Quote: PerditionAnyone play this game from inside Vegas? I heard the choices get much worse like only 2 for 1s and no free show tickets. Anyone know what the list looks like?
Yes, I can answer questions. I think the worst category for locals is ROOMS. Here's the current page 1:

Nothing is free, and the discounts are unspectacular.
For SHOWS, choices are reduced for locals, but a few are free. This is the current page 2:

Anything that's free is one ticket only, whereas out-of-towners have a few choices to redeem two-ticket rewards.
For FOOD, this is the current page 1:

There are several pages of choices, but I only see one that's free: Fuel the Duel at Monte Carlo. Not coincidentally, it's the only food choice that's sold out this morning.
Any other questions, just ask.
Quote: PerditionThanks a lot for the heads up gpac. For the shows do you have access to premium tickets as well as tickets to shows like O and Love or is it only the ones shown?
I'm not sure I understand the terminology, but for out-of-towners, the only free premium tickets I see are for Zarkana (2 premium tickets for 208,000). That reward is not shown on the menu for locals. The premium companion tickets (buy one get one free) are available to all players.
Locals only see three pages of rewards in the SHOWS category. The first page is all companion tickets (buy one get one free). I posted the second page. The third and final page looks like this:

Hope that makes sense :)
Quote: tscheditI am brand new to this site and came across this thread while searching about MYVEGAS. I am not sure how to just post a general reply so had to reply to this comment. I was playing MYBirds and decided to try to see if I could pick two and then close the app and come back in and select again. It does work, but as you have all said it didn't matter which branch I picked. Each pick was predetermined. they played out in the same order no matter which two I picked first and then closed the app. I went through each branch picking 2 then closing the app.....in the end every single time it was grey then yellow. Then on my last pick it was grey, yellow, red. There is absolutely no luck or randomness to it.
Yep, most of their bonus games are "predetermined". And part of the reason is likely to prevent what you just attempted to try. :) White birds are the most valuable I think, followed by yellow maybe?
I got an Aria Buffet, Bellagio Buffet and 1 Zarkana ticket. Didn't want to hop around too much. O has been removed and Love was sold out so guess it should do. Next month I'll probably get a 49k ticket and that should be that.
Quote: Perdition@gpac Yeah I guess out of towners get the choice of a standard ticket for 49k or the premium for 78k. The locals only get the standard option it seems.
Oh sorry, I gave you bad information, but I think you figured it out on your own. When I looked at the reward menu, I assumed all tickets were standard unless otherwise specified in the title, but now I see that if I hover over an item for details, some of the rewards are premium rather than standard.
I'll follow up shortly with a text list. Sorry for my confusion.
Quote: rudeboyoiWhat happens when you actually redeem a show ticket? Are these tickets transferrable? I got about 360k in loyalty chips saved up.
The one I bought looks like this

