Total 1-0
Favorites 0-0
Dogs 1-0
Home 1-0
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 1-2
Mission146 1-1
YTD Total 158-170
Favorites 85-77
Dogs 69-87
Home 91-94
Away 66-76
Road Fav 19-22
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 121-155
Mission146 72-81
YTD Total 48.17%
Favorites 52.47%
Dogs 44.23%
Home 49.19%
Away 46.48%
Road Fav 46.34%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.84%
Mission146 47.06%
Today's Picks:
Washington Wizards +3 L
Mission146's Picks:
Randomized Picks 121-155Quote: steeldcoYo Slack, you're welcome. I'm still in a bit of disbelief. It's a terribly poor record for random picks.
43.84% win rate.
It may be poor but well within the bell curve.
The standard error at 276 trials is just 50%/square root of 276
That comes to about 3%.
So a 95.4% chance that after 276 trials the win percentage would be between 44% and 56% (50% +/- 2*3%)
One can also calculate the standard deviation for wins.
Ev wins = 138.
So Mr Random #1 is 17 wins below this value
take the square root of (276*0.5*0.5) = about 8.3 or about 2.048 SDs to the left of the mean of 138
I had 1 million players random choose those 276 games and here are the results.
The cumulative, X or less, shows for 121 or less to be 2.3%
So many were even worse, but many were even way better.
5,829 have so far picked just 121 winners.
Here is the distribution.
group middle freq freq/100
99.50 <= x < 100.50 100.00 1 0.00%
100.50 <= x < 101.50 101.00 2 0.00%
101.50 <= x < 102.50 102.00 5 0.00%
102.50 <= x < 103.50 103.00 9 0.00%
103.50 <= x < 104.50 104.00 8 0.00%
104.50 <= x < 105.50 105.00 19 0.00%
105.50 <= x < 106.50 106.00 32 0.00%
106.50 <= x < 107.50 107.00 46 0.00%
107.50 <= x < 108.50 108.00 77 0.01%
108.50 <= x < 109.50 109.00 103 0.01%
109.50 <= x < 110.50 110.00 136 0.01%
110.50 <= x < 111.50 111.00 238 0.02%
111.50 <= x < 112.50 112.00 369 0.04%
112.50 <= x < 113.50 113.00 484 0.05%
113.50 <= x < 114.50 114.00 724 0.07%
114.50 <= x < 115.50 115.00 1071 0.11%
115.50 <= x < 116.50 116.00 1341 0.13%
116.50 <= x < 117.50 117.00 1943 0.19%
117.50 <= x < 118.50 118.00 2627 0.26%
118.50 <= x < 119.50 119.00 3486 0.35%
119.50 <= x < 120.50 120.00 4480 0.45%
120.50 <= x < 121.50 121.00 5829 0.58%
121.50 <= x < 122.50 122.00 7483 0.75%
122.50 <= x < 123.50 123.00 9442 0.94%
123.50 <= x < 124.50 124.00 11567 1.16%
124.50 <= x < 125.50 125.00 14013 1.40%
125.50 <= x < 126.50 126.00 16973 1.70%
126.50 <= x < 127.50 127.00 19815 1.98%
127.50 <= x < 128.50 128.00 23252 2.33%
128.50 <= x < 129.50 129.00 26640 2.66%
129.50 <= x < 130.50 130.00 30260 3.03%
130.50 <= x < 131.50 131.00 33825 3.38%
131.50 <= x < 132.50 132.00 36788 3.68%
132.50 <= x < 133.50 133.00 40162 4.02%
133.50 <= x < 134.50 134.00 42330 4.23%
134.50 <= x < 135.50 135.00 44891 4.49%
135.50 <= x < 136.50 136.00 46171 4.62%
136.50 <= x < 137.50 137.00 47472 4.75%
137.50 <= x < 138.50 138.00 47859 4.79%
138.50 <= x < 139.50 139.00 47701 4.77%
139.50 <= x < 140.50 140.00 46751 4.68%
140.50 <= x < 141.50 141.00 44815 4.48%
141.50 <= x < 142.50 142.00 42884 4.29%
142.50 <= x < 143.50 143.00 40074 4.01%
143.50 <= x < 144.50 144.00 37320 3.73%
144.50 <= x < 145.50 145.00 33947 3.39%
145.50 <= x < 146.50 146.00 30160 3.02%
146.50 <= x < 147.50 147.00 26866 2.69%
147.50 <= x < 148.50 148.00 23424 2.34%
