Quote: aceofspadesQuote: beachbumbabsQuote: aceofspadesBeachBumBabs - saying someone sounds like a kid and calling someone a kid are two different things - EvenBob's suspension should be reversed
Long ago, Mission146 stated that analogizing someone's conduct to something was not a personal insult
It's nice that you have an opinion and the freedom to express it.
Is that a veiled threat that I could be suspended for what I said?
What are you even trying to say?
Why does there have to be hidden meaning all the time? She said you gave your opinion as you have the right to do. It's kind of sad that everyone is always searching for ways to be hurt.
I am sitting in the SLC airport, waiting for my flight the rest of the way home. I will post a couple of comments in response to the above question to help enlighten those who weren't there.Quote: WatchMeWinWhat the heck happened at the Spring gathering anyway?
What happened was that we had a nice dinner, lots of conversation, a trivia contest, and a group photo that I will post when I can get it ready. I met ZenKinG for the first time and only briefly. I described how we protect members' privacy when posting these photos, saying that he could have his face completely covered and be there incognito (as many in the group did). He declined to be in the photo at all, just standing to the side.
I did not detect any problem at all. After the photo, the group moved to the Golden Nugget for poker. I am not a poker player. My wife and I went to the Nugget anyway, where she played slots briefly, and we left.
I think (not certain) the comments about "wearing a mask" are in reference to a clever mask that Darkoz wore most of the time. You will see it in the photo.
Boarding the plane now and can't post more.
I swear it doesn’t seem possible that the nice guy I met yesterday is the same person who spews this garbage online. Oh well, see you in two weeks ZK.
Quote: ZenKinGjust realize this town will never get rid of me and theres nothing any of you can do about it, including the casinos.
So why even say anything. Because there's nothing anyone can do about it, being ratted out to the casinos is about as meaningful as the waitress giving me half-and-half instead of milk for my coffee.
Was there just that 1 picture where I clearly wasn’t in it? I don’t want a picture of me to be posted — in case there were some candid shots (not that I think there were).
The only picture that will be posted was taken by Krystal (who accompanied Darkoz), using my camera. Immediately after the shot, I showed it to everyone for their OK and confirmed user names. Right now, I don't remember whether you were in it, but if you don't recall the scenario above, you must have already left.Quote: RSI don’t remember any pictures being taken, but I did leave early because I...
I am able to post this follow up because they sent us back off the plane -- our pilots have still not arrived at SLC from their previous flight. Latest info is that we will depart just over 2 hours behind schedule.
Quote: RSI don’t remember any pictures being taken, but I did leave early because I had something to do before midnight. (But I did return and play poker.)
Was there just that 1 picture where I clearly wasn’t in it? I don’t want a picture of me to be posted — in case there were some candid shots (not that I think there were).
No concerns. It was group photo requiring everyone stand and pose
Anyone in the picture knew they were in the picture
2. I was at downtown grand twice last night. Once to kill time before the meet up and once to validate my parking after we wrapped up. It was very dead. And, they had a clearly posted sign indicating that they may be recording video relating to an internal promotional production. Soooooo.... Yeah....
Quote: rdw4potus1. Bob has lived on the edge of insults for years by using the perceived loophole that mission created. Sometimes precedents are bad. Sometimes they should be overturned. This is a good change that should lead to a better environment.
2. I was at downtown grand twice last night. Once to kill time before the meet up and once to validate my parking after we wrapped up. It was very dead. And, they had a clearly posted sign indicating that they may be recording video relating to an internal promotional production. Soooooo.... Yeah....
Mission's loophole actually did make sense. His loophole was,"You are Trolling," is okay, however," You are a Troll," is not okay and is subject to suspension. There is a huge difference between the similar things. Trolling is temporary, but a Troll is a long-term thing. For example, if someone presents me with the facts and I respond some stupid gibberish back like,"Ne ne, tert moo ga ga koo goo," as a one time thing, I would have it coming to be called out as trolling. Now if I said that every single day and someone called me a Troll, they would be subject to being suspended. Maybe those examples weren't really good ones as in that scenario, it would be clear I am trying to be annoying. Here's a better example. Monixie 25 says,"President Trump bought the 2016 election and Russia hacked the votes for Hillary Clinton. Clinton had a very deserved and potential Presidency stolen right from under her feet!" " Slotsaremyfriends says, Monixie, you are a brainwashed Troll." SAMF gets a 3 day suspension for a personal insult. Now let's say Monixie 25 says something like,"Hillary Clinton was way more qualified than Trump! She was going to save and protect us from so many dangers! She was the chosen one for us!" SAMF says,"Monixie, you are Trolling." SAMF does not get a suspension.
