I'm not bragging about a $20 comp, no. Rick said go to Gold Coast and see if they give you heat.
They didn't give me heat, they gave me a comp. And they were friendly.
Did you read the words, or just look at the pictures? The comp was just evidence of who I talked to when I rolled a 4-point fire bet and what their response was.
Ahigh these two quotes is why so many of us have a problem with what you are writing. First you weren't bragging, then on the next post you were bragging about the same thing! After someone say you were bragging you said you weren't, the came back to say you were.
And yeah, I'm bragging, but mostly that I had a good roll, ate, and left! Not that the food was $20 worth
To start with a 4, 5, or 6 point fire-bet's are no big deal, the so-called random rollers, roll them everyday. Now the sad part of your story is that you didn't have any money on the bet. I find this hard to believe when you claim to be the best shooter there is and that you know more about the game of craps then anybody else! I tell everybody that I know that the best bet on a craps table is the fire-bet's, because of the ROI even though the casinos have a 25% edge on you.
Have you ever thought that a casino wouldn't sweat you because your dice are bouncing all over the place, they are off the table, they are short, they bounce halfway down the table, they must think you are just a random roller that is getting lucky!
You should do some reading on comp's, they give them out because of the amount of money that you have going across the table, now days getting anything over a cheap dinner is getting hard to get as the casinos are using all their great software they have tracking what you are playing. But again you know it all so I know that you would never pick-up a book on what the casinos do to rate you.
Does any of other post that the guys are putting up about what you write sound familiar, I'm not the only one on this board that is telling you that you are just one more random roller that at times gets lucky, just like the rest of us.
Please do a slow motion video the next time you put on you Great, Fantastic Ahigh Show, so we can count just how many times your dice bounce, flip and turn, before they come to a stop, that's if they stay on the table!
Quote: Ahigh
I recommend that you simply drop the subject. Nobody wants to talk about programming on this forum anyway!
Alright, let's go back to your dice rolling. The reason I said that you are just another random shooter is because I saw the dice bounced everywhere in your show last night. Most of the time, the momentum of the dice was too strong when they bounced from the felt and hit pyramids. Plus your non-stop talking
when you were shooting made it worse. By the way, it's arrogant that asking other posters to stop posting here. It's a public forum which you don't own,
you can post and so can others.
Quote: AlanMendelsonSometimes your posts are about what you can do. Then there are other posts about your research and investigation.
To be honest, you can't do both. Either you want to prove your belief in your own skill, or you are trying to investigate whether or not there is such a thing as DI and DC.
Personally I disagree with this. What's preventing him from doing both?
Quote: apseekerAlright, let's go back to your dice rolling. The reason I said that you are just another random shooter is because I saw the dice bounced everywhere in your show last night. Most of the time, the momentum of the dice was too strong when they bounced from the felt and hit pyramids. Plus your non-stop talking
when you were shooting made it worse. By the way, it's arrogant that asking other posters to stop posting here. It's a public forum which you don't own,
you can post and so can others.
I didn't say stop posting. I said that nobody wants to talk about programming, so drop the subject.
You cannot assert that there is no bias to my shot based on what you see visually. Others have said the same thing, like the poster above named Super Rick who also believes that he knows more than I do about being able to look at a shot and know if it is random or not. But just saying and believing it don't make it true.
Necessarily I am developing a legal shot. If I did short rolls they would not let me perform the shots for money. After a while they wouldn't allow me to play or shoot because my shots are not legal shots.
That is why you are looking at it thinking it's random: because it's a legal shot. I want that. Get it?
Super Rick who looks at my shot and says the same thing is used to getting more problems from the casino about his shot than I am because his shots are a whole lot more obvious that he is trying to take the casino by using a shot that is questionable in terms of being allowable according to the current rules.
