Quote: ChumpChangeI never deserved any of my suspensions, period!
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That's an exclamation?
Hopefully this hijacking is almost concluded, and we can return to the preempted hijacking.
As far as forums go, IMO they will give you or take from you by the amount of input and/or amount of seriousness you put into them.
Once again, thanks to the simply Great MDawg who allowed me to build 2 fantastic bankrolls which are right now over $160,000.00. Of course, my bankrolls are liquid cash without counting the numerous tens of thousands of dollars I won, spent and placed elsewhere outside and away from my 2 bankrolls.
MDawg, another serious thank you!
You serve a purpose here more than most can ever imagine or even acknowledge.
Marcus Clark
Quote: Marcusclark6690% or so of my gambling success is directly due to MDawg. I acknowledge that and I will never forget it. I say it not to antagonize or humiliate those that fail at gaming, but to pay proper respect and give praise where it is due.
As far as forums go, IMO they will give you or take from you by the amount of input and/or amount of seriousness you put into them.
Once again, thanks to the simply Great MDawg who allowed me to build 2 fantastic bankrolls which are right now over $160,000.00. Of course, my bankrolls are liquid cash without counting the numerous tens of thousands of dollars I won, spent and placed elsewhere outside and away from my 2 bankrolls.
MDawg, another serious thank you!
You serve a purpose here more than most can ever imagine or even acknowledge.
Marcus Clark
What is happening here, has been happening here for quite a while and continues to be allowed to happen is disgusting. Mdawg set out to make a mockery of Wizard and WoV and with his sock puppet Marcus Clark has done so.
I understand that Michael Shackleford just doesn’t give a damn that his reputation and that of the forum that bears his name is now seen as a joke in the gambling community. I understand that he doesn’t care that this forum, once a place for AP’s and REAL gamblers to come together to share gambling experiences has now lost most of the AP’s who want nothing to do with this and now gets traffic as a troll forum.
But beyond that, allowing this to continue is allowing, encouraging and contributing to this mental illness and that is what it is, of a severely sick and narcissistic person. Allowing this isn’t doing him any favors. This forum is contributing to his illness. Shame on you Michael Shackleford and to a lesser degree on the rest of you for going along.
I thought the guy doxxing a professional advantage player living in Las Vegas would be a line that couldn't be crossed, but I now see there is no line. There is no limitations. This is wrong and very sick and gets worse each passing day.
Quote: kewlj.
I understand that Michael Shackleford just doesn’t give a damn that his reputation and that of the forum that bears his name is now seen as a joke in the gambling community. I understand that he doesn’t care that this forum, once a place for AP’s and REAL gamblers to come together to share gambling experiences has now lost most of the AP’s who want nothing to do with this and now gets traffic as a troll forum.
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Take some time off, kewlj.
Duration to be determined.
Quote: DieterQuote: kewlj.
I understand that Michael Shackleford just doesn’t give a damn that his reputation and that of the forum that bears his name is now seen as a joke in the gambling community. I understand that he doesn’t care that this forum, once a place for AP’s and REAL gamblers to come together to share gambling experiences has now lost most of the AP’s who want nothing to do with this and now gets traffic as a troll forum.
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Take some time off, kewlj.
Duration to be determined.
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I can't even identify where one rule infringement ends and another begins in that post. Though I understand KJ's stance, he has deliberately disrespected the forum and his host. Dieter has put KJ in the cooler pending Wizard's ruling. It's my inclination to recommend a substantial suspension,
Discussion of this suspension should be restricted to the appropriate 'Discussion thread'
Quote: OnceDearQuote: DieterQuote: kewlj.
I understand that Michael Shackleford just doesn’t give a damn that his reputation and that of the forum that bears his name is now seen as a joke in the gambling community. I understand that he doesn’t care that this forum, once a place for AP’s and REAL gamblers to come together to share gambling experiences has now lost most of the AP’s who want nothing to do with this and now gets traffic as a troll forum.
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Take some time off, kewlj.
Duration to be determined.
