Quote: 100xOdds$1 machine
a line had a 12x multiplier
dealt 4 to a Royal!Whiffed on all lines :(
Had that happen to me once on three-line $5/denom with 2x, 3x, 3x and whiffed on all for -$75. Royal with a Straight Flush possibility, at that.

and my first time finding a multiplier on a $5 machine...

Biggest one day win in my life! Over $500! Yay...and sigh...lol
Afterward, I found one of the generators of the $5 ones...he was playing $500 a round on a 10-play with slot attendants at the ready to unlock his machine for W2Gs...yikes! Unfortunately I needed to go before he left. :(
I wish I could get handed a winner on the $5 denomination, I've certainly found more than one such machine and it has yet to go very well for me.
My best hits seem to be:
5/10/14: Held a pair of 6's on Ten-Play at $.50/denom and got four sixes with a 2x multiplier and 510 credit win on overall play.
5/31/2014: DEALT four Kings at $0.05/denom with two 2x multipliers and 4800 credit win on the play.
Other than that, holding Trip-Aces, I ended up with one Four Aces on a 4x multiplier that was 3200 credits (not counting the other hands, which didn't improve) for nickels, can't cite the date, my girlfriend took that picture on her phone.
I was at a casino both of those days you listed...*blushes*
My biggest credit win on this game is 1600+ at quarters (4 Q's 4X at BDlx from pair). My g/f's biggest hit (and she does this a LOT less than me) is 2400+ dimes (4 Aces 3X from pair)...lol
in the few dozen times I've vultured, I've hit:
royal (.10) but no multiplier = $400
quads with 4x multiplier ($1) = 125 x 4 = $500
so far in the couple of hundred hands of ddb I've played in my life (all on ultimate X), I've hit quads 3 times. (all on nickels and in different casinos)
Quote: 100xOddswow.. I guess I'm waaaay up w/positive variance.
in the few dozen times I've vultured, I've hit:
royal (.10) but no multiplier = $400
quads with 4x multiplier ($1) = 125 x 4 = $500
so far in the couple of hundred hands of ddb I've played in my life (all on ultimate X), I've hit quads 3 times. (all on nickels and in different casinos)
Roughly, you'll get 95 quads for every royal on average. And a quad every 420 hands or so. But I've made at least 180 quads in a row without a royal now (since Sept. 2012). Maybe a little more. I didn't always take pics of my quads early on in my royal drought. Could be as high as 200.
Also still quadless on ultimate x at dollars. But I haven't played enough hands at that level to be "due" for one yet. I've played less than 100 hands total at dollars or higher this year.
Quote: tringlomaneRoughly, you'll get 95 quads for every royal on average. And a quad every 420 hands or so. But I've made at least 180 quads in a row without a royal now (since Sept. 2012). Maybe a little more. I didn't always take pics of my quads early on in my royal drought. Could be as high as 200.
Iast year and this year, i am ok on royals, but not good on quads.
2nd half of last year, I almost got one royal every week (total 4-5 hours play per week, all single line).
My records have Aces through 4s are all above average vs. other ranks in the last 13 months (since I got my first smartphone) with deuces being highest at 18 of 124, 8 of which I actually was playing deuces at the time (I don't play deuces THAT much). Unfortunately never for quarters or higher deuces wild though. So it's not all bad in my royal drought at least.
Had my best vulture session ever at 11:30PM. Cashed out from poker, found a $50 Mystery Reward at $49.59 (I hit at $49.96) and then hit up the other bank of Ultimates. Find some left behind on quarters and low and behold -