148.50 <= x < 149.50 149.00 20146 2.01%
149.50 <= x < 150.50 150.00 17141 1.71%
150.50 <= x < 151.50 151.00 14318 1.43%
151.50 <= x < 152.50 152.00 11657 1.17%
152.50 <= x < 153.50 153.00 9409 0.94%
153.50 <= x < 154.50 154.00 7621 0.76%
154.50 <= x < 155.50 155.00 6132 0.61%
155.50 <= x < 156.50 156.00 4636 0.46%
156.50 <= x < 157.50 157.00 3612 0.36%
157.50 <= x < 158.50 158.00 2663 0.27%
158.50 <= x < 159.50 159.00 1894 0.19%
159.50 <= x < 160.50 160.00 1451 0.15%
160.50 <= x < 161.50 161.00 1092 0.11%
161.50 <= x < 162.50 162.00 718 0.07%
162.50 <= x < 163.50 163.00 566 0.06%
163.50 <= x < 164.50 164.00 337 0.03%
164.50 <= x < 165.50 165.00 248 0.02%
165.50 <= x < 166.50 166.00 165 0.02%
166.50 <= x < 167.50 167.00 99 0.01%
167.50 <= x < 168.50 168.00 61 0.01%
168.50 <= x < 169.50 169.00 44 0.00%
169.50 <= x < 170.50 170.00 36 0.00%
170.50 <= x < 171.50 171.00 14 0.00%
171.50 <= x < 172.50 172.00 10 0.00%
172.50 <= x < 173.50 173.00 8 0.00%
173.50 <= x < 174.50 174.00 2 0.00%
174.50 <= x < 175.50 175.00 2 0.00%
175.50 <= x < 176.50 176.00 1 0.00%
176.50 <= x < 177.50 177.00 0
177.50 <= x < 178.50 178.00 1 0.00%
178.50 <= x < 179.50 179.00 1 0.00%
99.50 <= x < 100.50 100.00 1 0.00%
100.50 <= x < 101.50 101.00 3 0.00%
101.50 <= x < 102.50 102.00 8 0.00%
102.50 <= x < 103.50 103.00 17 0.00%
103.50 <= x < 104.50 104.00 25 0.00%
104.50 <= x < 105.50 105.00 44 0.00%
105.50 <= x < 106.50 106.00 76 0.01%
106.50 <= x < 107.50 107.00 122 0.01%
107.50 <= x < 108.50 108.00 199 0.02%
108.50 <= x < 109.50 109.00 302 0.03%
109.50 <= x < 110.50 110.00 438 0.04%
110.50 <= x < 111.50 111.00 676 0.07%
111.50 <= x < 112.50 112.00 1045 0.10%
112.50 <= x < 113.50 113.00 1529 0.15%
113.50 <= x < 114.50 114.00 2253 0.23%
114.50 <= x < 115.50 115.00 3324 0.33%
115.50 <= x < 116.50 116.00 4665 0.47%
116.50 <= x < 117.50 117.00 6608 0.66%
117.50 <= x < 118.50 118.00 9235 0.92%
118.50 <= x < 119.50 119.00 12721 1.27%
119.50 <= x < 120.50 120.00 17201 1.72%
120.50 <= x < 121.50 121.00 23030 2.30%
121.50 <= x < 122.50 122.00 30513 3.05%
122.50 <= x < 123.50 123.00 39955 4.00%
123.50 <= x < 124.50 124.00 51522 5.15%
124.50 <= x < 125.50 125.00 65535 6.55%
125.50 <= x < 126.50 126.00 82508 8.25%
126.50 <= x < 127.50 127.00 102323 10.23%
127.50 <= x < 128.50 128.00 125575 12.56%
128.50 <= x < 129.50 129.00 152215 15.22%
129.50 <= x < 130.50 130.00 182475 18.25%
130.50 <= x < 131.50 131.00 216300 21.63%
131.50 <= x < 132.50 132.00 253088 25.31%
132.50 <= x < 133.50 133.00 293250 29.32%
133.50 <= x < 134.50 134.00 335580 33.56%
134.50 <= x < 135.50 135.00 380471 38.05%
135.50 <= x < 136.50 136.00 426642 42.66%
136.50 <= x < 137.50 137.00 474114 47.41%
137.50 <= x < 138.50 138.00 521973 52.20%
138.50 <= x < 139.50 139.00 569674 56.97%
139.50 <= x < 140.50 140.00 616425 61.64%
140.50 <= x < 141.50 141.00 661240 66.12%
141.50 <= x < 142.50 142.00 704124 70.41%
142.50 <= x < 143.50 143.00 744198 74.42%
143.50 <= x < 144.50 144.00 781518 78.15%
144.50 <= x < 145.50 145.00 815465 81.55%
145.50 <= x < 146.50 146.00 845625 84.56%
146.50 <= x < 147.50 147.00 872491 87.25%
147.50 <= x < 148.50 148.00 895915 89.59%
148.50 <= x < 149.50 149.00 916061 91.61%
149.50 <= x < 150.50 150.00 933202 93.32%
150.50 <= x < 151.50 151.00 947520 94.75%
