Quote: CroupierI hope this is the start of the fightback.
Yes it feels good to actually have made some chips
Going to take a walk now and relax before continuing the fight
Quote: BuzzardDead Man Walking or Speed Count claims another victim. Film at 11.
:-) love ya Buzz
Quote: BuzzardThen quit complaining about the ploppies and win some money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
120 exclamation points. Did you press the key 120 times this? I don't imagine Buzz is a fan of "hold to repeat."
Quote: sodawater120 exclamation points. Did you really press the key 120 times for this? haha.
Did you really count them ? If so, well, that have meds for OCD now.
Quote: sodawater120 exclamation points. Did you press the key 120 times this? I don't imagine Buzz is a fan of "hold to repeat."
I much prefer imagining Buzz slamming the keyboard repeatedly
Quote: BuzzardDid you really count them ? If so, well, that have meds for OCD now.
Trip is now -6900
But... If your top bet is $500, wins or losses in the $5k-$10k range really aren't that uncommon. Given the amount that you play, I'm a little surprised that you aren't used to swings like this by now.
Quote: AxiomOfChoiceObviously no one likes to have a bad trip (I've had a few in a row now).
But... If your top bet is $500, wins or losses in the $5k-$10k range really aren't that uncommon. Given the amount that you play, I'm a little surprised that you aren't used to swings like this by now.
Used to them...yes
Still upset when they happen...double yes
Quote: sodawaterlosing $5000 betting $100 to $500 is like losing $500 betting $10 to $50. Obvious, yes. But just think how easy it is to lose $500 spreading $10 to $50. Blackjack has big swings. Don't let it get to you, ace.
Thanks soda
Trying to remain positive and have a good time
Quote: aceofspadesThanks soda
Trying to remain positive and have a good time
Go back to Mermaids...you will have a good time and possibly be (HIV) positive!
Quote: BozGo back to Mermaids...you will have a good time and possibly be (HIV) positive!
I always get confused in medical terms. In this case is positive good or bad. So often I watch a movie or tv show and they say you are negative/positive and I am like awww and then they are happy. Then I get confused.
Guy jumps in midshoe for 3 hands I lose all three and next 5 after
I had 500 up and got 20 dealer pulls a 9 card 21
I switched tables won 5 in a row a guy walking by says "I'm getting in on that" he wins next 4 I lose all 4
I am so out of my game
Just doubled ace 6 v dealer 4 I get a 3 for 20
Dealer goes 4 4 5 ace ace 6
Split aces v dealer 5
She goes 5 5 3 7
But I got a ten on each YAY!!!
Just lost two more doubles
Just lost 7 doubles
Just lost 3 splits and a double
I'm now down 10k again
Honestly how is it possible for every dealer at every table I play at to make every hand against me and for me to lose 99% of my doubles...?!?!?!? It makes no fng sense
I'm about to just step in front of a bus
Quote: aceofspades
Honestly how is it possible for every dealer at every table I play at to make every hand against me and for me to lose 99% of my doubles...?!?!?!? It makes no fng sense
I'm about to just step in front of a bus
I mean, obviously when you are losing, the dealer makes better hands than you. That's why you're losing. That said, you didn't lose 99 out of your last 100 doubles. That would be impossible. Also, the dealer may have made 6 21s in a row, but you don't remember or point out the times she didn't make 21. When we are losing we look for patterns to explain it.
There's no need to explain it. Losing is part of blackjack. If you play blackjack enough you must have losing sessions. It is perfectly natural and unavoidable.
Girl I was dating on and off for 3 years broke up with me
I lose every hand
Why bother
Quote: sodawaterI mean, obviously when you are losing, the dealer makes better hands than you. That's why you're losing. That said, you didn't lose 99 out of your last 100 doubles. That would be impossible. Also, the dealer may have made 6 21s in a row, but you don't remember or point out the times she didn't make 21. When we are losing we look for patterns to explain it.
There's no need to explain it. Losing is part of blackjack. If you play blackjack enough you must have losing sessions. It is perfectly natural and unavoidable.
Soda I have won a total of 3 doubles downs since arriving at Aria so yes, it might not be 99% but it might be 98%
so when a dealer doesn't make 21 but still wins I should remember that fondly?