Guess you can't complain though.
; )
I've had a few hits like that. I hit 4 Aces (don't think it had a kicker, but don't remember) on some Double Super Ultra Triple Double Double Deluxe XXX machine when vulturing....didn't land on a multiplier, but it was a $500 hit (plus the rest of the 3-of-a-kind + multipliers). In a way, it's kinda like, "Damn, I played this machine for the multiplier but I somehow got lucky" (in a non-deserving of the payout kind of way). Kind of like when I first started card-counting. I'd be at a nice +count, get 11v6, I double down and catch a 4 for 15....dealer pulls a 6 underneath then 2, 2, then 6 for a bust and I'd think "I just got lucky....the dealer busted with a bunch of little cards....that's not how it's supposed to happen....I just got lucky". Then a while later, I thought to myself, "Who cares if the dealer pulled 8 little cards to bust....dealer busted, I made money....and I increased my bet in a +EV situation....can't complain....and not to mention all the times I get 'unlucky'....the luckyness and unluckyness cancel each other out....and I'm left with my EV....which is why I'm here!"
Quote: MidwestAPBTLWI - Nice hit on the royal! I don't specifically know Bonus Poker Deluxe strategy, but with most games/paytables, keeping the high pair (QQ in this case) produces a higher EV that keeping three to the royal. Is this the case here?
It is either identical or nearly identical to JOB strategy.
The QQ came from holding the QTA suited.....ie: he wasn't dealt a QQ originally. He got the QTA of hearts + 2 other cards (not shown, obviously because discarded).
Quote: RSIt is either identical or nearly identical to JOB strategy.
The QQ came from holding the QTA suited.....ie: he wasn't dealt a QQ originally. He got the QTA of hearts + 2 other cards (not shown, obviously because discarded).
DOH! Brain fart
how often are these ultimate X machines reset? and why?
Quote: 100xOddsshowing all the back of playing cards, like no one ever played that type of poker @ that denom.
And some civilian hadn't come along and played 1 hand/1 credit to get a multiplier?
Quote: DieterAnd some civilian hadn't come along and played 1 hand/1 credit to get a multiplier?
then the bottom line will have cards.
what I saw was ALL the cards was showing the back of the deck. ALL lines in that game for that denom.
If a game has never been played before, it will show 3456 of spades and 9 of hearts on only the bottom line. (Or something like that.)
Quote: RSI've seen that several times. I don't know the reason. The only thing I can think of is perhaps someone will hit the "bet 1 credit" button some number of times. When this button is pressed, it removes the faces and shows the backs of the cards (that's the part I'm unsure of). Then the player decides he doesn't want to play so he cashes out or switches game type. The thing with Ult. X (and STP/DSTP), is when you change the # of units bet, it doesn't automatically bet that amount and take it from your credits (unlike slot machines) and force you to bet that much.
If a game has never been played before, it will show 3456 of spades and 9 of hearts on only the bottom line. (Or something like that.)
ah.. thx!
Quote: RS
If a game has never been played before, it will show 3456 of spades and 9 of hearts on only the bottom line. (Or something like that.)
Yeah that's a newer machine thing. And from a software update to I think. They used to not do this, and the older machines all don't do this. It's a sight I don't like seeing though.
Quote: tringlomaneIt's a sight I don't like seeing though.
Quote: 100xOddswhy?
Generally find less multipliers on those units, in my experience.
nickels too!
Quote: SngwinnerThe problem is that when I set my bet for the hand and hit deal the multipliers went away.
There are two displays. One for the multiplier on the last hand, one for the multiplier on the next hand. The multiplier that will be active on the next hands says "next hand" and is next to the top of the card, rather than the bottom.
Quote: pewI had the same problem at Trump Plaza (RIP). Do you or don't you have to play max bet to trigger the bonuses. You should get the bonus on the machine betting just 5 units per line otherwise you wouldn't be able to play them off when it's time to leave.
Can you tell the difference between the following two situations? (ignore the fact that the first one is mid-hand)

If you can't, then vulturing Ultimate X is not for you.
Quote: TranscendFound a 2x multiplier left on a machine, played it out and it turned in to a dealt straight which was then followed by these, which turned in to a tidy $150 profit
I'm confused by the hand with the dealt full house. The machine says that 10 coins were bet on each of the 5 hands. That's 50 coins, each hand wins 3 X for a FH, x 7 (multiplier)= $262.50. But the machine looks like it says $525 (twice as much)?
Another question: Since there are 5 hands, and you want to exploit the multipliers, you would have to play all 5 hands for 5 coins each, or 25 coins ($6.25 min.) right? That's all I really need to know? Well, and there are multipliers for the next hand so I'd want to repeat?
Proper vulturing is to bet all hands, 5 credits per hand. Betting 10 credits per hand is playing the game normally. Playing less than 5 credits per line should NEVER be done.
Quote: RSThe win is in credits, not dollars.
Proper vulturing is to bet all hands, 5 credits per hand. Betting 10 credits per hand is playing the game normally. Playing less than 5 credits per line should NEVER be done.
The win is in credits? It's a quarter machine and my math comes up with a $262.50 win. Where is my math wrong?
And I get that you want to bet 5 credits a hand to get the multipliers. Then why do you say that playing 10 credits is "normal"?
Quote: GreasyjohnThe win is in credits? It's a quarter machine and my math comes up with a $262.50 win. Where is my math wrong?
And I get that you want to bet 5 credits a hand to get the multipliers. Then why do you say that playing 10 credits is "normal"?
$262.50 would be 1050 credits. 5 hands, 105 credits per hand = 525 credits won. 10 credit wager payout is based on the 5 credit level, the extra 5 credits per hand buy multipliers on subsequent hands for each winning hand.
Betting 5 credits per hand is the best play for monetizing the multipliers and stopping.
If you play 10 credits per hand, you earn multipliers for future hands. This is the recommended ("normal") play if you don't intend to stop playing after this hand.
Quote: Dieter$262.50 would be 1050 credits. 5 hands, 105 credits per hand = 525 credits won. 10 credit wager payout is based on the 5 credit level, the extra 5 credits per hand buy multipliers on subsequent hands for each winning hand.
Betting 5 credits per hand is the best play for monetizing the multipliers and stopping.
If you play 10 credits per hand, you earn multipliers for future hands. This is the recommended ("normal") play if you don't intend to stop playing after this hand.
Thanks, Dieter (and RS). So is what you're saying that when betting 10 credits a hand, that 5 of those credits don't win additional credits if you won the hand? That they are only the charge, if you will, for earning future multipliers? And if that true, is paying for future multipliers a +EV?
Quote: strictlyAPBecause I vulture as well- but habe other things going which give me reasons to play ux straight up as well
but this is a vulturing thread. I like to see your wins but they should be in the big wins thread which I believe you posted there as well. Posting normal plays is giving the wrong impression to people who don't know much about vulturing.
*I was rushed for time and
*it was JoB, but I havent studied the Wizard's strategy for ult-X JoB. Since he has one, I thought it might matter
*CRZ is supposed to be notorious for bad paystables, and thought that might matter
*I'd want to be sure i wouldn't get a W-2g, havent looked at that, was rushed, and is absolutely out of the question
but it was right in the middle of the day guys. What do you make of that?