Most average
You suck
Closest to unjon
Am I missing any?
Quote: gordonm888My picks are for sale this week. For $1 a pick, I will pick whatever you want. First come, first served - tho I don't expect a rush.
Anyone interested in pooling resources to give Gordon $2 to make offsetting picks to take him out of running of consolation prizes? :-P
I am tempted.Quote: gordonm888My picks are for sale this week. For $1 a pick, I will pick whatever you want. First come, first served - tho I don't expect a rush.
Quote: unJonAnyone interested in pooling resources to give Gordon $2 to make offsetting picks to take him out of running of consolation prizes? :-P
I overlooked the fact that I made my offer to a lot of very smart advantage players.
Quote: unJonAnyone interested in pooling resources to give Gordon $2 to make offsetting picks to take him out of running of consolation prizes? :-P
You ruined it. I was going to do that already
Quote: gordonm888I overlooked the fact that I made my offer to a lot of very smart advantage players.
Don't forget "and good looking"
I fixed it.
Quote: gordonm888I overlooked the fact that I made my offer to a lot of very smart and good looking advantage players.
Quote: JohnnyQWell what with DJ's insurmountable lead and everything, I think it would only be sportsmanlike for him to post his picks on Saturday.
Sorry, I disagree. It is unsportsmanlike to expect it. Ask away, IMO. But everyone has gone to great lengths, especially Mission, to keep picks secret to avoid any type of unfairness. The sidebetting has nothing to do with it.
Quote: JohnnyQWell what with DJ's insurmountable lead and everything, I think it would only be sportsmanlike for him to post his picks on Saturday.
I'm going to buy a new spoiler for my Miata with the money so hells no
Quote: JohnnyQWell what with DJ's insurmountable lead and everything, I think it would only be sportsmanlike for him to post his picks on Saturday.
You do realize that he is 1 0-5 week away from second place? I wouldn't call that insurmountable
Quote: JohnnyQYep, actually I do. And I intended for my post on DJATC posting his picks to be humorous. Ooops.
It was. I just put on my Admin hat to answer.
Quote: GWAEQuote: JohnnyQWell what with DJ's insurmountable lead and everything, I think it would only be sportsmanlike for him to post his picks on Saturday.
You do realize that he is 1 0-5 week away from second place? I wouldn't call that insurmountable
But the other players can just as easily, nay much more easily, go 0-5.
Its okay, I found it on page 97. I was 5-0 and didn't even know it.Quote: FleaStiffIs there a week 7 spreadsheet... I had to do week 8 picks without knowing how I did.
Louisiana Tech u59
Louisville -2.5
Army o47
Duke o44.5
Arizona ST +6.5 - Confidence
EDIT: looks like Lousiana Tech under already won, so here's a bonus:
N Illinois +7.5
OK, that's a good start !Quote: djatcAlright since you guys asked for it, here's my picks this week:
Louisiana Tech u59
Louisville -2.5
Army o47
Duke o44.5
Arizona ST +6.5 - Confidence
EDIT: looks like Lousiana Tech under already won, so here's a bonus:
N Illinois +7.5
Army o47 W
Duke o44.5 W
Arizona ST +6.5 - Confidence W
NO Ill +7.5 - W
The Week 8 Picks are as follows:
Patriots -14
Patriots OVER 44
Steelers -8
Browns UNDER 49
Vikings PK
Jaguars UNDER 43
Jaguars +3
Bengals UNDER 54.5
Colts -3 -Confidence
Chiefs -10
Eagles UNDER 43
Browns UNDER 49
Broncos UNDER 53.5
Jets OVER 45 confidence
Seahawks UNDER 49
Browns +8
Broncos +10 CONFIDENCE
Seahawks +3
Panthers +2.5
Vikings pk
Eagles -3-Confidence
Redskins PK
Lions -3
Raiders +3
Patriots UNDER
Jets (+7.5)
Seahawks (+3)
Bengals (-4)
Colts (-3)
Packers (+9.5)
Giants PK
Bucs +4
Ravens -2.5
Bills +14
Packers +9.5
eagles -3
eagles over 43
redskins over 42.5
seahawks +3
bills +14
Redskins (PK)
Packers +9.5
Packers UNDER 56.5
Eagles OVER 43
Ravens -2.5
Browns +8
Browns UNDER 49 - confidence
Vikings PK
Vikings OVER 52
Chiefs UNDER 53.5
Chiefs -10
