If this was my mistake, my apologies. I don't know what happened. (If it was my first mistake, it was the first one in the last couple of years, I think. I pride myself on my accuracy.)
Quote: EdCollinsMission, did you edit it after you initially posted it early Sunday morning? I cut and paste directly from your post. My paste cut shows no Confidence.
I don’t know, but my never edited post shows Wizard with a confidence on Arizona. As does my PM, but I’d have to text you that screenshot.
No, I believe you... I don't need a screen shot... but I'm just trying to wrap my head around how that part of the pick got lost.Quote: Mission146I don’t know, but my never edited post shows Wizard with a confidence on Arizona. As does my PM, but I’d have to text you that screenshot.
Quote: EdCollinsNo, I believe you... I don't need a screen shot... but I'm just trying to wrap my head around how that part of the pick got lost.
No big deal, sorry about the hassle. Did the parentheses have an affect?
I thought maybe that was it... you nailed it. I have an UNGRADE button which ungrades all weeks, if desired. Normally the result (a win or a loss or a push) is listed in parenthesis. UNGRADE strips the result and just leaves just the pick. I thought maybe it was inadvertently stripping the word "confidence" too... but it doesn't appear that it is. It appears to be doing everything as designed.
I'll keep an eye on it.
Edited: in his mouth or his butt mouth. Smiley face. With a bottle of Chianti. When he's drinking his liquor, and hungry for cheeseburgers, it probably wakes up with both.
Quote: onenickelmiracleBet the farm on Denver, mission likes them and loves them when paired with a good BBC. No
Edited: in his mouth or his butt mouth. Smiley face. With a bottle of Chianti. When he's drinking his liquor, and hungry for cheeseburgers, it probably wakes up with both.
Go Broncos! (Oops)
Quote: onenickelmiracleBet the farm on Denver, mission likes them and loves them when paired with a good BBC. No
Edited: in his mouth or his butt mouth. Smiley face. With a bottle of Chianti. When he's drinking his liquor, and hungry for cheeseburgers, it probably wakes up with both.
If this is what you left up, I'd hate to see what you edited out.
DJATC, I'm hoping you're live betting your action too. 20-3, who you given "favors" to for your information???
Quote: RomesDJATC, I'm hoping you're live betting your action too. 20-3, who you given "favors" to for your information???
DJATC, I will be in Vegas next weekend. I will gladly give you "favors" if you give me your lock of the week.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkDJATC, I will be in Vegas next weekend. I will gladly give you "favors" if you give me your lock of the week.
parlay all the bird teams
Quote: djatcparlay all the bird teams
The lines arent even posts. Something is fishy here.
Quote: onenickelmiracleSince I wasn't suspended, I made a $30 donation in honor of Mission to the Trevorproject.org.
Funny thing is I’d never even heard of that until your post, is there something you want to tell us?
I think it's wrong making homophobic jokes, I made one out of habit being here, and I punished myself financially.Quote: Mission146Funny thing is I’d never even heard of that until your post, is there something you want to tell us?
Added: Duh I googled gay charities and read into them.
For now on, only beastiality jokes.Quote: onenickelmiracleI think it's wrong making homophobic jokes, I made one out of habit being here, and I punished myself financially.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkThe lines arent even posts. Something is fishy here.
No no no. Bird teams. Not Dolphins.
Quote: VCUSkyhawkThe lines arent even posts. Something is fishy here.
Sounds like you’re on the Dolphins this week.
I’ll use that knowledge to my advantage.
The chase is on to catch DJatc.
Quote: gordonm888Now that DJatc used his skip week to hide during Week 5, he can't hide anymore for the next 12 weeks. He has to make at least 60 more picks and I think DJatc is similar to large pendulous breasts - because gravity is going to pull him down.
The chase is on to catch DJatc.
Gravity pulls one down more than the other IMO
Quote: RomesDJATC, I'm hoping you're live betting your action too. 20-3, who you given "favors" to for your information???
Bruh he gets his info from me (20-7 for the season so far).
Quote: gordonm888Now that DJatc used his skip week to hide during Week 5, he can't hide anymore for the next 12 weeks. He has to make at least 60 more picks and I think DJatc is similar to large pendulous breasts - because gravity is going to pull him down.