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I can't even identify where one rule infringement ends and another begins in that post. Though I understand KJ's stance, he has deliberately disrespected the forum and his host. Dieter has put KJ in the cooler pending Wizard's ruling. It's my inclination to recommend a substantial suspension,
Discussion of this suspension should be restricted to the appropriate 'Discussion thread'
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"In the cooler." LMAO. I hadn't heard that phrase in years. 🤣👍
Quote: billryanWhat has the casino lost? There is no write-off. Think about the reverse. A player loses $100,000 to the casino. Do you think the casino turns around and pays income tax on the 100K that day?
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Mr.billryan: First, the original line of thoughtful questions to Mr.McDawg were about him and his obligations rgarding taxes not the casino's. Second, if the casino received that 100k on the last day of its fiscal year, then YES, it would pay corporate taxes on that 100k maybe not that given day but when filed.
Quote: billryanIncredible. Whats even more amazing is you seem to have put some thought into this.
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A lot of thought and what is really amazing is the conversation and tangents that followed.
There was some up and down, but I caught a Player run and pressed into it to recover from -10K in the hole.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: ChumpChangeI think casinos only need to publish weekly or monthly financial statements and pay taxes quarterly. If they lose a day's worth of profit from one player, maybe find out how much the casino normally wins each day on average before trying to take it away.
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I'd imagine casinos pay taxes the same way every other cash business in America does. As most casinos are public corporations, getting a hold of their annual and quarterly reports isn't too difficult, and these days you can hire someone to interpret it for you if one is incapable of comprehending it on their own.
While on the subject of cheating, it surprises me that there aren't any documented cases of which I am aware where players introduced outside cards to the grand or midi-Baccarat deck. At no other game in the casino are players allowed more leeway to hold the cards, play with them, bend them, rip them, and stand up and slam the cards down or throw them around. In the end, I assume that anyone introducing or switching cards to the deck would get caught, but given that criminals do all sorts of crazy things and get caught why haven't more criminals tried to cheat the casino in this way?
I do know that at grand or midi-Bacc in the past I have seen a player here and there warned to not stand up once received the cards, but it seems like a long time ago that I even heard this warning and I see players stand up while clutching their Baccarat cards all the time these days.
The electronic card readers used at many casinos would lead to detecting rather instantly that something was wrong, but not every casino in Vegas uses these electronic shoes on their Midi games. The standard manual shoes are still in place in many casinos, including on the Strip.
Absolutely absurd. In New York, it's just as illegal for a casino to manipulate a random game as it is for a player. Section 225.90 of the Penal Code "Manipulation of gaming outcomes at an authorized gaming establishment", applies to anyone, including casinos (as a corporate "Person"), and casino employees.Quote: MDawgThere is a thread at WOV where, unless I am mistaken, some rather odd arguments are being made that it might not be illegal for a casino to stack the deck against players i.e. cheat them.I find any such arguments to be absolutely absurd.
"...knowingly uses, conducts, operates, deals, or exposes for play, or
knowingly allows to be used, conducted, operated, dealt or exposed for
play any cards, dice or gaming equipment or device, or any combination
of gaming equipment or devices, which have in any manner been altered,
marked or tampered with, or placed in a condition, or operated in a
manner, the result of which tends to deceive or tends to alter the
elements of chance or normal random selection which determine the result
of the game or outcome, or the amount or frequency of the payment in a
Quote: MDawgThere is a thread at WOV where, unless I am mistaken, some rather odd arguments are being made that it might not be illegal for a casino to stack the deck against players i.e. cheat them. I find any such arguments to be absolutely absurd.
While on the subject of cheating, it surprises me that there aren't any documented cases of which I am aware where players introduced outside cards to the grand or midi-Baccarat deck. At no other game in the casino are players allowed more leeway to hold the cards, play with them, bend them, rip them, and stand up and slam the cards down or throw them around. In the end, I assume that anyone introducing or switching cards to the deck would get caught, but given that criminals do all sorts of crazy things and get caught why haven't more criminals tried to cheat the casino in this way?
I do know that at grand or midi-Bacc in the past I have seen a players here and there warned to not stand up once received the cards, but it seems like a long time ago that I even heard this warning and I see players stand up while clutching their Baccarat cards all the time these days.
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Yes you are exactly correct MDawg.
