Sometimes after responding in this forum, I feel that I just went a few rounds with Manny :-)
Instead of punch counter punch
Post counter post

Quote: terapinedVegas street art near downtown
Sometimes after responding in this forum, I feel that I just went a few rounds with Manny :-)
Instead of punch counter punch
Post counter post
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Not post, riposte?
She must be a fan
Check out the shoes, that's devotion, probably belongs to a fan club

Saw 2 jets behind the museum.
I took these 2 pics as a tourist and posting them as such
Across from each other, Air Force 2 for VP Harris and Trumps jet. Interesting that they were both in town at the same time.

Quote: terapinedDecided to check out the Pinball museum a few weeks ago.
Saw 2 jets behind the museum.
I took these 2 pics as a tourist and posting them as such
Across from each other, Air Force 2 for VP Harris and Trumps jet. Interesting that they were both in town at the same time.
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Trump and Harris were going to the pinball museum together.
Quote: terapinedCheck out the shoes, that's devotion, probably belongs to a fan club
Did someone say fan?
Quote: MDawgQuote: terapinedCheck out the shoes, that's devotion, probably belongs to a fan club
Did someone say fan?
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Context is everything
You insulted Missiion with your "Mdawg fan club" comment.
The above post
I use "fan" and "fan club" in a jovial way in my adventures post
Can you understand the difference?
Are you retracting the request that I get suspended for using "fan" to describe your appreciation for MY photo that you posted in your own thread
Quote: MDawgDid someone say fan?
Uh, so you don't get the joke apparently.
Which confirms my point.
Quote: MDawgActually, terapined (small t, by request) I've found your posts to be rather devoid of humor, or at best exhibiting a rather flat sense of humor, versus say the sly subtle humor exhibited by for example DarkOz and me.
And in any case, you're going on and on about some pic from three years ago?
Quote: MDawgQuote: MDawgDid someone say fan?
Uh, so you don't get the joke apparently.
Which confirms my point.Quote: MDawgActually, terapined (small t, by request) I've found your posts to be rather devoid of humor, or at best exhibiting a rather flat sense of humor, versus say the sly subtle humor exhibited by for example DarkOz and me.
And in any case, you're going on and on about some pic from three years ago?
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You go on and on about me using the simple word "fan" demanding a suspension without the ability to understand context. I still don't think you are able to understand the difference in how you used the word and how I used the word
Doesn't your demand still stand
Haven't heard a retraction so you must not understand the context in how we both used "fan"
It's pretty obvious that I take interesting pics
So interesting , you posted my pic in your own thread
On the flip side. I don't find your pics very interesting
Rest assured, I will never ever post one of your pics in my adventures thread
I want all the pics in my thread to be interesting
Sorry but your stuff doesn't make the cut :-)
Quote: unJonI really want to see this pic now.
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Quote: terapinedQuote: terapinedThe REAL adventures of terapined
The funniest thing I have seen in my travels
Stayed at a RV park in San Diego
Visited La Jolla just bouncing around town looking for anything picture worthy
I went into a Ralph Lauren
Not my type of place to shop but I always look for interesting things to take a pic of and you never know
Boy was that store interesting
Saw a pair of pants with tears and patches
WTF, garage sale material.
I asked how much
Asked to take a pic, they allowed
I tried to joke with the staff about the obvious irony
They did not see the humor. lol
Was in I think Beverly Hills a week later, saw a Ralph store
I asked about those pants, showed a pic
They did not have that pair
One of a kind?
Directly teared and patched by the man himself?
The REAL adventures of terapined
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Quote: terapinedQuote: unJonI really want to see this pic now.
link to original postQuote: terapinedQuote: terapinedThe REAL adventures of terapined
The funniest thing I have seen in my travels
Stayed at a RV park in San Diego
Visited La Jolla just bouncing around town looking for anything picture worthy
I went into a Ralph Lauren
Not my type of place to shop but I always look for interesting things to take a pic of and you never know
Boy was that store interesting
Saw a pair of pants with tears and patches
WTF, garage sale material.
I asked how much
Asked to take a pic, they allowed
I tried to joke with the staff about the obvious irony
They did not see the humor. lol
Was in I think Beverly Hills a week later, saw a Ralph store
I asked about those pants, showed a pic
They did not have that pair
One of a kind?
Directly teared and patched by the man himself?
The REAL adventures of terapined
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Nice! I’m a fan.
He posted a pic of the Ralph Lauren Polo store in La Jolla.
I re-posted his interior store pic and posted a couple pics of Ralph Lauren haberdashery I had bought recently. I re-posted his pic once, he re-posted it three more times within my thread. 😝
BTW Ralph Lauren is probably one of the only eponymous designers who is not gay. Probably why his stuff is pretty basic not much haute couture. His birth last name is Lifshitz - correctly figured that people wouldn't be eager to flock to Ralph Lifshitz stores. (Similarly, does "Wynn" sound better for a hotel or, "Weinberg.")
What he did do, is put that Polo horse on there (and its various iterations since),

and clean up. Same as Lacoste with its Alligator.