I've seen Super Rick shoot. And he had some weird ass looking shots that would make just about anybody scratch their head. Some weird helicopter shot and more. If someone didn't come away thinking this guy was trying to pull something over on the casino with his funky shots and his notepad on the rail you would have to not be thinking much at all about it. He comes across as someone who wants you to notice he is trying real hard, but I think I lost more than a couple hundred bucks on his shots .. but that's okay because as he said the REAL DI's have bad days! Wow he had a real bad day the last time I bet money on him. I don't think he won a single one of my bets except the one that he said verbally to me "that's not a good bet" which was placing the 6 and 8 working on the comeout.
Genius!!! And you and he come across to me as the same KIND of genius. The kind that believes things based on faith and guessing based on what things look like instead of how they really are. Including the comment about my code. All the sudden you're a coding expert because you see something YOU would have done differently. Wow. Impressive.
So what percentage of the time did my dice hit the pyramids. I have all the video. So take a guess, and I will go through the video and count out of all 200 rolls what percentage of the shots hit the pyrramids and let you know how close you were.
But here's what I think: you do not have a CLUE what percentage of the time the dice hit the pyramids.
But since you take the position that you saw them hit the pyramids "most of the time" give me a number percentage and let's see how close you were.
Quote: RuperSickAhigh these two quotes is why so many of us have a problem with what you are writing. First you weren't bragging, then on the next post you were bragging about the same thing! After someone say you were bragging you said you weren't, the came back to say you were.
Since it wasn't clear to you from what I said .. let me spell it out. I was bragging that I rolled good and I had a good time and I got along with everyone and they treated me like ROYALTY. You would never know what it is LIKE for me when I go to shoot and I win and get treated so nice because just the fact of you BEING there would stop it from happening!!! That is what I am bragging about more than anything is that when I go to the casino and gamble and win, I have more fun 9 out of 10 times that I go than you have with the biggest win ever because that is my goal and you can't even RELATE to how much fun I am having.
I have seen how they treat you. Wayne had some VERY interesting comments about you when you shot at the Silverton the last time I saw you. They don't treat you like someone they want to have around. For starters, you bring a notepad on the rail. A very tiny percentage of players do that. And the ones that do are not really taken that seriously first of all. After that, people aren't sure how to interact with you because you are an odd person. You aren't like anyone else at the table. You are not there to have a good time and enjoy yourself. You're sort of like you want to come across like an accountant. But when you're charting the rolls of random rollers, the only possible explanation is that you think there might be a bias to the dice.
From the bet amounts and the money that I saw you pull out, I think the specific times I saw you shoot, and how you present yourself, the casino staff generally want to get rid of you because you interfere with the other players' willingness to give up their money while having a good time. The comments you made to me and the persona that you had while you were playing was that of a Paraih. Everybody had a classification for you, and it was the type of person you, as a casino employee, didn't want around the table because of the effect you have with everybody asking you questions. "What is the notepad for?" And you answer, "Oh they gave it to me when I was in Canada." Do you seriously think that Wayne believes those answers? When you come up with such bullshit answers to questions when they know what the notepad is for, they have you pegged for a scribe. All you are doing is letting them know that you think you can pull something over on them.
As if!!! And of course you're going to get what you think is heat. But it's not because they are really scared, you got a weird freaking vibe at the table. And people are having a hard time enjoying themselves with you being around.
Quote: RuperSickTo start with a 4, 5, or 6 point fire-bet's are no big deal, the so-called random rollers, roll them everyday. Now the sad part of your story is that you didn't have any money on the bet. I find this hard to believe when you claim to be the best shooter there is and that you know more about the game of craps then anybody else! I tell everybody that I know that the best bet on a craps table is the fire-bet's, because of the ROI even though the casinos have a 25% edge on you.
Have you ever thought that a casino wouldn't sweat you because your dice are bouncing all over the place, they are off the table, they are short, they bounce halfway down the table, they must think you are just a random roller that is getting lucky!
You should do some reading on comp's, they give them out because of the amount of money that you have going across the table, now days getting anything over a cheap dinner is getting hard to get as the casinos are using all their great software they have tracking what you are playing. But again you know it all so I know that you would never pick-up a book on what the casinos do to rate you.
