I cant even sim this. If someone can please sim the effect of this when you backcount and the players leave and youre heads up with 2 hands, what actually happens in terms of results/EV when you play heads up. Ive officially had enough, its like i have no edge whatsoever when this happens just grt my ass kicked every single TIME. This isnt selectivr memory either. Lost for words really am.
(Mod note. ZK is looking for a fight, so I'm not giving it to him. My spellchecker changed the f-bomb to "fungal", I thought it was funny, so I'm leaving it. -BBB)
Quote: ZenKinGActually I lied. This is about cheating. Im now -2500 in 3 hours with a top bet of 2x100 basically since i didnt even get to my max bet, let that sink in on how bad I run playing only positive counts. Coincidentally happens on thanksiving weekend. Im honestly done with these casions. I cant remember one fungal holiday i ever won at a casino or the weekend of a holiday.
ive found a blackjack game which i am almost 100% certain mimics the odds of a sands bethlehem game, and ive been recording it. its actually just a video blackjack, but once again i feel is almost close to the type of hands, and situations that arise when playing what i consider a gaffed game.
Someone hits and runs my car leaving a dent in the rear bumper.
Tire is losing air, probably a hole in it now for all I know.
Apartments cable randomly is shut off so I dont even have tv now.
The kitchen sink is not even draining now
And now I drop 2500 in 3 hours with only a top bet of 2x100, one of the biggest losses ive had in a 3 hour span for maybe the last 5 months LOL.
Shits hilarious, when it rains it pours. If divine intevrention and cheating casinos want my money so bad, just take it. I dont givr a fungal about my 50k roll. Thank you so much God for everything. Just take my leg and arm while youre at it and have me get hit by a tractor trailer. Of course you wont let me die with that collision but troll me once more by taking my arm and leg instead and have me suffer instead. The fact that i still havent lost my whole bankroll or jumped off a bridge since I been here shows how great I really am.
Not exactly the trials of Job, now is it? FIDO.
Quote: ZenKinGApartments cable randomly is shut off so I dont even have tv now.
Could be all of the people in your complex watching the free HBO this weekend.
Quote: ZenKinGAnd now I drop 2500 in 3 hours with only a top bet of 2x100, one of the biggest losses ive had in a 3 hour span for maybe the last 5 months LOL.
Shits hilarious, when it rains it pours. If divine intevrention and cheating casinos want my money so bad, just take it. I dont givr a fungal about my 50k roll. Thank you so much God for everything. Just take my leg and arm while youre at it and have me get hit by a tractor trailer. Of course you wont let me die with that collision but troll me once more by taking my arm and leg instead and have me suffer instead. The fact that i still havent lost my whole bankroll or jumped off a bridge since I been here shows how great I really am.
You should calm down. Aren't you being overdramatic? You have a 50K bankroll, and you lost 2.5K. It's not the end of the world.
Quote: ZenKinGIn a matter of 3 days, just so everyone knows how much of a troll my life is. It's like I know its coming every time because im not allowed to ever be happy for longer than 1 month.
Someone hits and runs my car leaving a dent in the rear bumper.
Tire is losing air, probably a hole in it now for all I know.
Apartments cable randomly is shut off so I dont even have tv now.
The kitchen sink is not even draining now
And now I drop 2500 in 3 hours with only a top bet of 2x100, one of the biggest losses ive had in a 3 hour span for maybe the last 5 months LOL.
Shits hilarious, when it rains it pours. If divine intevrention and cheating casinos want my money so bad, just take it. I dont givr a fungal about my 50k roll. Thank you so much God for everything. Just take my leg and arm while youre at it and have me get hit by a tractor trailer. Of course you wont let me die with that collision but troll me once more by taking my arm and leg instead and have me suffer instead. The fact that i still havent lost my whole bankroll or jumped off a bridge since I been here shows how great I really am.
Such is life.