151.50 <= x < 152.50 152.00 959177 95.92%
152.50 <= x < 153.50 153.00 968586 96.86%
153.50 <= x < 154.50 154.00 976207 97.62%
154.50 <= x < 155.50 155.00 982339 98.23%
155.50 <= x < 156.50 156.00 986975 98.70%
156.50 <= x < 157.50 157.00 990587 99.06%
157.50 <= x < 158.50 158.00 993250 99.32%
158.50 <= x < 159.50 159.00 995144 99.51%
159.50 <= x < 160.50 160.00 996595 99.66%
160.50 <= x < 161.50 161.00 997687 99.77%
161.50 <= x < 162.50 162.00 998405 99.84%
162.50 <= x < 163.50 163.00 998971 99.90%
163.50 <= x < 164.50 164.00 999308 99.93%
164.50 <= x < 165.50 165.00 999556 99.96%
165.50 <= x < 166.50 166.00 999721 99.97%
166.50 <= x < 167.50 167.00 999820 99.98%
167.50 <= x < 168.50 168.00 999881 99.99%
168.50 <= x < 169.50 169.00 999925 99.99%
169.50 <= x < 170.50 170.00 999961 100.00%
170.50 <= x < 171.50 171.00 999975 100.00%
171.50 <= x < 172.50 172.00 999985 100.00%
172.50 <= x < 173.50 173.00 999993 100.00%
173.50 <= x < 174.50 174.00 999995 100.00%
174.50 <= x < 175.50 175.00 999997 100.00%
175.50 <= x < 176.50 176.00 999998 100.00%
176.50 <= x < 177.50 177.00 999998 100.00%
177.50 <= x < 178.50 178.00 999999 100.00%
178.50 <= x < 179.50 179.00 1000000 100.00%
Most are surprised that the standard deviation is 3% for the 50% (avg or mean) over 276 bets
Keep up the good work!
Thanks. And pardon my thick headedness here, but are you saying that Mr. Random's record places him in the bottom 2.3%? Or am I misunderstanding?
23,030 of my 1 million random pickers have won 121 games or less
or about 1 out of 44
Total 1-0
Favorites 0-0
Dogs 1-0
Home 1-0
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 0-1
Mission146 0-0
YTD Total 159-170
Favorites 85-77
Dogs 70-87
Home 92-94
Away 66-76
Road Fav 19-22
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 121-156
Mission146 72-81
YTD Total 48.33%
Favorites 52.47%
Dogs 44.59%
Home 49.46%
Away 46.48%
Road Fav 46.34%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.68%
Mission146 47.06%
Today's Picks:
Indiana Pacers -5 L
Brooklyn Nets #VALUE! W- Assuming that I find a reasonable line later. Will post.
Houston Rockets -2½ W
Memphis Grizzlies -9 L
Denver Nuggets -7 W
Mission146's Picks:
Atlanta +5 W
Houston -2.5 W
Phoenix +9 W
Milwaukee +7 L
Today's Picks are:
Indiana Pacers -5 L
Brooklyn Nets -4 W
Houston Rockets -2½ W
Memphis Grizzlies -9 L
Denver Nuggets -7 W
Yesterday's Results:
Total 3-2
Favorites 3-2
Dogs 0-0
Home 3-2
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 3-2
Mission146 2-3
YTD Total 162-172
Favorites 88-79
Dogs 70-87
Home 95-96
Away 66-76
Road Fav 19-22
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 124-158
Mission146 74-84
YTD Total 48.50%
Favorites 52.69%
Dogs 44.59%
Home 49.74%
Away 46.48%
Road Fav 46.34%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.97%
Mission146 46.84%
Today's Picks:
Orlando Magic #VALUE! L
Indiana Pacers +3 L
New York Knicks -4 W
Toronto Raptors -3 L
Charlotte Bobcats +5 L
Brooklyn Nets +1½ L
Miami Heat -8 W
Atlanta Hawks +2 W
Oklahoma City Thunder -10 L
New Orleans Hornets #VALUE! W
Portland Trail Blazers 5.5 L
San Antonio Spurs #VALUE! W
Utah Jazz -5 L
There are 3 above who as of this morning had no lines posted. They are Orlando, New Orleans, and San Antonion. If I see reasonable lines then I will be taking those 3. I will post later.