Does any of other post that the guys are putting up about what you write sound familiar, I'm not the only one on this board that is telling you that you are just one more random roller that at times gets lucky, just like the rest of us.
Please do a slow motion video the next time you put on you Great, Fantastic Ahigh Show, so we can count just how many times your dice bounce, flip and turn, before they come to a stop, that's if they stay on the table!
You're putting words in my mouth, so let me make some corrections on things you said.
I never claimed to be the best shooter. I never claimed that I know more about the game of craps than anybody else.
Here is the distinction between my claims and what you are thinking: I generally don't know of anybody that I am sure is a better shooter than me, and I generally don't run into anyone that I think knows more about the game than me.
It's a show-me-don't-tell me attitude.
I do think I am a better shooter than you, but I've only seen you go down in flames. You want to make conclusions about my dice bouncing all over the place? How about this, I will make conclusions based on the fact that I have only seen you lose. Horribly!! I mean you can't even roll but one out of 5 points from what I have seen. I know you have had better shots in your life because that was one of the worst performances I think I have ever seen from anyone!
You have so much advice, and watching how YOU play I can see why you have a problem with what I am doing. It's because YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG Rick. I am *so* glad I am not like you. My life is great, and I feel sorry for you. The fact that you have to make things worse for yourself by trying to give me advice as if I am trying to be like you is absolutely hilarious.
it becomes that its amateurs on parade. Who gives
a rip what the other players or the dealers think of
you. Is this your social hour when you play? "The
other players like me way better than you." Its 2nd
grade all over again. Get in, get the job done, and
get out, leaving as small a footprint as possible. Its
almost like you want the pit and the players to remember
you. If your intent is to win more than lose, and the
pit's intent is for you to lose more than win, don't
you see a slight problem here in your approach? Its
almost like you want them to pat you on the back
if you demonstrate dice skills. Insanity..
That is very petty and childish, but certainly not unexpected.
And those weird comments about how he's a "Paraih" (sic) with "a weird freaking vibe" with "bullshit answers" that the casino staff "want to get rid of" is very telling.
Hard to say if your attack is rooted in a thin skin, jealousy, or something deeper.
You seen me in a casino shooting one time, the only reason I was there was because you had a post up on your board to come over to the Silverton and bet on you with all the hardways you throw. That day it just didn't happen for you, before that I watched you shooting there before and just like always your dice were all over the place. I was trying to be friendly to a local player, little did I know that you have problem with anybody that says anything to you about what you are doing. Ahigh that comes out in just about every one of your post. If anybody says anything besides patting you on you're back you freak out. Now if you insist that by having your dice bounce every which way there is and to have them bounce half way back down the table because you have the new terminology “Bias Throw” then everybody that picks up the dice must have a “Bias Throw.”
They all do the same thing and yes they too roll hardways. I track every table I play on and every shooter, all the data when I'm playing is live data, I don't take it home then pug it into a computer and say, gee if I bet this way or that way I would have won money, you either win or lose when you play craps. I tell everybody that we all have good days and bad days.
This is not about my bad day when you saw me shooting one time, as I recall when you stopped playing because you were losing, you made a comment , Oh now you start shooting, why didn't you do that when I was betting on you.
We played at the same table and during that time I don't think that we said but a few words to one in other. Yes I did tell you that working you're bets on the come-out was a dumb thing to do when I was shooting because I was trying to make come out 7's if you understood what other players do, you wouldn't work your bets on come out rolls. It was a common courtesy for me to tell you not to have your bets working, but you know it all, so you lost some of your bets on the come out rolls.
Now unlike you I know exactly what happened on the table with your shooting, and it turned out to be random! Just so you will have it I will post it for you. You had 116 rolls out of those you rolls, you rolled 9 hardways H8=2, H6=4, H4=2, H10=1, you're longest roll was a 19 roll.