Sh*t happens. I’m about your age and also moved away from the sheltered college/living at home life and all I can say is ... SH*T HAPPENS. And yes it often feels like when it rains it pours. That’s just how life goes.
Sorry if I sound like I’m giving you a “life is hard” speech, but things don’t come easy to most people.
Everything your talking about are normal day to day challenges that literally EVERONE experiences at one point or another.
1. Work and career problems. I’m sure NO ONE ELSE has experienced that before. You are smart and will figure it out.
2. Your tire has probably slow leak from that hot ass desert pavement. You can get it fixed for under $50.
3. Plumbing problems don’t only happen to the cursed. Go buy a $20 hand crank snake or some draino from Home Depot if you don’t feel like waiting for the landlord.
4. What do you need cable for? I thought that’s what droned out people veg out to on the couch after coming back from their $15/hr job that hardly pays their credit card minimums
I’m not trying to be an ass. My only point is that everything you are going through is F#%INg NORMAL part of being a human in your late 20’s. You aren’t cursed. You are normal, which I know is hard to swallow at sometimes. All of this is par for the course. You’re gonna be fine.
Also who the hell has cable these days ur a drone if your paying for cable tv. Watch TV on ur computer and porn on ur phone like a normal person.
Also am I the only one that every time I hear the word drone thinks about SC1 Zerg mineral miners???
Quote: NathanI feel that ZK really should calm down . His outbursts don't seem healthy and he could end up having an early heart attack if he keeps this up. :(
Good, I hope it happens soon, thats the funny thing you people don't realize. Life is over rated. This thing we call life is a joke anyway, you work your whole life and die and dont remember anything, good or bad. I dont see the point of so called 'life', you're basically a slave to this thing we call 'life'. Im convinced we live in a computer simulation anyway, which is why you cant go through life smooth sailing and it always brings you down to earth in some fashion whether it's a -3SD event such as tonight or whatever and it usually happens after you get full of yourself because this isn't a legit universe, nothing but a computer simulation with someone pulling the strings whether that's god or whomever. The funny thing is, divine intervention needs to do anything it can to stop me, to the point they must be working over time with the computer frying up. The jokes on them though because I can care less if i get run over by a tractor trailer tomorrow and I will burn my bankroll tomorrow if they want it so badly, I already proved everyone in this world wrong so I can care less, my job is over with this life.
Divine intervention, do me a favor and get me out of this droned out society. The jokes on you though, because I win either way. That's why im the best. If cheating casinos and god and divine intervention want my bankroll so badly, fungal do I care, just take it and take my life with it as well. If casinos in this rigged town want to make every table 6:5 like they're doing just do it already and take my bankroll if money means that much to them.
You obviously have a mental block around this 50K mark. Not sure why. Either get out and make another 50K over the next 6 months or lose 1/2 your bankroll trying. If you lose, go get a job because you obviously can't handle the mental aspects of gambling for a living. Your game is good and you know it. Your mind is screwed.
Quote: ZenKinGI already proved everyone in this world wrong so I can care less, my job is over with this life.
Who have you proved wrong? You have a beat up old car, a low end apartment with no cable and bad plumbing and no sustainable future.
I think his car is fine.Quote: Zcore13Who have you proved wrong? You have a beat up old car, a low end apartment with no cable and bad plumbing and no sustainable future.
Imagine if zk had some real problems like having a child with that new polio like disease or is shot and paralyzed. But for now we have to deal with this whining over a crappy car getting a dent or him losing a little money on this monetary system that he doesnt even care about.
