Quote: tringlomane.
When you run 46 scares come fly to Vegas I'll put you on the $100 at MGM.
Quote: djatcWhen you run 46 scares come fly to Vegas I'll put you on the $100 at MGM.
You mean 46 bricks on 4 to a Royal? I'm pretty close to that on real money since my last real money Royal. I am bad for keeping track of that though. I have probably bricked more than 46 4 to a Royal since my last actual 4 to a Royal conversion at the casino. It's been about 3 years since I hit 4 to a Royal for a big whopping $40 on multi-line pennies of course, my first ever real money Royal...yay Then I got a dealt royal 2 years ago for pennies x 6 lines, and hit a 3 to a Royal at 2c in Sep. 2012. Maybe I can get a nickel Royal soon? lol I'd rather skip nickels and go straight to quarters, but I'll take either!
Quote: Scot
I had a dealt royal on my phone playing 3 play STP a week before I had my recent dealt royal at Main Street Station.
Well, there's still hope! I only want one Royal, I don't think I'm "savvy" enough to get 3. :P
Quote: IbeatyouracesAll I get on a redraw is another worthless garbage hand.
Redraw royals are rare accomplishments for sure. This is mine from Atlantis Reno:

I don't trust my memory, but I can't recall another.
It would have been $20,000 if I had gotten that 5th card for the RF. So close and yet so far!
If I get a redraw royal, my addiction to the game will finally be complete.
Quote: tringlomaneIf I get a redraw royal, my addiction to the game will finally be complete.
LOL, well of course for me it was only a $40 curiosity, but I would have expected your goal to be a dealt royal with multiplier on Double Super Times Pay :)
Quote: GWAEit really pains me to see that many hits on 4 credits instead of 5. Whats up wit dat?
All the single line pics are from 99.7% NSUD. Machines are 20 credit max bet and I bet anywhere from $5 to $20. Of course I never hit any hand pays on max bet but I sure do blow through $600 pretty quickly when trying.
Quote: gpac1377LOL, well of course for me it was only a $40 curiosity, but I would have expected your goal to be a dealt royal with multiplier on Double Super Times Pay :)
Silly me that's a much better goal! I'd get a w2g even when playing for peanuts..lol I have got the 20X twice already, way above expectation. But only a brick and one high pair to show for it, weeee. Yeah, I play that game way way too much...
That game is the devil!!Quote: tringlomaneSilly me that's a much better goal! I'd get a w2g even when playing for peanuts..lol I have got the 20X twice already, way above expectation. But only a brick and one high pair to show for it, weeee. Yeah, I play that game way way too much...
Quote: BTLWIAll the single line pics are from 99.7% NSUD. Machines are 20 credit max bet and I bet anywhere from $5 to $20. Of course I never hit any hand pays on max bet but I sure do blow through $600 pretty quickly when trying.
oh my bad. Here in the land of bad VP all we have is a max 5 credit (as far as I know).
Does the number of credits include the win amount? (since it's a hand pay, I'd assume not)
How much do you buy in for to play $1 VP??? $15k seems like a lot.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceVery nice hit.
Does the number of credits include the win amount? (since it's a hand pay, I'd assume not)
How much do you buy in for to play $1 VP??? $15k seems like a lot.
I'm pretty sure the jackpot was included in the credit balance, since the handpay was still pending.
It's nice to see the kicker come up in the middle position with 5 of the 9 paylines intersecting, but I guess he failed to catch a multiplier. I'm not sure I've ever seen Super Times Pay SpinPoker.
Quote: gpac1377I'm pretty sure the jackpot was included in the credit balance, since the handpay was still pending.
Oh, maybe. To be honest, every time I've gotten a handpay I've been too happy to bother to check the details too closely.
10 minutes after switching.

Then I go play some $.25 super times crack. Bad pay table I know.

And I had won $1500 playing PLO in the poker room. Pretty good Thursday....

a little dumb luck never hurts.
Quote: movieguy73
a little dumb luck never hurts.
Now just work on your picture taking skills! :P
Nice hit!
Quote: IbeatyouracesI saw AWAK dealt at least three times to various people yesterday. All I could muster was this while hitting the Ultimate X.
Crazy. Decent hit nevertheless though.
Quote: tringlomaneCrazy. Decent hit nevertheless though.
why does it say you have 1 thread? I didn't see one.
Quote: tringlomaneNow just work on your picture taking skills! :P
Nice hit!
thanks. i dont know why it looks so bad.
maybe its the $20 flip phone. lol
Quote: IbeatyouracesThe best possible draw pays off.
Nice! In that drawing situation (playing one line of SpinPoker), you had a 2-in-47 chance of an incredibly annoying result, but I'm glad you achieved the 1-in-47 delightful result instead.
Quote: strictlyAP
You've almost got it, strictlyAP.
Just take your post exactly as you've typed it, and add "img=" right after the first bracket so it looks like this - img=http://i.imgur.com/poBXa7o.jpg
Quote: IbeatyouracesThe best possible draw pays off.
only one pay line?
Quote: movieguy73
only one pay line?
Probably doesn't want to bet $11.25 per spin, but still wants the 9/6 JoB paytable.

Quote: IbeatyouracesOnce in a while I'll hit max bet and play all of the lines. I'm not playing much anymore and am trying to avoid any taxable wins. If only I were psychic!
Still trying to have them reinstall the STP option on this game!
so it would have payed more then one line but you wernt betting all the lines.
ive heard of ppl doing this on 100 hands too.
so they dont get a hand pay on the big hands.
oic 1 line x5 coins.
Quote: BTLWIQuack Quack the ducks are back.
thats one good thing about DW.
4 deuces comes up once in awhile.
i dont like DW cus 4ac only pays 4:1.
Quote: BlackHawkDownBeen playing video poker off and on for al title over a year now. Mostly double bonus or double double bonus. Can't count the times I've had two aces or three aces and not ended up with four of a kind. Today, I was on a triple play machine, and ripping through hands. Held one ace, and got four of a kind (4 aces), don't have a picture, but wanted to mention it. One of the times I never expected to get 4OAK, and it comes through!
That's always fun. I did that while holding AK suited last year while in Tunica on Super Aces Bonus. Only time I have hit 4 Aces on that game (don't play it a lot).
Also hit four Aces today too, but on Super Double Bonus with a 25 penny bet, meh. But it was fun to see 4000 credits written up there though. Hopefully next time it will be from a Royal...*crosses fingers* Also saw a even more fortunate man hit AWAK with a 5X multiplier on STP today for $2500.
playing 3 hands. have 3 to a RF. get one card on one hand and the other card on the other hand.