And it came to pass that a man who sold shirts was smitten by hard times. Neither did any of his merchandise move nor did he prosper. And he prayed and said, “Lord, why hast thou left me to suffer thus? All mine enemies sell their goods except I. And it’s the height of the season. My shirts are good shirts. Take a look at this rayon, I got button-downs, flare collars, nothing sells. Yet, I have kept thy commandments. Why can I not earn a living when mine younger brother cleans up in children’s ready-to-wear?”
And the Lord heard the man and said, “About thy shirts…”
“Yes, Lord,” the man said, falling to his knees. “Put an alligator over the pocket.”
“Pardon me. Lord?”
“Just do what I’m telling you. You won’t be sorry.”
And the man sewed on to all his shirts a small alligator symbol and lo and behold, suddenly his merchandise moved like gangbusters and there was much rejoicing while amongst his enemies there was wailing and gnashing of teeth and one said, “The Lord is merciful. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. The problem is, I can’t get up.”
Arts district
Sums up my view of the preceeding post

My reaction to you know who posting in this thread

Sometimes it's tough to stay in the saddle in this forum and not be thrown off your horse by a suspension
I absolutely love this painting in that all you can see of the cowboy is the soles of the boots
I love street art but also hit up art museums all over the country

Quote: terapinedTucson museum of art
Sometimes it's tough to stay in the saddle in this forum and not be thrown off your horse by a suspension
I absolutely love this painting in that all you can see of the cowboy is the soles of the boots
I love street art but also hit up art museums all over the country
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I like that as well.
Don't be afraid to post pics from your museum adventures if you got em.
I was visiting the Phoenix museum of art
They have THE Gladiator painting
I've seen copies of this painting in multiple places
This IS the painting that inspired the movie Gladiator
It was thrilling to see this original masterpiece
" The painting was a catalyst for director Ridley Scott; when the producers of Gladiator showed him a reproduction of the painting before he read the script, Scott recalls, "That image spoke to me of the Roman Empire in all its glory and wickedness. I knew right then and there I was hooked."
Vegas street art
Arts district

This place is like Disneyland compared to Old Folsom if you compare it to the other gambling forums.
Arts district
Love the terrapin

Mona must be the most copied art in the history of mankind

Outdoor events over the weekend canceled
Major intersection near me had no traffic lights
That intersection was a true gamble to drive through
Everybody taking turns except knuckleheads in a hurry
My camper was actually rocking a bit
Palm tree debris everywhere
Quote: terapinedWTF is going on with the wind in Vegas
Outdoor events over the weekend canceled
Major intersection near me had no traffic lights
That intersection was a true gamble to drive through
Everybody taking turns except knuckleheads in a hurry
My camper was actually rocking a bit
Palm tree debris everywhere
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Vegas has always had big wind gusts that show up once in awhile, but don't know if these are bigger than usual. I had a motorcycle there for awhile and sometimes coming out to an open area between buildings could give you a pretty good sideways push.
Checked it out
Pretty good Burger

Maybe not getting the business they thought they would get
6 places closed on a Tues afternoon at 2pm including the place below
Anybody know their hours?

I put 20 in the machine
One of my best days playing VP
Very lucky
I hit five 4 of a kinds
Here are my last 3
Eventually cashed out at 200
Not bad, up 180 for the night :-)
I don't know how advantage VP players do it
After a while, my eyes glaze over, as I robotically figure best strategy, ignore result to get to next hand. Whew. That's when I stop and that's like only 90 min which is a blip to AP vp players lol.
I have never ever hit a royal in Vegas and that's where 98% of my play has been at. I used to grind at the 4 queens back in the day
I hit one in Biloxi once about 10 years ago

