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March 25th, 2022 at 12:53:29 AM permalink
Ace2, that's precisely what I did, fly cheapest fare to Vegas. I suppose if I hadn't been able to get a really low fare with this airline I would've picked an entirely different option, but other than pay for the checked in bag, I paid for nothing else, not even seat selection (and, I got a nice aisle seat anyway - free). But that's exactly the way I roll. One week I might fly in a family private jet, next week lowest fare commercial. It's a short flight anyway, and over all I noticed no or at least not much difference from the old days when Southwest was pretty much the only way to fly commercial between southern Cal and Vegas or southern Cal and Reno, in fact, it was better because I had an assigned seat (free) versus Southwest's general boarding for everyone. (True, the process of booking a flight nowadays is arduous, but once booked, the flight experience itself is not too different from past experiences I have had on Southwest.)

I recall reading that Mark Cuban somehow ended up flying coach right after he sold Broadcom for billions. I imagine that would have been far more of a charge than flying any other way - at least in my book. In other words, assuming I keep winning (first day went well) I might get better satisfaction, of a certain type, flying home cheapest airfare than in a Citation X.

Now, I do draw the line at hotel accommodations and restaurants. I won't stay in crappy motels and I won't eat in crappy restaurants (expensive restaurants with bad food are even worse). I can't get no satisfaction from spending even one night on a lumpy thin mattress in a thin walled room surrounded by crystal meth addicts - that sort of thing doesn't give me a charge.

Alan, this drawing assigns one free ticket to everyone, and up to a small number more based on play over a few day period. The odds of winning are quite good as the entry pool is only their very highest off the chart players - I imagine that of that pool maybe only half showed up so we might be talking about raw entries in under a couple hundred bodies, with anywhere from one to ___ tickets each. Really, you'd have to be stupid to not show up for this promotion, especially given that I was handed five grand in promo chips just for walking in the casino door.
Last edited by: MDawg on Mar 25, 2022
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March 25th, 2022 at 1:00:10 AM permalink
Good luck in the drawing!

I'm curious how they gave you the $5k. Was it one $5k chip or broken down?

I hate when the entire show-up money is given in one chip that means only one bet.
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March 25th, 2022 at 1:01:20 AM permalink
By the way, I hand picked the guy who checked my bag versus a different person who was calling me forward to her counter. I hesitated and pretended not to have heard her and veered elsewhere. I just reasoned that this particular young guy was not going to fret over my overweight bag, and I was right. I made a not so complex racist, male chauvinist and age biased assessment of the situation but I was spot on. And no, the winner of my algorithmic analysis was not Caucasian.
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March 25th, 2022 at 1:06:05 AM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

Good luck in the drawing!

I'm curious how they gave you the $5k. Was it one $5k chip or broken down?

I hate when the entire show-up money is given in one chip that means only one bet.
link to original post


It was broken down into 500 chips, just the way it was this time. Other times similar quantities of promotional chips have been handed to me in 1000 denominations.

It just depends, as you might imagine, on the casino. At a Station Casino like GVR or Red Rock, 100 or even 25 promo chips might be the norm, even if receiving a couple thousand in chips, while at some of the majors on the Strip, any promo chip under a 500 denomination might not even be handed out.
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March 25th, 2022 at 1:11:35 AM permalink
Day 1 play.


I was cruising along, ahead anywhere from 5000 - 10000, and then hit a snag that took me back to ahead about only 2000. Then, gradually, pushed ahead back to almost +10000, and then hit a major snag where I was actually down -10000 for a moment. There were several big bets. It was fine though, and the shoes weren't very difficult over all, very Player heavy such that betting mostly on that side would garner a net positive result no matter how you bet.

I also definitely achieved a good theo with an average bet of a few thousand (I asked the pit boss at the end of the session so I know exactly what was entered - with a good pit boss taking care of the pit boss' dealers may lead to a bumped up average), so I believe I added a ticket or two or three to the "drum" for this session.


Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.

I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.

I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.

This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
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March 25th, 2022 at 9:06:18 AM permalink
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March 25th, 2022 at 5:51:34 PM permalink
So far, I'm rather glad they pulled me back in.
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March 25th, 2022 at 5:52:31 PM permalink
Day 2 play.