Mission146's Picks:
Cleveland -5 W
Philadelphia -3 W
Washington +4 L
Toronto -3 L
Memphis -2 L
Brooklyn +2 L
Houston +8 L
Phoenix +6 L
Golden State +10 W
Portland +5.5 L
Utah -5 L
Orlando Magic 6.0 L
Indiana Pacers +3 L
New York Knicks -4 W
Toronto Raptors -3 L
Charlotte Bobcats +5 L
Brooklyn Nets +1½ L
Miami Heat -8 W
Atlanta Hawks +2 W
Oklahoma City Thunder -10 L
New Orleans Hornets -6.0 W
Portland Trail Blazers 5.5 L
San Antonio Spurs -4.0 W
Utah Jazz -5 L
I'm feeling pretty good today, Mr. Random hates my picks!
Total 7-6
Favorites 4-3
Dogs 3-3
Home 4-3
Away 3-3
Road Fav 1-1
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 7-6
Mission146 5-6
YTD Total 169-178
Favorites 92-82
Dogs 73-90
Home 99-99
Away 69-79
Road Fav 20-23
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 131-164
Mission146 79-90
YTD Total 48.70%
Favorites 52.87%
Dogs 44.79%
Home 50.00%
Away 46.62%
Road Fav 46.51%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 44.41%
Mission146 46.75%
Today's Picks:
Boston Celtics -2 L
Denver Nuggets -6 L
Mission146's Picks:
Yesterday's Results:
Total 2-0
Favorites 2-0
Dogs 0-0
Home 2-0
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 0-2
Mission146 0-0
YTD Total 171-178
Favorites 94-82
Dogs 73-90
Home 101-99
Away 69-79
Road Fav 20-23
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 131-166
Mission146 79-90
YTD Total 49.00%
Favorites 53.41%
Dogs 44.79%
Home 9.17%
Away 46.62%
Road Fav 46.51%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 44.11%
Mission146 46.75%
Today's Picks:
Indiana Pacers -7½ L
Washington Wizards +1 L
Charlotte Bobcats #VALUE! W
San Antonio Spurs #VALUE! W
Orlando Magic +6½ W
Atlanta Hawks -4½ L
Houston Rockets -7 W
New York Knicks -6½ L
Memphis Grizzlies -3 L
Miami Heat #VALUE! L
Oklahoma City Thunder -12½ L
Utah Jazz -4.0 W
There are 3 games above for which lines have not been published. I will update later.
Mission146 Picks:
Toronto +7.5
Brooklyn +1.5
Charlotte +6.5
New Orleans +4.5
Orlando +7
San Antonio -5
Portland +7
LA Clippers +5.5
Minnesota +6
Phoenix +13
Golden State +3.5
Utah -4
Indiana Pacers -7½ L
Washington Wizards +1 L
Charlotte Bobcats 6.0 W
San Antonio Spurs -4.0 W
Orlando Magic +6½ W
Atlanta Hawks -4½ L
Houston Rockets -7 W
New York Knicks -6½ L
Memphis Grizzlies -3 L
Miami Heat -5.5 L
Oklahoma City Thunder -12½ L
Utah Jazz -4.0 W
Good day, My Beloved Friend,
As I said early, I am Mrs. Mona Saeedi, married to Late Engr Mr. Nasser Safadi Saeedi {PhD} who worked with MULTINATIONAL OIL COMPANY EXXON AS A DRILLING RIG SUPPLIER in UAE (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) for 17 years he died on 31st July 2001 on a plane crash with other passengers, We were married for twenty four years without a child. Before his death, he deposited the sum of {7.100,000.00 million US Dollar} with a bank In Asia and this fund is presently with the bank awaiting my disbursement as beneficiary and next of kin to the funds. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next one year due to cancer Problem. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a Charity organization or good person that will use this fund to build an orphanage home which was the dream of my late husband.
l took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money. I kept this deposit secret till date; this is why I am taking this decision. I don't think I will need any telephone communication in this regard because of the confidentiality of this transfer. Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money.
I am very grateful to you for the interest shown in my plight and I want to assure you that you will be greatly rewarded for what you have chosen to do. Although we are knowing each other for the first time but I believe Allah has directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for assistance because I saw your profile on Microsoft EMAIL owners list and picked you. Be assured you stand no risk as this is my money, I and my late husband labored for it and me as the next of kin has the sole power to donate the funds to whoever I want. I am a religion women and take delight only in the things of Allah and I have prayed a lot on this already and I believe so much in the manifestation of Allah that I know he will not fail me and I want you to know that you have to be strong in your faith as he {God} will surely strengthen you. My husband’s relatives will misuse this fund because they have sold my entire late husband’s wealth and property left behind. they have sold virtually all we have in Australia, Malaysia and United Kingdom, As I am here in the hospital they are around me they wait to hear that I am dead so that they lay their hands on my last belongings here on earth, But that does not bother me because things of the earth are canal, I do not want them to know about this deposit that is why I am communicating with you only on email and I am making communication with the finance firm also who understands my predicament.
