Quote: MDawgDarkO should return to his thread where he entertains an audience who doesn't know better with consistent misinformation.
Meantime, MDawg cleans up. For real, and proven, while all Dark has proven is that he's unwilling and unable to adapt and willing to follow such behavior to its inevitable end.
link to original post
Quote: EvenBobThe person who let that happen, is exactly
the type of person who would blindly drive
himself into homelessness by making one
reckless decision after another.
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Quote: GWAEyou should have adapted to the times.
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Quote: sodawaterThere seems to be something missing from the story, likely something interpersonal or some addiction not mentioned.
link to original post
Quote: EvenBobFocus and structure are the most
important aspects of writing something
that's readable, what he presents here
in his stories lacks both.
link to original post
The guy can't even get beyond understanding that saying "I make $20000 a week" is meaningless, so good luck with writing a story that makes any kind of sense, or goes beyond misinformation.
Quote: AlanMendelsonMdawg I'll ghostwrite your autobiography or screenplay.
I think you and I can get the movie made before Darkoz, and it will sell better.
People would rather read about a big winner.
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Alan, as you have pointed out, what I do is not against any casino rules or laws. Plus I'm doing it in style, not on a bus, which inherently adds to better scene drops. 😅
Quote: MDawgSomeone like DarkOz could never use any affirmative defense because he is ejected for cause, his very presence violating casino rules right and left multi carding would be argued disrupts or endangers business functions. DarkOz's very presence in casinos is an outrage. He and his crew are the Menace - not in disguise, but stone - obvious casino comp abusers, with a flagrantly cranked - up act that he intends to push all the way to the limit . . . not to prove any final, sociological point, and not even as a conscious mockery: as mainly a matter of life - style, a sense of obligation and even duty.
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Quote: MDawgQuote: MDawgDarkO should return to his thread where he entertains an audience who doesn't know better with consistent misinformation.
Meantime, MDawg cleans up. For real, and proven, while all Dark has proven is that he's unwilling and unable to adapt and willing to follow such behavior to its inevitable end.
link to original postQuote: EvenBobThe person who let that happen, is exactly
the type of person who would blindly drive
himself into homelessness by making one
reckless decision after another.
link to original postQuote: GWAEyou should have adapted to the times.
link to original postQuote: sodawaterThere seems to be something missing from the story, likely something interpersonal or some addiction not mentioned.
link to original postQuote: EvenBobFocus and structure are the most
important aspects of writing something
that's readable, what he presents here
in his stories lacks both.
link to original post
The guy can't even get beyond understanding that saying "I make $20000 a week" is meaningless, so good luck with writing a story that makes any kind of sense, or goes beyond misinformation.
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Lol, that response was meaningless.
EDIT: It's my experience that when a person accuses you of something it's ACTUALLY what they do.
Notice MDawg mentions writing a STORY! He isn't writing facts in his mind, MDawg is most likely writing a story here.
You will notice I often refer to my own writing as memoirs.

I was knocked out early on one tournament, actually made it to the semi finals (not the final money table) on the other.
The one tournament had an interesting "Mulligan" rule where paying $500. allowed you to take back either the second or third card dealt to you. I saw people use that with mixed success. I even saw someone split a blackjack, lol, on a low bet. What I also saw was low bet individuals take hits, trying to mess up the deck, where other players had bet big on that particular hand. I asked one, "But how do you know what the next card will be?" but didn't get it, that I was just subtly making fun of that player. I mean, actually I knew every card that had been dealt including the burn card which the dealer had displayed in error, but phenomenal memory or not that just gave me an idea of what was to come, no certainty.
Quote: MDawgI eat a steak a week. But not every week.
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Why should I doubt you eat steak but not every week?
Quote: billryanHow does one split a blackjack?
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Well if MDawg says he witnessed someone splitting a blackjack, far be it from us to say it's not true.
He's the expert!
I hereby lay claim to it.
I already have the opening scene in my head.
Quote: billryanHow does one split a blackjack?
It sounds like he meant split up the blackjack, not split to double the bet, as you would with a dealt pair.
Quote: MDawgThe one tournament had an interesting "Mulligan" rule where paying $500. allowed you to take back either the second or third card dealt to you. I saw people use that with mixed success. I even saw someone split a blackjack
Three monster sessions. Dumped 44K, then 43K, then came back and won 105K.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
My tables are in the back, all reserved, I can play double deck BJ or the shoe (I pick the former), or Baccarat.

They have some food laid out, a full bar, nice bright open space, and when I was there, at least three hot cocktail waitresses. You actually don't always see the prettiest cocktail waitresses in a casino's High Limit, but that day, there, I did.