I was actually as much as -30000 at one point but there were a lot of big bets mostly winning from there.


Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.

I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.

I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.

This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
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March 25th, 2022 at 5:54:09 PM permalink
These sessions are earning tickets in the drum, as well as beaucoup ca$h.
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March 25th, 2022 at 6:14:14 PM permalink
Now win that drawing and you will be close to a quarter million for this short trip. Keep up the winning ways. It's a roller coaster sounds like and keeping adrenaline flowing,but at least each session ending up
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March 25th, 2022 at 9:40:36 PM permalink
Well after I was down -30K on that ay 2 session, I picked a good hand and plopped 20K on it, which is the usual table limit (not my special limit), but more than adequate for the occasion. I got a Natural 9 and assumed that was it, but then the freakin' Bank, the opposing side, opened the exact same hand. Tie! Lately when I do the really big bets I toss 500 or even 1000 on the tie because it seems to hit more often than I'd expect, but this time I did not. However, I held the 20K bet, got a 9 again, and declared "You're not tying me this time!" referring not so much to the dealer, but just to the opposing unmanned side (I play alone), and won. After that there followed a period when I was betting 20K a hand back and forth until finally when the smoke cleared I was +10K, and then took it easy for a bit, and then gradually rose to clear over thirty K.

ALL RIGHT so believe it or not there are under 100 participants in this drawing. The maximum number of tickets a player may earn into the drum, no matter how hard a player plays during this time period of a few days, is actually a pretty small number. So, the odds of winning 200K or 100K CASH are actually ridiculously good, compared to any other lottery I have ever heard of with six figure prizes.

I currently have earned about 1/4 of the maximum number of tickets, during my two sessions. I don't expect to end up with even half of the max. You really would have to be playing a LOT of hours, like a madman, to max out tickets, but the fact that there is a fairly low ceiling to how many tickets any one person may earn, no matter what, levels the playing field pretty nicely.
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March 25th, 2022 at 10:04:39 PM permalink
Years ago Harrah's Rincon used to have monthly drawings for a single $50,000 winner... and a bunch of smaller $100 or $500 winners.

(They might still do this but I havent been there in 6 or 7 years after they no mailed me.)

One month, I was the #3 player for the number of tickets in the drum.

I got nothing. Not even one of the hourly prizes that were like 5 people getting picked.

And the $50,000 winner that night was a woman who had a single free entry into the drawing.

Never think that your high number of entries will make you a winner.

And good luck!
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March 25th, 2022 at 10:26:36 PM permalink

Well as they say, "it only takes one to win."

But those tribal casino drawings consist of a pool of about everyone who is at the casino that night with a player card? The odds of winning something, anything aren't great (far better than of course state lottery odds) but nothing like what I'm entering right now. We could be talking about better than 1/100 odds of winning $200K. At no cost.
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March 25th, 2022 at 10:46:33 PM permalink
While I was downstairs earlier I noticed two pencil thin girls in very high stiletto heels and the tightest of skirts posing and taking pictures of each other in a certain portion of the lobby of the hotel. Very hard to miss, very attention grabbing.

I thought of something and went up to them.

"Am I going to see the results on Instagram?"

The briefest of pauses, and an enthusiastic, "Yes!" from the brunette. (Actually both were brunettes but one had darker hair than the other.)

"All right well listen girls, I'm staying in one of the largest suites in this hotel and if you want to take some pics of each other in the living room, for INSTAGRAM of course, that's fine with me."

They looked at each other, and then at me, and then back at each other as if to say, Is this guy dangerous? Is he for real?

"Well anyway," I interrupted their thinking before it could get too heavy, "think about it for a second, I have to get something out of there be right back."

I went into VIP, grabbed a couple of Perriers, and back out.

"Let's go." I signaled for them to follow me. The power of the Force over weak minds. I acted like it was already a done deal, no hesitation.

They actually followed me without saying a word. I don't blame them. This is Vegas. Adventures happen. It wasn't particularly late at night. And I seemed like a nice normal guy.

There was a little preliminary chit chat in the elevator about where they were from (L.A., of course), and how often they came here (not so very often), and then we were at the door, I opened it, and in we went.

