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February 14th, 2014 at 9:27:00 PM permalink
Quote: PeterMorris

I draw suited 5-4. I have an EV of -0.0125.

You're getting this number assuming that everyone checks it down all the way to the river. Something that usually doesn't happen.

Quote: PeterMorris

...But what if I'm small blind? Does that make a difference? Has the EV become positive?

Doesn't change at all pre-flop. What you are hoping for is that the flop will change the odds dramatically and that everyone will automatically call all your bets and raises. Again something that usually doesn't happen.

My opinion is that you want to play this type of hand very rarely and only then in late position and only then if you have a positive image at the table. Then I would suggest to play it aggressively representing it as a big pocket pair. Essentially play it as a bluff or semi-bluff where one of three things happen:

1) the bluff works and you take a moderately sized pot
2) the bluff fails and you lose a moderately sized pot but then it sets up the next hand where you actually do have the nuts
3) you happen to get extra extra lucky and 5-4 suited actually flops the nuts where you have a chance to get all of your opponents chips
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February 14th, 2014 at 9:50:24 PM permalink
First of all, you're calling, not betting. Second of all, if you don't play 54s in this position, 4 limpers before you, you should find another game. 54s is about as easy a hand to get away from if the flop misses you and you can bust a lot of people if you hit the flop good. Assuming this is no limit. Fixed limit? I'd still take 11-1 odds with a small suited connector against a table full of players. Again, assuming you know how to play post flop.
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February 14th, 2014 at 10:01:58 PM permalink
Except the probability of "hitting the flop good" is very unlikely. You're wasting money over many hands to get that one hit.

And even then, when you do hit it and bet, what happens? Everyone folds? Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen! They were supposed to pay me off! Don't those idiots know how to play poker???

Bad expected value play (but no so in a limit game).
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February 15th, 2014 at 7:33:32 PM permalink
Quote: paisiello

Except the probability of "hitting the flop good" is very unlikely. You're wasting money over many hands to get that one hit.

And even then, when you do hit it and bet, what happens? Everyone folds? Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen! They were supposed to pay me off! Don't those idiots know how to play poker???

Bad expected value play (especially so in a limit game).

First of all it's 11-1 odds. Second of all, no limit hold em poker has very little to do with ev pre flop, it's about implied odds and this is about as good a play you can find. Anybody folding here should never play poker again.
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February 15th, 2014 at 8:16:19 PM permalink
I'm not so sure it's no limit either. I think it's an easy hand to get away from even for a beginner. Easy for a beginner with poker instincts anyway.
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February 15th, 2014 at 8:19:00 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

First of all it's 11-1 odds. Second of all, no limit hold em poker has very little to do with ev pre flop, it's about implied odds and this is about as good a play you can find. Anybody folding here should never play poker again.

Yes, the pot odds are 11:1 but what kind of hand are you trying to hit?

Some probabilities of hitting the flop with suited connectors:

Two pair 2.00%
Trips 1.30%
Straight 1.30%
Flush 0.80%
Full house 0.10%
Total 5.50% = 1 in 17.2 probability

Furthermore, in a cash game there's a rake so this actually reduces the pot odds considerably. So it's a bad bet.

Now you talk about implied odds: first, why would you expect them 100% of the time to pay you off? It won't happen nearly enough to make it worth playing. Secondly, with multiple people in the hand there is a good chance that they will still out flop you even if you hit something.
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February 16th, 2014 at 11:12:09 AM permalink
I'll retract what I said before and concede that in a Limit game with at least 5 other callers, calling might be marginally profitable assuming with implied odds you can at least get one person to call you down to the river with a losing hand. Not an unreasonable assumption for a Limit game, maybe.

In a No Limit game, however, you are completely out of position and susceptible to any kind of semi-bluff. For example, let's say the flop comes:

4, 5, A rainbow

You bet the pot and one of the limpers shoves. Do you call? They might only have A,J or maybe they have A,4 or maybe they flopped a set or maybe they have 6,7. Do you risk your entire stack on this?