Wait, now you're making sense. It is in fact almost certainly a simulation. I think the point of life is to stay around to see what happens while finding things you actually like. Without want, there is no suffering. Find balance with these ideas. Don't worry about the simulation, every bit of existence outside this simulation, is also a simulation, except one. I think it explains PI, PI I wonder is different in every simulation and alternate universe, because they're copies of copies, dwindling in completeness and complexity, a copy of a copy. Death is a gift given to you, it cannot be taken to achieve the full reward and the best experience. Have to disagree, you're not the best, you're probably just average or slightly above.Quote: ZenKinGGood, I hope it happens soon, thats the funny thing you people don't realize. Life is over rated. This thing we call life is a joke anyway, you work your whole life and die and dont remember anything, good or bad. I dont see the point of so called 'life', you're basically a slave to this thing we call 'life'. Im convinced we live in a computer simulation anyway, which is why you cant go through life smooth sailing and it always brings you down to earth in some fashion whether it's a -3SD event such as tonight or whatever and it usually happens after you get full of yourself because this isn't a legit universe, nothing but a computer simulation with someone pulling the strings whether that's god or whomever. The funny thing is, divine intervention needs to do anything it can to stop me, to the point they must be working over time with the computer frying up. The jokes on them though because I can care less if i get run over by a tractor trailer tomorrow and I will burn my bankroll tomorrow if they want it so badly, I already proved everyone in this world wrong so I can care less, my job is over with this life.
Divine intervention, do me a favor and get me out of this droned out society. The jokes on you though, because I win either way. That's why im the best. If cheating casinos and god and divine intervention want my bankroll so badly, fungal do I care, just take it and take my life with it as well. If casinos in this rigged town want to make every table 6:5 like they're doing just do it already and take my bankroll if money means that much to them.
Quote: GWAEHopefully we can get a full martingale on his new suspension so we can be done with this non sense.
Imagine if zk had some real problems like having a child with that new polio like disease or is shot and paralyzed. But for now we have to deal with this whining over a crappy car getting a dent or him losing a little money on this monetary system that he doesnt even care about.
What did he do that is worthy of a suspension? I think there is a lot of merit to ZenKing's contributions to this site. If nothing else it allows some insight to the trials and tribulations in a young counter's life. I think the site has an ignore button if one wishes to do so.
Quote: MaxPenWhat did he do that is worthy of a suspension? I think there is a lot of merit to ZenKing's contributions to this site. If nothing else it allows some insight to the trials and tribulations in a young counter's life. I think the site has an ignore button if one wishes to do so.
I am not saying that in bring anything of value but what value do his rants bring?
His suspension would be for using the f word again. I am no prude but how many times does someone need to be told to stop using it and mask it? There is a clear rule and he thinks he is above the rules.
Quote: ZenKinGIm convinced we live in a computer simulation anyway, which is why you cant go through life smooth sailing and it always brings you down to earth in some fashion whether it's a -3SD event such as tonight or whatever and it usually happens after you get full of yourself because this isn't a legit universe, nothing but a computer simulation with someone pulling the strings whether that's god or whomever.
Take the red pill

Quote: aceofspadesZenKing's rants remind me of my rants back when I would have a losing session -- if I lost, I took it personally, like I was "at fault" and that I was "cursed" by the gods - of course, I would rant in one of my trip report's, given some tough love by the members here, and I was soon back to normal, usually within an hour or so
Reminded me of one of my early B&M sessions. I had a rep as a quiet, min bet plodder, when I got that hand that had something like 4x min bet (mini martingale) and it just kept splitting and doubling on and on and I had to keep reaching into my wallet to re-buy-in. When the dealer proceeded to beat every hand with an absurd 21, I let out a loud and uncharacteristic expletive. The female dealer, female supervisor and a female fellow player just fell about laughing at my embarrassment. It was a valuable life lesson for me. Good value!Quote: aceofspadesZenKing's rants remind me of my rants back when I would have a losing session -- if I lost, I took it personally, like I was "at fault" and that I was "cursed" by the gods - of course, I would rant in one of my trip report's, given some tough love by the members here, and I was soon back to normal, usually within an hour or so
5h1t happens. We know it's 5h1t because the universe sends reminders in rapid succession. A lot of it is perception. ZK is just as likely to lose the same amount next session as he was last session. If he cannot 'endure and enjoy' that variance with good grace, then he's not mastered the game at all.