"Just take all the pictures you want. I have to take care of something in the bedroom." I closed the door behind me and left them alone in the living room (there isn't much in there - this is a fast trip sans wife and not too many personal belongings).

When I came out they seemed to be done, at least, they weren't taking any pictures,

"All right." I walked them towards the door. "I have some work to do, I hope the pictures worked out for you."

They looked at each other, this time not as if to say, Is he dangerous, but doubly as if to wonder, Is this guy for real.

"Wait," the darker haired one said, "Don't you want to know where the pics will be posted?"

"Oh. Yes. SURE!" I feigned interest. "Tell me the Instagram site."

She gave it to me, I pretended to listen, and then I hustled them out the door. I am sure they thought I was nuts to not even have tried to get their numbers or find out anything more about them, but I truly wasn't interested. You come across a hundred girls like them every week in Vegas. Maybe not quite as hot, but of the same ilk. I just wanted to be the Good Suite Samaritan for twenty minutes, is all.
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March 25th, 2022 at 10:58:08 PM permalink
Did you count your Rolexes?

Honestly one of the dumbest things I ever read.
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March 26th, 2022 at 1:03:56 AM permalink
Sounds like they were hoping for something more.i remember that one time you were in front of mermaids casino and one of the ladies ask if you wanted to get leid and promptly put a lei on you and told you what time she got off work. Something along those lines.
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March 26th, 2022 at 1:09:22 AM permalink
This may have been aceofspsdes now that I think 🤔 about it. My apologies if I am wrong. But I remember the incident was clearly told on here.
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March 26th, 2022 at 3:58:37 AM permalink
Quote: MDawg

"Oh. Yes. SURE!" I feigned interest. "Tell me the Instagram site."

She gave it to me, I pretended to listen, and then I hustled them out the door. I am sure they thought I was nuts to not even have tried to get their numbers or find out anything more about them, but I truly wasn't interested.
link to original post

I am surprised one of them didn't pull up a QR code and have you take a picture of it.
I completely believe pretending to listen.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 26th, 2022 at 5:53:01 AM permalink
Instagram usernames are more like...dieter (yes, there is some guy with that exact Instagram, I just checked). Some have dots in them like Christina.[etcetc] or numbers like Lisa[area code] or have underscores _ in them, but if you know the word you may be able to find someone's Instagram with a search even if you don't recall all the exact extra numbers letters or characters, and many of them are just the person's name with nothing extra.

Now Dieter, it wasn't quite a "Get the f. out" Trading Places type deal (or even, "yeah right just get the f. out" 😅), but I was definitely quietly encouraging them out the door.

Alan, not like I leave my Rolexes sitting out in the living room...over the years (back when I wasn't married) I had lots of girls up in my room, almost all civilians (I describe civilians as non working girls), yes, something might happen but in this instance nothing like that was in the air. If anything these two girls at least initially were worried about me, I wasn't worried about them.

As far as the non-civilians, I was never into them but at least once a friend got one up to my suite, and I wasn't happy about that.

avianrandy, must have been aceofspsdes ? I do recall writing here about a civilian stumbling drunken girl who was trying to grab at me early one Sunday morning on the Strip while I was out for a walk, but I escaped from her clutches.
Last edited by: MDawg on Mar 26, 2022
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March 26th, 2022 at 6:04:45 AM permalink
It's actually not that busy in Vegas this weekend, but you wouldn't have known it from the fact that every seat was filled on that flight I took in earlier this week.

By the way as far as discount fares I was looking at Southwest and from the fact that a 50 lb bag is allowed, in fact you may check two bags, I think SouthWest actually beats Frontier most of the time on fare rates especially after you've add even just one checked bag to the Frontier ticket price. Plus SouthWest doesn't seem to mess around with charging for every little extra the way Frontier does.

I have a friend who wants to fly in and I was looking at tickets for her last night, as it was a last minute thing, and I couldn't find any under about seventeen to eighteen hunny, and these were on airlines like Alaska Airlines with layovers along the way making the total flight time anywhere from five to nine hours! Who would pay two grand for a ticket to leave Friday night and then not arrive until the next morning? on what is normally about an hour nonstop flight. Basically, incoming to Vegas on a Friday night via air doesn't seem to be a last minute option these days....
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March 26th, 2022 at 6:09:09 AM permalink
You're damn lucky you weren't set up for a hit.