Bears -7.5
Redskins PK
Colts -3
Vikings PK
Redskins pk Confidence
Packers +9.5
Bills +14
Seahawks +3
Packers Under 56.5
Chiefs -10
Lions -3-Confidence
Packers +9.5
Saints PK
Patriots -14
Chiefs -10
Buccaneers +4
Ravens -2.5
Cardinals +1
Packers +9.5
Lions OVER 49
Eagles -3
Bengals -4
Colts -3
Bills +14 - Confidence
Browns U 49
Buccaneers U 54.5
Cardinals (+1)
Packers U 56.5
Vikings (PK)
Steelers (-8)
Rams (-9.5) OVER 56.5
Bills (+14)
Bills OVER 44
Ravens Under 44
Jaguars UNDER 43-confidence
Bears -7.5
Bears UNDER 45
Giants OVER 42.5
Cardinals UNDER 41
Chiefs Over 53.5
Redskins PK
Rams -9.5
Patriots -14
Patriots Over 44
Broncos +9.5 confidence
Jaguars +3.5
Jets +9.5
Bills +14
Packers +8
Eagles -3 Confidence
Bears Under 45
Bears -7.5
Buccaneers +4
Packers +9.5
Browns under 49
Redskins pick
Seahawks +3-confidence
Cardinals +1
49ers over 42.5
Eagles -3
Bears -7.5-confidence
Buccaneers +4
Packers +9.5
Saints PK
Jaguars (+3)
Jaguars over 43
Broncos over 53.5
Colts (-3) confidence
Packers (+9.5)
Jets (UNDER 45)
Giants (PK) -- Confidence
Buccaneers (+4)
Cardinals (+1)
Bills (+14)
Eagles (-3) confidence
Broncos (+10)
Buccaneers (+4)
Ravens (-2.5)
Packers (+9.5)
Broncos +10
Colts -3
Cardinals +1
Packers UNDER 56.5
Bills +14
Broncos +10
Packers +9.5
Browns +8
Jets +7.5
Jaguars +3 - CONFIDENCE
Giants u42.5
Cardinals o42.5
Vikings u52
Bills +14
Eagles -3
Jaguars o43
Bears u45 - CONFIDENCE
Cardinals u42.5
Vikings o52
Eagles OVER 43
Jets UNDER 45 (confidence)
Redskins OVER 42.5
Packers (+9.5)
Saints (PK)
Jets + 7.5 confidence
Packers +9.5
Panthers +2.5
Browns +8
Bucs +4
Eagles -3
Steelers UNDER
Panthers +2.5
Ram OVER 56.5
Seahawks +3
Patriots -14
Cardinals +1
Buccaneers +4
Giants PK
Browns +8
Redskins pick
Colts -3
Jags +3
Packers +9.5
Ravens under 44
Browns +8
Jets +7.5
Colts -3
Bills +14
Bengals -4
Steelers -8
Chiefs -10
Bears -7.5
Lions -3
Bengals -4
Skips Week 8
It's a weird week for Picks, I can tell you that. Here is what happened:
1.) We had five players fall back to Default Picks, though one player is always Default Picks. Two didn't submit, two had errors that invalidated the Picks, (more on that later) and one didn't submit, but always plays his Defaults. Even with that, we still had one inadvertent Skip Week.
2.) All Eagles/Jaguars Picks were in before kickoff, though one was by seven minutes. That's fine, early Sunday games just need to be before kickoff.
3.) There was one invalidation that is not up for debate because it involved picking the Thursday game. The game had not kicked off because there Picks were submitted early due to the player having something to do this weekend, but picking the Thursday game is illegal. It's technically not even a choice.
4.) The second voided set of Picks was also due to error, but I want to put my decision up for a vote:
The second voided set of Picks was due to listing Six Picks instead of Five and I am not going to say who did this. That is a violation of Rule 3, but was clearly unintentional. I even considered just taking the first five, except I have been very strictly enforcing every Rule this year.
I have placed the player's default Picks under his or her name AND randomized that player's position in the listings.
The vote is whether to hold the person to Default Picks or to take the first five of six Picks that they listed, which is what I would have done without a second thought just two short years ago.
The first two of three votes takes it.
Personally I want to vote to take first five picks. But as I’m one of the new guys here I won’t officially vote and let others have their say.
Quote: unJonClarification: I thought default picks were only if no picks were submitted. I recall upthread where if someone submits invalid picks they are forced to take a skip week rather than go to default picks?
This is a valid point. I think you are correct. If so, there shouldn't need to be a vote at all. If invalid picks were submitted, an 0-5 score is the result.