Quote: aceofspadesMy grandmother dies
Girl I was dating on and off for 3 years broke up with me
I lose every hand
Why bother
The worst time to gamble is when you're feeling sad or depressed. Doyle Brunson always says that if you couldn't sit through a movie in a theater happily, you shouldn't be gambling.
I don't think you could sit through a movie in a theater right now, so you should probably take a break.
Your grandmother dying sucks... sorry about that. All you can do is try to live well in her memory.
As for your ex-girlfriend -- There are other girls out there. There are millions of them. There will be others, better than this last one. Just think of all the bullshit you don't have to put up with now that you're single.
Losing is a part of gambling. You're using "speed count" which is not an advantage play. So if you're not having fun while gambling, you shouldn't be doing it right now.
I thought part of being a card counter was keeping a stiff upper lip, not displaying emotion, and not whining about losses?
The reference to stepping in front of a bus due to being down 10K seems unmanly.
Quote: MrVI'm not card counter like AOS, nor do I regularly bet black chips as he does, but I am surprised at his level of angst.
I thought part of being a card counter was keeping a stiff upper lip, not displaying emotion, and not whining about losses?
The reference to stepping in front of a bus due to being down 10K seems unmanly.
So 10k is meaningless?
I guess I am unmanly
Quote: soxfanThere is a surplus of single females in the Las Vegas so a quality cat should have no trouble gettin some action without payin for it, hey hey.
I wish I was a "quality cat" but, alas, I am not---guess that's why she broke up with me
Quote: aceofspadesI wish I was a "quality cat" but, alas, I am not---guess that's why she broke up with me
Her breaking up with you is a reflection of her, not of you. Don't put her on a pedestal.
Quote: sodawaterHer breaking up with you is a reflection of her, not of you. Don't put her on a pedestal.
Women don't like me
Quote: aceofspadesI don't know what to do
When running super bad my play was to back off, go get drunk (no gambling), sober up and regroup. Of course, it doesn't work for everyone.
Quote: aceofspadesWomen don't like me
I know it's difficult to do, but if you could worry less about (your perception of) how little women seem to like you, the resulting increased confidence would probably cause women to like you more.
Quote: sodawaterI know it's difficult to do, but if you could worry less about (your perception of) how little women seem to like you, the resulting increased confidence would probably cause women to like you more.
Money is what matters...not women
Life is useless without money...cannot do anything
Quote: aceofspadesI wish I was a "quality cat" but, alas, I am not---guess that's why she broke up with me
You are a quality cat, good-looking, intelligent, independently wealthy...but self-pity doesn't look good on anyone, hey, hey!
Seriously, bro, two kids, six and two, in the middle of a divorce after 6.7 years, only reference I made to it (before this) was using it as a joke. Don't let a bad run affect your psychological outlook on life, we win some and we lose some...but the measure of a man is whether or not he is willing to accept the result and move on, no matter what the result is.
Quote: aceofspadesMoney is what matters...not women
Life is useless without money...cannot do anything

Quote: aceofspadesMy grandmother dies
Girl I was dating on and off for 3 years broke up with me
I lose every hand
Why bother
I'm sorry about you grandmother.
I wish I had a girl that I had special memories with, I've not had a girlfriend in a while since I'm busy putting money together. Do you know how hard it is to get a nice girl if you're a gambler?
I hope you read my thread on downswings and can find some way to pull it together. I poured my heart into it and I picked myself up and managed to salvage my sanity. You're stronger then this.
Quote: aceofspadesMoney is what matters...not women
Life is useless without money...cannot do anything
I agree. People say money isn't everything but it is the best form of exchange for acquiring life's necessities, and having a healthy bundle of sure makes life easier.
Quote: sodawater
I almost posted that
Quote: djatcI'm sorry about you grandmother.
I wish I had a girl that I had special memories with, I've not had a girlfriend in a while since I'm busy putting money together. Do you know how hard it is to get a nice girl if you're a gambler?
I hope you read my thread on downswings and can find some way to pull it together. I poured my heart into it and I picked myself up and managed to salvage my sanity. You're stronger then this.
I did and I am supremely happy you got it back
My life just seems to spiral downward
Quote: aceofspadesMoney is what matters...not women
Life is useless without money...cannot do anything
Happiness is what matters Ace. Some can be happy without money, but it definitely makes things easier.