You are essentially susceptible to the same implied odds that your opponents are. In order for implied odds to really work you need to be sure that your hand is the nuts and that your opponent is going to pay you off 100% of the time. These are big assumptions in a No Limit game.
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February 19th, 2014 at 4:19:56 PM permalink
Small suited connectors play best getting in cheap in multi way pots (with position preferably). Making a big raise to drive everybody out with a hand you can call for half a bet and that plays very well in this spot and can win a lot of money with the right flop is foolish. Any of the early limpers can be slowplaying a big pair begging for somebody in late position to raise so they can reraise. The big blind remains to act as well. Anybody advising anything other than a call is either 80+ years old living on social security or never played much poker beyond freerolls.
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February 20th, 2014 at 7:13:33 PM permalink
Quote: PeterMorris

A six player game. Small blind is 1 coin, big blind is 2 coins.
Playing means that I bet 2 coins for a chance of winning 12 coins.

But what if I'm small blind? I've already put in 1 coin. It's a sunk cost. I won't get it back if I fold.

If I bet, I only have to bet 1 coin for a chance of winning 12.

He's in the small blind, there are 4 limpers and he has to put in half a bet to see the flop with the BB yet to act.
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February 20th, 2014 at 9:30:00 PM permalink
Quote: Tomspur have alreayd antied up "1-coin", why not see a flop?

Because it is a -ve expected value and in the long run it will cost you money. I assume by the same logic that you would also recommend to call from the BB a minimum raise?

What you can do is every time you have a marginal hand to call with in the SB or BB, just make a note of it. At the end of the session add up all the times and see how much money you have spent. You'll find that it is quite a lot of money and very unlikely will have won any big hands with it.

Best advice which I think most poker pros will tell you is only play this type of hand in late position and raise it pre-flop to represent a big hand. This should be a rare move and only then if you have a good table image.
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February 20th, 2014 at 9:47:26 PM permalink
I'm just interested in maximizing my profit. You are more interested in gambling in which case you should stick to a game like roulette.
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February 20th, 2014 at 9:57:05 PM permalink
Well you are apparently suggesting it since your poor recommendation is to always call the SB with weak hands.
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February 20th, 2014 at 11:41:08 PM permalink
I believe it was stated originally that it had a -ve EV. I can only suggest that you keep track every time you play it and add up your losses from this play at the end of your sessions.
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February 21st, 2014 at 7:40:46 AM permalink
Folding in this spot is right. You're assuming that when you hit a 20:1 long shot that everyone will voluntarily go along with your brilliant plan and pay you off. Just doesn't happen in real life most of the time. You're opponents are just as equally likely to get a big hand and you are easy to get counterfeited.

More importantly, you generally want to build up an image as a nit so that when you do have an opportunity to bluff or semi-bluff you can take down more hands without having any callers. If your opponents see you folding a lot and only playing premium hands this helps build up a good image to set them up with later.
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February 21st, 2014 at 7:48:20 AM permalink
Pay attention. The small blind has 54s, not a "weak hand". There isn't a pro alive who would fold 54s in that scenario and the vast majority would call with 53o in that scenario. Scared nits are the easiest money in poker.
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February 21st, 2014 at 8:06:34 AM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

Scared nits are the easiest money in poker.

And that's the image I want you to have of me when I end up taking all your money.
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February 21st, 2014 at 8:10:32 AM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

There's a balance. You can make SOME money if you hit your hand here. Not stack someone all the time but you can get some calls.

Not enough to justify the call every time. Like I said, just keep a personal log of how many hands you played this way and figure out how much it cost you at the end of your sessions.
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February 21st, 2014 at 8:37:14 AM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

Here's a question: for those who are folding in this spot, what kinds of hands are you calling with here?

I'm almost never calling in this spot. I will either raise or fold.