In these show up and just leave situations I book a basic room for one night, and usually visit it for a few minutes just to look around. Sometimes they upgrade me to a suite which I try to tell them No, but sometimes they insist. I've had them give me a huge suite that I'm not even going to stay in, which is a waste of comps. I have tried to collect the free play chips at the cage before checking into the room, and that did work once, and in that case I just cancelled the room entirely, but other times the cage won't release the chips until the room check in has been completed.
What I do in those situations is wait until the free play chips are stacked to about five grand for the off Strip casinos, ten grand for the majors on the Strip, and then play with them all at once when it's a sizable roll.
As far as tournaments and promotions are concerned, some casinos insist on a stay to partake, others don't care.
DD Blackjack.
Wasn’t easy but I rallied from a fairly deep hole to quit while ahead.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
DD Blackjack.
Actually never bet all that much at the top end, not all that much for MDawg anyway, but I was winning the majority of my hands.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
DD Blackjack.
It was like the Super Bowl in there. Heavy hitting back and forth at my private table.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
As long as Nicky Santoro is still alive, my casino is secure.Quote: MDawgHi Ace! Luckily DeNiro is still alive, but we lost Ray Liotta from Goodfellas.
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However, he's been spending too much time with my wife, Ginger. Even the old-time bosses back in KC are taking notice so his days may be numbered
Carmine left?
He's gone?
He's not here?
Carmine's out?
DD Blackjack.
What was interesting here is that I didn't play that hard, and won more than in other sessions where I was betting much larger. Of course, what that means, is that during this session I was simply winning most of my hands.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
That was many years ago.
Well, what if you're sitting there with many times that in front of you, with a few hundred K of it all being recent winnings. Then what?
Let's just discuss reactions from cocktail waitresses.
One seemed to be miffed when I gave "only" five dollars (my usual tip) for a drink (non-alcoholic, I don't drink). This is a cocktail waitress I don't know very well.
Five per and I get maybe five drinks per session, adds up in my opinion. I recall Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm declining to give a bellman $20. just for taking him to his room, saying to himself, "If everyone gave him twenty dollars, he'd have more money than I do." I figure if every player gave the cocktail waitresses five dollars per drink they would have nothing to complain about.
Anyway, that was just one cocktail waitress.
Others have started hugging me lately. But I think that's just my charming personality, nothing to do with the stacks of five and twenty five thousand dollar chips in front of me?
One mentioned, half seriously, "I do accept yellow chips by the way!"
I will admit, while on a monster run such as I have been on this year, I have started to give them ten instead of five at a time for drinks, and occasionally tossed out a green chip.
Primarily, at the tables, I tip the dealers. I put out chips for them as soon as I start winning, and on every hand we win together they get double. (If I'm playing Baccarat and the tip is on the tie bet, then they get 8X.) It's surprising how quickly these add up to over a thousand for them. Even at five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty five, on the circle double that and win a lot of hands, and Cha'Ching, the dealer has five hundred or a grand or more tipped out in even a relatively short winning session just like that.
One habit I have stopped doing. I am really not sure why. I stopped giving the cashiers tips for cashing my winning checks (chips). I used to give them five, ten or up to twenty dollars each time. (Never a hundred - recall that Ginger told the cashier to "Take one for you" ("The hustler's code") when she cashed out in Casino). I just stopped doing it sometime last year and have not resumed the habit.
I used to have this thing about giving the homeless and downtrodden money during casino trips. Recently I gave five dollars to the one legged guy in the wheelchair who parks himself by a casino on the Strip. That day I won a lot! The next day, I saw him again but gave him nothing. I still won.
They tell me that it's "energy" that propels me to consistent victory. Well, I'd say that the energy of my neurons that gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
DD Blackjack.
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’ (Rawhide!).
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
DD Blackjack.
Didn’t play much - still won.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
I have a local dry cleaner, basically a Vegas local past couple of years.
Do you get any heat that you're basically going around town and using these casinos like a perpetual ATM machine? Do you think they will put a stop to your winnings eventually and ask you not to play Bacarrat and blackjack anymore?
I don't think anyone will ever say anything about Baccarat, and they haven't said anything about Blackjack yet either. It's gotten to where some pit bosses ask me, "So, how much are you going to win today?"
Lately I am playing Blackjack only, but prior to that I was playing Baccarat only. I switch back and forth, and go on runs with one then switch and start playing the other for a while.