The Blackout dates are kind of lol but figured go get a buffet and check out a show on a free day. Scrolling down further it says that tickets are non transferrable but you can pick them up anytime before 4pm on the day of the show so unless they have something on them asking for ID or what not, I don't see an issue after you pick them up.
Carrot Top companion ticket = 5k
Zumanity standard companion ticket = 4k
KA standard companion ticket = 6k
Zarkana standard companion ticket = 6k
Zumanity premium companion ticket = 12.5k
LOVE standard companion ticket = 12.5k
Zarkana premium companion ticket = 15.5k
KA premium companion ticket = 15.5k
LOVE premium companion ticket = 15.5k
Australian Bee Gees free ticket = 25k
Thunder Down Under free ticket = 25k
Tournament of Kings free ticket = 30k
Brad Garrett Comedy free ticket = 34.2k
Zumanity free standard ticket = 34.5k
LOVE free standard ticket = 49.5k
Zarkana free standard ticket = 49.5k
KA free standard ticket = 49.5k
Jabbawockeez free ticket = 49.5k
Zumanity free premium ticket = 63k
LOVE free premium ticket = 78k
Zarkana free premium ticket = 78k
KA free premium ticket = 78k
Zumanity (2) free premium tickets = 168k
KA (2) free premium tickets = 208k
Zarkana (2) free premium tickets = 208k
Quote: Perdition
The Blackout dates are kind of lol but figured go get a buffet and check out a show on a free day. Scrolling down further it says that tickets are non transferrable but you can pick them up anytime before 4pm on the day of the show so unless they have something on them asking for ID or what not, I don't see an issue after you pick them up.
Quote: PerditionThe Blackout dates are kind of lol
Wow, they should just show the "white-listed" dates instead. I've never redeemed a show reward, so I have no idea how it works.
Quote: mwalz9Im sure it's somewhere in this thread, but I can't find it. Is there an "optimal strategy" to get the most LP for your coins? Like how much to bet? What game to play? etc...
That's more complex than you might imagine. If you're at a high level having built all your properties, then I believe usually the slots are best played at 50 coins per line, ideally during a promotion such as double points or scratch card/puzzles. The slot payback percentages are not disclosed.
Blackjack has a slow rate of awarding LPs, but can be an efficient way to level up, which is a supplemental way to earn LPs. But don't exceed the betting limit per hand because excess wagers don't earn anything. I think the current limit is 40k per game.
But if you're at a low level, there's usually more value in smaller bets than indicated above.
The large Facebook groups maintain their own user guides and related documentation. MyVegas Friends is the largest group, I believe.
Quote: gpac1377Wow, they should just show the "white-listed" dates instead. I've never redeemed a show reward, so I have no idea how it works.
Most of those dates listed are "dark" dates. Most Cirque shows only run 5 days a week, iirc.
As for optimal spinning, Levels 58-140 is either 200 a spin or 1000 a spin (it's close).
Level 140+ 1000/spin.
Quote: tringlomaneMost of those dates listed are "dark" dates.
That's what I was going to say. I've gone to a few shows and haven't had a problem. Every time I've looked, the blackout dates are dark days.
As far as selling the tickets, you could probably do that, but it is against the terms of use. I went to a show in November, and I got the tickets the day before the show, which would give time to transfer the tickets to someone else.
Quote: rudeboyoiThe mobile game is pretty fun. There's some strategy in switching between challenges.
I am stuck on challenges right now. The only 2 that are available for me to play are win max bet 4 times in a row and win max bet 17 times. However my problem is that my max bet is 15,000 chips and I don't have any. It takes me a few days to get 15,000 and if I lose on one spin then I am done again for a few days. Its been a little frustrating.
Quote: rudeboyoiThe mobile game is pretty fun.
That sounds nice. I guess I need to upgrade because I don't see my current phone ...