Personally I do not know of any players introducing cards into a live baccarat game. I searched through security bulletins within the industry for the past 20 years that our brand subscribes to. None. The only thing close of any substantial meaning is the infamous Tran Gang we all know about.
There are a select few insignificant collusion’s between regionalized local players and select dealers, but those are all about paying when the players lost the hand or paying larger amounts that were bet, etc. Most all of those I found were in the Midwest and the East Coast.
And most all properties allow a huge leeway for the midi baccarat player handling the cards protocols. Most all properties will not allow players to stand and handle the cards. One reason is the angles the players ability to hunch their back and shoulders to cover camera visibility of the player. Some casinos will not say anything if the player handles (peeks and peels) while seated and then quickly stands to toss them in or slam them, but I stress quickly.
Bear in mind some properties already know what the shoe is producing via the electronic smart shoe but some do not. At one of our properties the players protested the intro of the smart shoes at the baccarat tables and our management changed them back.
I too am puzzled that no one has tried something like this, at least, it has not been documented anyway.
And you are right too, that not all casinos use the electronic smart shoes.
Quote: MDawgWhile on the subject of cheating, it surprises me that there aren't any documented cases of which I am aware where players introduced outside cards to the grand or midi-Baccarat deck. At no other game in the casino are players allowed more leeway to hold the cards, play with them, bend them, rip them, and stand up and slam the cards down or throw them around. In the end, I assume that anyone introducing or switching cards to the deck would get caught, but given that criminals do all sorts of crazy things and get caught why haven't more criminals tried to cheat the casino in this way?
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I hear they used to break people's fingers for that sort of thing. I'm sure that's all in the past, now.
It is probably more challenging than we realize to switch a few cards in and out of play, especially when most of the eyes in the room are staring, eagerly awaiting the opening of the hand.
I think there is lower hanging fruit.
Anyway, I'm not single and not interested in that so the next thought would be to just hand the keys out in some kind of karmic largesse, but then with my credit card attached, probably not a good idea.
So, I just go up the room (or not) to take a look, maybe mess up the sheets a little (or not), and go back to our home casino suite after I've collected on the promo.
Quote: MDawgI thought it was a little strange too, but what it was was four stacks of 5K, three stacks of 10K, sealed in the bag (50K total).
When the casinos hand you 5K, 10K, stacks (or the sealed 50K "bricks") they don't count it again just at their end then just hand it to you. I mean, you could ask them to recount it in front of you, but there is really no need.
Then if you go to another casino to pay them with the stacks (which I had to with about 25K of this win), you might hold your breath for a second while they are counting it, but it has never come up short.
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Several years ago, I was an AP living in Las Vegas. Almost daily I would bet well into six figures, distributed among several sports books. On numerous occasions and at several casinos, when I cashed in my winning tickets, I would ask the cashier to discreetly push my winnings across the counter to me without recounting the precounted stacks or bricks. The cashiers always refused, insisting on breaking the bands and recounting the bills (aloud, no less) individually in front of me (and anyone else in view). When did casinos change this procedure?
Anyway, you might be thinking about other than precounted wrapped and signed stacks. The rule is that they must count other than precounted wrapped and signed stacks for the camera. Once a stack or brick is wrapped or signed on that slip, that means that it is verified. I've asked them to not bother with counting odd amounts (3500, 4500, 1500) even after it comes straight out of the counting machine, but they have always declined that request. As far as the verbal counting - that is for you. The camera doesn't record audio. However when it comes to 5K stacks, 10K stacks, 50K bricks, if you so specify they will not recount them, and will just hand them over.
At least this is the way it is at every casino I deal with.
Mind you, I don't usually take my winnings in cash. Usually I take a check. But in this instance I knew I had to pay about a third of it to another casino anyway, and also I didn't care and just wanted the cash.
Table Games: If I were a CASH player (which I am not - I am credit line player, but IF), and I bought in for say, 7500, and then ended up with say, 11000 in chips, when I went to the cage to cash out if I asked for a check they would give me a check only if the pit boss verified the 3500 win, and only for that 3500 portion. For the 7500 cash buy in, they would give me cash only - otherwise the casino would be guilty of money laundering.
