Quote: gordonm888I think if I go to Hell after I die, I'll find that Hell is EvenBob and TigerWu arguing for all eternity.
I declared I would moderate this thread and so I'm stuck with it but my brain is now turning to jelly reading this endlessly looping argument.
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I agree time to put him on ignore again, I'm tired of it. Feel better already.
Bob, Who or what would it take to convince you that the abilities you have described have much greater applications than bringing in a few shekels from online casinos?Quote: EvenBob
Assuming someone was willing to give you(or a charity of your choice) a large amount of money if you could prove it, how much would it take?
I liked the, "Trust me Bro" comment the best, It sums everything up. I'm going to use it whenever appropriate.Quote: MrVThis thread...it's sort of like a little boy decides to go walking in a scary woods and to prevent getting lost he leaves a trail of bread crumbs, only to find after several days that a crow has followed him and eaten the crumbs: now he is totally lost.
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Quote: EvenBobAnd six numbers in the streets sleep even more often but that's another story.
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I think I understand the other story.
When these six numbers are sleep in the streets it's because they are homeless and have nowhere to go?
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobAnd six numbers in the streets sleep even more often but that's another story.
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I think I understand the other story.
When these six numbers are sleep in the streets it's because they are homeless and have nowhere to go?
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You are mistaking them for the ones that live on the subway. You remember, you lived on the subway for 3 days.
1. Don't play.
2. If you must play, find a single-0 wheel at a casino that offers European or French rules on even-money bets.
3. Make only even-money bets.
If the pattern recognition boaster admits to playing on a 00 wheel at his local casino, then he's no good at processing roulette information that is actually meaningful.
Quote: gordonm888I think if I go to Hell after I die, I'll find that Hell is EvenBob and TigerWu arguing for all eternity.
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No, I would definitely give up after a while. Trying to explain anything to EB is like talking to a brick wall.
But somehow worse, because at least the brick wall wouldn't try to deny reality.
EB, your posts are delusional. I don't know if you're having mental health issues or what, but it's getting kind of disturbing.
I've had my fun here. Hopefully someone else will eventually be able to talk some sense into EB or convince him to get the help he needs. I'm not even joking about that. Someone should seriously check in with him outside the forum.
L8r sk8rs
Quote: JackSpadeHow to maximize expected returns on roulette:
1. Don't play.
2. If you must play, find a single-0 wheel at a casino that offers European or French rules on even-money bets.
3. Make only even-money bets.
If the pattern recognition boaster admits to playing on a 00 wheel at his local casino, then he's no good at processing roulette information that is actually meaningful.
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The only time I've ever seen a single 0 wheel in the United States was in Las Vegas and it was either closed or so crowded you couldn't go near it. In the state where I live there's not a single 0 roulette wheel that I know of, certainly not in any Indian Casino. I believe the one I saw in Vegas was at the MGM, I don't know if it's still there or not. You play with what the casino offers you have no choice.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkozQuote: EvenBobAnd six numbers in the streets sleep even more often but that's another story.
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I think I understand the other story.
When these six numbers are sleep in the streets it's because they are homeless and have nowhere to go?
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You are mistaking them for the ones that live on the subway. You remember, you lived on the subway for 3 days.
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I slept in the subway for two years.
I believe I met your numbers. They wore black shoes sometimes and red shoes at other times and sometimes green shirt.
They would often tell me some strange guy was following them around watching them sleep and it made them nervous because this guy said he saw a pattern to their sleeping.
The ones with green shirts admitted to sometimes hitting the guy hard. He would walk away bloody but trying to act like it didn't faze him. But the green shirted sleepers knew better. They bragged, chuckling, to steal about 5.26% of what was in this guy's wallet and the guy never noticed the money was missing.
Quote: darkoz
I slept in the subway for two years.
Or so your story goes...
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
I slept in the subway for two years.
Or so your story goes...
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LMAO, that sounds incredulous to you?
Beating 100% of the time a double zero wheel sounds reasonable but that I was homeless on the subway for an extended period of time sounds incredulous?
Not to pick on roulette players in particular. Most gamblers prefer to play all table games at worse odds than what the house is offering. Side bets are like candy. They're bad for players but hard to resist, especially when reinforced by peer pressure from others players and dealers.
using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive.