However, I'll let others decide what is fair.
Quote: unJonClarification: I thought default picks were only if no picks were submitted. I recall upthread where if someone submits invalid picks they are forced to take a skip week rather than go to default picks?
Personally I want to vote to take first five picks. But as I’m one of the new guys here I won’t officially vote and let others have their say.
I don't know where I would have said that, we have had multiple instances this year (not just this week) where I have went to Default Picks rather than just using invalid Picks and having a Skip Week caused. If I said to the contrary, I forgot I did. Default Picks are meant to prevent a Skip Week, which is what would normally be the result of Invalid Picks, so my understanding is it would go:
In that priority order.
Quite frankly, I hope Default Picks get voted as no longer permitted after this year. They are a huge pain in my ass.
Your vote counts for first five Picks.
Quote: EdCollinsAny picks made override any default strategy you may have in place. So if those picks are invalid (contain errors or are ambiguous, etc.), you don't get to fall back on your default picks to avoid the error, if that's what you mean.
Here’s what I was remembering. Was Ed not Mission.
The votes seem to be in favor of allowing the first five Picks that were listed, so the listing has been updated to reflect this change.
I don't mean to sound like a jackass, but this game was a lot better when I felt comfortable using my best judgment on things. What we are going to do next year is I am going to come up with a set of Rules such that no exceptions or situations could possibly come up and I am going to enforce those Rules as strictly as I possibly can.
Forget to put your handle above your Picks? Invalid, 0-5.
List both teams instead of one on an Over/Under Pick that is clearly an O/U? Invalid, 0-5.
List six Picks? Invalid, 0-5.
But, this is this year and I am making the following declaration:
I can think of four instances already where I have used Default Picks to replace a flawed set of Picks, so even if I did say something to the contrary, that is not what I have actually been doing.
If there is anyone who believes (because I don't think it has happened) that he/she has unfairly used a Skip Week because you submitted INVALID Picks, but I forced you to use your Skip Week when you ALREADY HAD DEFAULT PICKS IN PLACE let me know and I will give you your Skip Week back. I'm actually going to go back and see if I can find any instance of this happening right now.
HENCEFORWARD, this is the priority order of Picks:
Correct Picks---Default Picks---Skip Week
After this season there will be a vote amongst everyone who played this season on getting rid of Default Picks, or in the alternative, making Default Picks UNIVERSAL (i.e. home team for the first five games listed for everyone) and I hope that vote carries with a yay vote. I HATE Default Picks and I hate making judgment calls because worst case is you p!$$ someone off, but even if you don't, someone ALWAYS thinks your decision was wrong.
One way or another, there will be absolutely no room for interpretation in the Rules next year and absolutely zero flexibility, except I will be minimally flexible with Picks formatting for the first two weeks.
Just want to say I’ve had a lot of fun playing this hame this year. I hope you run it in whatever way makes you most comfortable and fun. You put in a bunch of hours and effort to make this happen. It’s valuable for this community, IMO, both the overlay the players get with the consolation prizes and just the sense of a tighter knit group that reads and participated in these threads.
I hope you don’t make so many rules that this game becomes not fun for you to run, because the board as a whole would lose (not just the participants enjoying the overlay) of this game quit happening some year.
Quote: unJon@Mission,
Just want to say I’ve had a lot of fun playing this hame this year. I hope you run it in whatever way makes you most comfortable and fun. You put in a bunch of hours and effort to make this happen. It’s valuable for this community, IMO, both the overlay the players get with the consolation prizes and just the sense of a tighter knit group that reads and participated in these threads.
I hope you don’t make so many rules that this game becomes not fun for you to run, because the board as a whole would lose (not just the participants enjoying the overlay) of this game quit happening some year.
Thank you for the compliment, and I am glad that you are enjoying the game. I also appreciate that you were the first person to chime in on taking the first five Picks of the six listed because that is the common sense thing to do.
That's like the one year that the common sense thing to do was accept JoelDeze's Picks because he thought his Confidence Pick made five picks because he understood the Rules wrong. I let the Week count and someone said he'd never play again. What possible difference could anyone know in the context of Week 1 that would make? As a practical matter, it made no difference, but it was the equivalent of saying, "You took the dealer's card."
I intend to do this game again next year, but I am going to do it in a way that actually simplifies the rules by having little to no room for error or interpretation.