What a grind. Holdem poker tournament started at 10am. 199 entrants. Played till 230pm. Exhausting. 4 1/2 hours of continuous poker. I was doing pretty good. Paid 27 places and I got to the last 3 tables which is in the money. I get AK, chip leader raises to 20k, a small stack goes all in. I go all in with about 80k Chip leader calls. Small stack has AQ and chip leader has AJ. I'm dominating. J falls on the flop and I lose. 26th place. Won 210 for a 110 profit. Not bad but I could have gone really deep. They pay you in gaming chips. I guess they hope you go play a table game. You can cash out at the poker desk but I instead cashed out at the csshier. Didnt want the tip pressure. 4 1/2 hours of poker wears me out. That's enough gambling for me today.
This tournament is a great value in that at least 1/2 the players rebuy at least once or more driving up the prize pool.
The board at the end of my run

Love the flower from Super Mario

It's a huge building hosting this one mural
Had to take 3 pics of this one mural
So much going on in this mural

Are these ‘commissioned’ meaning the artists get paid (by who?). I think just the paint for a big mural like that has to be in the thousands of dollars.
Quote: SOOPOOThe talent exhibited by these street artists is striking.
Are these ‘commissioned’ meaning the artists get paid (by who?). I think just the paint for a big mural like that has to be in the thousands of dollars.
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I think they are commissioned
I believe that street artists really put out in that they know their work will be viewed over a gazillion times
Here is one I saw in Chicago. This is in the hispanic Pilsen neighborhood that abounds with street art. One of the best I've seen in my travels

Did well a couple decades ago
It's pretty much dead with only 2 tenants
Fascinating place with lots of art
Suburban decay beautifully decorated
My kind of place

Quote: terapinedPrimm mall
Did well a couple decades ago
It's pretty much dead with only 2 tenants
Shocking, only two tenants. I am so old I remember when it was thriving. Do you happen to know the two stores?
Quote: DRichQuote: terapinedPrimm mall
Did well a couple decades ago
It's pretty much dead with only 2 tenants
Shocking, only two tenants. I am so old I remember when it was thriving. Do you happen to know the two stores?
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Michael Kors outlet and some thrift store
Michael Kors is leaving
Surprised they stuck it out so long
Was in the area due to yahoo fantasy baseball money league.
I had to cross the state line to sign up for some drafts and have them charge my credit card
Its blocked in Nevada of all places. Its blocked in other states but not CA
Its the only sports gambling I do
Got 2 of 3 basketball teams in the playoffs next week
Once I crossed the state line a bit, tried to sign up
No dice, said I was still in NV
I reboot phone so it wakes up in CA
Signed up for 3 pay leagues
Back in Vegas and drafting a baseball team tonight

Mildly interesting
Not sure what is so magical or why they are called mountains
Really surprised how many people visit this
If you build it, they will come

Quote: terapined7 magic mountains outside Primm
Mildly interesting
Not sure what is so magical or why they are called mountains
Really surprised how many people visit this
If you build it, they will come
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Wow, I never saw that many people at the Magic Mountains.
Quote: DRichQuote: terapined7 magic mountains outside Primm
Mildly interesting
Not sure what is so magical or why they are called mountains
Really surprised how many people visit this
If you build it, they will come
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Wow, I never saw that many people at the Magic Mountains.
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The parking lot was full
Are you people listening? Lol

Top of the line baby
Duracell platinum agm deep cycle group 24 battery
I could use just one but why not get 2 and run them parallel and always have plenty of electricity.
These days, they build campers with 2 independent electric systems. Of course 110 for TV, AC and microwave. Everything else runs strictly off a 12 volt battery. Lights, awning, fans, on demand water heater and furnace. The big energy hog, my fridge. It runs great and I like to keep it at the coldest setting to make ice quickly. During the day no biggie because solar keeping batteries recharged. At night, running strictly off the batteries

10 bucks on all the Underdogs today taking the points
I did this yesterday for the last 6 games
Won 3 lost 3

Gonna check it this morning to see if anybody has hit it yet

Quote: SOOPOOYou seem to be playing (and doing well!) a lot. Are you getting RFB comps? If they offered you a truly free room, would you use it? Or rather just stay in the RV?
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It's a no points machine
I only play the 100% + machines
Casino's don't give a crap about my small action on machines they barely make any money on lol
Another 4 of a kind

Quote: SOOPOOYou seem to be playing (and doing well!) a lot. Are you getting RFB comps? If they offered you a truly free room, would you use it? Or rather just stay in the RV?
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No interest in a free room
Fridge full of food and drink
My bed is very comfortable and all my toys (Switch, VR , Xbox, laptop) are with me
Can easily smoke pot and open a door or window to exhale
A lot of hotels these days, windows sealed. Can't even crack them open