The chase is on to catch DJatc.
We dont have to worry about DJ cause he will definitely forget picks at least once. 0-6 here he comes
Quote: GWAEWe dont have to worry about DJ cause he will definitely forget picks at least once. 0-6 here he comes
possible. call of doots is comin out tomorrow and im about that master prestige grind
The Week 6 Lines:
Have been posted at precisely 23:00:00 EST and are as follows:
Cardinals (+10) @ Vikings (-10) O/U 43
Chargers (PK) @ Browns (PK) O/U 45
Bears (-3.5) @ Dolphins (+3.5) O/U 41.5
Panthers (+1) @ Redskins (-1) O/U 44.5
Colts (+2.5) @ Jets (-2.5) O/U 45
Steelers (+2) @ Bengals (-2) O/U 52.5
Buccaneers (+3) @ Falcons (-3) O/U 57.5
Seahawks (-2.5) @ Raiders (+2.5) O/U 48
Bills (+10) @ Texans (-10) O/U 41
Rams (-7) @ Broncos (+7) O/U 52
Jaguars (-3) @ Cowboys (+3) O/U 40.5
Ravens (-2.5) @ Titans (+2.5) O/U 41.5
Chiefs (+3.5) @ Patriots (-3.5) O/U 59.5
49ers (+9.5) @ Packers (-9.5) O/U 46.5
Vikings (-10) confidence
Colts (+2.5)
Seahawks under 48.5
Bills (+10)
Broncos (+7)
It's a lock or I'll **** your mother.*
* Charges may apply
Quote: onenickelmiracleOnenickelmiracle:
Vikings (-10) confidence
Colts (+2.5)
Seahawks under 48.5
Bills (+10)
Broncos (+7)
It's a lock or I'll **** your mother.*
* Charges may apply

Quote: onenickelmiracleOnenickelmiracle:
Vikings (-10) confidence
Colts (+2.5)
Seahawks under 48.5
Bills (+10)
Broncos (+7)
It's a lock or I'll **** your mother.*
* Charges may apply
Post of the day.
The Week 6 Picks are as follows:
Chargers PK
Browns UNDER 45
Patriots -3.5
Patriots OVER 59.5
Vikings -10
Dolphins +3.5
Browns PK
Jets -2.5
Bengals -2
Bills +10
Texans -10
Titans +2.5
Cowboys UNDER 40.5
Jets -2.5
Cardinals OVER 43 confidence
Chargers PK
Redskins -1
Jets -2.5-Confidence
Seahawks -2.5
Cowboys +3
Jaguars over 40.5
Bills over 41
49ers under 46.5
Ravens over 41.5
Buccaneers +3
Chargers PK
Rams -7 -Confidence
Falcons -3
Colts +2.5
Bills +10
Browns PK
Chargers OVER 45
Bills OVER 41
Bills +10
Titans +2.5 Confidence
Panthers +1
Bucs +3
Ravens -2.5
Bills +10
Cardinals +10
Dolphins (+3.5)
Redskins (-1)
Colts (+2.5)
Falcons (-3)
Seahawks (-2.5) confidence
Patriots -3.5
Jags under 40.5
Broncos +7
Broncos under 52
Dolphins +3.5
Cardinals (+10)
Dolphins (+3.5) CONFIDENCE
Bills (+10)
Cowboys (+3)
49ers (+9.5)
Browns Pk
Steelers UNDER 52.5
Raiders +2.5
Patriots OVER 59.5
Panthers Over 44.5
Steelers Over 52.5
Chargers Under 45
Panthers +1
Seahawks Under 48
Bears -3.5
Falcons -3
Jaguars -3
Chiefs +3.5
Dolphins +3.5
Raiders +2.5
Broncos +7
Cowboys +3
Packers -9.5
Browns PK
Redskins -1
Bengals -2
Patriots -3.5
Packers -9.5
Rams -7
Buccaneers Under 57.5
Bears -3.5
Bengals -2
Bills +10
Browns PK
Bears -3.5
Panthers +1
Falcons -3
Patriots -3.5 CONFIDENCE
Bills + 10 confidence
Browns PK
Chiefs + 3.5
49ers + 9.5
Seahawks -2.5
Bears (-3.5)
Colts (+2.5)
Seahawks (-2.5)
Broncos (+7) confidence
Ravens (-2.5)
Bills UNDER 41 - Confidence
Patriots -3.5
49ers +9.5
Rams -7
Panthers +1
Panthers +1
Steelers +2
Steelers UNDER 52.5
Chargers OVER 45-confidence
Jets OVER 45
Vikings -10
Bears -3.5
Colts Over 45
Steelers Under 52.5
Texans -10
Titans +2.5 - Confidence
Cowboys +3
Broncos +7
Jaguars UNDER 40.5
Falcons -3
Browns Pick
Redskins -1
Seahawks under 48–confidence
Chiefs +3.5
Chiefs under 59.5
