also Jesus Christ (tm) strictlyAP, how lucky are you?
Quote: djatcI saw some lady get a 12000 royal but that's only 3x on dimes. She got the lowest possible W2-G.
also Jesus Christ (tm) strictlyAP, how lucky are you?
That's what I was wondering, but this is one of the first big hits he's posted in awhile. I assumed he was playing this a lot.
I did okay at Ultimate X this weekend for no quads or royals. But I might have figured out why one local casino is typically an easier target than the other one. I got harassed by a black guy for invading his turf. I also noticed I was the only white person looking for multipliers yesterday and today. And I'm pretty sure there were no black people actually playing VP straight up. Saw some Arab guy tonight hit $2400+ on $1 UX...4s with an Ace with 3X. He left nothing behind...blah.
Also tonight I had a crappy offer for $5 freeplay for $1000 coin-in (which they manually had to input when I qualified), I thought I would go quadless for the last three casino trips in a row. But 15 hands before quitting my required amount of play, it was a rare moment I wish the casino had full-pay "Shockwave Poker" and I was playing
Quote: strictlyAPanyone ever see a pic of a dealt royal after a dealt full house- there has to be at least one floating out there
Isn't that about 500 million to one?
Quote: 3for3Isn't that about 500 million to one?
Close. 1 in 451M. But if people play at the slow pace of 225 rounds per hour that's only 2 million machine hours. My local casinos probably make about 5 to 10 machine hours per real hour. if it was 5 machine hours a day for two casinos, it would take 22.86 years on average for those casinos alone. But...there are hundreds of casinos of similar size in the US, so it's probably happened by now. And probably will happen again. I would be totally cool if it happened to me.
Quote: tringlomaneClose. 1 in 451M. But if people play at the slow pace of 225 rounds per hour that's only 2 million machine hours. My local casinos probably make about 5 to 10 machine hours per real hour. if it was 5 machine hours a day for two casinos, it would take 22.86 years on average for those casinos alone. But...there are hundreds of casinos of similar size in the US, so it's probably happened by now. And probably will happen again. I would be totally cool if it happened to me.
On $1 10 play of course. 12x$4000x10 = $480k. All you have to do is get dealt a full house on all 10 lines, then a dealt royal.

Quote: PlayYourCardsRightNot a handpay, but I was shocked it didn't auto-hold the cards. There is no better hand I could have achieved, so I was extremely careful to hold all the cards before pressing draw.
I guess they always give people a chance to go for a royal, although nobody in their right mind would in this circumstance.
Quote: BTLWITriple points day (99.72% NSUD + .75% players club points)
Very nice. I'm not a slot player but I have to ask, why didn't you play all five columns?
Quote: BozHe is already playing above normal 5 coin max at 10 coins. It is a 20 coin machine.
Thanks, Boz. I'm really showing my lack of slot knowledge here. How much did he play for each of the four columns to have it come out to a $10 bet?
Quote: 1BBThanks, Boz. I'm really showing my lack of slot knowledge here. How much did he play for each of the four columns to have it come out to a $10 bet?
$1 per column. He could play as little as $1 (Column not shown), but has to play a minimum of $5 to get max payout for a Royal. A normal 5 coin max machine only shows all 5 columns. This machine has 11 different columns available for a bet from $1 to $10 and then 1 for $20 bet. You are only seeing 5 of the possible 11.
Hope that makes sense.
Quote: bwI guess they always give people a chance to go for a royal, although nobody in their right mind would in this circumstance.
Yeah you can still go for a royal with this hand. In TDB it will lock up I think since you can't improve your win in that game with aces w/kicker.
Quote: Boz$1 per column. He could play as little as $1 (Column not shown), but has to play a minimum of $5 to get max payout for a Royal. A normal 5 coin max machine only shows all 5 columns. This machine has 11 different columns available for a bet from $1 to $10 and then 1 for $20 bet. You are only seeing 5 of the possible 11.
Hope that makes sense.
There should be 20 columns. You're not seeing 11-19 either.
Quote: tringlomaneYeah you can still go for a royal with this hand. In TDB it will lock up I think since you can't improve your win in that game with aces w/kicker.
There should be 20 columns. You're not seeing 11-19 either.
Thanks for the correction. I thought it went from 10 to 20 with no options in between. As a $5 max guy that is new to me.
Started with NSUD for $1K.

Then I got 7/7 on quarter keno for $1750.
(No Picture)
Then I got 8/9 on quarter keno (2x bet) for $2350.

4 deuces baby!

Drawing to three deuces on a five-play Bonus Poker machine. Hit three of them. The chances of that are 1 in 1,415.
I watched a guy at a local casino (River City) hold JJJ once and make quads on all 3 lines (1 in 12,978). The depressing part was...he had no reaction whatsoever. If I ever act that way over something like that, I really need to go to GA.
Quote: Wizard
Drawing to three deuces on a five-play Bonus Poker machine. Hit three of them. The chances of that are 1 in 1,415.
I threw $5 at Jokers on a horrible paytable at one of the parlors last night, not only did I have two 5OaK's within seven minutes (OneNickelMiracle was on the phone with me for verification), but I also hit one of them drawing to a single pair. 1/(3/48*2/47*1/46) = 1 in 17,296
The probability of the two 5OaK's in 7 minutes part, don't know, but it'd be two 5OaK's in about 90 hands.
Of course, I was only playing nickels, so they were only worth $50 each, but still pretty cool.
ONM and Teddys have the pictures, still not good at getting pictures on-line from my phone.
Quote: RSAWAK - Aces With A King! (for $2000 - pic snipped)
Nice hit! This game is too rare. It would be a much better alternative to 9/6 JoB!
Quote: tringlomaneNice hit! This game is too rare. It would be a much better alternative to 9/6 JoB!
Unfortunately, like with any game that pays 1:1 on 2 pair, it has much higher variance. On top of that, the return is worse (99.4578%).
However, it is 10x more fun to play than JOB, that's for sure.
Uh, oh. The Wiz is back, baby!Quote: Wizard
Drawing to three deuces on a five-play Bonus Poker machine. Hit three of them. The chances of that are 1 in 1,415.

