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February 18th, 2011 at 11:54:33 AM permalink
You may vote for one or more than one in the above poll. Just pick the most annoying to you.

Having a dealer who keeps winning I'm sure is the most annoying to most people, but I was curious what annoyed you MOST other than that.

Feel free to comment and add any that I haven't thought of.
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February 18th, 2011 at 12:02:49 PM permalink
For me, it's the players who criticize - when you look, they usually state that they don't follow basic strategy since it doesn't work. Then they disappear after they lose their money, and I get another round of them. ;) MIA cocktail waitresses are a 2nd - I'd like to get a drink before I lose my buy-in! :)

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February 18th, 2011 at 12:06:44 PM permalink
I was playing in mid position one time along with one other guy at first base. I was running good but he was not. He decided to move from his spot to the last spot so he could start getting my cards and I his. What a punk!
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February 18th, 2011 at 12:08:49 PM permalink
Quote: clarkacal

I was playing in mid position one time along with one other guy at first base. I was running good but he was not. He decided to move from his spot to the last spot so he could start getting my cards and I his. What a punk!

The funny thing is it makes no difference where you sit but the guy was dumb enough to think so. Hopefully you kept winning!
OFFICIALLY and justifiably reclaimed my title as SuperHotBlonde!
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February 18th, 2011 at 12:38:25 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

The funny thing is it makes no difference where you sit but the guy was dumb enough to think so. Hopefully you kept winning!

How annoying behavior is also depends on the person. A hot blonde sat next to me once with only enough money for a single bet. Clearly she was trying to score some drinks. She was charming and animated, and would you believe that she managed to stay in the game for about an hour. She won enough to tip the server as well. While we are all familiar with someone who is trying to score drinks, this remains the only time I have ever seen someone try it with a single bet.

Sometimes in craps you get overly theatrical players. It doesn't bother me because it's nice to see people enjoying themselves. Sometimes it seems to bother the pit boss because they are so busy dancing around and high fiving that they significantly slow down the game.
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February 18th, 2011 at 1:02:05 PM permalink
Smokers by far are the most annoying to me. Thankfully, all my local casinos have gone smoke-free and when I make the occasional trip to AC, there are large parts of the casino (75%, I think) that are smoke-free.

Second most annoying are other players who criticize my plays. In my experiences, I've had people criticize my plays, but some have gone so far as to patronize me and even threaten me (one guy said he would "fuck me up" if I hit a soft 18 again - he was a big guy so I left the table). One time, I was slapped right across the face by an older gentleman when I hit (and busted) on my hard 17 against the dealers A (in Spanish 21), which "caused" her to make a 21. `

Third most annoying is the missing cocktail waitress when I am super thirsty.

Fourth most annoying is people who constantly shuffle their chips. I find the noise annoying, but I am also disgusted by the need of these people to "fondle" those nasty, dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat-at-Penn-Station, germ-encrusted chips.

Fifth most annoying is a dealer who just won't shut up and slows down the game with his or her chit chat. For me, being at the tables is like a going for a massage. I'm not there to conversate with the masseuse, just do the job and let me relax in peace!!!!
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February 18th, 2011 at 1:39:12 PM permalink
Quote: HotBlonde

The funny thing is it makes no difference where you sit but the guy was dumb enough to think so. Hopefully you kept winning!

You're right it makes no difference. He didn't realize that though so his thought process was "I will change it so that I win and he loses", and that's why he was a punk.
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February 18th, 2011 at 2:23:21 PM permalink
Went with "players who criticize your moves" as it is probably the most annoying (other than the dealer repeatedly drawing to 21 and/or keeps winning). A close second with me, though, would have to be spectators, or others not involved in the game, who want to carry on a lengthy conversation that distracts me from the game. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy socializing with other players and the dealers, but I once had a pit boss carry on a lengthy, distracting conversation with me while I was playing heads up with a dealer and, most recently, I had a nice lady repeatedly distracting me from the game, because she had never played before (blackjack switch) and wanted to know why I made each move I made. I had been making the side bet, but got so distracted between play and trying to explain the game to her, that I forgot to make the bet. That's when I caught three of a kind! Damn!
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February 18th, 2011 at 2:25:49 PM permalink
Quote: cardshark

One time, I was slapped right across the face by an older gentleman when I hit (and busted) on my hard 17 against the dealers A (in Spanish 21), which "caused" her to make a 21.

