18 & 21 were the last two numbers picked, and 10 & 31 were the first two numbers picked in this tote board of 26 numbers. There were some repeaters! The 32 hit 3X, the 9 hit 4X, the 19 hit 2X, & the 25 hit 3X,

Quote: DieterQuote: Mission146It would seem that the intent of multiple Admins, including Wizard, was to reopen this thread.
However, nobody actually did so.
I hope nobody minds, but since I have the ability to reopen the thread myself, I went ahead and did that.
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Prove it?
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I probably failed to click the Update button after opening it (a bit of 'Inside Baseball' in the moderator world.)
don't like the rules, you don't have to post. If it had been anyone bar Wizard letting you post your drivel here, the thread might have had a more explicit title more appropriate to its value. Evenbobs kitty litter tray would have been my suggestion.Quote: EvenBobSo let me get this straight. I'm restricted to talking about my roulette method in a baccarat thread? Seriously? Of all the the threads you could have picked you picked a baccarat thread? It doesn't make any sense, why would I post about roulette here. Is this some kind of a trick?
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Quote: EvenBobSo let me get this straight. I'm restricted to talking about my roulette method in a baccarat thread? Seriously? Of all the the threads you could have picked you picked a baccarat thread? It doesn't make any sense, why would I post about roulette here. Is this some kind of a trick?
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Yes the kitty (how appropriate) has been caged.
Rarely does one enjoy their confinement.
Roulette in a Baccarat thread makes as much sense as most of the posts you make about roulette anyway
Quote: OnceDeardon't like the rules, you don't have to post. If it had been anyone bar Wizard letting you post your drivel here, the thread might have had a more explicit title more appropriate to its value. Evenbobs kitty litter tray would have been my suggestion.
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I remember when you were a mod here, what wonderful days those were. You were so fair and so unbiased, just like you are now.
Quote: EvenBobSo let me get this straight. I'm restricted to talking about my roulette method in a baccarat thread? Seriously? Of all the the threads you could have picked you picked a baccarat thread? It doesn't make any sense, why would I post about roulette here. Is this some kind of a trick?
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Good point. Since this is your thread, I'll let you rename it as you see fit. If you don't suggest anything, I'll rename it myself to "EvenBob's roulette and baccarat thread." Let me know.
Quote: WizardQuote: EvenBobSo let me get this straight. I'm restricted to talking about my roulette method in a baccarat thread? Seriously? Of all the the threads you could have picked you picked a baccarat thread? It doesn't make any sense, why would I post about roulette here. Is this some kind of a trick?
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Good point. Since this is your thread, I'll let you rename it as you see fit. If you don't suggest anything, I'll rename it myself to "EvenBob's roulette and baccarat thread." Let me know.
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May I suggest inserting the word fantasy somewhere in there.
"EB's wild 100% session win rate fantasy roulette and baccarat thread"?
EvenBob's Roulette & Baccarat Thread
and perhaps deleting the word 'thread.'
EvenBob Does Roulette & Baccarat
It was a Baccarat thread first.
For more proof in posting...
EvenBob's Logicfree Baccarat & Roulette Thread
EB's SYSTEM thread
Absolutely make certain the word system is in the thread title please
Quote: EvenBobI'm going to try something new. I'm going to flat bet but I'm changing my game. I'm going to start off betting $20 and the next session I'm going to take half my win and bet $30. The session after that I'll take half my win and bet $45. Next session after that I'll round it up to $70. Next session after that I'll bet a $105. And so on. I say it's flat betting because if I lose I will continue betting the same amount until I win the session. I'm only upping the amount for a new session. I'm going to do this for 2 weeks and I haven't done the math yet to see how much I will have at the end of 2 weeks. Of course this is winning every session but that's what I do.
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So, I wonder if EB is going to report how it went?
Assuming he averages one session per day and all sessions are a win, we should have something like
Session #1 7 Nov: $20 staked : Won
Session #2 8 Nov: $30 staked : Won
Session #3 9 Nov: $45 staked : Won
Session #4 10 Nov: $70 staked : Won
Session #5 11 Nov; $105 staked : Won
Session #6 12 Nov; $155 staked : Won
Session #7 13 Nov; $230 staked : Won
Session #8 14 Nov; $345 staked : Won
Session #9 15 Nov; $515 staked : Won
Session #10 16 Nov; $770 staked : Won
Session #11 17 Nov; $1155 staked : Won
Session #12 18 Nov; $1730 staked : Won
Session #13 19 Nov; $2595 staked : Won
Session #14 20 Nov; $3890 staked : Won
*All betting levels worked out quickly in my head, so E&OE
Now, EvenBob tells us that he sometimes gets multiple sessions per day, but sometimes goes several days without placing a bet. Fair enough.
Allowing for that, after the two weeks that he said he was going to run this experiment, this would be a great time for him to report his success. I invite him to stick it to us by boasting of his success. No need to prove it.
If he did succeed, then I'm sure we would all join in congratulating him.