That day there was a so-called random roller on the table that had a 38 roll in those 38 rolls he rolled four hardways three of them came back to back when he rolled the H10, then the H8, then the H10 again. At roll 28 he hit the H6, and then he didn't have anymore hardways. He rolled two other times one roll was a 5 roll the next was a 10 roll.
That day he had the best roll on the table when we were there, if you would have listened to our great fiction writers, every so-called DI that follows their fiction would not have bet on this so-called random roller.
Now for me I rolled 105 times and in those rolls I rolled 9 hardways they were the H8 3x's the H6 3x's and the H4 3x's, my longest roll was a 22 roll.
The things that you don't remember when you are losing, is what actually happened on the table, everything gets mixed up, you tend to remember the short rolls, but nothing else, that is why I track every table I play on and every shooter. If you go back and watch every one of your videos you are so rapped up with trying to throw hardways that you think you are throwing more hardways then anybody else on this planet. I think the most common thing that everybody hears on your videos is come on hard 8, come on hard 8, and come on hard 8, over and over again and again.
We should have a poll about your shooting, as to how many of us thinks that you are a random shooter and how many say you have control over you're dice. Oh gee, I got that wrong, you have a bias when you are shooting, that’s a new coined word, for what you think you do with the dice in your hands.
Gee on that day the so-called random roller out shot both of us, isn’t funny that I write that the so-called random rolls will out shoot most so call DI's on any giving day, because they out number the so-called DI's tens of thousands to one
I made the offer to you that I would show you why I bet a crap check on the come out rolls, but I know you think that you are way above everybody else that plays craps, so I'm sure you will never take me up on that one, or anything else I have to say about shooting or betting. You would rather show everybody how fantastic of a shooter you are at home, so you can be the center of attention. Do it in a casino with other players on the table and chips in your way and make sure that you are not random when you are doing it! One of these days you will wake up and realize that we all just get lucky when we are shooting! When that day come you will look back at this and see how much money you wasted. I'm available this coming Monday night, I will even buy you dinner.
Sorry I didn't see your post about me before I posted my last post, as I said before this is not about me, and what you think about me, you have a problem with anybody that says anything to you, sorry but that is my read on you, if I was you I would just stop and answer the questions anybody ask you after all isn't this about "The Ahigh Show"? It's not about me, and what you think about me and the fact that I track tables.
What I do on the table doesn't affect you. What you are writing about your shooting does effect any body that thinks they can do the same thing. I still say prove it out that you are a so-called DI or what ever you want to call yourself; then show it to the world. But if you are going to prove anything it should be done under casinos conditions, with chips on the table and other players making bets and doing all the stupid things they do when anybody is shooting.
You can say that the dealers say anything you want to and make up all your little name you want to, My sons did the same thing when they were about five years old to when they were about ten years old. It took a long time to break them of their childish behavior, I don't remember what the turning point was, I guess that they just grew up.
What you are saying anyway is just hearsay, there are plenty of DI's around the country that know me, that don't have the sick problem you have with me or anybody else that questions what you think you are doing.
Quote:You have so much advice, and watching how YOU play I can see why you have a problem with what I am doing. It's because YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG Rick. I am *so* glad I am not like you. My life is great, and I feel sorry for you. The fact that you have to make things worse for yourself by trying to give me advice as if I am trying to be like you is absolutely hilarious.
My sons used to play the same childish games, he said, she said.
Ahigh grow up, is all I can say to you or you might be losing some of your fan base, than what would you do, if nobody tuned in to see you show?
Quote: superrickyou might be losing some of your fan base, than what would you do, if nobody tuned in to see you show?
Its already happening. As it becomes more and more
evident that Ahigh is a rank amateur, with a craps
table and a TV show, and has nothing to offer as far
as teaching goes, the audience inevitably fades away.
When you hear testimony from people who've play with
him, and read MustangSally's assessment of his lack
of math skills, its evident Ahigh has put the proverbial
cart before the horse. Buy a table, buy equipment to
broadcast himself, then learn how to be a DI.