Free Play.
Ship it.
Quote: chaunceyb3
Free Play.
Ship it.
Too bad all those fours are missing an extra leg.... Nice hit, that's definitely the game to get a juicy dealt hand on.
Quote: Wizard
Drawing to three deuces on a five-play Bonus Poker machine. Hit three of them. The chances of that are 1 in 1,415.
I'm concerned, Mike. I've heard rumors. This picture tells me it's not an AP situation. What were the addons, Mike, to make it a positive play. I ask these questions out of all due respect, Mike, I care for you a ton. Please tell me the addons made it a positive play. You might be good at the math, but do you have the discipline to hold out for a positive play? I respect you a ton brother, but explain to me how you had a positive expectation. I love you like a brother and I am only looking out for your protection.
Quote: mickeycrimmI'm concerned, Mike. I've heard rumors. This picture tells me it's not an AP situation. What were the addons, Mike, to make it a positive play. I ask these questions out of all due respect, Mike, I care for you a ton. Please tell me the addons made it a positive play. You might be good at the math, but do you have the discipline to hold out for a positive play? I respect you a ton brother, but explain to me how you had a positive expectation. I love you like a brother and I am only looking out for your protection.
It was a 7x points day. At said casino, points are worth 1/6 of 1% if spent in the casino. I live very close so spending points there easy to do. So, I put the return at 99.17% + 7*(1/600) = 100.34%. Plus mailers.
Quote: WizardIt was a 7x points day. At said casino, points are worth 1/6 of 1% if spent in the casino. I live very close so spending points there easy to do. So, I put the return at 99.17% + 7*(1/600) = 100.34%. Plus mailers.
You ain''t ever gonna be an AP brother, playing that thin of a line. It's called 2% brother, or you won't see one of us assholes go into action. It's about the bare minimum that we will playl So you beef it up, Mike. You get a better edge or I will fly to Las Vegas and slap the shit out of your ass.
step away from the keyboard while you're working that BV, brother.
Quote: beachbumbabsmickey,
step away from the keyboard while you're working that BV, brother.
That's some sage advice, Babs. But I'm bound and determined to make the Wiz into a hardcore AP.
Quote: RSI don't think the Wizard needs any guidance or a long winded spiel about "real AP" play. Sometimes it's just fun to play while knowing you're not at a disadvantage...or hell, playing with a thin edge for money you don't need. He's not a full time AP, last I remember.
Babs pegged me. I was drunk when I wrote those posts. If I offended the Wiz or Babs then I apologize. But I'm not drunk now. In my opinion a .24% edge is fine for recreational players, and maybe even some AP's, but not for me. But then I have to say that I have been spoiled rotten for a lot of years. You couldn't get me to look twice at such a thin edge play. It's about a $30 an hour play on about $12,000 an hour in action. I'm just not going to put my money into such flux for that low an hourly rate.
I don't just look at overall royal odds of 40,000. I break the royal down into flopped royals, hold one and draw four, hold two and draw three, hold three and draw 2, hold four and draw one, hold none and draw five. The long odds of the flopped royal and the hold none and draw five are part of that .24% edge.
I wouldn't throw down on the play but to each his own.
Quote: bigfoot66What if he gets some enjoyment out of playing and isn't trying to make a living out of gambling? Isn't it OK to play any reasonably positive situation if the gambling itself is pleasurable? I feel like we give a harder time to people like Ace of Spades and the Wizard for making weak AP plays than we do people who are clearly taking the worst of it playing PGP with a fortune bonus.
That's because the pro's like to categorize people, and they've given up on those of us who are confirmed ploppies. Those who are at least trying AP plays, weak or not, are perhaps worth salvation. lol....
Quote: bigfoot66I feel like we give a harder time to people like ... the Wizard for making weak AP plays
He does?
We do?
Quote: odiousgambitHe does?
We do?
Read mickeycrimm ripping into the Wiz for pushing a play with a ~0.3% + mailers edge further back in the thread...
This was about a month ago.
Bob Dancer pushed a smaller percentage/higher variance edge when SLS opened.
In fairness to the recreational AP. Not everybody has the time or knowledge to find Juicy plays. In Vegas and other popular gaming areas there are not many $1 plays worth playing that are just sitting out in the open. Sure you may prefer to wait for something better to play, while spending your free time alone with your favorite -EV friend Jack Daniels and his pal Jimmy beam, or whatever your poison is. I prefer Captain Morgans neat.Quote: mickeycrimmLet me tell you kind folks something you don't know about playing the thin edge. 100.24% Wow! what and edge. But here is the rube, You are gonna flop a royal by theoretcal every 649,740 games. 800 bets divided by that number is .0012312. Subtract that from the theoretical and you got a .001688 edge. Do you like exercises in futility? Because if you do, then a .0024% edge is horseshit and you will fit right in. When would you expect a payday on a play like that? I can tell you this, all us pros, the real pros, the down in the trenches guys, we all like 2%. Do you wanna see us go into action? Then give us a 2% edge. We will pound the resrt of you into oblivian.
Quote: AxelWolfwhile spending your free time alone with your favorite -EV friend Jack Daniels
I thought Jack Daniel was +EV.
Well, I never really tried, I don't know