I had to see for myself if this is the correct move. For those of you to lazy to look it up, the correct move is "surrender, if permitted, otherwise hit".
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February 18th, 2011 at 3:05:15 PM permalink
Quote: cardshark

Second most annoying are other players who criticize my plays. In my experiences, I've had people criticize my plays, but some have gone so far as to patronize me and even threaten me (one guy said he would "fuck me up" if I hit a soft 18 again - he was a big guy so I left the table)....

Really?? In this day and age with all the blackjack books out, this new-fangled world-wide-Inter-web-net thingie, movies, etc, and there are still people who think how YOU play your cards affects THEM? In blackjack...really? I can almost forgive someone back in the 1950's visiting Las Vegas, the only gambling mecca in America, and not knowing the rules, but there are casinos everywhere now. Moving to another seat to be on someone's left rather than right only works in poker.

Quote: cardshark

Smokers by far are the most annoying to me. Thankfully, all my local casinos have gone smoke-free and when I make the occasional trip to AC, there are large parts of the casino (75%, I think) that are smoke-free.

Smokers are the most inconsiderate, selfish, nasty-smelling litterbugs to non-smokers. Las Vegas will never be smoke-free till all the smokers die off. Fortunately, all the poker rooms are smoke-free except Boulder Station and Hooters.

Quote: cardshark

Fourth most annoying is people who constantly shuffle their chips. I find the noise annoying, but I am also disgusted by the need of these people to "fondle" those nasty, dirtier-than-a-toilet-seat-at-Penn-Station, germ-encrusted chips.

Yeah, those things are filthy. I shuffle my chips anyway out of boredom, but after stupidly rubbing my eye one time few years ago, you better believe now I scour with a Brillo and bleach before ever leaving the casino.
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February 18th, 2011 at 3:12:39 PM permalink
Dealers who hustle tips, give unsolicited advice, criticize my play, give poor penetration, deal slowly, and complain about their jobs.
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February 18th, 2011 at 4:54:32 PM permalink
Voted for numbers 2, 4, and 7. In my experience, those traits are often present in the same person.
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February 18th, 2011 at 5:36:12 PM permalink
NOW hold on a minute not all of us smokers are rude and inconsiderate... some of us are polite smokers.. and NONSMOKERS (esp former smokers) can just be as annoying... i was standing outside smoking a cig once and a lady walked outside and said excuse me but can you smoke somewhere else its bothering me.. i said to her well go back inside then..

but i actually prefer the inside to be smoke free smoking distracts from my concentration.

As for criticizers yeah they are bothersome.. but most of the people i find try to be more helpful then not.. like if i am about to take a hit on a 14 against a dealers upcard of 5. and i say oops.. thanks.. and stop the hit..
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February 18th, 2011 at 5:44:55 PM permalink
Quote: kauboj

NOW hold on a minute not all of us smokers are rude and inconsiderate... some of us are polite smokers.. and NONSMOKERS (esp former smokers) can just be as annoying... i was standing outside smoking a cig once and a lady walked outside and said excuse me but can you smoke somewhere else its bothering me.. i said to her well go back inside then..

Casinos in the UK are all smoke free now. If I am in Vegas at a table and want a cigarette, I always ask if anyone and include the dealer. I dont want to inconvienience anyone for my benefit. However if someone chooses to sit at a table where I am playing and smoking, then complains, I always point out to them it was their choice to sit down at a smoking table.

I know not everyone has the same coutesy, but not all smokers are the same, just like non smokers. My personal pet hate is dealers that are not adaptive to the cutomer needs, to I want a chat, or do I want you to shut up and deal. On the list, it has to be the unsolicited advice and comments. It annoys me as a dealer, and if people repeatedly do it I point out that people are allowed to play however they like with their money.
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February 18th, 2011 at 10:20:51 PM permalink
Quote: zippyboy

Quote: cardshark

Second most annoying are other players who criticize my plays. In my experiences, I've had people criticize my plays, but some have gone so far as to patronize me and even threaten me (one guy said he would "fuck me up" if I hit a soft 18 again - he was a big guy so I left the table)....