Broncos +7 confidence
49ers +9.5
Bills +10
Browns pk
Cardinals +10
Bills +10
Steelers +2
Browns pick
Chiefs +3.5
Chiefs UNDER Confidence
Cardinals OVER 43
Browns OVER 45
Steelers UNDER 52.5
Rams UNDER 52
Browns pk confidence
Chargers OVER 45
Colts OVER 45
Bengals UNDER 52.5
Ravens -2.5
Cowboys +3 conf.
Raiders +2.5
Dolphins +3.5
Steelers +2
Chiefs +3.5
Vikings (-10) confidence
Colts (+2.5)
Seahawks under 48.5
Bills (+10)
Broncos (+7)
Chiefs +3.5 - confidence
Raiders + 2.5
Browns PK
Jaguars -3
Vikings -10
Redskins -1
Falcons -3-Confidence
Bills +10
Broncos +7
Chiefs +3.5
Brown PK
Raiders +2.5
Patriots -3.5
Colts +2.5
Panthers (+1)
Falcons (-3)
Bills (+10)
Rams (-7)
49ers (+9.5)
Cardinals +10
Bills +10
49ers +9.5
Broncos +7
Chiefs +3.5
Skips Week 6
Skips Week 6
Another one of my sophisticated picking systems does it again.
Hold your applause yet another week
Def in contention for the u suck prize this season. Thinking about fading my own picks next week.
If you really suck, you'll do better not changing a thing. If you fade your own picks, I'd think you would be more likely to start winning.Quote: beachbumbabs0-2-1 so far. Not looking good, either.
Def in contention for the u suck prize this season. Thinking about fading my own picks next week.
Quote: onenickelmiracleIf you really suck, you'll do better not changing a thing. If you fade your own picks, I'd think you would be more likely to start winning.
Maybe it’s posdible to be so bad at this and have luck so horrible that the moment you start fading your picks is when your picks would’ve started doing well
The assumption is the player sucks more than average, not that luck is worse than average, but either may be true. You can discount a system as being invalid, but it's hard to pin whether the internal musings of a person are good or bad before the games are played. Most of us I think are not using just data besides a few people, most are using no data at all per se, besides whatever may come to mind about past events, maybe some games seen, articles read, sports videos seen, friendly discussions, etc. I could kill the data people if they weren't allowed to use it, they suck donkey ass without it, and don't have a clue.Quote: michael99000Maybe it’s posdible to be so bad at this and have luck so horrible that the moment you start fading your picks is when your picks would’ve started doing well
Quote: onenickelmiracleThe assumption is the player sucks more than average, not that luck is worse than average, but either may be true. You can discount a system as being invalid, but it's hard to pin whether the internal musings of a person are good or bad before the games are played. Most of us I think are not using just data besides a few people, most are using no data at all per se, besides whatever may come to mind about past events, maybe some games seen, articles read, sports videos seen, friendly discussions, etc. I could kill the data people if they weren't allowed to use it, they suck donkey ass without it, and don't have a clue.
MGM called. They would like to interview you.
Bengals, with some help from the refs, bungled the OT. Pats missed covering by 1/2 of a point.
And DJatc continued his pristine Virgin Mary streak. And OneNickleMiracle is knocking on my mother's door.