Anyone interested let me know. I live down the street from the Red Rock Casino.
With that said, I have played with SR before many times. As he said all shooters have good and bad days. I remember being on a table first time we hooked up to shoot together and he fired out a mid 40 and a few mid 30 hands. I've played with AH before where he outshot me in a mid 20 hand roll. So take it for what's it worth they both have performed above average when I played with them. If play with SR when invited as well as AH when invited. I chart tables as well to exploit my Method of Trend Setter I developed and it works on DI's as does Randy's. I was tuned in to AH show Tuesday but couldn't take the music overlay over AH voice so I bailed and following day got the roll data where I ran it on Trend Setter. One of things TS picks up on is the way the table is dictating to play. That is Pass or Don't Pass, Lay bets,
Place bets as well as Dint Come bets and a few other tidbits I won't disclose here. 5/6 Levels of play but I only ran Levels 1-3 on AH roll data.
In the 2 hr show, playing Level 1 netted 12 units
Level 2 netted I believe 6.5 units and Level three 6.9 units for a score of a little over 25u. I based it off $100 unit, so I would have made over $2500 on that session in 1.5-2 hrs without ever picking up the bones. One of the things I did notice is TS picked up that AH sig # is "9". And if u were with the show last week u heard me say it then as well. He thru 8 over probability and like 5 over on the 6 and 2-3 over on the 10. All other numbers 4,5,7 and 8 were under probability. Yes even the 7. What saved AG was the last 30 min where I believe he had 2 "7" in like 48 rolls, he was 3 over going into that segment.
So if the background music gets lowered next week ill tune in but when my wife in another room tells me to turn off the computer music, its too loud and I can hear him speak out the rolls. Etc....
So let me know if u all want to key together and toss in $20-25 each at my Brand New 12 ft table for us Locals. We could have some fun to see who's the King Shooter and Jing Bankroll Manager during that evening. Maybe do it once a month so everyone gets a chance to get their money back (from me)... Hehehehe. LMAO.
As far as "fan base" the people that watch are curious. If nobody tunes in, I will keep doing the show until the March 11th event. That is the main reason why I started doing this at all was so that I would have some practice and do a good job covering Nickolay's performance. I have no idea what will happen after that, but basically all this stuff I'm doing right now is effectively trying to get the process down before that broadcast is done so I can hopefully sort of know what I'm doing.
I am very hopeful that someone comes to demonstrate that they are a MUCH MUCH better shooter than anyone though. But I think that you're no better than I am, assuming that I continue to get results that I am getting.
And as far as the six and eight working on the comeout, instead of making your comment "that's not a very good bet" why couldn't you say something like "let me try to get a six ro and eight for you Aaron!"
For all your criticizing, you take criticism very poorly.
The one thing I don't disagree with is that a random shooter can shoot better than you or I when they get lucky. But I think even you are unaware that all I am trying to do is to prove that it is possible to overcome the edge in craps. I expect that it could take longer to even figure out a way to prove it. But doing a live performance where everyone knows I didn't just ditch the bad rolls is just part of the process for me.
I already don't think you can overcome the edge on a crap-check. That's why I don't make a habit out of betting that. I have bet maybe three crap check bets in my life. I may have come out ahead on those three, but I wouldn't keep doing it if I were you, and that continues to be my advice for clarification on that issue.
But on the subject of why I even have the show, I would much rather that people would just believe that I'm telling the truth. But with things like the drama between you and the rest of what you refer to as the "so-called DI's" that way pre-dates my being on the scene, there is absolutely no way that anybody is going to believe me with even a hint that you and I are associated with each other. So if nothing else, let this put the record straight that I am not a follower of you or anyone else when it comes to what I am doing.
And absolutely I don't use the terms that you guys use, and I do not want to be associated with that stuff. I would much rather be following the advice of people who don't have long-standing head-butting histories like you and the Mad Professor do.