You actually brought two girls to your room, went into the bedroom of your suite, and closed the door leaving them inside your suite alone?

And you had no concern that they would call Bobo to the room who'd whip your ass while they looted everything you had?

And you think girls can't act? Afraid of you?

Come on... you're smarter than that.
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March 26th, 2022 at 6:17:47 AM permalink
There is something that tells me what to do. I've never had such problems.

Well, there actually is a story involving a non violent property crime with a non-civilian a friend stupidly brought up to the suite many years ago, but we never did find out for certain if she was involved or someone else, such as maybe even a hotel employee. Which is why, other than the fact that I am simply turned off by strippers and hookers, that non civilians are not allowed upstairs in my suites!

You know, Alan, I was telling the story late last night to a close friend of mine while his girlfriend from India was listening to the phone call, and she said that the deed earned me good karma. She laughed when I referred to myself as the Good Suite Samaritan.
Last edited by: MDawg on Mar 26, 2022
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March 26th, 2022 at 7:01:52 AM permalink
Quote: MDawg

Instagram usernames are more like...dieter (yes, there is some guy with that exact Instagram, I just checked). Some have dots in them like Christina.[etcetc] or numbers like Lisa[area code] or have underscores _ in them, but if you know the word you may be able to find someone's Instagram with a search even if you don't recall all the exact extra numbers letters or characters, and many of them are just the person's name with nothing extra.
link to original post

Not me!
Instagrammaticists would presumably know that two or three taps on their app will make it put a QR code on their screen so that the great new friends they make on their journey through this crazy best life can follow their inspiring adventures without the trouble of tpyos trying to enter "heather with a K underscore forty seven twenty two".

Whatever other opinions may lurk, I wouldn't expect you to be unduly rude or brusque when giving two lovely young ladies the brush off.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 26th, 2022 at 7:34:05 AM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

You're damn lucky you weren't set up for a hit.

You actually brought two girls to your room, went into the bedroom of your suite, and closed the door leaving them inside your suite alone?

And you had no concern that they would call Bobo to the room who'd whip your ass while they looted everything you had?

And you think girls can't act? Afraid of you?

Come on... you're smarter than that.
link to original post

My motives may have been different than MDawg's, but I would have never thought anything about them calling anyone to rob me. Now, if they asked me if they could come to my room my suspicions would be up.
At my age, a "Life In Prison" sentence is not much of a deterrent.
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March 26th, 2022 at 8:40:40 AM permalink
Right because I initiated the contact they were just busy doing their own thing and yes I suggested going upstairs not they. Plus their reaction was hesitant which was a normal reaction from someone who was a civilian and not up to no good. All that.
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March 26th, 2022 at 9:13:14 AM permalink
The 2nd weirdest story I ever heard was a Security guard was saying he took an attractive lady to a room the night before. He went to the bathroom, to take a shower (if I remember correctly). When he came out thinking he was about to get lucky, she was gone. So was his wallet AND his pants. He found his pants in a dumpster down the street.

The weirdest story? The fact he was telling me about it.
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March 26th, 2022 at 9:47:43 AM permalink
A security guard. Well then maybe he got the hotel room right then and there meaning it was empty. Meaning that he went in with only the clothes on his back, and she took his pants to try to slow his efforts to come out looking for her. She should have taken his underwear too, which maybe she did.
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March 26th, 2022 at 9:55:55 AM permalink
This stuff happens all around. It's sort like the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. After awhile one forgets to notice.

Out of town guy comes back to the table bragging. "You know, I think that girl at the bar really likes me."