But keep in mind, on a given day in high limit where I might win, whatever amount, I rarely see ANYONE exiting that room a winner. So the casinos are doing fine. Plus I've referred a number a very high rollers to them, who, unfortunately, some of whom just keep dumping money to them. That wasn't my intention, but I have a lot of a high net worth friends and acquaintances and whether they win or lose is on them. Some of my referrals play slots only and are interested in nothing else.
See the thing is, I can win days on end, but inevitably a day comes when they get me. But just as long as I keep the wins big enough the accumulative total overcomes that dark day. I learned about that years ago. Years ago I'd just try to win whatever and walk ahead, a few hundred, a few thousand, whatever, just walk ahead. Then I'd get plastered for say, twenty grand in one day which would eat up a week of wins. Now I realize that the way I play I need to win significant amounts each session to overcome the day that comes where I lose. In other words, when the going is good I really need to take advantage. I actually don't think I have learned to take FULL advantage of some of these sessions where I could really clip them, but I think I'm getting better at it.
Quote: MDawgSocks, that's an interesting question. The other day this guy at the tables was mentioning that the hotel wants $6.50 to wash a pair of his socks, so he just bought a new pair instead. Maybe he was talking about white athletic socks? Most dress socks will cost more.
I have a local dry cleaner, basically a Vegas local past couple of years.
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Why don't you answer all my questions? If they are too personal, then say so in a way that is benevolent. I can handle that. As a side note, Jerry Lewis only wore his socks, underwear, and t-shirts one time after which he would have them laundered and sanitized and then given to charities or people in need. Just say'in.
I get that ALL THE TIME.
If I win a $15,000 jackpot I get congratulations on my good fortune even if I lost $20,000 prior to winning the jackpot.
Dealers and floor people and other players see the winning. They never see the losing. And they comment on what they see all the time.
I actually can tell thousands of stories where I have been congratulated for my wins (, regardless of my net losses). I don't report them because it's meaningless comments.
Sounds like a new sitcom. “Everybody Loves MDawg”Quote: MDawgThe dealers love me, they tell me that EVERYONE in the room (and with this, a sweeping arm gesture) wants me to win.
Quote: Ace2Sounds like a new sitcom. “Everybody Loves MDawg”Quote: MDawgThe dealers love me, they tell me that EVERYONE in the room (and with this, a sweeping arm gesture) wants me to win.
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Most of those types of sitcoms turn to "mean jokes" after the first three or so seasons.
Quote: MDawg(snip) ...gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
link to original post
On a more serious note (compared to my last post in this thread): I may have asked something about this before, but has MDawg ever mentioned his photographic memory earlier (in this or other threads)?
Because if true*** (and I personally have no reason to doubt it) it could possibly be one of the reasons why he wins so much (?)
***: I would even count it as" true" if he really meant something like "almost a perfect photographic memory".
Quote: ksdjdjQuote: MDawg(snip) ...gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
link to original post
On a more serious note (compared to my last post in this thread): I may have asked something about this before, but has MDawg ever mentioned his photographic memory earlier (in this or other threads)?
Because if true*** (and I personally have no reason to doubt it) it could possibly be one of the reasons why he wins so much (?)
***: I would even count it as" true" if he really meant something like "almost a perfect photographic memory".
link to original post
Baccarat is completely decided by the rules. There is no Baccarat strategy.
It's like asking if perfect memory helps at winning roulette.
Quote: ksdjdjQuote: MDawg(snip) ...gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
link to original post
On a more serious note (compared to my last post in this thread): I may have asked something about this before, but has MDawg ever mentioned his photographic memory earlier (in this or other threads)?
Because if true*** (and I personally have no reason to doubt it) it could possibly be one of the reasons why he wins so much (?)
***: I would even count it as" true" if he really meant something like "almost a perfect photographic memory".
link to original post
Any game with a set deck of cards, that is to say, where the cards are fixed in the deck (not continuous shuffle) a perfect memory of all cards dealt is going to help. Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker.
Quote: ksdjdjQuote: MDawg(snip) ...gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
link to original post
On a more serious note (compared to my last post in this thread): I may have asked something about this before, but has MDawg ever mentioned his photographic memory earlier (in this or other threads)?
Because if true*** (and I personally have no reason to doubt it) it could possibly be one of the reasons why he wins so much (?)
***: I would even count it as" true" if he really meant something like "almost a perfect photographic memory".
link to original post
Any game with a set deck of cards, that is to say, where the cards are fixed in the deck (not continuous shuffle) a perfect memory of all cards dealt is going to help. Blackjack, Baccarat, Poker.
DD Blackjack.
Was down, way down at one point, rallied and left ahead. Heavy hitting galore!