That being said, sometimes (but not too often) I will call with some hands to try and catch those people who like to limp in with hands like suited connectors. For example, sometimes I will call with any pocket pair, suited ace, or two cards that will give me broadway draws. I might even slow play a big premium hand to catch loose players with (but rarely do this).

And at the end of the day, very rarely, I might actually play suited connectors or some other similar garbage. I think the golden rule in poker is not to be predictable. Get your opponents to make bad plays because they think you are strong when you are weak and you are weak when you are strong.
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February 21st, 2014 at 8:39:36 AM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

You will lose a dollar a lot of the time. But you will also win your share of pots. The real reason to call is there are all those limpers. More money in the pot, more people who can make mistakes, etc

And more people who can beat you, too. In the long run your wins will not offset the costs.
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February 21st, 2014 at 8:41:52 AM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

Those are cards Negreanu loves.

Does he always call with them in the small blind? I would be surprised if he did.
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February 21st, 2014 at 9:23:15 AM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

What exactly can you flop here that you can't get away from that isn't considered a good hand? Two pair is good. Low straight is good. You have to be cautious hitting trips because of bad kicker but you can get away if you're smart.

I already outlined scenarios previously here:
Calling SB in NL

The main reason not to play this hand is that you are out of position and easily exploitable.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 1:23:27 PM permalink
Quote: paisiello

Calling if the wrong play. It is a long time money loser.

Did you ever actually play poker?
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February 22nd, 2014 at 2:11:16 PM permalink
Have you ever read any books on the subject?
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February 22nd, 2014 at 3:14:09 PM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

True. I can't fold bottom fold pair under any circumstances. I don't think you know thing one about cash poker.

Poker in general, not just cash games. Doesn't understand 6 handed v 9 handed adjustments, implied odds, anything. Under certain circumstances it's theoretically correct to call with KK if you see the other guys cards and he has AA.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:00:41 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

Poker in general, not just cash games. Doesn't understand 6 handed v 9 handed adjustments, implied odds, anything.

Since that's what we have been talking about the whole time I think you don't fully understand the subject.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:11:40 PM permalink
Tell you what. You talk about taking everybody's money, take mine. We'll put the op on the top poker site (we all know what it is, lots of pro players). We'll ask do you fold, raise, or call. No A xx%, B xx%, C xx% for balance. Simple fold raise or call. I'll give you fold and raise and I'll take call. Only posters registered more than one month count so you don't have to worry about me having friends join just to skew the results. We'll check back after 2 weeks and add up the results. First we both escrow $1K each with the Wizard here. Bets between adults without juice are legal so he should go along. (2) $500 postal money orders, leave the purchaser and payee blank. All you have to do is accept and I'll send my $1K first so we don't have to go through any "You send your money first." "No, you send your money first." When he says he has mine you can send yours and we'll make the post.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:18:56 PM permalink
That's what I thought.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:25:24 PM permalink
Copying the op to 2+2 forums and tallying the resulting posts.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:30:03 PM permalink
It's the top poker site and it has plenty of knowledgeable poker players but even the mediocre players will know a call is correct.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:35:52 PM permalink
If you were to qualify it and only confirm professional poker players who have been playing cash games successfully for a minimum 10 years, then I might consider taking you up on it.

I hope that unbiased readers of this thread realize that people who give advice based on what they've read on an internet forum can't be construed as credible.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 4:46:02 PM permalink
Pick 10 professional players. We'll contact them if you want. Just do something other than make excuses.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 5:27:16 PM permalink
You're the one proposing it so you'll have to demonstrate that you're serious and set it up first.

First thing to do is to define exactly what the terms are.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 5:46:02 PM permalink
You just got the terms. Work on comprehension. I told you I'll post the money first. You keep dodging not me. I'm not interested in going back and forth with you. I'm interested in posting the money.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 6:19:02 PM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

Umm, I'm a successful cash game player for the last 5 years. I'm a respected AC grinder reg.

