company, one that has good potential, I can't understand why you argue and banter with people here(especially with someone like Zcore) . What good can come of it? Bantering and engaging with negative people and things is not very presidential like IMO. It seems as if you are mixing business with personal stuff. As a president of a company you should be held to a higher standard while representing them.
You're co-workers may very well say they don't care either way but they may be somewhat biased. I can't imagine they support anything that's potentially negative, no matter how small it is.
It seems like you have a feud with Zcore and there's been some shameful behavior. It doesn't matter who did what, who started it, who's wright or wrong, it just looks bad. I can't remember all the details but that's the problem. I just remember or think you may have engaged in some bad behavior. It doesn't really matter what the truth is, it matters how a potential client, investor, partner and people in the industry perceives the situation.
I read how zcore made an effort to excluded your game from being in some event.
He said he felt the same way about anything slot like. But in my imagination I tend to believe he made a much bigger effort trying to C-block your games just because it's you. Again I may be way off, but it may be how how its all being perceived by others.
IMO as a president you should be doing everything you can to get everyone to love you and your company.
Challenging people to short your stock for whatever reason certainly doesn't seem like something a president of a company should do.
Why not ignore people and comments that are negative and spend more time on positive stuff?
Do you think an independent company adviser would support you engaging here with anything remotely negative?
Quote: AxelWolfI think you're games are AWESOME and I hope you and your company does very well.Quote: AhighI am one of three people at the company who creates our games and math models and graphics. I also have an assistant (that makes a fourth) who helps me with the day-to-day tasks. Every person on my team knows that I post here and they know what I post and they stand behind me. Today our market cap is 3,451,552.35 for those four employees or approximately $862K in market cap per employee on average. This is almost exactly four times the low of July just a few weeks ago.
If you have a problem with me on the forum or my principles or what I stand for or if you just think we are going to go out of business, I suggest that you short the stock and put your money where your mouth is! Contrary to what one poster on this forum asserted, you can short penny stocks, and if you can't figure it out, there's a link I can give you called "let me google that for you" that can show you how to do it.
Why don't you align your finances with your statements? Are you hedging so you can either cash in or blame someone else for your losses? Sounds like less of a plan than figuring out what you think is going to happen and aligning your finances to that outcome. But that's just my opinion. I have been wrong about what's going to happen and I lost and I couldn't blame anyone but myself. I've never gone long on a stock and then talked smack about the CEO or other leader. That's just me. I went long on IGT and defended Patti Hart years ago, and I regret that. But at least I was arguing in line with my position (I sold before I lost on that one).
I really get annoyed with people who buy $10 worth of stock so they can spew out damaging statements towards my company in the name of shaking fists at the company or performance of any of the employees at the company. Personally I think that's low class, but I know for a fact there are people doing it because ALMOST NOBODY IS TRADING NTGL but everyone seems to have some bull crap to say about what they think of it.
As far as it relates to this thread, it should be known that my posting here as the President of NanoTech Gaming is a direct result of the terms of service disallowing me from having the same protections for my identity that everyone else here enjoys. I would be posting anonymously except that I am disallowed by the TOS from doing that.
Any harm that comes to NanoTech Gaming as a result of my posting from this day forward may be an indirect result of my inability to post here anonymously.
However, I don't have anything to hide, and I'm pretty sure that anyone doing due diligence on my character is going to figure out that "Ahigh == [my legal name]" pretty quick and be able to search the internet on "Ahigh" and find me. So it's not like I see the anonymous hiding routine to be particularly effective. I'm pretty sure more than one person knows who ME is who (anyone else who's a "professional") is and others on this forum who are in the industry.
I only saying what i'm about to say in hopes of trying to be helpful and hopefully you can understand what someone observing from the outside may think.
You as the president of a serious company, one that has good potential, I can't understand why you argue and banter with people here(especially with someone like Zcore) . What good can come of it? Bantering and engaging with negative people and things is not very presidential like IMO. It seems as if you are mixing business with personal stuff. As a president of a company you should be held to a higher standard while representing them.
You're co-workers may very well say they don't care either way but they may be somewhat biased. I can't imagine they support anything that's potentially negative, no matter how small it is.
It seems like you have a feud with Zcore and there's been some shameful behavior. It doesn't matter who did what, who started it, who's wright or wrong, it just looks bad. I can't remember all the details but that's the problem. I just remember or think you may have engaged in some bad behavior. It doesn't really matter what the truth is, it matters how a potential client, investor, partner and people in the industry perceives the situation.
I read how zcore made an effort to excluded your game from being in some event.
He said he felt the same way about anything slot like. But in my imagination I tend to believe he made a much bigger effort trying to C-block your games just because it's you. Again I may be way off, but it may be how how its all being perceived by others.
IMO as a president you should be doing everything you can to get everyone to love you and your company.
Challenging people to short your stock for whatever reason certainly doesn't seem like something a president of a company should do.
Why not ignore people and comments that are negative and spend more time on positive stuff?
Do you think an independent company adviser would support you engaging here with anything remotely negative?
I wish I had time to answer every question but something tells me that there will be plenty of questions for plenty of people!
Quote: AxelWolf
I read how zcore made an effort to excluded your game from being in some event.
He said he felt the same way about anything slot like. But in my imagination I tend to believe he made a much bigger effort trying to C-block your games just because it's you.
Electronic games are not table games. Table games have live dealers. It's a table games event. The name of it is Cutting Edge Table Games Conference. All seminars relate to table games. I don't care it it's The President of the United States displaying an electronic game, it doesn't belong there.
Quote: WizardofnothingThat's a d move- and I agree that you should just have let him in
I don't decide whether his company is let in or not. I'm a sponsor of the event. I gave my opinion. They are allowing his company to display. That's their right since it's their show.