Steelers (-8)
Rams (-9.5) OVER 56.5
Bills (+14)
Bills OVER 44
Ravens Under 44
Rams has both a line and an ATS pick. I'm guessing he pasted and forgot to delete the line and wanted the over.
Quote:Record of Skip Weeks:
DJatc - Week 5
MaxPen - Week 6
Michael99000 - Week 1
Miplet - Week 6
rainman * - Week 5, 7
scolist - Week 1
TroopScott - Week 3
VCUSkyhawk - Week 4
DJATC-Intentional Missed Week
MaxPen-Failure to Submit, No Defaults
Michael99000-Nathan started late, Michael replaced.
Miplet- Missed Week Unintentionally (?), No Picks Submitted, No Defaults.
Rainman- Missed Weeks Unintentionally. No Picks Submitted, No Defaults.
Scolist- Late Start
TroopScott -Flawed Picks, no Defaults Submitted
VCUSkyhawk- Missed Week Unintentionally (?), No Defaults
Nobody has been forced to use a Skip Week or take an 0-5 for flawed Picks when they have had a Default strategy in place and nobody ever will this year. Default Strategy counts as a set of correct Picks and a set of incorrect Picks automatically turns into Default Picks, if the player has them.
For anyone who does not have Default Picks, feel free to submit them now if you are concerned about potentially submitting a flawed set of Picks and you wish to have a fallback.
Quote: beachbumbabsSorry to be the one to point this out, but since you're correcting picks, troopscott needs a review. I don't think you corrected his, because it's still up there, but the problem game doesn't start for 2.5 hours, so IMHO there's time to correct clarify whatever.
Steelers (-8)
Rams (-9.5) OVER 56.5
Bills (+14)
Bills OVER 44
Ravens Under 44
Rams has both a line and an ATS pick. I'm guessing he pasted and forgot to delete the line and wanted the over.
Good catch, PMing him now. He has used a Skip Week already, so this would not be good for him at all.
My final announcement is that I will be running the contest next year, but I will not be playing next year AND am officially withdrawing from this year's contest as a FORFEIT. My $25 Entry Fee will still go towards First Place.
I apologize for this decision, but with so many players, it's so easy for one set of Picks or another to have a mistake this year. I need to be able to look at PM's before it comes time to post up the Picks.
Therefore, I will henceforward open all Picks as soon as practicable to when they come in. In the event that the set of Picks is flawed, I will send a PM informing the player what about the Picks is incorrect and offering that player the opportunity to correct them. This does not apply to previously flawed Picks or those of TroopScott in the event I do not hear from him in time.
Quote: Mission146Good catch, PMing him now. He has used a Skip Week already, so this would not be good for him at all.
My final announcement is that I will be running the contest next year, but I will not be playing next year AND am officially withdrawing from this year's contest as a FORFEIT. My $25 Entry Fee will still go towards First Place.
I apologize for this decision, but with so many players, it's so easy for one set of Picks or another to have a mistake this year. I need to be able to look at PM's before it comes time to post up the Picks.
Therefore, I will henceforward open all Picks as soon as practicable to when they come in. In the event that the set of Picks is flawed, I will send a PM informing the player what about the Picks is incorrect and offering that player the opportunity to correct them. This does not apply to previously flawed Picks or those of TroopScott in the event I do not hear from him in time.
Why don’t you just immediately make your picks at the time you post the lines, and send them to Babs? Then from that point on your picks are in, so you could open PMs immediately as they come in
Only downside is you wouldn’t have much time to think your picks over , watch line moves throughout the week, monitor injury news etc.
Makes sense to me. Better if you don’t forfeit.Quote: michael99000Quote: Mission146Good catch, PMing him now. He has used a Skip Week already, so this would not be good for him at all.
My final announcement is that I will be running the contest next year, but I will not be playing next year AND am officially withdrawing from this year's contest as a FORFEIT. My $25 Entry Fee will still go towards First Place.
I apologize for this decision, but with so many players, it's so easy for one set of Picks or another to have a mistake this year. I need to be able to look at PM's before it comes time to post up the Picks.
Therefore, I will henceforward open all Picks as soon as practicable to when they come in. In the event that the set of Picks is flawed, I will send a PM informing the player what about the Picks is incorrect and offering that player the opportunity to correct them. This does not apply to previously flawed Picks or those of TroopScott in the event I do not hear from him in time.
Why don’t you just immediately make your picks at the time you post the lines, and send them to Babs? Then from that point on your picks are in, so you could open PMs immediately as they come in
Only downside is you wouldn’t have much time to think your picks over , watch line moves throughout the week, monitor injury news etc.