I live in Toms River now. Vernon before. I've played AC quite a bit until about 18 months ago.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 7:24:29 PM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

Umm, I'm a successful cash game player for the last 5 years. I'm a respected AC grinder reg.

Umm, are you a professional player that maximizes their primary source of income?
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February 22nd, 2014 at 7:37:51 PM permalink
Quote: anonimuss

You just got the terms. Work on comprehension. I told you I'll post the money first. You keep dodging not me. I'm not interested in going back and forth with you. I'm interested in posting the money.

I'm afraid you're the one that needs to work on your comprehension. No where have you stated exactly what position you want to bet on. Once you you do that in detail then i'll consider whether to bet you.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 7:39:02 PM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

Nice. I'm here nearly every week.

Funny thing is I haven't been to AC since I moved to Toms River. I used to play 7C Stud and some NLHE at the Trop and LHE and NLHE at the Borg. Minimal scattered play everywhere else.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 7:40:55 PM permalink
Quote: paisiello

I'm afraid you're the one that needs to work on your comprehension. No where have you stated exactly what position you want to bet on. Once you you do that in detail then i'll consider whether to bet you.

Reread my posts again and again until you answer your questions and stop wasting my time now.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 7:51:22 PM permalink
Sorry, I'm not going to bet you unless you lay out the full terms of the bet in detail. Otherwise stop wasting my time.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 7:55:13 PM permalink
You won't bet no matter what. I posted two different proposals. It's late at night but I'm not going to sit next to your bed and read to you. You're just looking for a way out.

When you're ready we can send the Wizard $1K each, let him read this thread and set the terms. Just post when you're ready and I'll send my end first.
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February 22nd, 2014 at 8:34:33 PM permalink
Since you won't post the full terms of the bet (and the terms you have bothered to state seem to have now changed), I respectively decline.
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February 23rd, 2014 at 8:03:23 AM permalink
Maybe a shark or two as well..?

I am going off the books I've read and the professional players I know personally. They just wouldn't play the way you play. I mean you are the type of player I want to play against: easy to bust for playing predictably bad or marginal hands.
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February 23rd, 2014 at 8:06:29 AM permalink
Wow I can't believe I missed this all this time. Pasisiello, I will take over this bet and lay out the full terms and start to contact the poker players. I don't think you will take the bet because, we all know, you know, you will probably lose this one. I'm certain this had is +EV for skilled players, even in the situation the OP described.

I do believe that Books and even pros will discourage others from playing low SS connectors. Most of that advice is directed at people just learning the game of A B C poker. An A B C poker player shouldn't get involved playing SS connectors in early position. If you are free thinking and creative and want to be a great poker player. Folding 45 SS from early with no raises, is generally a bad move.

Who do you think is the tightest top pro?

Pasi, someone asked you, if you actually played much poker. You implied that you read lots of poker books. I'm not sure you answered the question.

I have never read a complete poker book, I will take a lie detector test regarding that. I will publicly challenge you to a heads up No limit cash game 3k Min buy in more if you wish, I'm flexible with the blind structure . I cant get a few poker rooms to deal it for time and no rake. If you don't like heads up. I will challenge you to ring game situation, where we play the same amount of time and start with the same amount of money. Who ever wins more at the end of the session wins. We will make the rules so you can never play low SS connectors in early position, and I will always play them in un-raised pots, raised pots if I wish.

Thinking more about this instead of the NL we could make it Pot limit, and have some rule restrictions for you on low SS connectors and some musts for me.

To the person who talked about chip stack. I agree that chip size matters however, I disagree with you when you say that having only A $10 chip stack in this situation would make this a fold. I think having only $10 in this spot would also make this a a good play. You will most likely get full odds on your $10 from all the players. The hand cant cost you more then $10. You get to see all the cards and can't be forced out.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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February 23rd, 2014 at 8:10:41 AM permalink
Quote: Lemieux66

I respectfully agree with you sir.