So if you want to do me a favor, just stop posting your opinion, scribing or not, I am not asking for it. If you want to go a step further stop following Mad Professor's every word as well. Why not do your own work and publish that?
If perchance one of these DI or DC gurus who sells courses, or writes books, or has a website, happens to come to your home to demonstrate on your table and you are able to capture their performance either live or on tape and unedited, you will be doing more to further DI and DC than anything you could ever do with recording or showing your own rolls.
I texted you that I am unable to drive up there today. As we discussed on the phone last night, I do have a client meeting this afternoon, and an editing session tonight that just developed.
I look forward to playing with you at a casino soon.
I further expect that none of the guys who claim to be any good will subject themselves to the bright lights of a live camera and a real craps table with only legal throws being allowed.
Already, and to this point, the fact that enough people know what I am doing, and only one person, Nickolay, has stepped up to the plate has provided fuel to speculation to suggest that the entire quest for controlled shooting is merely a quest for selling books, classes, DVD's, and what-not, and has no basis in reality for creating fantastic wealth out of throwing dice for a living.
All the big money I see throwing dice are just randomly throwing the dice and doing just fine. I assume some of those guys are lucky for sure. But I think more of them are just bringing money from other pursuits and just enjoying the thrill of high stakes gambling.
I'm not selling that stuff and the main reason why is that I don't think it generates enough revenue to be worth my trouble. But even if it did, I want the credibility that comes without having a bias towards an answer. If I can't have a throw that overcomes the house edge, I'll probably just stop playing craps, sell my table, and start doing something else.
Again, I am lucky to have a good job, and I will continue to focus on that.
Sorry we won't be meeting tonight but I actually have some work to do myself at the office to get caught up after oversleeping this morning.
Quote: AhighI didn't say stop posting. I said that nobody wants to talk about programming, so drop the subject.
I didn't mean you asked me to stop posting. Didn't you ask EvenBob to stop posting yesterday, and today you post this:
Quote: AhighSo if you want to do me a favor, just stop posting your opinion, scribing or not, I am not asking for it.
We post here is not because you ask for but we feel like to.
I didn't watch your whole show because your constantly talking was annoying when you were shooting. I stopped watching it at the point when you talked about something like this "So far the hardway strategy didn't work, lost about $xxx bucks..." Also, I said clearly the dice hit pyramids after bouncing off felt, but not hit pyramids directly. Anyway, could you post your show on Youtube?
Quote: AhighIncluding the comment about my code. All the sudden you're a coding expert because you see something YOU would have done differently. Wow. Impressive.
Why did you bring up this coding topic again that you asked me to drop it off? Can you just make up your mind or your thoughts are random just like you roll the dice? It doesn't to be a coding expert to tell that your Perl code sucks. Just fact it.
Quote: AhighSince it wasn't clear to you from what I said .. let me spell it out. I was bragging that I rolled good and I had a good time and I got along with everyone and they treated me like ROYALTY.
ROYALTY (all caps!) is a $20 comp for a disgusting meal in a casino TGI Friday's!?
Man, royalty ain't what it used to be.
Did Your Highness partake of the "Chip N Dip Trio"?
Quote: Ahigh
So if you want to do me a favor, just stop posting your opinion,
Here we go again. Do you understand the nature
of a public forum? People can express their opinions
and you get to take them or leave them. But you can't
force them to stop. Just block everybody you don't like
and we'll talk around you.


Gold!Quote: sodawaterDid Your Highness partake of the "Chip N Dip Trio"?
(A, you had that one coming.)
With that said, I have a few questions?
1) what's the Good vs the Bad in all this live video broadcast?
2) what can the casino's do if it is proven that DI's do have an edge on them?
3) what counter measures can they do, to keep us from taking hundred or thousands a day from them?