... on the compatibility list :(
The catch is that this is the friggin' fourth day in a row that I've started with ~5000 in chips and can't even make it through 25 spins at 300/spin (7500 total coin-in).
If I had an overall return on that of 2800 chips, plus the original 5000, that would be 7800 chips less the 7500 wagered leaving me 300 which would be enough for a 26th spin. Because that has not happened in four days, that means that, in four days, I have not managed to return 2800/7500 = 37.333%, or better, in a twenty-five spin sample!
Quote: Mission146I'll tell you what the catch is!
The catch is that this is the friggin' fourth day in a row that I've started with ~5000 in chips and can't even make it through 25 spins at 300/spin (7500 total coin-in).
I got killed on this last postcard promo. I didn't think it before, but I think they may lower the payouts during these things, or double XP now.
I'm actually starting to get angry at this game, and it's free stuff, not real money at all!!!
Quote: Mission14638%!!??
I'm actually starting to get angry at this game, and it's free stuff, not real money at all!!!
LOL...yeah, I really think they may have tightened them up a bit. Most myVegas slots are low variance...hard to only get a 38% payback in 100 spins. What game u play?
Quote: Mission146Bet Rock. I like it because you only have to pay attention to it sporadically, and there's nothing to the Free Games except telling it to play them.
Yah i just play bet rock now on the desktop. I don't put too much effort into the desktop version anymore. Im lvl 152 now and just bet max. I've won over a million a few times in the free spins round betting 30k/spin. I've only gotten to the free spins bonus on 60k/spin once and it was for only 637k I think.
Quote: Mission146Bet Rock. I like it because you only have to pay attention to it sporadically, and there's nothing to the Free Games except telling it to play them.
That's the game that CrystalMath said was 83.5%. And it's high variance too. :P But I think they have started to lower most of the games into the 80s at this point...possibly worse.
I usually play "Birds" but it killed me for my g/f and i lately.
I might switch back to the Jules Verne thing, but having to look for the stuff is annoying.
Quote: Mission146They probably make you eat it (Bet Rock) because how easy it is to play while mostly ignoring it. I've also noticed that there are very few games where Free Games are quite as important to the overall return, they're basically your only prayer of lasting any length of time.
I might switch back to the Jules Verne thing, but having to look for the stuff is annoying.
I tried that earlier today, but I figured my return shot down a lot when I failed to find all the items multiple times...lol
Quote: Mission146They probably make you eat it (Bet Rock) because how easy it is to play while mostly ignoring it. I've also noticed that there are very few games where Free Games are quite as important to the overall return, they're basically your only prayer of lasting any length of time.
I might switch back to the Jules Verne thing, but having to look for the stuff is annoying.
I used to click around the square like a maniac. Works most of the time. Use a hint for the last one that is too small or won't register on a random click.
So if you're seeking maximum value, the 20-line games are preferred unless you believe the higher-line games are programmed for higher paybacks.
If I'm feeling ambitious, I like "Around the World in 80 Plays." The 20-line format is maximally efficient to earn LPs, and the bonus interruptions don't occur very frequently. The skill element potentially improves the payback, and you can pause the bonus rounds if you're having trouble. (Capture a print-screen before the pause, then study the image at your leisure.)
If your balance is low, public chip links are usually good for a few thousand. Facebook group myvegasguides maintains a current list.
Quote: tringlomaneThat's the game that CrystalMath said was 83.5%. And it's high variance too. :P But I think they have started to lower most of the games into the 80s at this point...possibly worse.
I usually play "Birds" but it killed me for my g/f and i lately.
I kept track of the BEFORE and AFTER on EXCALIBUR 2 after 735 spins at 15K per spin. And drumroll please.....
Those results indicate a 89.0 % payback, including all bonus rounds, etc.
This is the game I usually play on Double Points nights. The BIRDS game is my least favorite.
1) Vary the time of day when new prizes are posted.
2) Have double XP for Blackjack once in a while. Maybe call it the "Blackjack Ball".
3) On some milestone level-up levels, increase the amount of Gold Chips beyond 1000.
4) For the rinky-dink little properties, increase their Red Chip value once in a while just for the surprise value.
5) Keep trying to get good premium prizes for new shows.
6) Get more non-MLife prizes.
Is anybody at Playstudios listening ?
Quote: gameterrorchinese new year promotion is running with daily goals for scratch cards. so glad i just harvested coins for a couple of days. which is my new standard mode...collect and don't play until the next promotion comes around and not just coin promotions. if it doesn't involve LPs i'm not interested.
I am doing the same thing. Last week when they had double points I had 500k chips and was able to level up 17 times before I went bust. I am back up to 200k right now but I told myself I am not going to do the chinese thing until I am back up to 250k.
Quote: rudeboyoijust noticed they had freeplay for sale and theyre already sold out :(
Don't feel bad about missing out. To get the good freeplay you had to have payed for 1 night in whatever property it matched up with.
It seems that playing stupid games gets you Mlife points that can be allegedly used for reals.
Catches, tricks?
Quote: UTHfanwow, just came across this 75 page thread. Does someone have the gumption to do a newbie FAQ?
It seems that playing stupid games gets you Mlife points that can be allegedly used for reals.
Catches, tricks?
you can play slots and BJ to get Loyalty Points (LP) which can be used to get real life rewards on Mlife properties.
you receive coins to play each day and by "building your own vegas strip" for free
you build your own vegas strip by playing the games and collecting special symbols
catches: so far no catches besides it might turn into a time sink for you....i have it running in the back at work and harvest my town every couple of hours and let the slots run on auto
tricks: wait for special promos, get lots of free chips by joining a myVegas group (which share promo chips). bet as low as possible while you are still building your city.
Side note - Now that I have a trip to Vegas booked, I'll be participating on this forum a bit more. (In case anyone was wondering why I was gone)
Bigger picture question, is it more profitable to just sign up now online for Mlife membership or show up at, say, Aria and get it there. That is, are there any onsite benefits to signing up or just do it whenever?
All this takes place on facebook?
Quote: UTHfanwhat is this running on auto of which you speak?
slot machines have a auto spin feature. so you don't have to hit spin every couple of seconds. only check for bonus games which require user input every now and then...or if your auto spins are all done.