All I need is your absolute trust, commitment, confidentiality and honesty because I want to see my late husband’s vision fulfilled before I leave this sinful world. My spirit directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for someone to help me since I can no longer trust my family members and friends and I do not want this particular deposit to be used for things of the world. I will want you to get back to me that you will be absolutely honest about this transaction and you will use this money to the Glory of Allah. Also you have to assure me you will keep this transaction confidential and you will be willing to contact the finance firm which is located in Asia and finalize all necessary formalities as to the release of the fund to you.
I will also want to know a little more about you regarding your life, your spiritual life what you do for a living so as for me to know you well. I require your urgent response, if you are trustworthy and willing to help me finalize this transactions that i will immediately write my chamber to prepare a court injunction/power of attorney making you beneficiary to my fund ,some copy of other documents are with the finance firm as I sent it to them for safe keeping so my family members will not lay their hands on it. To prepare this document I will require your full names and full address. With this document you will contact the finance firm to arrange the transfer of the fund to you. As soon as you have received the fund then you will help me set up charity or distribute it to charity organizations and hospitals. I pray to be alive when you receive this fund and start this project so that you can visit me here if you wish to.
I will be very happy if you can stand and fulfil this work of God wish you have been called to do.
Mrs.Mona Saeedi.
Quote: BuzzardMr. Randoms financial worries are over. I received this email today :
Good day, My Beloved Friend,
As I said early, I am Mrs. Mona Saeedi, married to Late Engr Mr. Nasser Safadi Saeedi {PhD} who worked with MULTINATIONAL OIL COMPANY EXXON AS A DRILLING RIG SUPPLIER in UAE (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company) for 17 years he died on 31st July 2001 on a plane crash with other passengers, We were married for twenty four years without a child. Before his death, he deposited the sum of {7.100,000.00 million US Dollar} with a bank In Asia and this fund is presently with the bank awaiting my disbursement as beneficiary and next of kin to the funds. Recently, my Doctor told me that I would not last for the next one year due to cancer Problem. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a Charity organization or good person that will use this fund to build an orphanage home which was the dream of my late husband.
l took this decision because I don't have any child that will inherit this money. I kept this deposit secret till date; this is why I am taking this decision. I don't think I will need any telephone communication in this regard because of the confidentiality of this transfer. Upon your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank. I will also issue a letter of authorization to the bank that will prove you the present beneficiary of this money.
I am very grateful to you for the interest shown in my plight and I want to assure you that you will be greatly rewarded for what you have chosen to do. Although we are knowing each other for the first time but I believe Allah has directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for assistance because I saw your profile on Microsoft EMAIL owners list and picked you. Be assured you stand no risk as this is my money, I and my late husband labored for it and me as the next of kin has the sole power to donate the funds to whoever I want. I am a religion women and take delight only in the things of Allah and I have prayed a lot on this already and I believe so much in the manifestation of Allah that I know he will not fail me and I want you to know that you have to be strong in your faith as he {God} will surely strengthen you. My husband’s relatives will misuse this fund because they have sold my entire late husband’s wealth and property left behind. they have sold virtually all we have in Australia, Malaysia and United Kingdom, As I am here in the hospital they are around me they wait to hear that I am dead so that they lay their hands on my last belongings here on earth, But that does not bother me because things of the earth are canal, I do not want them to know about this deposit that is why I am communicating with you only on email and I am making communication with the finance firm also who understands my predicament.What a beautiful story
All I need is your absolute trust, commitment, confidentiality and honesty because I want to see my late husband’s vision fulfilled before I leave this sinful world. My spirit directed me to you as I prayed and searched over the internet for someone to help me since I can no longer trust my family members and friends and I do not want this particular deposit to be used for things of the world. I will want you to get back to me that you will be absolutely honest about this transaction and you will use this money to the Glory of Allah. Also you have to assure me you will keep this transaction confidential and you will be willing to contact the finance firm which is located in Asia and finalize all necessary formalities as to the release of the fund to you.