SO, with sports tickets, if you buy a ticket for $2000. cash and it ends up equaling a payout of say $2350., I assume that the cashier if you asked for a check (assuming also that they would even want to bother with a check for such a small amount) would refuse to issue a check for over $350., and return the $2000. in cash only.
Quote: MDawgThe WOV software states that you made 4 posts, but I see only three. Was one removed? or is this just a forum glitch.link to original post
How is that germane to the subject at hand?
Quote: MDawgAnyway, you might be thinking about other than precounted wrapped and signed stacks. The rule is that they must count other than precounted wrapped and signed stacks for the camera. Once a stack or brick is wrapped or signed on that slip, that means that it is verified.
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I know what I'm thinking about - precounted, wrapped, signed stacks. Now that I've verified that, back to my question - when did the procedure change?
I have no idea who you are or what you know, but this is the way it is, at least for the entire four years or so that I have been back after my decade or so hiatus from gaming, at every casino I deal with. Come to Vegas, win over fifty large, go to the cage, ask for a sealed brick, and you will get it. (Not every casino puts the 50K bricks in a bag like that - some just rubber band the brick together, and I believe I have a pic or more of such bricks somewhere too in my Adventures thread.) Short of your doing that, I suppose you'll just have to take my word for it that this is the way it is.
Thinking back to over a decade ago, I cannot recall specifically whether the procedure was any different.
Quote: MDawgIt is germane to the subject matter because if you have had a post removed it might mean that you were suspected of advertising, spamming or some such, which would imply that you are not a legitimate member.
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I'll let the moderators answer that question. I'll also let them decide if your post was a thinly veiled ad hominem attack.
Quote: MDawgIt is germane to the subject matter because if you have had a post removed it might mean that you were suspected of advertising, spamming or some such, which would imply that you are not a legitimate member.
I have no idea who you are or what you know, but this is the way it is, at least for the entire four years or so that I have been back after my decade or so hiatus from gaming, at every casino I deal with. Come to Vegas, win over fifty large, go to the cage, ask for a sealed brick, and you will get it. (Not every casino puts the 50K bricks in a bag like that - some just rubber band the brick together, and I believe I have a pic or more of such bricks somewhere too in my Adventures thread.) Short of your doing that, I suppose you'll just have to take my word for it that this is the way it is.
Thinking back to over a decade ago, I cannot recall specifically whether the procedure was any different.
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Most casinos will ask the player at the cage if they are requesting a large amount of cash, if they want a verified stack or brick. Which means two management supervisors have their signature and ID numbers on the wrapper. If the player says yes, they just put it on the counter for the camera to get a shot and push it towards the player. No counting it out.
FYI, the counting out and banding of those verified stacks are recorded and kept on file for sometime.
Quote: UsernameRemorseQuote: MDawgI thought it was a little strange too, but what it was was four stacks of 5K, three stacks of 10K, sealed in the bag (50K total).
When the casinos hand you 5K, 10K, stacks (or the sealed 50K "bricks") they don't count it again just at their end then just hand it to you. I mean, you could ask them to recount it in front of you, but there is really no need.
Then if you go to another casino to pay them with the stacks (which I had to with about 25K of this win), you might hold your breath for a second while they are counting it, but it has never come up short.
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Several years ago, I was an AP living in Las Vegas. Almost daily I would bet well into six figures, distributed among several sports books. On numerous occasions and at several casinos, when I cashed in my winning tickets, I would ask the cashier to discreetly push my winnings across the counter to me without recounting the precounted stacks or bricks. The cashiers always refused, insisting on breaking the bands and recounting the bills (aloud, no less) individually in front of me (and anyone else in view). When did casinos change this procedure?
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Did you cash in the sports book or main cage? In my experience the personnel at the sports book sometimes do it differently than at the main cage.
Quote: unJonQuote: UsernameRemorseQuote: MDawgI thought it was a little strange too, but what it was was four stacks of 5K, three stacks of 10K, sealed in the bag (50K total).
When the casinos hand you 5K, 10K, stacks (or the sealed 50K "bricks") they don't count it again just at their end then just hand it to you. I mean, you could ask them to recount it in front of you, but there is really no need.