Bob, Who or what would it take to convince you that the abilities you have described have much greater applications than bringing in a few shekels from online casinos?
Assuming someone was willing to give you(or a charity of your choice) a large amount of money if you could prove it, how much would it take?
But only if they are having one unit (baby).
Twins would throw him off :)
Well, he wouldn't need twins unless he got the first one wrong. If he got the twins wrong, then he'd have to go for quadruplets!Quote: JohnzimboYeah, gender reveal parties would be history. Bob could tell them with 80% accuracy.
But only if they are having one unit (baby).
Twins would throw him off :)
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This is 2022, I thought you didn't reveal your gender until you were much older.Quote: JohnzimboYeah, gender reveal parties would be history. Bob could tell them with 80% accuracy.
But only if they are having one unit (baby).
Twins would throw him off :)
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67 pages of "Trust me, bro".Quote: IndyJeffreyI skipped from page 5 to page 72. What did I miss?
Quote: AxelWolfPerhaps you missed this...
Bob, Who or what would it take to convince you that the abilities you have described have much greater applications than bringing in a few shekels from online casinos?
Assuming someone was willing to give you(or a charity of your choice) a large amount of money if you could prove it, how much would it take?
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Prove it to who, I already proved it to the casino every single day why would I need to prove it to anybody else. Want to know if it works, try it yourself.
Quote: Joeman67 pages of "Trust me, bro".Quote: IndyJeffreyI skipped from page 5 to page 72. What did I miss?
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Never said that, never even implied it because I don't care if you trust me or you don't. Trusting me has nothing to do with anything. The person you have to prove it to is yourself and the only way to do that is by doing it but nobody will because it's too much work.
Quote: IndyJeffreyMy head hurts. I skipped from page 5 to page 72. What did I miss? Has EB accepted the Wizards challenge? Is there a post with the details of the wagers? Anything?
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You have missed nothing. The same six people are just bickering back and forth. Consider yourself lucky to have missed the previous 60 pages.
Don't worry, I did that on page 1 of this thread. Trust me, bro!Quote: EvenBobThe person you have to prove it to is yourself
Quote: darkozOnly about 940 pages till we overtake that other guys thread who never loses.
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Believe it or not I figured this out way back when I discovered roulette that the ideal way to play would be for one unit and quit. Winning every session. I don't like wasting my time and if I lose sessions that's what I'm doing. I'm not a gambler and I do not understand gambler's mentality. Playing is not fun for me it's work so I want it over with as soon as possible. It took me a long time to get here but it was my original goal.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkozOnly about 940 pages till we overtake that other guys thread who never loses.
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Believe it or not I figured this out way back when I discovered roulette that the ideal way to play would be for one unit and quit. Winning every session. I don't like wasting my time and if I lose sessions that's what I'm doing. I'm not a gambler and I do not understand gambler's mentality. Playing is not fun for me it's work so I want it over with as soon as possible. It took me a long time to get here but it was my original goal.
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It's okay Bob.
Alcoholics also don't recognize when they have a problem.
I'm all but certain I can't do what you claim to do so I will stick to mathematical advantages. I prefer not to be guessing.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolfPerhaps you missed this...
Bob, Who or what would it take to convince you that the abilities you have described have much greater applications than bringing in a few shekels from online casinos?
Assuming someone was willing to give you(or a charity of your choice) a large amount of money if you could prove it, how much would it take?
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Prove it to who, I already proved it to the casino every single day why would I need to prove it to anybody else. Want to know if it works, try it yourself.
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Does it really matter to who? If someone said, hey EvenBob, I'll give you 500k if you can prove what you are claiming. Would you be willing to prove it to them? If not for 500k, how much?
Quote: darkoz[
It's okay Bob.
Alcoholics also don't recognize when they have a problem.
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Not true. Are you still in the bar and most of the alcoholics I knew were fully aware they had a problem. They talked about it all the time. It's the housewife that sits home and watches soap operas and drinks wine all afternoon she's the one that doesn't know she has a problem.