I'm lucky in that if measures are taken, I quite frankly have found a way to make $500-750 a day a few days a week without ever shooting but the guys who strictly rely on their Skillset would have to adjust to new rule, new pyramids, new fabric, longer tables , etc...I'm almost hoping the dude doesn't show but around random next month. . Especially if casinos are tuning in. I onced watch a clip from a seminar of Pit Bosses that focused on what to do to counter DI's. over 10 yrs now, they have made some changes from felt to micro fiber, to underlayment t , to SB rubbers, to not allowing SL1 to reach across stick on a full table where he can't go to his left, to Changing size and quality of Prymids, to talking more at table to shooter of what you are doing, to now getting in our head, to bringing down additional suits to get close to table. I could go on and on. If we didn't have an edge I can guarantee they wouldn't do these things. I've been tossed twice now and told business not welcome and I've had up to 6 suits at my table by end if roll hen I started wih 1. If they weren't scared if our ability they would t sweat it a bit. I was at a table this year and a guy had a 69 hand roll at ********t with no heat at all but when I got cubes, it didn't take but 3 rolls and had them on me. These casinos not only threatened by how we shoot but how we bet during our hot hand. IMO a thread and Forum needs to be created and each person verified by minimum of 2 people as non casino employee before access granted. Then I wouldn't have a problem with video. Hell video me for that matter, but on those conditions and No face shots. But to put it on accessable channels for a casinos to View is something I won't do.
Just my .02 worth
I just want to get it on film the best possible shot out there willing to be filmed for evidence that it's possible. No worries if it's not me.
I just got this in the mail today. The next show should be pretty cool. Maybe you could make it for that show?
I ordered the moz cheese stix, the bbq chicken flatbread, and shrimp cocktail. The appetizers were half off ($6 each). I got a coke.
I don't know, but I love Fridays. It's all good to me. But we all have different levels of what it takes to make us happy.
I was pretty damn happy though!
Quote: Ahigh
I just got this in the mail today. The next show should be pretty cool.
Another thousand bucks down the drain so
we can watch you learn how to throw the
dice. Amazing.
Sucks for the 40 percent of the country hovering on the poverty line, I guess.
Quote: EvenBobAnother thousand bucks down the drain so
we can watch you learn how to throw the
dice. Amazing.
It is amazing. I just bought $1,000 worth of new chips so I can have a full set of Paulsons on my table too.
I'm pretty stoked about all of it.
I'm thinking about setting up three flat screens behind the table instead of the one screen. But I'm not sure yet I want to do that.
Quote: AhighIt is amazing. I just bought $1,000 worth of new chips so I can have a full set of Paulsons on my table too.
I'm pretty stoked about all of it.
I'm thinking about setting up three flat screens behind the table instead of the one screen. But I'm not sure yet I want to do that.
Have you ever considered giving some of these $1000s to charity? Might make you feel just as good as whatever fleeting Internet attention you get from this foolishness, and it will actually help people as well.
Quote: sodawaterHave you ever considered giving some of these $1000s to charity? Might make you feel just as good as whatever fleeting Internet attention you get from this foolishness, and it will actually help people as well.
I feel fine. There are several people who already benefit from my generosity. I live well below my financial means so that others can live above theirs.
I do appreciate your altruism with respect to my resources.
Quote: Ahigh
I just got this in the mail today. The next show should be pretty cool.
I'm very impressed by your passion in Craps. No sarcastic here, I sincerely wish you good luck and have fun.
Quote: Ahigh
I'm thinking about setting up three flat screens behind the table instead of the one screen.
You're thinking way too small. Put green screens on
two walls and you can have the background look like
a real time casino when you're on the air and when
you practice. This will bring your fantasy to new heights.
Quote: EvenBobYou're thinking way too small. Put green screens on
two walls and you can have the background look like
a real time casino when you're on the air and when
you practice. This will bring your fantasy to new heights.
And then you can move the whole rig in the kitchen to pretend you're really eating at TGI Fridays.
It would add a whole new dimension to the show.
And cost a whole bunch of money for the technology,
but you like wasting money, so its a moot point.