Um. She is a hooker. 🙄
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March 26th, 2022 at 10:59:01 AM permalink
Quote: avianrandy

Now win that drawing and you will be close to a quarter million for this short trip. Keep up the winning ways. It's a roller coaster sounds like and keeping adrenaline flowing,but at least each session ending up
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I predict he will be in the top 3. See if I am right.
50-50-90 Rule: Anytime you have a 50-50 chance of getting something right, there is a 90% probability you'll get it wrong
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March 26th, 2022 at 11:11:56 AM permalink
Quote: vegas

Quote: avianrandy

Now win that drawing and you will be close to a quarter million for this short trip. Keep up the winning ways. It's a roller coaster sounds like and keeping adrenaline flowing,but at least each session ending up
link to original post

I predict he will be in the top 3. See if I am right.
link to original post

Maybe it depends on whether names of the prize winners are published.
I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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March 26th, 2022 at 11:17:57 AM permalink
If I win I'll of course post here about winning and maybe a ballpark figure, but not exact. Not so much at WOV but elsewhere there remain some jerk offs intent on trying to track me down for nefarious purposes. One, who actually is still a WOV member, claimed to have written to the casinos complaining that I win too much and must be cheating, and another claims to have bought something like 1 share of stock in each of the casinos at which I play in order to threaten a shareholder's derivative action for not booting a player who is winning so much as to affect the casino's bottom line. The claim is that one or more of these jerk offs have some idea of who I am.

With a drawing like this knowledge of exactly what I win (if I win) could be used to bring the jerk off hounds closer to MDawg's trail.
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March 26th, 2022 at 11:32:56 AM permalink
Saturday night was for wives, but Friday night at the Copa was for girlfriends.

From one of the YouTube comments: "This scene always reminds me how shi**y it is to be a regular guy."
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March 26th, 2022 at 12:42:00 PM permalink
Quote: vegas

I predict he will be in the top 3. See if I am right.

Oh sure...predict anything, and what do you have to lose?

I'll bet that you're wrong.
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March 26th, 2022 at 12:45:23 PM permalink
Quote: OnceDear

I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.]

If you doubt the veracity of his reports, then accept his standing challenge for the day of the drawing.
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March 26th, 2022 at 1:02:30 PM permalink
Quote: coachbelly

Quote: OnceDear

I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.]

If you doubt the veracity of his reports, then accept his standing challenge for the day of the drawing.
link to original post

Sounds like there may be some +EV to harvest.

Good luck to all.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 26th, 2022 at 1:22:59 PM permalink
What casino is offering a $200,000 drawing prize?
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March 26th, 2022 at 1:25:17 PM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

What casino is offering a $200,000 drawing prize?

Are you trying to track him down?
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March 26th, 2022 at 1:34:15 PM permalink
Quote: coachbelly

Quote: AlanMendelson

What casino is offering a $200,000 drawing prize?

Are you trying to track him down?
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I think he's just trying to make sure his ticket is in the drum.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 26th, 2022 at 6:11:52 PM permalink
Thank you. Have been a member forever but not sure how to use a lot of the functions. Would have deleted the post but didn't know how. Wasn't even sure how to do a spoiler until wizard and dieter helped . Aceofspades also a lawyer but from east coast. Posted trip reports mainly played blackjack.
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March 26th, 2022 at 9:52:33 PM permalink
Quote: coachbelly

Quote: OnceDear

I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.]

If you doubt the veracity of his reports, then accept his standing challenge for the day of the drawing.
link to original post

I was going to challenge his disciple MarcassClark66 but he
disappeared. I never see him post here anymore.
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March 26th, 2022 at 10:01:06 PM permalink
Quote: rainman

Quote: coachbelly

Quote: OnceDear

I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.]

If you doubt the veracity of his reports, then accept his standing challenge for the day of the drawing.
link to original post

I was going to challenge his disciple MarcassClark66 but he
disappeared. I never see him post here anymore.
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He got discovered lying on the forum and was sent away as a result.
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March 26th, 2022 at 10:21:29 PM permalink
Quote: rainman

Quote: coachbelly

Quote: OnceDear

I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.]

If you doubt the veracity of his reports, then accept his standing challenge for the day of the drawing.
link to original post

I was going to challenge his disciple MarcassClark66 but he
disappeared. I never see him post here anymore.
link to original post

I don't recall Marcus offering a challenge.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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March 27th, 2022 at 9:28:34 AM permalink
There is good news and bad news, as they say.