Quote: AxelWolf
Does it really matter to who? If someone said, hey EvenBob, I'll give you 500k if you can prove what you are claiming. Would you be willing to prove it to them? If not for 500k, how much?
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It's a silly question it's like asking somebody if they would kill their pet dog for a million dollars. They might think hell no but if they actually saw a million dollars in cash sitting in front of them it has an effect on people. So nobody can answer a question like that truthfully. I have no idea what I would do. Could be one way or the other.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz[
It's okay Bob.
Alcoholics also don't recognize when they have a problem.
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Not true. Are you still in the bar and most of the alcoholics I knew were fully aware they had a problem. They talked about it all the time. It's the housewife that sits home and watches soap operas and drinks wine all afternoon she's the one that doesn't know she has a problem.
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Right, and you sit home all day on gambling websites and don't recognize you are gambling.
Quote: darkoz
Right, and you sit home all day on gambling websites and don't recognize you are gambling.
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I don't play all day the sessions are very short and that is correct, I'm not gambling.
Quote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
Right, and you sit home all day on gambling websites and don't recognize you are gambling.
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I don't play all day the sessions are very short and that is correct, I'm not gambling.
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You are classic addiction not able to recognize you have a problem.
The more you claim to make wagers but aren't gambling the more you prove you have an addiction and don't recognize it.
Even the most successful advantage Player will say he is gambling and refer to himself as a professional gambler.
Or you can easily approximate how much money you'll make over x time and figure out what it's worth to you now.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolf
Does it really matter to who? If someone said, hey EvenBob, I'll give you 500k if you can prove what you are claiming. Would you be willing to prove it to them? If not for 500k, how much?
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It's a silly question it's like asking somebody if they would kill their pet dog for a million dollars. They might think hell no but if they actually saw a million dollars in cash sitting in front of them it has an effect on people. So nobody can answer a question like that truthfully. I have no idea what I would do. Could be one way or the other.
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Assuming you can truly do what you're claiming. You might be the best at guessing roulette outcomes, but you're the worst at extracting the full potential. Go figure.
It would be like Superman using his abilities to sit around all day killing harmless insects.
Quote: AxelWolfYou might be the best at guessing roulette outcomes, but you're the worst at extracting the full potential. Go figure.
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Do you have any idea what my age is? I'll give you a clue, I was 57 when I discovered Roulette in 2004. When you get into your 60s and especially your 70s your priorities totally change. I've owned my own home for forty years and I'm not moving. What is it that I need that at my age I'm that going put a whole lot of time into this. Ambition is a young man's game
Quote: darkozQuote: EvenBobQuote: darkoz
Right, and you sit home all day on gambling websites and don't recognize you are gambling.
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I don't play all day the sessions are very short and that is correct, I'm not gambling.
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You are classic addiction not able to recognize you have a problem.
The more you claim to make wagers but aren't gambling the more you prove you have an addiction and don't recognize it.
Even the most successful advantage Player will say he is gambling and refer to himself as a professional gambler.
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The word gambling doesn't mean what you think it means if you think I'm gambling.
At whatever point your abilities gave you a 5% or more advantage is when your ambitions should have kicked in.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolfYou might be the best at guessing roulette outcomes, but you're the worst at extracting the full potential. Go figure.
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Do you have any idea what my age is? I'll give you a clue, I was 57 when I discovered Roulette in 2004. When you get into your 60s and especially your 70s your priorities totally change. I've owned my own home for forty years and I'm not moving. What is it that I need that at my age I'm that going put a whole lot of time into this. Ambition is a young man's game
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That motivation ship has apparently sailed. That should be even more incentive for you to simply prove your claim to someone willing to pay a significant amount of money and then get whatever is equivalent to the noble prize in this field.
If a non-motivated guy can make +2 or 3 units a day in a limited market, just imagine what a motivated guy could do across the world with a significant bankroll.
Quote: AxelWolf
That motivation ship has apparently sailed. That should be even more incentive for you to simply prove your claim to someone willing to pay a significant amount of money and then get whatever is equivalent to the noble prize in this field.
If a non-motivated guy can make +2 or 3 units a day in a limited market, just imagine what a motivated guy could do across the world with a significant bankroll.