Really?? In this day and age with all the blackjack books out, this new-fangled world-wide-Inter-web-net thingie, movies, etc, and there are still people who think how YOU play your cards affects THEM? In blackjack...really? I can almost forgive someone back in the 1950's visiting Las Vegas, the only gambling mecca in America, and not knowing the rules, but there are casinos everywhere now. Moving to another seat to be on someone's left rather than right only works in poker.

Yeah, really.

You'd think they'd wise up. But if they bothered to read any of those books, or read the info available on the WoO or any of the other internet gambling websites, they'd never play 6:5 again, or bet the stupid side bets. But it's "failing" to bet the sucker bet that gets the most criticism!
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February 19th, 2011 at 12:57:46 AM permalink
Smokers are #1 for me, however I can still break them into groups. If smoke is coming at me, I leave the table, if the smoker blows it away from me, I really don't care.

Next is a tie between people that get pissed off at losing when they aren't even close to playing basic strategy and people that critisize my play. Honestly this includes anyone on the table that believe anyone else on the table is affecting their odds. Most people think of the moment though so I can understand why they could care less about what happens over 1000 hands.

After that would be simply people that take gambling too seriously. I couldn't care less if someone is at the table and just keeping to themselves. While I think annoyed is too strong, I do get a different vibe from a table with someone being pissed off that they just lose 8 hands in a row. I'm sure a lot of people would be upset. I've just run into a few people where it seemed to be that they really shouldn't have been playing that last $100 on blackjack when they got realyl really upset losing on a hand.

I know you didn't ask it but I have a worse one on craps. I have seen it at least 5-6 times now where someone is the shooter and takes forever to roll. Either they throw down a late prop bet or are setting the dice for 45 seconds. That in itself I really don't care about. My issue comes later when they aren't the shooter and are yelling out "let the shooter shoot" as if he wants the dealers to give the dice out and make the game go faster. In both cases I really don't care about the things that are happening, I simply don't like people that contradict themselves. Maybe no one ever told the person that he was holding up the game but setting the dice for 45 seconds.

I can't hate people that shuffle chips as I am one of them. Not really because I like the noise, I just need to have my fingers doing something. This is actually one reason I like pitch BJ, Let it Ride, and 3 Card Poker. I actually get to handle the cards.
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February 19th, 2011 at 7:20:49 AM permalink
For me, it's DEFINITELY the idiots who criticize other people's play,
sucking the fun right out of the game.

And of course, as others have pointed out, usually the people
who criticize barely know a fraction of basic strategy.

Theoretically, don't the majority of players who don't know
the correct strategy, but who otherwise are having a good
time, help the casino stay in business and allow good
players to play at tables with decent rules ?

Now, having said that, I am happy to share the correct
basic strategy decision, BUT ONLY IF I AM ASKED FOR
ADVICE. Otherwise, I engage in small talk and just
play my hand.
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February 19th, 2011 at 8:25:18 AM permalink
Getting criticized for playing basic strategy is always something that pisses me off the most. But what I usually do when that happens is I make equal fun of them when they make a gaffe (which they always do). Someone who criticizes you for playing basic strategy doesn't know it, and they will do dumb things like stay on 14 against a 7, not double down their 11s, or split 2s against a 10. At that point, I'm very quick to analyze a play and look at what the dealer would get and state, "the dealer would have busted had you hit that 14 on a 7", or something to that effect. They usually either shut up or leave.

I don't ever offer advice unless I'm asked for it.