Then if you go to another casino to pay them with the stacks (which I had to with about 25K of this win), you might hold your breath for a second while they are counting it, but it has never come up short.
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Several years ago, I was an AP living in Las Vegas. Almost daily I would bet well into six figures, distributed among several sports books. On numerous occasions and at several casinos, when I cashed in my winning tickets, I would ask the cashier to discreetly push my winnings across the counter to me without recounting the precounted stacks or bricks. The cashiers always refused, insisting on breaking the bands and recounting the bills (aloud, no less) individually in front of me (and anyone else in view). When did casinos change this procedure?
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Did you cash in the sports book or main cage? In my experience the personnel at the sports book sometimes do it differently than at the main cage.
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I would always cash my tickets at the main cage - never at the sports book.
Quote: MDawgOne thought occurs to me about sports ticket, and I almost never bet sports so I am not certain about this, but:
Table Games: If I were a CASH player (which I am not - I am credit line player, but IF), and I bought in for say, 7500, and then ended up with say, 11000 in chips, when I went to the cage to cash out if I asked for a check they would give me a check only if the pit boss verified the 3500 win, and only for that 3500 portion. For the 7500 cash buy in, they would give me cash only - otherwise the casino would be guilty of money laundering.
SO, with sports tickets, if you buy a ticket for $2000. cash and it ends up equaling a payout of say $2350., I assume that the cashier if you asked for a check (assuming also that they would even want to bother with a check for such a small amount) would refuse to issue a check for over $350., and return the $2000. in cash only.
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I’m not sure what you are postulating. A $2,350 payout really means a $4,350 cash out as they kept your $2,000 bet. Or are you saying the person bet $2,000 to win $350 at -570ish odds?
Quote: unJonQuote: MDawgOne thought occurs to me about sports ticket, and I almost never bet sports so I am not certain about this, but:
Table Games: If I were a CASH player (which I am not - I am credit line player, but IF), and I bought in for say, 7500, and then ended up with say, 11000 in chips, when I went to the cage to cash out if I asked for a check they would give me a check only if the pit boss verified the 3500 win, and only for that 3500 portion. For the 7500 cash buy in, they would give me cash only - otherwise the casino would be guilty of money laundering.
SO, with sports tickets, if you buy a ticket for $2000. cash and it ends up equaling a payout of say $2350., I assume that the cashier if you asked for a check (assuming also that they would even want to bother with a check for such a small amount) would refuse to issue a check for over $350., and return the $2000. in cash only.
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I’m not sure what you are postulating. A $2,350 payout really means a $4,350 cash out as they kept your $2,000 bet. Or are you saying the person bet $2,000 to win $350 at -570ish odds?
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It’s exactly what he is postulating. If the casino would give that check it might look like a money laundering event.
And the casinos have gotten REALLY strict about this sort of thing lately: for example on a recent stay I lost a session at a casino, paid the line off, then won afterwards, and I had a hard time convincing the casino to issue me a check for the winnings when they kept looking at the sum total over the past week or whatever that showed a net win of less than that for which I was trying to cash out and get check.
For example: Day 1, lose -20K. Pay off (for the sake of this example, let's say paid off with a cashier's check, not cash).
Day 2, win 10K, hold chips.
Day 3, win 15K, hold chips.
Go to cage, try to get a check for 25K, but casino says, no, we show you as winning only 5K, and they want to give you a check for 5K and 20K cash for your chips.
So you haven't been in Vegas for, how long now?
Anyway Welcome! to the Adventures of MDawg thread.
I haven't ever had anything sealed in plastic handed to me, but it's rare I would be getting wrapped-worthy amounts all at once.
Quote: avianrandySo I'm guessing that is when is suspension is over?
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The Suspension List currently shows the current suspension as scheduled to end on the sixth of February.

Something about - Marcus claimed to play at a mid-West casino where they allow re-splitting of aces? But Marcus played Baccarat I thought not Blackjack.
Anyway, what this tells me is that there are busy bodies who pore over posts here that rub them the wrong way and spend their days researching any way to put said posts down. Now, in the case where someone lies and there is no truth to the post, no harm done in the end in unearthing the deception?