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If you could just sit down and play and make money I would agree with you but this is really hit and miss. Lots of times I would go to the casino and never see anything to bet on and as I said even at home with different casinos to choose from I've gone a couple days and all I saw was chaos. This is not nearly as big a deal as you think it is. Especially because you have to do it in brick-and-mortar casinos if you're going to make any real money and it's very difficult and very time-consuming because you'd have to live somewhere like Vegas and be constantly out there looking and to me it's just not worth it especially at my age. You would almost have to do it early in the morning or late at night so you can get roulette tables almost to yourself and that way you can play a much faster game. Because if you have to wait constantly for the dealer to make payouts it takes forever. And if you're playing mostly by yourself you will bring a lot of attention from management if you're winning a lot. You would almost be better off going to Europe where roulette is extremely popular and you would draw way less attention to yourself.
Who said anything about going into a casino? I would travel to Canada somewhere that borders the U.S. and figure out a way to play in both locations at the same time. Canada has over 1,000 online casinos. Then I'd off to Finland boarding Sweeden, that's another 2000 casinos. You could go to many places, just pick your poison.Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolf
That motivation ship has apparently sailed. That should be even more incentive for you to simply prove your claim to someone willing to pay a significant amount of money and then get whatever is equivalent to the noble prize in this field.
If a non-motivated guy can make +2 or 3 units a day in a limited market, just imagine what a motivated guy could do across the world with a significant bankroll.
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If you could just sit down and play and make money I would agree with you but this is really hit and miss. Lots of times I would go to the casino and never see anything to bet on and as I said even at home with different casinos to choose from I've gone a couple days and all I saw was chaos. This is not nearly as big a deal as you think it is. Especially because you have to do it in brick-and-mortar casinos if you're going to make any real money and it's very difficult and very time-consuming because you'd have to live somewhere like Vegas and be constantly out there looking and to me it's just not worth it especially at my age. You would almost have to do it early in the morning or late at night so you can get roulette tables almost to yourself and that way you can play a much faster game. Because if you have to wait constantly for the dealer to make payouts it takes forever. And if you're playing mostly by yourself you will bring a lot of attention from management if you're winning a lot. You would almost be better off going to Europe where roulette is extremely popular and you would draw way less attention to yourself.
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Meanwhile, I'd be hitting up all the online casino locations that don't really care where you are from, including the anonymous ones(Might even set up a few accounts in my cat's name).
Sure not all the thousands of casinos have live roulette but there is a boatload of them. Sure, you might even get stiffed many thousands but that's just a little leakage in the rain of money flowing in.
I take it you only have one or 2 computers systematically logging into one account at a time checking for patterns.
One should have one or multiple computers all set up with one or multiple monitors all while using one mouse and keyboard.
You should be hauling your ass to The Sault Ste. Marie county line playing both CA and Michigan at the same time.
You actually wouldn't have to do any traveling if wanted to get inventive.
Quote: EvenBob[ What is it that I need that at my age I'm that going put a whole lot of time into this. Ambition is a young man's game.
Ambition may be a young man's game, but ATTENTION is your game.
Quote: AxelWolfI would travel to Canada somewhere that borders the U.S. and figure out a way to play in both locations at the same time. Canada has over 1,000 online casinos. Then I'd off to Finland boarding Sweeden, that's another 2000 casinos. You could go to many places, just pick your poison.
Meanwhile, I'd be hitting up all the online casino locations that don't really care where you are from, including the anonymous ones(Might even set up a few accounts in my cat's name).
Sure not all the thousands of casinos have live roulette but there is a boatload of them. Sure, you might even get stiffed many thousands but that's just a little leakage in the rain of money flowing in.
I take it you only have one or 2 computers systematically logging into one account at a time checking for patterns.
One should have one or multiple computers all set up with one or multiple monitors all while using one mouse and keyboard.
You should be hauling your ass to The Sault Ste. Marie county line playing both CA and Michigan at the same time.
You actually wouldn't have to do any traveling if wanted to get inventive.