I don't care about smokers either because it's my choice to sit with them.
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February 19th, 2011 at 11:00:47 AM permalink
I voted for smokers, however have to say it is a close tie with people who criticize my play. As stated by a few others there are definitely courteous smokers and there are inconsiderate smokers in the casino. I do not mind sitting next to someone at a table who will make an effort to keep their cig held away from others and blow the smoke upwards. Usually these are the polite smokers who might ask if anyone minds that they smoke before lighting up. However, unfortunately it seems most smokers I run into could care less about the other people around them, the smoke is constantly blowing in my face or others around the table, or even worse, right at the dealers face. These people make me sick, I can't imagine that they don't realize where their smoke is headed, or how they are holding their cigarette. . . I have even seen multiple times a smoker let their ashes fall on another players arm or leg at the table, and then they wonder why we (non- smokers) get upset at them. It's just disgusting, it's called common courtesy try it out once in awhile. There's my smoker's rant. . .
On the subject of getting criticized, I find it bothersome but funny, as most of the time I am not losing as much as the criticizer or I am winning more. I am counting about 90% of the time and of course playing basic strategy if I am not counting. Just about a week ago, I was playing at Pechanga (Indian Casino in So-Cal) I busted a few times in a row with hard 14's and 15's against a dealer 10 and the idiot next to me was continually staying with these same cards, then when the dealer turned over a 6 to show 16 and pulled a 4 to kill this guys minute chance at winning on his hard 15 stand he turns to me "Are you kidding me?, You took the dealer's bust card." I just ignore him, then a few hands later, I hit my soft 14 against a 3 and he proclaims "What are you doing!?" I hit a 2 so of course hit again. He snaps with "You play reckless man, you are going to go broke real soon." This made me burst into laughter, I couldn't control it, the dealer even started laughing a bit, I didn't even bother wasting my time to explain to him what an idiot he was. If I however was losing all day I could have seen myself handling that a lot worse, but it does bring a little entertainment to myself to watch people play like that, and then hear how they react when you play properly.
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February 19th, 2011 at 11:50:56 AM permalink
Quote: cardshark

One time, I was slapped right across the face by an older gentleman when I hit (and busted) on my hard 17 against the dealers A (in Spanish 21), which "caused" her to make a 21.

I hope you either A) had his ass arrested for assault, or B) kicked it yourself later!
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February 21st, 2011 at 11:40:05 AM permalink
Quote: kauboj

NOW hold on a minute not all of us smokers are rude and inconsiderate... some of us are polite smokers.. and NONSMOKERS (esp former smokers) can just be as annoying... i was standing outside smoking a cig once and a lady walked outside and said excuse me but can you smoke somewhere else its bothering me.. i said to her well go back inside then..

but i actually prefer the inside to be smoke free smoking distracts from my concentration.

As for criticizers yeah they are bothersome.. but most of the people i find try to be more helpful then not.. like if i am about to take a hit on a 14 against a dealers upcard of 5. and i say oops.. thanks.. and stop the hit..

Seriously. There are rarely more than 3 players on the tables I play, so I set the ashtray on an empty seat and make sure the smoke doesn't waft into anyone's space. Also, I try to either select a table where a smoker is already sitting, or an empty table where anyone else sitting down after me can clearly see I'm smoking before they take a seat.

I'm as considerate to the dealers as possible, but they actually bitch more than the players (not at me necessarily, but at smokers who are less considerate). The casino was a smoking environment when they filled out their app. If smoke isn't acceptable to them, I respect that - they should work elsewhere.
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February 21st, 2011 at 12:13:26 PM permalink
Quote: LovinItAll

Seriously. There are rarely more than 3 players on the tables I play, so I set the ashtray on an empty seat and make sure the smoke doesn't waft into anyone's space.

That's nice, but in the long run it doesn't matter. Indoor smoking is bound to come to an end, aside from private homes and possibly hotel rooms, in the not too distant future. <sigh>

Even outdoors smoking is in jeopardy in some places. Last week I attended a meeting witha customer whose instalations are spread out in a large campus. I thought nothing of lighting a cigarette out in the open, and was promptly told to put it out. The whole complex has been deignated a "space free of tobacco smoke."

I suppose a study linking looking at images of cigarettes and eyeball cancer is in the works, too.

Really, it's getting to be such a hassle sometimes just finding a place to smoke, I might as well quit smoking altogether. I figure it's bound to be easier than to keep hoping for some sort of reasonable acommodation.
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February 21st, 2011 at 12:41:04 PM permalink
I don't play that much BJ but when I do, I'll take dumb comments from other players criticizing my play over the "just don't get it" smokers 24/7. I've been tossed from several tables for calling the jackasses names, which drew more than several "thank-you's" from others nearby. My main comment? I ask the smoker how it feels having constant smelly breath, yellow-stained fingers, ridiculous black lungs, and if they're ready to die a slow, excruciating, humiliating death as their wailing family watches while even they still puff away, further displaying overwhelming family-stupidity.