Maybe something went wrong, or maybe he chose not to proceed. But it sure would put a lot of naysayers in their place if he simply reported how it went. Maybe he could tell us how it felt placing those bets over $1,000. And maybe he will share with us whether he plans to continue with this winning progression? Or maybe start it again from scratch? If not, why not?
I expect, that he did not proceed exactly as expected or proposed, but that's fair enough.
So, How about it EvenBob. Care to report how it went?
Quote: Wizard
I asked Gordon to reopen this thread to give EvenBob a dedicated place to post about his secret method to beat roulette. Baccarat too. The reason this was done was he made a post in the HOUSE EDGE EFFECT ON ROULETTE thread and, as usual, it was like poking an anthill. Everyone got hot and bothered, the topic was completely derailed and the suspensions started.
I'd like to remind the forum that per the free speech policy of the site, EvenBob may say what he says. He will never back down. It would be like Alan backing down from his 18 yo's. If you don't agree with EB, the best thing to do is do nothing. Responding just gives the topic oxygen.
EvenBob shall be confined to this thread for the topics of roulette and baccarat. I reserve the right to add other games to the list if he claims he can beat those too.
Carry on.
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Wizard / Mods,
If I understand correctly, EvenBob's discussion of his method or winning prowess was previously confined to the thread https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/off-topic/general/3831-how-much-gamble-do-you-have/
Until he broke out.
And now he's restricted to this one? So what's to become of that other thread? Ought it be closed?
How are you proposing to moderate other members who might attack 'method like' claims whether they relate to EvenBob or not?
EG. what if a random poster opened a thread asking whether there's anything to be gained from reading the recent spins board at a roulette table? Anyone might reply to that thread, EXCEPT EvenBob?
Quote: OnceDearQuote: Wizard
I asked Gordon to reopen this thread to give EvenBob a dedicated place to post about his secret method to beat roulette. Baccarat too. The reason this was done was he made a post in the HOUSE EDGE EFFECT ON ROULETTE thread and, as usual, it was like poking an anthill. Everyone got hot and bothered, the topic was completely derailed and the suspensions started.
I'd like to remind the forum that per the free speech policy of the site, EvenBob may say what he says. He will never back down. It would be like Alan backing down from his 18 yo's. If you don't agree with EB, the best thing to do is do nothing. Responding just gives the topic oxygen.
EvenBob shall be confined to this thread for the topics of roulette and baccarat. I reserve the right to add other games to the list if he claims he can beat those too.
Carry on.
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Wizard / Mods,
If I understand correctly, EvenBob's discussion of his method or winning prowess was previously confined to the thread https://wizardofvegas.com/forum/off-topic/general/3831-how-much-gamble-do-you-have/
Until he broke out.
And now he's restricted to this one? So what's to become of that other thread? Ought it be closed?
How are you proposing to moderate other members who might attack 'method like' claims whether they relate to EvenBob or not?
EG. what if a random poster opened a thread asking whether there's anything to be gained from reading the recent spins board at a roulette table? Anyone might reply to that thread, EXCEPT EvenBob?
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First, the restriction is on EB and his discussion of his method and short-term randomness conjectures. It is not an unnatural restriction on other members responding to questions or engaging in on-topic discussions in other threads. If other members insist on referring to EB's claimed method in other threads, we will deal with that on a case-by-case basis. I certainly am not going to answer a bunch of questions about hypothetical situations and I doubt you would have done so when you were a moderator. If you really have questions, I would suggest you read the Forum Rules.
Quote: gordonm888
First, the restriction is on EB and his discussion of his method and short-term randomness conjectures. It is not an unnatural restriction on other members responding to questions or engaging in on-topic discussions in other threads. If other members insist on referring to EB's claimed method in other threads, we will deal with that on a case-by-case basis. I certainly am not going to answer a bunch of questions about hypothetical situations and I doubt you would have done so when you were a moderator. If you really have questions, I would suggest you read the Forum Rules.
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I posed the question because I foresee lots of case by case dealing. It was an invitation to pre address what is obviously going to happen.
When i was a mod, I found that these custom rulings have a way of going bad.
These personalised rules/rulings have a bad habit of not working out. Deals, truces, restrictions, instructions by PM. NDAs. We've seen it all before. Makes work for the mods.
Quote: OnceDearIt hasn't. these personalised rules/rulings have a bad habit of not working out. Deals, truces, restrictions, instructions by PM. NDAs. We've seen it all before. Makes work for the mods.
Good point.
This is a wily, persistent cat, one that believes he is Top Cat; plus, have you ever tried to get a cat to mind?
No adjectives applied to other members from me. Maybe we should take this little thread diversion to the 'Discussion' thread.Quote: MrVQuote: OnceDearIt hasn't. these personalised rules/rulings have a bad habit of not working out. Deals, truces, restrictions, instructions by PM. NDAs. We've seen it all before. Makes work for the mods.
Good point.
This is a wily, persistent cat, one that believes he is Top Cat; plus, have you ever tried to get a cat to mind?
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Quote: darkozI got it.
EB's SYSTEM thread
Absolutely make certain the word system is in the thread title please
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“EvenBob’s Odd Roulette Thread”
Quote: Mission146Quote: darkozI got it.