Always bet the under in a London game.*Quote: beachbumbabsBoy, all those people who took eagle jag over 43, and the game ended at 42. Yikes!
*My anecdotal recollections without looking up data is that the London games tend to stay under.
5.) You're allowed to make a set of, "Default Picks," that will be used in case you forget or in case you submit a set of invalid picks.
Rule 4a) on Page 28 of this thread should also be slightly revised:
4a.) Some players choose to submit Default Picks to avoid unintentionally missing weeks or to avoid submitting a set of invalid picks.
(In both cases, the suggested addition to the rule is listed in italics.)
This helps to clear it up. Up until now, it was never mentioned (either way) that a set of default picks could be used to fall back on a set of invalid picks.
Quote: michael99000Quote: Mission146Good catch, PMing him now. He has used a Skip Week already, so this would not be good for him at all.
My final announcement is that I will be running the contest next year, but I will not be playing next year AND am officially withdrawing from this year's contest as a FORFEIT. My $25 Entry Fee will still go towards First Place.
I apologize for this decision, but with so many players, it's so easy for one set of Picks or another to have a mistake this year. I need to be able to look at PM's before it comes time to post up the Picks.
Therefore, I will henceforward open all Picks as soon as practicable to when they come in. In the event that the set of Picks is flawed, I will send a PM informing the player what about the Picks is incorrect and offering that player the opportunity to correct them. This does not apply to previously flawed Picks or those of TroopScott in the event I do not hear from him in time.
Why don’t you just immediately make your picks at the time you post the lines, and send them to Babs? Then from that point on your picks are in, so you could open PMs immediately as they come in
Only downside is you wouldn’t have much time to think your picks over , watch line moves throughout the week, monitor injury news etc.
That's what he's been doing for several years, and I still have all the unopened time stamped sent pick to prove it. He went to defaults this year for reasons he previously explained.
I agree with you. I would prefer to see Mission go back to our agreement, and I always have the proof, even if he picks on Sat before opening others, he gets the benefit of most of the stale line lag but doesn't forfeit.
I formally protest Mission forfeiting, fwiw. He paid, he should see it through, including defending his mediocre and yousuck prizes. I don't know if someone is haranguing him by PM or whatever, but if so, whoever you are he has been scrupulously honest as a commissioner, and it damages the game if he forfeits.
Quote: michael99000
Why don’t you just immediately make your picks at the time you post the lines, and send them to Babs? Then from that point on your picks are in, so you could open PMs immediately as they come in
Only downside is you wouldn’t have much time to think your picks over , watch line moves throughout the week, monitor injury news etc.
Your second line is essentially my answer to the question in your first line!
Honestly, I don't even want to play. I have been using a Default Strategy all year which is as follows:
Quote:Patriots ATS
Patriots OVER
(Whoever is Playing the Browns) ATS
Browns UNDER
Vikings ATS
Vikings OVER
Raiders ATS
Raiders OVER
Redskins ATS
Redskins OVER
Jaguars ATS
Jaguars OVER
Chiefs ATS
Chiefs OVER
Steelers ATS
Steelers OVER
My Picks have unwaveringly followed that strategy and in that order.
Anyway, I paid the Entry Fee this year which I have never done before, but I've never wanted to win anybody's money. In all previous years, I was only playing to defend my contributions, so that was a lot more fun. I don't like being able to win.
I would like to request that my record for this season be scrubbed completely from the record as I was essentially not playing given my use of Default Picks the entire time. I believe it is more likely than not my record would be better had I been making my Picks properly.
I do not plan to play next year, but I do plan to run the contest again, so nobody has to worry about there not being one.
Quote: EdCollinsIdeally, for next year, Rule 5.) on Page 11 of this thread should be slightly revised:
5.) You're allowed to make a set of, "Default Picks," that will be used in case you forget or in case you submit a set of invalid picks.
Rule 4a) on Page 28 of this thread should also be slightly revised:
4a.) Some players choose to submit Default Picks to avoid unintentionally missing weeks or to avoid submitting a set of invalid picks.
(In both cases, the suggested addition to the rule is listed in italics.)
This helps to clear it up. Up until now, it was never mentioned (either way) that a set of default picks could be used to fall back on a set of invalid picks.
You're right and I apologize for that, but to me it just stood to reason that it would work that way. Imagine if someone submitted a set of Picks, but then attempted to switch something and accidentally invalidated his/her Picks, I would take the correct Picks. I look at Default Picks the same way, you have already submitted your Picks and they are never not submitted. As soon as the Lines go up, your Picks are in, but you have the right to change them (as anyone does) before the deadline.