Works every time. Either they leave or I get the boot. Just like my suspensions here!
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February 21st, 2011 at 1:14:25 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

I don't play that much BJ but when I do, I'll take dumb comments from other players criticizing my play over the "just don't get it" smokers 24/7. I've been tossed from several tables for calling the jackasses names, which drew more than several "thank-you's" from others nearby. My main comment? I ask the smoker how it feels having constant smelly breath, yellow-stained fingers, ridiculous black lungs, and if they're ready to die a slow, excruciating, humiliating death as their wailing family watches while even they still puff away, further displaying overwhelming family-stupidity.

Works every time. Either they leave or I get the boot. Just like my suspensions here!

You gotta love Jerry!!!!
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February 21st, 2011 at 1:49:23 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

That's nice, but in the long run it doesn't matter. Indoor smoking is bound to come to an end, aside from private homes and possibly hotel rooms, in the not too distant future. <sigh>

Even outdoors smoking is in jeopardy in some places. Last week I attended a meeting witha customer whose instalations are spread out in a large campus. I thought nothing of lighting a cigarette out in the open, and was promptly told to put it out. The whole complex has been deignated a "space free of tobacco smoke."

I suppose a study linking looking at images of cigarettes and eyeball cancer is in the works, too.

Really, it's getting to be such a hassle sometimes just finding a place to smoke, I might as well quit smoking altogether. I figure it's bound to be easier than to keep hoping for some sort of reasonable acommodation.

And that's fine if/when it happens. I do notice, though, that in the casino I frequent most often, the non-smoking section of slots is always empty. They have 36 machines in the area, and I don't think I've ever seen more than three people playing at once (Vegas).

Personally, my visits to nice restaraunts (in-building more than 1.5 hours) went from 4-6x month pre-ban to maybe once a month now.

Still, it's an insidious habit, and I should be making a better effort to quit.......
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February 21st, 2011 at 2:02:14 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

I don't play that much BJ but when I do, I'll take dumb comments from other players criticizing my play over the "just don't get it" smokers 24/7. I've been tossed from several tables for calling the jackasses names, which drew more than several "thank-you's" from others nearby. My main comment? I ask the smoker how it feels having constant smelly breath, yellow-stained fingers, ridiculous black lungs, and if they're ready to die a slow, excruciating, humiliating death as their wailing family watches while even they still puff away, further displaying overwhelming family-stupidity.

Works every time. Either they leave or I get the boot. Just like my suspensions here!

You'd get the boot if you insulted me, especially if there were others present - my boot. I'll take a smoker anyday over a rude, obnoxious jerk who thinks 'Freedom Of Speech' includes tossing self-aggrandizing remarks at others. As long as smoking is legal and allowed in a particular area, you have the right to boycott any establishment that you feel is unsuitable for your holier-than-thou self.

Don't imagine you've said that too many times and still have teeth left........
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February 21st, 2011 at 2:06:40 PM permalink
anti-smoking ad aimed at teens
"Poker sure is an easy game to beat if you have the roll to keep rebuying."
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February 21st, 2011 at 2:26:59 PM permalink
Quote: LovinItAll

You'd get the boot if you insulted me, especially if there were others present - my boot. I'll take a smoker anyday over a rude, obnoxious jerk who thinks 'Freedom Of Speech' includes tossing self-aggrandizing remarks at others. As long as smoking is legal and allowed in a particular area, you have the right to boycott any establishment that you feel is unsuitable for your holier-than-thou self.

Don't imagine you've said that too many times and still have teeth left........

I can see it now: Mostly for your own good I insult you for trying to kill yourself and others around you of cancer, you say you're gonna give me the boot but you see a manly man get up, and then you turn & run away....choking and hacking after 50 feet while I continue to make fun of you and the masses are laughing in your face (hopefully with your mouth closed so we wouldn't have to see or smell all the smoke-related destruction).

Please stop smoking. It's very annoying and unsafe for the personal hygiene-conscious person sitting next to you.
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February 21st, 2011 at 2:37:28 PM permalink
Quote: LovinItAll

Personally, my visits to nice restaraunts (in-building more than 1.5 hours) went from 4-6x month pre-ban to maybe once a month now.

There are two reaons i haven't gone to any of the really nice restaurants in Vegas: 1) I travel alone and 2) the smoking ban. Reason 2 weighs a lot more.


Still, it's an insidious habit, and I should be making a better effort to quit.......