Good news is that I did win something somewhat substantial in the drawing - five figures (but not in the top three). The bad news is that I had bad sessions at the tables (details to follow).

What was amazing is that the winner of the $200,000. lost out because was not present! Can you imagine? What's crazy is that in order to even get tickets in the drum had to be present past few days, but to collect had to be present during actual drawing. Where was this person? Had to go back home for an emergency? Playing at the tables and couldn't be bothered to get away? Anyway the person who won the $200K was ecstatic that the first name drawn was a No-Show!
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 27th, 2022 at 9:45:05 AM permalink
Day 3 play.


Actually was a major screw up day. I was ahead just a tad under +20K, and then figured, maybe play some more to get some more tickets in the drum for the $200K drawing. That was a mistake, and normally I wouldn't bother with such as I play to win not for "comps" which in a way, getting tickets in the drum were like playing for comps. I had a feeling when I started that third shoe ahead just shy of twenty that this was none too wise, and I was right!

Anyway before you knew it I was even, and then followed a period where I was playing really big bets with mixed results. I actually lost a beyond table limit (not all the way to my special limit, but UP THERE) natural 8 over 9. There also followed a period when I had massive bets out and and would draw a natural 9 only to get tied (I was concentrating so much on the win, for those hands, that I didn't put anything on the tie). Not only that, but I ended up playing past the statutory deadline for the drawing, so that session didn't even get me any credit for tickets!

I was also majorly distracted all day with dealing with an issue with my goddaughter had to keep stepping away from the tables to deal with that. That was no fun, definitely not edifying, and at one point her father contacted me telling me to forget about her, but that's the way I am when it comes to family. Family comes first. She's apologizing like a madman (madwoman 🙂) today for creating all that drama, but anyway, that sort of thing didn't help yesterday either.


Note: Lately, for security reasons, session reports are not necessarily presented in real time corresponding directly to the day played.

I'm willing to present a side Challenge. If anyone doubts that any one, just any one of the Session reports I present during this trip is not entirely accurate, throw down a red flag! Put up a mere ten grand in cash, let's work out how to verify the Session to your satisfaction using the Wizard as the judge, and winner takes the twenty thousand.

I'll contribute five hundred from my end for the Wizard's time if the Challenger will do the same, so that's $19,000. to the winner of this side Challenge.

This Side Challenge remains good for the duration of this particular Vegas trip.
Last edited by: MDawg on Mar 27, 2022
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 27th, 2022 at 10:06:35 AM permalink
Quote: moses

This stuff happens all around. It's sort like the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. After awhile one forgets to notice.

Out of town guy comes back to the table bragging. "You know, I think that girl at the bar really likes me."

Um. She is a hooker. 🙄
link to original post

It is true that even some of the scantily clad girls walking around at casinos like Wynn, Encore or Cosmopolitan, possibly also Resorts World, during periods when the clubs are open are working girls. In other words, in the 21st Millennium hookers don't always plant themselves at the bar, some of them are mobile. 😄

But as far as the concept that two girls taking pictures of each other for Instagram were "setting the bait" for a guy to come up to them and take them to his suite - no. Also, as far as that they must've already seen me playing at the tables - the high limit rooms at all of these casinos are generally set apart from the rest of the casino, and we're not even talking about private tables that are even more isolated, in the back. And some of these casinos have special private rooms or entire floors that are NOT open to the public (this changed around 2008 - before that all gaming had to be open to the public, not after around that date).
Got $300K? Your private gambling room is ready
In any case, you really don't see gawkers walk into High Limit too often these days unless they are hustlers, and these seem to be invariably male. The type of hustler I am talking about has no money and stands behind, almost always, the BACCARAT tables, and offers suggestions on what hand will win. If the intended target happens to bet what the hustler suggested, he tries to take credit for the win. If the target disregards the hustler's prediction and loses, he gets a "I told you!" After a while the hustler tries to ingratiate himself with a player at the table who has a lot of chips, and might even try to sit down, and then tries to earn a tip for his "winning suggestions." (A variation of this might be for the hustler to ask to "borrow" a couple hundred to place on a "sure thing" bet for him, and then if the bet wins he pays back the 200, if the bet loses, of course - he has nothing with which to pay it back. Such a hustle sounds absurd, but in the heat of the moment with massive bets flowing, some players are susceptible to this sort of thing.)
I learned very early on in my play to ask the pit boss to eject anyone who was not playing, and because any sort of hustling is illegal, the casinos actually do have legal ammunition to eject certain types of spectators.