As someone who has seen plenty of people in your position over the years in my job, and as someone who suffers with depression, take this in the good spirit it is meant.
Stop. Just Stop.
Stop for a minute and clear your head. Dont gamble. Dont think. Just stop. And breathe.
I know the losses are painful, be they monetary, familial or relationship based. Just remember you are on a streak right now.
Even though its a baad streak, The thing about streaks is: They end.
Take some time for you. Call a friend. Talk to someone. Send me a PM. Get drunk. Get laid.
Just dont gamble until your head is clear and your heart is no longer heavy.
Quote: CroupierHappiness is what matters Ace. Some can be happy without money, but it definitely makes things easier.
As someone who has seen plenty of people in your position over the years in my job, and as someone who suffers with depression, take this in the good spirit it is meant.
Stop. Just Stop.
Stop for a minute and clear your head. Dont gamble. Dont think. Just stop. And breathe.
I know the losses are painful, be they monetary, familial or relationship based. Just remember you are on a streak right now.
Even though its a baad streak, The thing about streaks is: They end.
Take some time for you. Call a friend. Talk to someone. Send me a PM. Get drunk. Get laid.
Just dont gamble until your head is clear and your heart is no longer heavy.
I only allow myself one drink when I'm up for a trip.
As for getting laid....ehhhh
Quote: tringlomaneI would trade for aces life in a nanosecond. I have less than 10K to my name (so yeah I would do the bus thing if I lost that much) and all my grandparents have been dead since 21.
yep I find it quite hilarious when rich people wine about losing money. Him losing 10k is probably like us losing $200. My wife lost her job 7 months back due to downsizing while she was pregnant, we just had our 2nd child, her unemployment ended 2 weeks ago, Our newborn is only a few weeks old so she can't get a job right now, we just qualified for WIC but I make too much for food stamps or medical assistance so we are both without insurance because even the obamacare is too expensive for us. There is a casino that I can vulture UX but right now can't take the risk with gas money since it is 20 miles away and others are vulturing already.
ACE you need to get over it. Losing 10k is making you sound suicidal and depressed. You are leaving out that you are eating well, staying in a nice suite, on vacation from a great paying job and you are acting like this is the end of the world. You need to try and live in some of our lives and you will understand what living tough really is.
Obviously if you are about to have a nervous breakdown you should stop. Or if you are an AP and you are going to lose an amount, that will significantly change what you can afford to play.
But as we can see stopping or positive thinking is meaningless. Ace got rest, started a new fresh day all with a positive attitude. Yet it seems not much has changes and he is now down even more. He may get it all back or just keep digging deeper.
Quote: aceofspadesI did and I am supremely happy you got it back
My life just seems to spiral downward
So what are you going to do about it? Cry like a little girl? Or are you going to man up and face your problems? I understand if you want to vent and bitch about your bad run here, as I do but you need to come up with a plan to get out of the problems you can fix.
Bad luck at the tables? You can change that, go on a break, walk around, do some non-gambling stuff, get your head right.
Girlfriend left you? Talk to some girls around here on vacation, have some fun. Get rejected a couple of times and keep at it. (I should do this myself....)
Quote: AxelWolfSorry Ace is running bad. Unlike MustangSally, I don't want people to lose all their money (unless I dislike them).
Obviously if you are about to have a nervous breakdown you should stop. Or if you are an AP and you are going to lose an amount, that will significantly change what you can afford to play.
But as we can see stopping or positive thinking is meaningless. Ace got rest, started a new fresh day all with a positive attitude. Yet it seems not much has changes and he is now down even more. He may get it all back or just keep digging deeper.
Ace should stop because he is clearly not enjoying himself.
Ace is not playing with a positive expectation. He is playing with a negative expectation, hence he is purchasing recreation from the casino. It makes no sense to buy entertainment that is making you unhappy.
Quote: sodawaterAce should stop because he is clearly not enjoying himself.
Ace is not playing with a positive expectation. He is playing with a negative expectation, hence he is purchasing recreation from the casino. It makes no sense to buy entertainment that is making you unhappy.
He's counting so he's at least getting breakeven. The gravy on top is all paid for by the casino, which is not a bad deal at all. Only problem is you can swing both ways, where you can lose all the time, or win all the time, and anywhere in between.