No... He's not mastered the game at all.
Quote: aceofspadesZenKing's rants remind me of my rants back when I would have a losing session -- if I lost, I took it personally, like I was "at fault" and that I was "cursed" by the gods - of course, I would rant in one of my trip report's, given some tough love by the members here, and I was soon back to normal, usually within an hour or so
My son used to behave like that as well. Then he turned eight and his testicles dropped..
Quote: HullabalooTake the red pill
I want the blue one it looks like viagra
If you take a viagra that big, make sure you have a willing partner at the ready, else your hands are going to blister.Quote: HullabalooTake the red pill
Quote: Nathan
His outbursts don't seem healthy and he could end up having an early heart attack if he keeps this up. :
Quote: ZenKinGGood, I hope it happens soon,
Me too.
However, I must give an on the record warning that I'm not big on masked or misspelled F-bombs. The next one will result in a suspension, and it will be a long one with all your priors.
Other admins -- please do not sanitize ZK's posts, in an effort to preserve the evidence.
Quote: WizardHowever, I must give an on the record warning that I'm not big on masked or misspelled F-bombs. The next one will result in a suspension, and it will be a long one with all your priors.
Other admins -- please do not sanitize ZK's posts, in an effort to preserve the evidence.
I really kinda liked the word "fungal" as a replacement for f-bomb. I think it would be very useful and cool-sounding. Example: "I hate these fungal rules about cuss word usage in the forum." See. Way-cool, isn't it? So is "Fungal" a "masked F-Bomb" that we are not allowed to use?
Or can we use the word F-bomb? Like: "I hate those F-Bombing casinos." Because the Wizard of Odds, Mike Shackleton clearly uses the word F-Bomb in the WOV Forum. See above.
And I thought that this was a gracious moderation moment by Babs, full of the spirit of the Thanksgiving Holiday. My personal statement: Hooray for Babs!
No disrespect meant, but: if the F-Bombing moderators disagree on what constitutes a "masked cuss-word", how the fungus are the fungal forumites supposed to know?
I hope I've made my flippity-flop point.
Quote: WizardIt's not easy being green.
And you're not grass green your HUNTER GREEN!;)
Quote: NathanAnd you're not grass green your HUNTER GREEN!;)
Then why take it so seriously...?Quote: ZenKinGGood, I hope it happens soon, thats the funny thing you people don't realize. Life is over rated....
Quote: beachbumbabs
Just a light hearted joke....;)
Honestly my life is a complete joke. How anyone can build a bankroll like this is beyond me. So freaking cursed its not even funny.
Quote: ZenKinGNow my tire blows out and im stranded at a casino with no roadside assistance. I had just finished playing at golden nugget and was about to go home but decided to drive to Rio and mid way there it blows out. Thatd my luck everyone, couldve just gone home instead.
Honestly my life is a complete joke. How anyone can build a bankroll like this is beyond me. So freaking cursed its not even funny.
Can't the best card counter in the world afford AAA??
Quote: Zcore13Can't the best card counter in the world afford AAA??
I used to be a member under my parents decided not to renew because i take care of my car well and this is the first time i ever had a tire issue. Pretty sure someome has been vandalizing my car. First the dent on the rear end of the car and now this, umbelievable.
You support yourself and never took any handouts. Maybe you overlooked some of the fringe benefits of living with your parents?
If every bit of trivial routine expenditure is such a drama/crisis, then you haven't quite mastered the real world.
No... You surely haven't.
It was probably the Chinese guy from the card rigging factory getting revenge for you ratting him out. That would make more sense than maybe some random once in a lifetime tire issue. And the [insert expletive] planned it so well you didn't get the chance to challenge him in court or in a fight. So frustrating!
Oh what the heck. ZK won't see this anyway $:o)