How can you disagree with that statement? that's insane.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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February 23rd, 2014 at 9:12:41 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

How can you disagree with that statement? that's insane.

Lol I respectfully agreed!
10 eyes for an eye. 10 teeth for a tooth. 10 bucks for a buck?! Hit the bad guys where it hurts the most: the face and the wallet.
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February 23rd, 2014 at 9:15:38 AM permalink
Quote: paisiello

Maybe a shark or two as well..?

I am going off the books I've read and the professional players I know personally. They just wouldn't play the way you play. I mean you are the type of player I want to play against: easy to bust for playing predictably bad or marginal hands.

Exactly what spots are you busting me with? I mean really. When you hit, you HIT. When you miss, you MISS. When you get bottom pair, you can fold easily. You are not busting me if I'm deep and I have draw. If we get stacks in on a draw vs the range you talk about, I PROMISE YOU I am ahead percentage wise.
10 eyes for an eye. 10 teeth for a tooth. 10 bucks for a buck?! Hit the bad guys where it hurts the most: the face and the wallet.
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February 23rd, 2014 at 9:16:53 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

Wow I can't believe I missed this all this time. Pasisiello, I will take over this bet and lay out the full terms and start to contact the poker players. I don't think you will take the bet because, we all know, you know, you will probably lose this one. I'm certain this had is +EV for skilled players, even in the situation the OP described.

I do believe that Books and even pros will discourage others from playing low SS connectors. Most of that advice is directed at people just learning the game of A B C poker. An A B C poker player shouldn't get involved playing SS connectors in early position. If you are free thinking and creative and want to be a great poker player. Folding 45 SS from early with no raises, is generally a bad move.

Who do you think is the tightest top pro?

Pasi, someone asked you, if you actually played much poker. You implied that you read lots of poker books. I'm not sure you answered the question.

I have never read a complete poker book, I will take a lie detector test regarding that. I will publicly challenge you to a heads up No limit cash game 3k Min buy in more if you wish, I'm flexible with the blind structure . I cant get a few poker rooms to deal it for time and no rake. If you don't like heads up. I will challenge you to ring game situation, where we play the same amount of time and start with the same amount of money. Who ever wins more at the end of the session wins. We will make the rules so you can never play low SS connectors in early position, and I will always play them in un-raised pots, raised pots if I wish.

Thinking more about this instead of the NL we could make it Pot limit, and have some rule restrictions for you on low SS connectors and some musts for me.

To the person who talked about chip stack. I agree that chip size matters however, I disagree with you when you say that having only A $10 chip stack in this situation would make this a fold. I think having only $10 in this spot would also make this a a good play. You will most likely get full odds on your $10 from all the players. The hand cant cost you more then $10. You get to see all the cards and can't be forced out.

Here's the Cliffs for you:
Pas: "I'll take your money."
Anon: "Put up."
Pas: "I know you are but what am I?"

Wouldn't bet with tomorrows newspaper.
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February 23rd, 2014 at 10:50:47 AM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

How can you disagree with that statement? that's insane.

LOL that is not a spelling error
"Man Babes" #AxelFabulous
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February 23rd, 2014 at 11:17:01 AM permalink
I'd like to see the book that recommends not to play 54s in a cash game in that spot.
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February 23rd, 2014 at 11:27:15 AM permalink
Equity calc with no hearts dead:
Ace Poker Drills Poker Equity Calculator

Equity Win Tie Hand Range
20.5277% 20.514% 0.0137% [ 5h4h ]
21.616% 21.6023% 0.0137% [ AdKd ]
17.4284% 17.4147% 0.0137% [ TcTs ]
18.7448% 18.7311% 0.0137% [ QcJc ]
13.0933% 13.0796% 0.0137% [ 7c7s ]
8.5899% 8.5762% 0.0137% [ 9d8d ]
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