As far as busty pencil thin high heeled eye candy roaming high limit rooms - no, you just don't see that unless they are players themselves, or wives or girlfriends of players. It has actually been a long time since I have even seen spectators in the high limit rooms, I suppose it just seems imposing to even enter those rooms to people who don't play in there. Not long ago as I was walking into one of the high limit rooms at one of the majors, I heard a guy remark to a friend of his, in an Alabama twang no less, "If you go in there, you got some mon-eyyy."  😅

Just think about it - a hooker who walks into High Limit to try to get a date is going to have to repeat that same effort, and will stick out like a sore thumb pretty quickly as a non-player looking for something, and not have a very long shelf life with casino security. On the other hand, roaming down the halls mixing in with other hot girls in tight skirts and heels, she will not stand out as quickly, if at all.

But anyway, getting back to the girls...over the years I have dated lots of Las Vegas and out of town girls I met in Vegas and Tahoe. Not one of them turned out to be a working girl. Of course, many of them I met in watch stores, at the VIP counter, or even at the shopping mall, while some I did meet at the tables (generally not high limit ones though), or they were cocktail waitresses. But these relationships invariably started with an exchange of phone numbers I don't recall any that just came up to my room right away.

As far as the working girls lately the ones who have hit me up have been in various spots and one line that comes to mind is the standard, "You looking for some company?" (or the more subtle, "Where you going?" "Where you headed?" "What you up to today?" "Where are you visiting from?" &etc. but in general I'm moving too fast and it probably appears obvious to them that I'm on a mission of a different sort (on way to the tables) so they don't bother to hit me up.

And as far as random girls hitting on me, or rather, trying to get my attention, I have a solid feel for who's a hooker and who's an out of towner just intrigued and looking for something to do. In either case, these days, I am not interested.
Last edited by: MDawg on Mar 27, 2022
I tell you it’s wonderful to be here, man. I don’t give a damn who wins or loses. It’s just wonderful to be here with you people.
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March 27th, 2022 at 2:20:32 PM permalink
I'm curious about the no show winner?

Do you personally put your tickets in the drum or are they put there by the casino?

Let me tell you about the procedure at Caesars for the five Jaguars. (Previously I wrote 3 but there were 5 in the drawing.)

You played during the time allotted.
Two hours before the drawing you go to the ballroom. Your play has been totaled.

You check in and you get tickets equal to your play.

You then put your tickets in the drums for each Jaguar. I put all my tickets in ONE drum to maximize my chances, and I chose the drum with the shortest line because it was the least popular color car.

There were cocktails and a buffet.

Then the drawing.

For a no show at the Caesars event the player would have had to check in and deposit tickets and leave.

How was your drawing run?
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March 27th, 2022 at 2:32:42 PM permalink
Quote: AlanMendelson

(Previously I wrote 3 but there were 5 in the drawing.)
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March 27th, 2022 at 3:12:35 PM permalink
Quote: rainman

Quote: coachbelly

Quote: OnceDear

I'm inclined to think he won't post about winning a prize, but on the day of the drawing he will have the most spectacular session of Baccarat.]

If you doubt the veracity of his reports, then accept his standing challenge for the day of the drawing.
link to original post

I was going to challenge his disciple MarcassClark66 but he
disappeared. I never see him post here anymore.
link to original post

MarcusClarke66 was nuked when his trolling lies were actually proven to Wizard's satisfaction.
Psalm 25:16 Turn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted. Proverbs 18:2 A fool finds no satisfaction in trying to understand, for he would rather express his own opinion.
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March 27th, 2022 at 3:22:33 PM permalink
Quote: OnceDear

MarcusClarke66 was nuked

Classic case of cutting nose off to spite face.
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March 27th, 2022 at 5:57:27 PM permalink
Well hot dang! Did Sir MDawg have any comments on his disciple turning out to be a fraudulent lying Dirt bag?
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