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Quote: darkozQuote: ksdjdjQuote: MDawg(snip) ...gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
link to original post
On a more serious note (compared to my last post in this thread): I may have asked something about this before, but has MDawg ever mentioned his photographic memory earlier (in this or other threads)?
Because if true*** (and I personally have no reason to doubt it) it could possibly be one of the reasons why he wins so much (?)
***: I would even count it as" true" if he really meant something like "almost a perfect photographic memory".
link to original post
Baccarat is completely decided by the rules. There is no Baccarat strategy.
It's like asking if perfect memory helps at winning roulette.
link to original post
Even though I can't see how it helps for player / banker bets ATM, it should be a "great +" advantage for most other bets made from a shoe (?)
Also, after searching for "photographic memory", I found some sites with interesting info***(see below):
***: I have read link 1 and link 2, "all the way through", and "just skimmed" the other two links, so far.
Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, and Link 4
Quote: ksdjdjQuote: darkozQuote: ksdjdjQuote: MDawg(snip) ...gave me a photographic memory is certainly part of it!
link to original post
On a more serious note (compared to my last post in this thread): I may have asked something about this before, but has MDawg ever mentioned his photographic memory earlier (in this or other threads)?
Because if true*** (and I personally have no reason to doubt it) it could possibly be one of the reasons why he wins so much (?)
***: I would even count it as" true" if he really meant something like "almost a perfect photographic memory".
link to original post
Baccarat is completely decided by the rules. There is no Baccarat strategy.
It's like asking if perfect memory helps at winning roulette.
link to original post
Even though I can't see how it helps for player / banker bets ATM, it should be a "great +" advantage for most other bets made from a shoe (?)
Also, after searching for "photographic memory", I found some sites with interesting info***(see below):
***: I have read link 1 and link 2, "all the way through", and "just skimmed" the other two links, so far.
Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, and Link 4
link to original post
I don't doubt Mdawg's wins. I also can believe Mdwag has amazing memory. However, I challenge anybody having a photographic memory because photographic memory (in the traditional sense) has been debunked. There was one documented case where one woman was able to see a complicated picture/puzzle, store it in her brain. And then the scientists asked the woman to rethink the picture/puzzle and solve it from memory. It involved her discovering different aspects of the picture/puzzle in her head. Ultimately, she intrigued the scientiests, but was not able to meet some of the criteria (maybe the criteria was too stringent). One of the other types people get confused with photographic memory is extraordiinary Eidetic memory. People with gifted eidetic memory do exists, but it's not photographic memory in traditional sense that we see in TV, movies, and in mainstream. There are many geniuses with gifted abilities to remember like Ken Uston, Phil Ivey, and many others. However, I doubt Mdawg has PHOTOGRAHIC MEMORY. He probably has genius-like ability to remember.
One would involve the ability to recall exact images, and of course the further back in time one is able to recall the images exactly, the better the memory.
Another would involve conversations - the ability to recall exact conversations word for word.
And finally, written text recall. I understand that for example Judy Garland could read a script once on a plane on the way to a reading or filming, and know it cold. (And, I recall the news program where that was reported, word for word. 😄)
As far as playing card recall, I don't think it matters whether the recall is based on the image or the number and suit, as long as the recall is accurate and continuous.
Quote: MDawg
As far as playing card recall, I don't think it matters whether the recall is based on the image or the number and suit, as long as the recall is accurate and continuous.
link to original post
Touché. However, is this your lawyer way of admitting you don’t have photographic memory? If you do, you need to be sent to a lab and be studied. You’ll also be on a Discovery documentary playing after “Psychic Kids.”
As you must know, one needs quite a memory just to FIND anything on WOV. The search function at the forum itself is abysmal so really what you need to have is an exact recall of what was said, put into quotes and then Googled with
plus perhaps the screenname of the person who wrote it
next to the quoted text. At least that's the way I find old posts.
Good point Mdawg, The search feature here is flawed.Quote: MDawgAs you must know, one needs quite a memory just to FIND anything on WOV. The search function at the forum itself is abysmal so really what you need to have is an exact recall of what was said, put into quotes and then Googled with
plus perhaps the screenname of the person who wrote it
next to the quoted text. At least that's the way I find old posts.
link to original post
Of course we only need exact recall of one phrase.
But to codify the process, here's how I format a google query to achieve such a search, taking "Photographic memory" as an example. Note the use of a Colon and double quotes around the key phrase. You can add non-essential words like the user name after and outside the closing quote.
either seems to work to an extent...
DD Blackjack.
Quite a session. For some time I was plus or minus around five or six thousand, and then hit a period where I kept winning most every hand.
Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.
I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.
I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.
This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.