Quote: treetopbuddyIs Buzzard dead? This beat down doesn't seem the same without him.....
I might be wrong but he may have jumped off the lets kick Hightower in the nuts train.
Quote: sodawaterCapitalism is hilarious. 40 percent of Americans are one missed paycheck away from financial disaster, but some people have enough money to waste on absolute frivolity. Luck of the draw, I guess.
Sucks for the 40 percent of the country hovering on the poverty line, I guess.
This whole website is mainly about frivolity if you're talking about gambling. Very very few people make money at the casinos.
Quote: boymimboThis whole website is mainly about frivolity if you're talking about gambling. Very very few people make money at the casinos.
Yes -- but it's one thing to go to a casino and spend money to have fun with friends, but it's quite another to buy $10,000 worth of broadcasting equipment and cameras all so you can have a few hours of attention on a web message board -- at least for me.
Of course, he is free to spend his money however he sees fit. I just think it's a waste.
Is it true that the "dominator" is not allowed to play craps anywhere in the world? Apparently there are 5,197 casinos worldwide.....is it possible that he has been banned from every single one?Quote: boymimboThis whole website is mainly about frivolity if you're talking about gambling. Very very few people make money at the casinos.
Quote: apseekerI'm very impressed by your passion in Craps. No sarcastic here, I sincerely wish you good luck and have fun.
Thanks apseeker. I'm not sure that people realize it or not, but my world is unaffected by the outcome of whether or not I can prove that AP craps play is possible.
Most of my big money bets are straight up gambling -- not grinding. And I like it that way.
I'm not sure others who believe AP craps play is possible could say that.
But that's one reason I generally only play for fun.
The dealers use to give me a really hard time for not betting more. I heard all kinds of advice for how to win money.
I'm not even worried about it. I mean I like winning money, but entertainment is the purpose of gambling to me. Not to replace my job.
The worst thing that could happen would be if I won enough money to temporarily think I could quit my job, then I find myself between a rock and a hard place if I am unemployed and expecting gambling (with or without an edge) to pay the bills and I run out of resources to tap.
That would totally suck!!!
I am very lucky though .. just not related to craps, just everything else.
Thanks for the support and encouraging my passion for the game.
I am absolutely spending my wins on toys for my table and broadcast. It makes me happier to spend it than to lose it at the table. I won't have as much to gamble with, but that's alright. I'm still having fun!
Quote: Ahigh
I am absolutely spending my wins on toys for my table and broadcast. !
Then get the green screen. You can covertly tape the inside
of the best casinos in Vegas and be playing in them in your
house. I think the idea has merit.
Quote: sodawaterif you wear a green shirt and pants you can just be a floating head. that might let you roll more hard ways with less "heat"
Seriously, I'm laughing so hard I can't type without errors..
And a green sheet is hokey. Do it right.
now that's some funny stuffQuote: sodawaterif you wear a green shirt and pants you can just be a floating head. that might let you roll more hard ways with less "heat"
Quote: sodawaterCapitalism is hilarious. 40 percent of Americans are one missed paycheck away from financial disaster, but some people have enough money to waste on absolute frivolity. Luck of the draw, I guess. Sucks for the 40 percent of the country hovering on the poverty line, I guess.
my rejoinder
Sorry, it isn't "luck of the draw," it is hard work.
Work hard, choose a good profession, stay out of trouble and the world can be your oyster.
Quote: Ahighhttp://www.cardking.info/article.asp?id=249
Nice link, Aaron: very interesting.
He's a big boy, playing at the highest level.
The question of course is: has he pissed it all away at the craps table?
Then again, maybe he doesn't really care.
I just threw away my GulfstreamQuote: MrVmy rejoinder
Sorry, it isn't "luck of the draw," it is hard work.
Hell, I'm about to pay over $20K to a specialist repair facility in Colorado who are "sorting out" my Ferrari.
Capitalism, baby ... capitalism.
Work hard, choose a good profession, stay out of trouble and the world can be your oyster.