Quote: RSBut can RDW recite the name and breed of each of the presidential candidate runner up’s dogs, in reverse (starting with HRC’s supposed dog)?
I think it was Bill, but I might be wrong.
Quote: djatcI didn't go to the meetup but am I in any of these photos? I wanna be cropped out
I was wearing a DJATC mask
Quote: djatcI didn't go to the meetup but am I in any of these photos? I wanna be cropped out
You do appear in one of the spring fling pics I saw posted. Several casinos are tagged in the pic and the caption read “this guy is an AP, and rapes you on every mailer”
Quote: beachbumbabsPersonal insult. 3 days.
Come on , the guy loses 5.26% on every bet he places. Hasn’t he suffered enough ?
Calling a kid.. a kid.. isnt really an insult imo.
Let me say loud and clear that if anyone who was in that photo would like your face or whole body covered, using photo editing software, please so state.
I'd like to say that ZK in person is very polite and agreeable. I enjoy having him around.
Let me also address this so-called Mission precedent. Mission did a great job as a moderator. However, no two mods are ever going to agree 100% of the time. I never had a major disagreement with Mission. However, my rule of thumb is that I try to put myself in the shoes of the person who was allegedly insulted. If I feel I would have been insulted, then I'll take action. Thus, saying "you're trolling," might result in a suspension, depending on context. In that light, I don't disagree with BBB's suspension of EB. It is only three days, not the end of the world.
Quote: darkozYes
I was wearing a DJATC mask
which one?

Good one.Quote: michael99000Come on , the guy loses 5.26% on every bet he places. Hasn’t he suffered enough ?
Quote: WizardI don't think there were any candid shots taken yesterday.
I'd like to say that ZK in person is very polite and agreeable.
The closest things to "candid" shots that were taken with my camera were the several test shots to let us see how a flash photo would look when taken in that rather dark room. None of those test shots will be posted, and I will not even be saving them in my photo files. My wife and I finally got home a little after 3am EDT, and when I recover a little more I will try to get the group shot posted in the Spring Fling 2018 thread. (After a much-delayed flight home, I'm dragging even more than I was in Las Vegas.)
As for ZK, I have to agree with the Wizard. In my admittedly-brief interactions with ZK, he seemed rather personable and not as we have seen in some of his posts. The closest thing I could report related to the kind of comments that started this thread would be that ZK seemed even more cautious than other AP members of the forum when it came to posing for an "anonymous" photo to be posted in the forum. I attributed that to the fact that it was the very first time that he had met me and that perhaps he had not seen how we handled photos in the past.
Quote: RigondeauxJust to be on the safe side... RS and DJATC don't want their pics posted. But are worried their pic was taken. And not everyone is sure what they look like. I have a photo of them on my phone. So if there are any photos with these two men in them, please crop them out to protect their identities.
You would have that picture on your phone and probably many more that aren't WOV appropriate.
Quote: RigondeauxJust to be on the safe side... RS and DJATC don't want their pics posted. But are worried their pic was taken. And not everyone is sure what they look like. I have a photo of them on my phone. So if there are any photos with these two men in them, please crop them out to protect their identities.
Please folks its grammar.Quote: djatcdam grammer nazis
And remember that stuff about the moving hand writes and then moves on .. or whatever it was.
Its the same thing with the Green Inkers. They type and then we all move on rather than chew it to death.
As to volunteering to be a moderator, please remember that Fleastiff could surely do with the income. Oops, its donated labor. Even more reason to move on.
What is this stuff about losing 5.26 percent on every bet. I usually lose my entire bet at roulette. I lose 5.26 percent when I win but that is 5.26 percent of some theoretical casino's return and there is no such thing as a theoretical casino.
I think you would probably make a good MOD. I'm just not sure why you would want the headache?Quote: FleaStiffPlease folks its grammar.
And remember that stuff about the moving hand writes and then moves on .. or whatever it was.
Its the same thing with the Green Inkers. They type and then we all move on rather than chew it to death.
As to volunteering to be a moderator, please remember that Fleastiff could surely do with the income. Oops, its donated labor. Even more reason to move on.
What is this stuff about losing 5.26 percent on every bet. I usually lose my entire bet at roulette. I lose 5.26 percent when I win but that is 5.26 percent of some theoretical casino's return and there is no such thing as a theoretical casino.