EB's SYSTEM thread
Absolutely make certain the word system is in the thread title please
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“EvenBob’s Odd Roulette Thread”
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Having a user ID in the thread title, where the user started that thread, used to be referred to as a vanity thread and EvenBob already has a fair few of those. It put's him in a select few including Nathan, MDawg, MDawg, MDawg, EvenBob, EvenBob, EvenBob and OnceDear.
Just sayin'
Quote: OnceDearQuote: Mission146Quote: darkozI got it.
EB's SYSTEM thread
Absolutely make certain the word system is in the thread title please
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“EvenBob’s Odd Roulette Thread”
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Having a user ID in the thread title, where the user started that thread, used to be referred to as a vanity thread and EvenBob already has a fair few of those. It put's him in a select few including Nathan, MDawg, MDawg, MDawg, EvenBob, EvenBob, EvenBob and OnceDear.
Just sayin'
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I did have my GN AC vs. DARKOZ thread.
Maybe that was Vanity but I thought it was interesting.
Just wondering, because I've been just killing it at The Big Wheel using neither a system, method nor intelligent guessing, and I just am compelled to tease, I mean tell y'all about it.
Quote: ChumpChangeEvenBob's Baccarat & Roulette Thread
It was a Baccarat thread first.
For more proof in posting...
EvenBob's Logicfree Baccarat & Roulette Thread
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"Baccalaureate Thread" sounds like it should be a useful portmanteau...
Quote: MrVCan we ALL have our own threads dedicated to our spinning / posting whatever seemingly outlandish tales of casino conquest that we decide to put out there?
Just wondering, because I've been just killing it at The Big Wheel using neither a system, method nor intelligent guessing, and I just am compelled to tease, I mean tell y'all about it.
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I think this policy has been put to the test with EvenBob and Nathan only. It comes with the condition you're not allowed to start any other threads or post in other threads unless extremely on topic. Let me know if you wish to apply.
In other news, I'll give EB until 7:00 AM Vegas time to name his thread, otherwise I'll do it for him.
Quote: WizardQuote: MrVCan we ALL have our own threads dedicated to our spinning / posting whatever seemingly outlandish tales of casino conquest that we decide to put out there?
Just wondering, because I've been just killing it at The Big Wheel using neither a system, method nor intelligent guessing, and I just am compelled to tease, I mean tell y'all about it.
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I think this policy has been put to the test with EvenBob and Nathan only. It comes with the condition you're not allowed to start any other threads or post in other threads unless extremely on topic. Let me know if you wish to apply.
In other news, I'll give EB until 7:00 AM Vegas time to name his thread, otherwise I'll do it for him.
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I sent you a PM about it.
Quote: WizardI think this policy has been put to the test with EvenBob and Nathan only. It comes with the condition you're not allowed to start any other threads or post in other threads unless extremely on topic. Let me know if you wish to apply.
No thanks, I'll pass...I wouldn't want the restrictions you're imposing on EB, but I applaud you for implementing this policy.
From now on he cannot start ANY new threads: he's relegated to this one.
I applaud your prohibiting him from posting on other threads "unless EXTREMELY on topic."
Given his proclivity for testing limits while posting like a whirling dervish, I think you and the mods will be busy moderating / busting him in the future.
Quote: MrVQuote: WizardI think this policy has been put to the test with EvenBob and Nathan only. It comes with the condition you're not allowed to start any other threads or post in other threads unless extremely on topic. Let me know if you wish to apply.
No thanks, I'll pass...I wouldn't want the restrictions you're imposing on EB, but I applaud you for implementing this policy.
From now on he cannot start ANY new threads: he's relegated to this one.
I applaud your prohibiting him from posting on other threads "unless EXTREMELY on topic."
Given his proclivity for testing limits while posting like a whirling dervish, I think you and the mods will be busy moderating / busting him in the future.
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I don't believe he is prohibited from starting ANY new threads. I think only ones that reiterate his system claims.
If he buys a new cat and wants to post what he feeds it that's fine I believe etc
Bumping this question, which gives EvenBob a great opportunity to show us his 'dodging awkward questions' prowess.
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Quote: OnceDearA little reminder : On 6 November, Just over two weeks ago, EvenBob Wrote
Quote: EvenBobI'm going to try something new.... I'm going to do this for 2 weeks... Of course this is winning every session but that's what I do.
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So, I wonder if EB is going to report how it went? If not: Why not?
Assuming he averages one session per day and all sessions are a win, we should have something like
Session #1 7 Nov: $20 staked : Won
Session #14 20 Nov; $3890 staked : Won
If he did succeed, then I'm sure we would all join in congratulating him.
Maybe something went wrong, or maybe he chose not to proceed. But it sure would put a lot of naysayers in their place if he simply reported how it went. Maybe he could tell us how it felt placing those bets over $1,000. And maybe he will share with us whether he plans to continue with this winning progression? Or maybe start it again from scratch? If not, why not?
I expect, that he did not proceed exactly as expected or proposed, but that's fair enough.
So, How about it EvenBob. Care to report how it went?{/b]
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