It's easy. As Mark Twain is said to have said, "it's so easy I've done a hundred times." Or see my new sig below:
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February 21st, 2011 at 2:59:40 PM permalink
"There are two reaons i haven't gone to any of the really nice restaurants in Vegas: 1) I travel alone and 2) the smoking ban. Reason 2 weighs a lot more."

A good chance reason #2 is the cause for reason #1.
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:05:27 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

"There are two reaons i haven't gone to any of the really nice restaurants in Vegas: 1) I travel alone and 2) the smoking ban. Reason 2 weighs a lot more."

A good chance reason #2 is the cause for reason #1.

I travel alone because smoking is banned in restaurants? <blink>
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:18:53 PM permalink
I'm glad smoking is banned in restaurants. Especially nice ones... part of the whole experience of fine dining is smells and taste. I'd rather not taste someone's Marlboro lights when the chef was going for a nice combination of roasted peppers and cardamom.

It'd be like driving a Audi with wooden cartwheels.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:21:55 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

I travel alone because smoking is banned in restaurants? <blink>

OK, and I'm only this smart now because I've been learning from all the braniacs on this forum....travelling alone because of "the smoking ban" means you must smoke. Smokers are a dying breed (in more ways than one), and we all know in this day & age that the more intelligent of our species do not smoke. So, by deduction, who would want to travel with a smoker?
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:24:32 PM permalink
I think that was induction, not deduction, Jerry :)
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:33:14 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

OK, and I'm only this smart now because I've been learning from all the braniacs on this forum....travelling alone because of "the smoking ban" means you must smoke.

I must smoke because I travel alone and smoking is banned in restaurants? Really?

Yes, he actually wrote that... <shakes head>
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:35:09 PM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

I'm glad smoking is banned in restaurants. Especially nice ones... part of the whole experience of fine dining is smells and taste. I'd rather not taste someone's Marlboro lights when the chef was going for a nice combination of roasted peppers and cardamom.

Please. Marlboro lights are for after smoking.
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:36:20 PM permalink
Marley Lites / Benches and hedges / John Player Speshul / Camel Dung / Silk Cut whatever... still ruins a good meal.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:46:08 PM permalink
Quote: thecesspit

Marley Lites / Benches and hedges / John Player Speshul / Camel Dung / Silk Cut whatever... still ruins a good meal.

I can make the same argument for fish and seafood. For that matter, there must be one item in each menu that's positively nauseating for some people. And while there were non-smoking sections, there's never been a "no fish or seafood section."
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February 21st, 2011 at 3:57:39 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Indoor smoking is bound to come to an end, aside from private homes and possibly hotel rooms, in the not too distant future. <sigh>

Then drinking. Then gambling. Then fried foods. Then voting.... <sigh>
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February 21st, 2011 at 4:32:34 PM permalink
When I eat and my buddy is eating liver, it rarely bothers me as the liver doesn't waft over onto my plate.

Smoking in restaurants is seriously annoying. I would never eat again in a restaurant that allows smoking. Eat then go have a smoke in the casino. I don't mind smoking at the tables as much.
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 21st, 2011 at 4:41:52 PM permalink
Quote: waltomeal

Then drinking. Then gambling. Then fried foods. Then voting.... <sigh>


Fried foods will go first.
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February 21st, 2011 at 5:05:16 PM permalink
I am glad smoke is out of restaurants, it really does ruin the experience having the place stink, I tend to avoid the older casinos because they stink too! Casinos and smoke go together like well beer and baseball... I guess in the end if people need their nicotine fix they can step outside or just wait an hour while they are eating their meal, most places in Vegas have bars where one can smoke, in San Francisco a lot of people eat their meals at the bars, maybe this is a possible compromise?
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February 21st, 2011 at 5:35:59 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

I can see it now: Mostly for your own good I insult you for trying to kill yourself and others around you of cancer, you say you're gonna give me the boot but you see a manly man get up, and then you turn & run away....choking and hacking after 50 feet while I continue to make fun of you and the masses are laughing in your face (hopefully with your mouth closed so we wouldn't have to see or smell all the smoke-related destruction).

Please stop smoking. It's very annoying and unsafe for the personal hygiene-conscious person sitting next to you.

Insulting me 'for my own good' isn't appreciated nor is it civil. I run 5 miles/day (smoke about 10 cigs/day), so I'm not going to be huffing and pufffing after 50 feet.