I will also want to know a little more about you regarding your life, your spiritual life what you do for a living so as for me to know you well. I require your urgent response, if you are trustworthy and willing to help me finalize this transactions that i will immediately write my chamber to prepare a court injunction/power of attorney making you beneficiary to my fund ,some copy of other documents are with the finance firm as I sent it to them for safe keeping so my family members will not lay their hands on it. To prepare this document I will require your full names and full address. With this document you will contact the finance firm to arrange the transfer of the fund to you. As soon as you have received the fund then you will help me set up charity or distribute it to charity organizations and hospitals. I pray to be alive when you receive this fund and start this project so that you can visit me here if you wish to.
I will be very happy if you can stand and fulfil this work of God wish you have been called to do.
Mrs.Mona Saeedi.
Quote: steeldcoNo worries. Any for today?
Yes, and I will again take the liberty of editing your post.
Toronto +7.5
Brooklyn +1.5
Charlotte +6.5
New Orleans +4.5
Orlando +7
San Antonio -5
Portland +7
LA Clippers +5.5
Minnesota +6
Phoenix +13
Golden State +3.5
Utah -4
Toronto +7.5 W
Brooklyn +1.5 W
Charlotte +6.5 W
New Orleans +4.5 W
Orlando +7 W
San Antonio -5 W
Portland +7 L
LA Clippers +5.5 W
Minnesota +6 W
Phoenix +13 W
Golden State +3.5 W
Utah -4 W
Quote: Mission146Oh, shit.
Now is a test of your morality. I think this deserves suspension.
Quote: BuzzardNow is a test of your morality. I think this deserves suspension.
I went with Mr. Random on 11 out of 12 games, I find the response appropriate for emphasis on how royally screwed I am!
Kidding aside, and I'm sorry for repeating myself, but can Mr. Random be so bad?
Yesterday's Results:
Total 5-7
Favorites 4-5
Dogs 1-2
Home 5-4
Away 0-3
Road Fav 0-2
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 3-8
Mission146 2-9
YTD Total 176-185
Favorites 98-87
Dogs 74-92
Home 106-103
Away 69-82
Road Fav 20-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 134-174
Mission146 81-99
YTD Total 48.75%
Favorites 52.97%
Dogs 44.58%
Home 50.72%
Away 45.70%
Road Fav 44.44%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.51%
Mission146 45.00%
Today's Picks:
Denver Nuggets -6 W
Philadelphia 76ers -9 L
Golden State Warriors +5½ L
Detroit Pistons +7 L
Sacramento Kings -1 L
Mission146's Picks:
Denver -6 W
Philadelphia -9 L
Dallas -5.5 W
Detroit -7 L
Sacramento -1 L
Quote: steeldcoWell Mission, it's not as if you weren't forewarned. You really need to stop listening to Mr. Random......he's draggin' ya down into the muck....
Kidding aside, and I'm sorry for repeating myself, but can Mr. Random be so bad?
Mr. Random got desperate and started paying a tout, he said that his guy has picked .679 for the season so far...and he picks every single game! He told me I could get in on those picks and I only had to pay 25%...
Quote: Mission146Mr. Random got desperate and started paying a tout, he said that his guy has picked .679 for the season so far...and he picks every single game! He told me I could get in on those picks and I only had to pay 25%...
So Buzz is out trying to make a few spare bucks again?
Yet another losing day for Mr. Random. As a matter of fact, I believe that Mr. Random has now hit a new low in terms of %.......
Yesterday's Results:
Total 4-1
Favorites 2-0
Dogs 2-1
Home 2-0
Away 2-1
Road Fav 1-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 2-3
Mission146 5-0
YTD Total 180-186
Favorites 100-87
Dogs 76-93
Home 108-3
Away 71-83
Road Fav 21-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 136-177
Mission146 86-99
YTD Total 49.18%
Favorites 10.31%
Dogs 44.97%
Home 0.26%
Away 46.10%
Road Fav 45.65%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.45%
Mission146 46.49%
Today's Picks:
Miami Heat -7.0 L
Orlando Magic +3½ W
Boston Celtics -2 W
Memphis Grizzlies -9 L
Toronto Raptors -4½ L
Phoenix Suns +8½ W
Brooklyn Nets 2.5 L
Sacramento Kings +5½ L
Mission146's Picks:
Los Angeles Clippers +3.5 W
Boston -2 W
Portland -3 L
Toronto -4 L