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I got physically exhausted just thinking about doing any of that. What are you 45? Wait till you're older, you'll see. When I was in my forties I could do anything. When a man is in his forties he's at the height of stamina and endurance in his life. When you're in your twenties you're at your height of reaction time and healing, that's why young men are always wanted for the military. But in your forties you can go all day long work your ass off and I did. Once you get into your 50s you start to slow down and once you hit your sixties forget it. I'm over 70 now so all that stuff you're suggesting is like impossible. I can do what I can do and that's all I can do. I started playing roulette at age 57. If I started at age 37 it would be a totally different story. Right now I'm thrilled to be able to pay my bills playing roulette. All my bills including property taxes and the snow plow guy. I love going into the township office on July 1st and paying my summer property taxes in cash.
The whole setup is pretty bogus. After everybody has made their bets the dealer throws this big switch on the wall and it selects 5 different numbers that have huge payouts and if you bet on one of those numbers you can win 100 times your bet 300 times your bet whatever. Because it's done after all the bets have been made it already knows what numbers to choose that's how it regulates the payouts. So even if it section shoots I'll be covering 24 numbers every time I bet and we'll see what happens. I will only be betting the minimum amount which is really tiny so I'm looking forward to this. If I can beat it this will give me another wheel to play in all the casinos that have Evolution.
"You actually wouldn't have to do any traveling if wanted to get inventive."Quote: EvenBobQuote: AxelWolfI would travel to Canada somewhere that borders the U.S. and figure out a way to play in both locations at the same time. Canada has over 1,000 online casinos. Then I'd off to Finland boarding Sweeden, that's another 2000 casinos. You could go to many places, just pick your poison.
Meanwhile, I'd be hitting up all the online casino locations that don't really care where you are from, including the anonymous ones(Might even set up a few accounts in my cat's name).
Sure not all the thousands of casinos have live roulette but there is a boatload of them. Sure, you might even get stiffed many thousands but that's just a little leakage in the rain of money flowing in.
I take it you only have one or 2 computers systematically logging into one account at a time checking for patterns.
One should have one or multiple computers all set up with one or multiple monitors all while using one mouse and keyboard.
You should be hauling your ass to The Sault Ste. Marie county line playing both CA and Michigan at the same time.
You actually wouldn't have to do any traveling if wanted to get inventive.
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I got physically exhausted just thinking about doing any of that. What are you 45? Wait till you're older, you'll see. When I was in my forties I could do anything. When a man is in his forties he's at the height of stamina and endurance in his life. When you're in your twenties you're at your height of reaction time and healing, that's why young men are always wanted for the military. But in your forties you can go all day long work your ass off and I did. Once you get into your 50s you start to slow down and once you hit your sixties forget it. I'm over 70 now so all that stuff you're suggesting is like impossible. I can do what I can do and that's all I can do. I started playing roulette at age 57. If I started at age 37 it would be a totally different story. Right now I'm thrilled to be able to pay my bills playing roulette. All my bills including property taxes and the snow plow guy. I love going into the township office on July 1st and paying my summer property taxes in cash.
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Quote: EvenBobAfter everybody has made their bets the dealer throws this big switch on the wall and it selects 5 different numbers that have huge payouts and if you bet on one of those numbers you can win 100 times your bet 300 times your bet whatever.
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What? You can flat bet all the numbers every spin and make a killing. Another misunderstood wager?
The non-boosted inside bet single numbers pay 29:1. Other inside bets also pay short.Quote: rawtuffQuote: EvenBobAfter everybody has made their bets the dealer throws this big switch on the wall and it selects 5 different numbers that have huge payouts and if you bet on one of those numbers you can win 100 times your bet 300 times your bet whatever.
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What? You can flat bet all the numbers every spin and make a killing. Another misunderstood wager?
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Quote: rawtuffQuote: EvenBobAfter everybody has made their bets the dealer throws this big switch on the wall and it selects 5 different numbers that have huge payouts and if you bet on one of those numbers you can win 100 times your bet 300 times your bet whatever.
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What? You can flat bet all the numbers every spin and make a killing. Another misunderstood wager?
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It selects 1 to 5 numbers. Odds on struck numbers can be 50x to 500x. All breakdowns of the game I could find show it is Single 0 Roulette so I would be very interested in a breakdown of EV and if flat betting every number was a good idea.