Quote: darkozQuote: aceofspadesBeachBumBabs - saying someone sounds like a kid and calling someone a kid are two different things - EvenBob's suspension should be reversed
Long ago, Mission146 stated that analogizing someone's conduct to something was not a personal insult
I have been hard on the mods here so i went back and reread what eb said
I agree saying someone SOUNDS LIKE a kid is analogizing and not a personal insult
However the 2nd part of EBs post "Are YOU even old enough to go into a casino" seems pretty direct and insulting to me
I was waiting to see if anyone but me took exception to this too. EB plays a cagy game of skirting the line. Although the insult is minor, past examples of innuendo have come home to roost. But I enjoy many of EB's posts.
Quote: RSThe effect is the same in all three. They’re equally as insulting. The specific wording is semantics and technicalities. As the Ancient Hawaiians used to say, “If you’re only technically right....then you’re actually just wrong.”
Would you be okay with it every time I or someone else disagreed with you said, “you sound like an idiot” or “you sound like a retard” or “you sound like a fool”?
Saying “you sound like an idiot” does absolutely mean you think that person is an idiot.
I agree.
Good cards everyone.
Quote: ZenKinGI might have over-reacted with this thread and even if someone did rat me out, I didn't have any actual proof to warrant the shout out, so it was a bit uncalled for. The people that I have met from this forum all seem to be honorable and good people, so yeah it was a bit out of line.
Good cards everyone.
I was just wondering how you were doing, Zenking. :) It's good to have you back! :)
Quote: ZenKinGI might have over-reacted with this thread and even if someone did rat me out, I didn't have any actual proof to warrant the shout out, so it was a bit uncalled for. The people that I have met from this forum all seem to be honorable and good people, so yeah it was a bit out of line.
it's not the first time you have pointed at nefarious forces when things don't go well for you
your words here were good but they didn't include the word 𝙖𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙜𝙞𝙯𝙚
nobody's out to get you. your posts are interesting when you're not ranting
anyway, best wishes and good luck with your blackjack career
from reading your posts I definitely think you can be successful at it
+1 .Quote: lilredrooster
nobody's out to get you. your posts are interesting when you're not ranting
Quote: AxelWolfWhat and who are you going on about? This seems a bit paranoid, even for you ZK.
I don't think anything is to paranoid for him.
Quote: ZenKinGI might have over-reacted with this thread and even if someone did rat me out, I didn't have any actual proof to warrant the shout out, so it was a bit uncalled for. The people that I have met from this forum all seem to be honorable and good people, so yeah it was a bit out of line.
Good cards everyone.
Glad you came back
Quote: GreasyjohnQuote: darkozQuote: aceofspadesBeachBumBabs - saying someone sounds like a kid and calling someone a kid are two different things - EvenBob's suspension should be reversed
Long ago, Mission146 stated that analogizing someone's conduct to something was not a personal insult
I have been hard on the mods here so i went back and reread what eb said
I agree saying someone SOUNDS LIKE a kid is analogizing and not a personal insult
However the 2nd part of EBs post "Are YOU even old enough to go into a casino" seems pretty direct and insulting to me
I was waiting to see if anyone but me took exception to this too. EB plays a cagy game of skirting the line. Although the insult is minor, past examples of innuendo have come home to roost. But I enjoy many of EB's posts.
So if one were to say "Bless His/her Heart" to a member would that be seen as insulting? The the south it means you are an idiot but just a nicer way of saying it
Quote: troopscott
So if one were to say "Bless His/her Heart" to a member would that be seen as insulting? The the south it means you are an idiot but just a nicer way of saying it
Please speak for yourself, but not for everyone in the "south."
True, depending on context, it sometimes can have a negative connotation, but I cannot recall it being said as "insulting" to the intended recipient. When not intended as a compliment, I much more often hear it as a somewhat "neutral" reply, such as:
- "The durn fool says he intends to drive his ratty old jalopy all the way across the country and back."
- "Well, bless his heart." [Agrees the guy is a "durn fool" with a "ratty old jalopy," but wishes neither to attack nor condone the comment.]
Sometimes, it is intended as a compliment:
- "Even though he's almost 2 years younger than the other kids playing baseball, he plays as best he can, and sometimes makes a great play."
- "Well, bless his heart." [Agrees with the comment and wishes well on the youngster.]
Have you never, ever heard "Bless her heart" or "Bless his soul" as anything other than an insult? I really find that surprising. If the rest of the "south" truly believes as you appear to, then I have a TON of apologizing to do for the many times I've said it, never intending an insult.