While I see your point, this is really a matter for the organizers (BNP) to decide. They have a certain number of booths to sell and they are there to maximize their profit. If AHigh's game was taking the place of a physical table game, then yes, that would be an issue for the conference organizers. But, I doubt that is the case. From what I can tell, AHigh's game is not in the competition for best new table game, nor has it been included at the exclusion of a table game product or service. Off the top, I can't see what AHigh has to gain by displaying his game at this conference. But that's for him to decide. I've seen plenty of incongruous products on display at conferences over the years.Quote: Zcore13Electronic games are not table games. Table games have live dealers. It's a table games event. The name of it is Cutting Edge Table Games Conference. All seminars relate to table games. I don't care it it's The President of the United States displaying an electronic game, it doesn't belong there.
I just finished writing my power point for my presentation on Tuesday. See you there.
My apologies for this significantly O.T. post.
Now, if it were simply an attack on one item and other similar items were not similarly addressed, it would be a bad move.
Quote: teliotWhile I see your point, this is really a matter for the organizers (BNP) to decide. They have a certain number of booths to sell and they are there to maximize their profit. If AHigh's game was taking the place of a physical table game, then yes, that would be an issue for the conference organizers. But, I doubt that is the case. From what I can tell, AHigh's game is not in the competition for best new table game, nor has it been included at the exclusion of a table game product or service. Off the top, I can't see what AHigh has to gain by displaying his game at this conference. But that's for him to decide. I've seen plenty of incongruous products on display at conferences over the years.
I just finished writing my power point for my presentation on Tuesday. See you there.
My apologies for this significantly O.T. post.
I think it is a great idea to display his game at this 'table games' conference. I am sure they want to differentiate it from being just a fancy slot machine. There of course will be skeptics, who Nanotech's will get a chance to show off to.
I go to Anesthesiology conferences at least twice a year. I do not remember a year without at least one booth trying to sell me a $4,000 self massaging chair.
Quote: Zcore13Electronic games are not table games. Table games have live dealers. It's a table games event. The name of it is Cutting Edge Table Games Conference. All seminars relate to table games. I don't care it it's The President of the United States displaying an electronic game, it doesn't belong there.
Interesting. Thanks for that feedback, Zcore!
Quote: SOOPOOI think it is a great idea to display his game at this 'table games' conference. I am sure they want to differentiate it from being just a fancy slot machine. There of course will be skeptics, who Nanotech's will get a chance to show off to.
I go to Anesthesiology conferences at least twice a year. I do not remember a year without at least one booth trying to sell me a $4,000 self massaging chair.
...and the organizers have every right to allow them to sell those at the events, just as a sponsor has every right to state an opinion about an event he is sponsoring.
Quote: SOOPOOI think it is a great idea to display his game at this 'table games' conference.
NGTL stock went up to 025, down to 011 at
3pm, and closed at 020. Somebody is
majorly screwing with this stock.
Quote: EvenBobNGTL stock went up to 025, down to 011 at
3pm, and closed at 020. Somebody is
majorly screwing with this stock.
Yes and No, this the norm with penny stocks. Which is why you always have to be careful when investing in them. News or someone buying or selling shares have a huge percentage effect on them.
I was first burned by Robert Brennen and his First Jersey Securities firm in the 80's. Who by the way paid enough on his ill gotten gains to keep the 1985 Kentucky Derby Winner "Spend a Buck" away from the Preakness with the Jersey Derby. I bought into a company called "Chef's International" who owned a shitty Crepe restaurant in Harrisburg PA. He naturally rigged the stock and others to his advantage. Somewhere this bastard is still alive after his prison term. (Damn I hope he is not a member)
How this relates to Ahigh's company is unknown, but anyone who buys penny stocks thinking they understand what is going on is crazy.
And I own more than $10 worth of NTEK and I think they need to replace the President based on what seems to be his goal of putting his company in a negative light through his posts on here. But I also understand what I say means nothing and my entire investment will probably be worthless soon, but we all need tax deductions in this bull market.
Quote: MrVOK, here's a few
The less "corporate culture" the better.
Nice post and an interesting read. The difference is all of these companies make money.
Quote: WizardofnothingYea Brennan is out I have seen him more then a couple times. I heard he still gambles as well although I have no seen him he had a lot of high profile friends who set him up with I'm sure a no show high pay job
Payback isn't always a bitch when you made people a lot of money.
Go NTGL, go!
Quote: EvenBobIt's down again almost 40%, I don't get
how this works. Are all penny stocks
this volatile?
While not all, many are.
That's what makes it so interesting.
*Old Chinese curse: "May you live in interesting times."
I bought a block of the stock, it went up 50% almost immediately, then fell.
Hopefully it will do better than NTEK, which has tanked: down 94% from when I bought it.

As shown above, double click the word "pwned" and it will turn the same color blue shown above and then right-click and select "COPY" from the pop up menu.
Now go to google which you do by typing in "google" up in your internet search engine.
I usually type <CTRL-T> to open a new tab, and it automatically opens up google search for me, and then I start typing. But you might need to use your mouse if you're new to the internetz. It just depends on your skill level how you get to google, basically.
Now click where you normally would type and the right click and select "paste."
Now click on search. I mean "lmgtfy" helps with each of these steps, but I figured reading it on the forum is what you need to see to get it done.
Once you master this technique you can learn about other stuff too!
Thanks for being interested in educating YOURSELF!
I made sure that the link was not clickable because of problems people are having with their virus softwares and stuff. So if you click on that and it doesn't work, I guess that is what you get when you complain about links to google images and babs deletes a "suspicious" link to google images ... (IE: they all are if that one is!)
IE: lmgtfy is owned by the same owners of the last link that was removed by admins to google images.