I'm not proud that I smoke; I lost my father to heart disease at 51 and my mother to cancer at 56 (neither smoked at the time they croaked - Mother quit 17 years prior to her death), both great reasons for me to quit. It obviously isn't impossible to quit, but it is very difficult. Non-smokers should realize that a drug that grips otherwise intelligent people so tightly must be a difficult habit to break. I know that if I don't quit smoking, it might very well kill me. Even armed with that info, I still smoke.

I don't need anyone to tell me what a crappy habit it is - I already know it. They could make cigarettes illegal as far as I'm concerned....I wouldn't break the law to smoke (yes, I know how stupid that sounds.....).

As I said in my original post, I do everything I can to avoid being a 'rude smoker', and I'll continue doing so until I no longer smoke (however that event occurs).

P.S. I also noted that I would only be antagonized if you were so unseemly as to attempt to embarrass me in front of others. My first efforts would be to eviscerate you verbally, and from the tone of your posts, that probably wouldn't be difficult.
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February 21st, 2011 at 6:11:01 PM permalink
P.S.: If we got into a verbal fight about your smoking it would immediately get drowned out by nearly everyone around lashing you with a constant bombardment of insults. The reason? The majority of people listen to medical warnings, read and understand the consequences, and dislike inconsiderate jerks who blow the smoke out without regard to where it goes or who it affects and how. I have smoked and I have learned. If you really want to quit, stop making believe it's difficult and just stop buying them.

Nareed, how's this: You travel alone, perhaps because no one else can stand the stench you reek of. And non-smoking restaurants were created to keep the non-smoking customers safe and free of that stink.
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February 21st, 2011 at 6:13:44 PM permalink
I would give dollars to donuts if two guys started getting verbal over smoking actually no-one in a Vegas casino would "lash out with a constant bombardment of insults", except if there was another smoker nearby, then they'd join in and telling the rabid anti-smoker to shut the hell up and go sit in the smoking section.

Let me know how it turns out for both of you...
"Then you can admire the real gambler, who has neither eaten, slept, thought nor lived, he has so smarted under the scourge of his martingale, so suffered on the rack of his desire for a coup at trente-et-quarante" - Honore de Balzac, 1829
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February 21st, 2011 at 6:43:56 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

Nareed, how's this: You travel alone, perhaps because no one else can stand the stench you reek of.

Jerry, how's this: We're talking about me, not you.

Of course, it took you only three attempts to get this far, so perhaps you're close to making sense.
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February 21st, 2011 at 6:55:59 PM permalink
Quote: LovinItAll

I'm not proud that I smoke; I lost my father to heart disease at 51 and my mother to cancer at 56 (neither smoked at the time they croaked - Mother quit 17 years prior to her death), both great reasons for me to quit. It obviously isn't impossible to quit, but it is very difficult. Non-smokers should realize that a drug that grips otherwise intelligent people so tightly must be a difficult habit to break. I know that if I don't quit smoking, it might very well kill me. Even armed with that info, I still smoke.[/q

If you decide to quit smoking, good luck to you.

If you don't, its still a free country.


I would prefer to sit at a Blackjack table with
no smokers, but I would also prefer to sit with a
smoker than the obnoxious jerks who
criticize other players.

If they knew for sure what the next card was
going to be, why would they be at a $ 5 or $ 10
table ?

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February 21st, 2011 at 6:57:16 PM permalink
oops, i missed up the formatting in that quote.....
My post is as follows:

If you decide to quit smoking, good luck to you.

If you don't, its still a free country.


I would prefer to sit at a Blackjack table with
no smokers, but I would also prefer to sit with a
smoker than the obnoxious jerks who
criticize other players.

If they knew for sure what the next card was
going to be, why would they be at a $ 5 or $ 10
table ?
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February 21st, 2011 at 8:45:35 PM permalink
Quote: Nareed

Jerry, how's this: We're talking about me, not you.

Of course, it took you only three attempts to get this far, so perhaps you're close to making sense.

I usually have that problem when I speaking to someone who doesn't understand English very well.
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February 21st, 2011 at 8:51:29 PM permalink
Quote: JerryLogan

I usually have that problem when I speaking to someone who doesn't understand English very well.

So you do talk to yourself.
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