Phoenix +8.5 W
Houston -5.5 W
Total 6-2
Favorites 4-0
Dogs 2-2
Home 6-2
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 3-5
Mission146 3-3
YTD Total 186-188
Favorites 104-87
Dogs 78-95
Home 114-105
Away 71-83
Road Fav 21-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 139-182
Mission146 89-102
YTD Total 49.73%
Favorites 54.45%
Dogs 45.09%
Home 52.05%
Away 46.10%
Road Fav 45.65%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.30%
Mission146 46.60%
Today's Picks:
Philadelphia 76ers +5½ L
Milwaukee Bucks -4 W
Mission146's Picks:
Yesterday's Results:
Total 0-2
Favorites 0-1
Dogs 0-1
Home 0-2
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 1-1
Mission146 0-0
YTD Total 186-190
Favorites 104-88
Dogs 78-96
Home 114-107
Away 71-83
Road Fav 21-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 140-183
Mission146 89-102
YTD Total 49.47%
Favorites 54.17%
Dogs 44.83%
Home 51.58%
Away 46.10%
Road Fav 45.65%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.34%
Mission146 46.60%
Today's Picks:
Golden State Warriors -4½ W
Mission146's Picks:
Portland +11.5 L
Sacramento +9 L
Oklahoma City -5.5 L
Golden State -4.5 W
Phoenix +9 W
Total 0-1
Favorites 0-1
Dogs 0-0
Home 0-1
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 3-2
Mission146 2-3
YTD Total 186-191
Favorites 104-89
Dogs 78-96
Home 114-108
Away 71-83
Road Fav 21-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 143-185
Mission146 91-105
YTD Total 49.34%
Favorites 53.89%
Dogs 44.83%
Home 51.35%
Away 46.10%
Road Fav 45.65%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.60%
Mission146 46.43%
Today's Picks:
Orlando Magic +3½ L
Brooklyn Nets P W
Detroit Pistons -2 W
New York Knicks -8½ W
Boston Celtics -1 L
New Orleans Hornets -5 L
Milwaukee Bucks -5 W
Sacramento Kings +10½ W
Los Angeles Clippers #VALUE! L
I could not find a line on the Clippers. Assuming that I find a reasonable one later they will be a pick. I will post later.
Mission146's Picks:
Today's Picks are:
Orlando Magic +3½ L
Brooklyn Nets P W
Detroit Pistons -2 W
New York Knicks -8½ W
Boston Celtics -1 L
New Orleans Hornets -5 L
Milwaukee Bucks -5 W
Sacramento Kings +10½ W
Los Angeles Clippers -10.5 L
Total 4-5
Favorites 3-3
Dogs 0-2
Home 4-4
Away 0-1
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 4-5
Mission146 0-0
YTD Total 190-196
Favorites 107-92
Dogs 78-98
Home 118-112
Away 71-84
Road Fav 21-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 147-190
Mission146 91-105
YTD Total 49.22%
Favorites 53.77%
Dogs 44.32%
Home 51.30%
Away 45.81%
Road Fav 45.65%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.62%
Mission146 46.43%
Today's Pick:
Oklahoma City Thunder -4½ L
Mission146's Picks:
Miami +4.5 W
Los Angeles Lakers +3 L
Looks like a 190-197-11 record to date
You are setting good highs and lows for the downside
Time to turn around your results.
The season should be all downhill from here on out. (up trend for you)
Max investment 45 units
net: -24.27 units (flat betting -110)
How about placing some win probabilities on each game?
Do you do that??
That way as your edge increases so should the bet amount per game.
I hope there's an uptrend. I would like to improve upon last year's results, and I think that I can.
Time will tell..........
Yesterday's Results:
Total 0-1
Favorites 0-1
Dogs 0-0
Home 0-1
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 2-0
Mission146 1-1
YTD Total 190-197
Favorites 107-93
Dogs 78-98
Home 118-113
Away 71-84
Road Fav 21-25
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 149-190
Mission146 92-106
YTD Total 49.10%
Favorites 53.50%
Dogs 44.32%
Home 51.08%
Away 45.81%
Road Fav 45.65%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.95%
Mission146 46.46%
Today's Picks:
Washington Wizards -3 W
Orlando Magic -4½ W
Brooklyn Nets -4½ L
Memphis Grizzlies -2 L
Chicago Bulls -2 L
Denver Nuggets -8 L
Utah Jazz -3 W
Portland Trail Blazers -5½ W
San Antonio Spurs -9 W
All faves.....unfriggin' believable.
Mission146's Picks:
Charlotte +5 L
Washington -3 W
Memphis -2 L
Brooklyn -4.5 L
Chicago -2 L
Boston +8 W
Golden State +3 L
Phoenix +5.5 L
Sacramento +9 L
Mission, you have 2 Memphis picks? Did I copy it down incorrectly? What team should have been -4.5?