But what about where someone is telling the truth about having negotiated some nice concession from the casino for high end play, or better rules for a table game, and these droves of busy bodies end up contacting the casinos directly to research about the unequal treatment one player is getting that isn’t available to all? In such a case real damage might be done to the player who has something advantageous in place and now has to hear about it from the player’s host or whoever approved the better rules or concessions, about how the casino exec is getting flack for giving the player an advantage because the average players on the street are now making a stink about it.
We already have at least one member here KewlJ who has gone on record as saying that he is in favor of doxxing anyone who he deems is not an advantage player. So Kewlj decides that so and so isn’t an advantage player and goes out of his way to make the player’s identity known. And then, if the details of what the now doxxed player has been posting online get back, again to the player’s host or whoever approved the better rules or concessions, it may cause issues.
There is another current member here at WOV who claims that contacted the casinos to tell them that MDawg was winning too much and should be stopped. Another former WOV member who claimed to have contacted the casinos supposedly as a shareholder complaining that MDawg was hurting the casino’s bottom line.
Or, without even any doxxing, busy bodies start contacting casinos to check up on a player’s story and it comes back to the player in a way that doesn’t contribute to the player’s longevity in the casinos.
In any case, I have monetary challenges open for anyone who disputes any one of my session reports. I would hope that anyone who has a problem with any aspect of my session reports would be man enough to confront me in person, cash in hand, rather than sneaking around in a busy body-esque way that might cause MDawg problems.
Additionally, I believe that anyone who challenges the veracity of another’s posts should be willing to fold up and leave this forum for good absent incontrovertible proof of falsities. If it has gotten to the point where posting falsities is nukeworthy then making such a challenge that doesn’t hold up to irrefutable scrutiny should be nukeworthy as well.
Bottom line - people should mind their own business. Just because you don’t have the same deal as someone else is no reason to try to pull down the other man’s play.
Shoe Blackjack.
I conducted a little experiment. I took 5000 cash to a casino where I don't normally play. No private reserved table, no special rules, in fact, disadvantageous rules - a shoe where the dealer hits on soft 17.
During the course of play, there was one hand where the H17 helped me, another where it did not.
So what happened?
I lost.
Was it due to the rules, lack of bankroll when I am used to playing with much more, my having gotten used to nothing but the double deck lately, or just plain bad luck?
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Courtesy of the casino of course.
Quote: MDawgPro Bowl bound today!
Courtesy of the casino of course.
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My wife and I have tried to figure out how much someone would have to pay us to actually be at and watch a Pro Bowl? Its certainly in the high 3 figures....
As far as the fish..... I like fish, and would probably eat any one of those dishes. But when eating fish I don't want multiple different ones at the same time... no grouper, cod, salmon combo! But as far as seafood.... give me clams, oysters, crab, lobster all day long!
As far as Marcus Clark, when you make ridiculous trolling posts and threads you will eventually get caught and nuked. I believe he has already been caught making a sock puppet, and I'm sure many more will follow.
In case you missed my casino report.... I crushed the local casino for over $100 last trip! Probably going back tomorrow for my $25 free play I qualified for!
👍Quote: MDawgPro Bowl bound today!
Courtesy of the casino of course.
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Fish - I can think of a few different restaurants where a trio of different fish are offered in one dish. In this case there was a somewhat large group of us dining and I picked the three different fish.
Well, in order to be flown to the SuperBowl and be in the casino's suite you have to have lost at least mid six figures in one trip! at least, that is the qualification with one of the majors on the Strip. Pass! (I think that's unusual because for most casino events they don't care if you win or lose as long as you give them the action.)
Quote: MDawgGood job! at the casinos. A win is a win!
Fish - I can think of a few different restaurants where a trio of different fish are offered in one dish. In this case there was a somewhat large group of us dining and I picked the three different fish.
Well, in order to be flown to the SuperBowl and be in the casino's suite you have to have lost at least mid six figures in one trip! at least, that is the qualification with one of the majors on the Strip. Pass! (I think that's unusual because for most casino events they don't care if you win or lose as long as you give them the action.)
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Your first post said Pro Bowl. This one says Super Bowl. I would go to the Super Bowl for free, but not the Pro Bowl.