Quote: beachbumbabs
That's what he's been doing for several years, and I still have all the unopened time stamped sent pick to prove it. He went to defaults this year for reasons he previously explained.
I agree with you. I would prefer to see Mission go back to our agreement, and I always have the proof, even if he picks on Sat before opening others, he gets the benefit of most of the stale line lag but doesn't forfeit.
I formally protest Mission forfeiting, fwiw. He paid, he should see it through, including defending his mediocre and yousuck prizes. I don't know if someone is haranguing him by PM or whatever, but if so, whoever you are he has been scrupulously honest as a commissioner, and it damages the game if he forfeits.
I don't want to play, though. I never wanted to play this year for the same reason that I automatically went with Default Picks. I don't want to play next year because I want to be able to look at the PM Picks to make sure that they are correct so I can let people know if they are not.
Nobody has bothered me via PM and everybody except for me wants me to play, but I do not want to play anymore. I want to forfeit, I want my $25 to go into the prize pool and I want my record for this season cancelled. As Commissioner, I approve of my own action and hereby authorize myself to forfeit.
If that is not acceptable, I hereby cancel and reject my Default Strategy and will simply not submit any Picks. This will cause me to automatically lose anyway.
Quote: Mission146I don't want to play, though. I never wanted to play this year for the same reason that I automatically went with Default Picks. I don't want to play next year because I want to be able to look at the PM Picks to make sure that they are correct so I can let people know if they are not.
Nobody has bothered me via PM and everybody except for me wants me to play, but I do not want to play anymore. I want to forfeit, I want my $25 to go into the prize pool and I want my record for this season cancelled. As Commissioner I approve of my own action and hereby authorize myself to forfeit.
If that is not acceptable, I hereby cancel and reject my Default Strategy and will simply not submit any Picks. This will cause me to automatically lose anyway.
Awww. Ok. Your call.
Rigged. #lockhimupQuote: Mission146UPDATE
The votes seem to be in favor of allowing the first five Picks that were listed, so the listing has been updated to reflect this change.
I don't mean to sound like a jackass, but this game was a lot better when I felt comfortable using my best judgment on things. What we are going to do next year is I am going to come up with a set of Rules such that no exceptions or situations could possibly come up and I am going to enforce those Rules as strictly as I possibly can.
Forget to put your handle above your Picks? Invalid, 0-5.
List both teams instead of one on an Over/Under Pick that is clearly an O/U? Invalid, 0-5.
List six Picks? Invalid, 0-5.
But, this is this year and I am making the following declaration:
I can think of four instances already where I have used Default Picks to replace a flawed set of Picks, so even if I did say something to the contrary, that is not what I have actually been doing.
If there is anyone who believes (because I don't think it has happened) that he/she has unfairly used a Skip Week because you submitted INVALID Picks, but I forced you to use your Skip Week when you ALREADY HAD DEFAULT PICKS IN PLACE let me know and I will give you your Skip Week back. I'm actually going to go back and see if I can find any instance of this happening right now.
HENCEFORWARD, this is the priority order of Picks:
Correct Picks---Default Picks---Skip Week
After this season there will be a vote amongst everyone who played this season on getting rid of Default Picks, or in the alternative, making Default Picks UNIVERSAL (i.e. home team for the first five games listed for everyone) and I hope that vote carries with a yay vote. I HATE Default Picks and I hate making judgment calls because worst case is you p!$$ someone off, but even if you don't, someone ALWAYS thinks your decision was wrong.
One way or another, there will be absolutely no room for interpretation in the Rules next year and absolutely zero flexibility, except I will be minimally flexible with Picks formatting for the first two weeks.
what does ATS mean
how long do players 'consider' their selections?
why are any games being played in London?
Quote: FleaStiffquestions
what does ATS mean
how long do players 'consider' their selections?
why are any games being played in London?
1.) Against the Spread. +/-/PK
2.) I don’t understand the question.
3.) It’s doing really well, actually. NFL betting is also somewhat popular over there, believe it or not.
Does anyone have any objections to just giving him a loss for that one pick automatically since this would give him an 0-5 week otherwise? If there are more than zero objections, it’ll be 0-5 per the rules as TroopScott has already used his Skip Week.
This would make TroopScott 1-2 with both of his other Picks relevant to tomorrow night’s game if we don’t give him the automatic 0-5.