Total 3-6
Favorites 3-6
Dogs 0-0
Home 1-5
Away 2-1
Road Fav 2-1
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 3-6
Mission146 6-3
YTD Total 193-203
Favorites 110-99
Dogs 78-98
Home 119-118
Away 73-85
Road Fav 23-26
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 152-196
Mission146 98-109
YTD Total 48.74%
Favorites 52.63%
Dogs 44.32%
Home 50.21%
Away 46.20%
Road Fav 46.94%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 43.68%
Mission146 47.34%
Today's Picks:
Memphis Grizzlies +1½ W
Indiana Pacers -3.5 W
Detroit Pistons -3 L
Cleveland Cavaliers P L
Minnesota Timberwolves -1.5 W
Milwaukee Bucks -3.5 W
Miami Heat -4½ W
Oklahoma City Thunder -2½ W
Dallas Mavericks -10½ W
Golden State Warriors -8½ L
Los Angeles Lakers -7 W
Mission146's Picks:
New York Knicks +3.5
Memphis +1
Detroit -3
Atlanta +5.5
New Orleans +3
Oklahoma City -3
Brooklyn +4
Philadelphia +3
Orlando +11
Phoenix +8
Boston +7
Sorry, I had them ready and just forgot to send them. I'm going to try to stop editing your posts all the time!
I'm excited about hitting a high percentage today.....don't know why I feel that since it is picking all favorites again....but I do.
Good Luck! Don't let Mr. Random catch ya.
Yesterday's Results:
Total 9-2
Favorites 7-2
Dogs 1-0
Home 6-1
Away 3-1
Road Fav 2-1
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 6-5
Mission146 3-8
YTD Total 202-205
Favorites 117-101
Dogs 79-98
Home 125-119
Away 76-86
Road Fav 25-27
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 158-201
Mission146 101-117
YTD Total 49.63%
Favorites 53.67%
Dogs 44.63%
Home 51.23%
Away 46.91%
Road Fav 48.08%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 44.01%
Mission146 46.33%
Today's Picks:
Los Angeles Clippers -3 W
Mission146's Picks:
Miami -2.5 W
Los Angeles Clippers -3 W
Total 0-1
Favorites 0-1
Dogs 0-0
Home 0-1
Away 0-0
Road Fav 0-0
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 1-1
Mission146 1-1
YTD Total 202-206
Favorites 117-102
Dogs 79-98
Home 125-120
Away 76-86
Road Fav 25-27
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 159-202
Mission146 102-118
YTD Total 49.51%
Favorites 53.42%
Dogs 44.63%
Home 51.02%
Away 46.91%
Road Fav 48.08%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 44.04%
Mission146 46.36%
Today's Picks:
Denver Nuggets #VALUE! W
Indiana Pacers -9 W
New York Knicks -2 L
Chicago Bulls -6½ L
Brooklyn Nets -2 L
Atlanta Hawks -7½ L
New Orleans Hornets PK L
Oklahoma City Thunder -13 L
Memphis Grizzlies -14 W
Boston Celtics -2 W
San Antonio Spurs -2 W
Los Angeles Lakers -9 L
Denver is a pick as long as I find a reasonable line later. I will post.
Also, it is again picking the damn favorites......don't like it but it is what it is.
Making it worse is that my indicator says that today should be a good day. Something along the lines of 9 and 3. Geez.........
Mission146's Picks:
Detroit +9 L
New York -2 L
Chicago -6.5 L
Sacramento +7.5 W
Brooklyn -2 L
Dallas PK W
Orlando +14 L
Boston -1.5 W
San Antonio -2 W
LA Lakers -9 L
Total 5-6
Favorites 5-5
Dogs 0-0
Home 3-4
Away 2-2
Road Fav 2-2
Streak Breaker 0-0
Randomized Picks 6-5
Mission146 4-6
YTD Total 207-212
Favorites 122-107
Dogs 79-98
Home 128-124
Away 78-88
Road Fav 27-29
Streak Breaker 11-13
Randomized Picks 165-207
Mission146 106-124
YTD Total 49.40%
Favorites 53.28%
Dogs 44.63%
Home 50.79%
Away 46.99%
Road Fav 48.21%
Streak Breaker 45.83%
Randomized Picks 44.35%
Mission146 46.09%
Obviously my prediction of a good day yesterday was off. In the interest of trying to stay positive, at least I didn't get killed.....
Today's Picks:
Houston Rockets -1½ L
Charlotte Bobcats +9½ L
Cleveland Cavaliers -5½ W
Indiana Pacers -4½ W
Miami Heat -7½ L
Atlanta Hawks +4 W
Utah Jazz +9 W
Mission146's Picks:
Orlando +5.5 L
Houston -2 L
Charlotte +8.5 L
Indiana -3.5 W
Miami -7 L
Milwaukee -4 L
Los Angeles Clippers -9 L
It looks like Mission should be in for a great day since Mr. Random has the opposite side on all but 1.