Quote: michael99000Quote: MDawg
Didn’t Bruce Jenner sell those on an infomercial in the early 90s?
I'm pretty sure the interweb is full of these types of videos:
Please be careful.
Well...she pulled into Vegas early this morning. She messaged me to see if I was there yet, no, not yet, tomorrow, so I asked her to keep in touch. Well, this is insane! I hope she holds on to it all. Who knows maybe she'll keep winning!

She hasn't messaged me since I asked her for the pics, but she doesn't lie, I mean when she loses she goes into a mild depression, but she tells the truth.
Also, she's not like me, in that I walk away very easily once I'm ahead, she'll keep playing ALL night. In any case, when I see her later this weekend either she'll have a gang of chips or not. She's not a credit line player and she's not particularly rich, she just comes in with six grand or so, and then I gather that she does cash advances on her credit cards if she loses, ALL BAD I know, but now she's winning and I hope she keeps winning.
Actually, I had gotten her to promise that if she lost the last trip to never return to Vegas again, but she won 14K so obviously she was going to return I am just surprised that she returned so quickly as she lives on the other side of the country not exactly next door to Vegas.
"I'm totally joking"
"I only won 300 today. Should've walked when I made 1."
That's the first time she's done that.
Still, I encouraged her. That she was ahead, lost about half and then walked, that's one of the suggestions I had made to her a while back - to stop after losing half your winnings.
I've taken less than what I know she came to Vegas with, to far more than $80K, so I was inclined to believe her, but...she was joking.
More to be revealed....
Quote: MDawgreally all I did was analyze that she was betting too close to flat, and that she should vary her bet at least 1 - 5X
really, that's all you did - what great advice
average bet $2500 - 80 bets per hour - total action - $200,000
if she makes the best bet every time on Banker she'll be playing with only a 1.06% disadvantage - if she varies her bets between Player and Banker as most do her disadvantage will be only a little more than that
her average loss will only be a little more than $2k per hour
what a great friend you are
But she won(of course). Apparently, results are the only thing that matters. He won't let us know when his advice cost her, her life savings, unless of course, she didn't follow his advice or quit when she was ahead or some b******* like that.Quote: lilredroosterreally, that's all you did - what great advice
average bet $2500 - 80 bets per hour - total action - $200,000
if she makes the best bet every time on Banker she'll be playing with only a 1.06% disadvantage - if she varies her bets between Player and Banker as most do her disadvantage will be only a little more than that
her average loss will only be a little more than $2k per hour
what a great friend you are
Maybe that's how you can earn yourself some Rolex watches, give out baccarat advice, when people win... get you a nice tip and when they lose explain how they didn't do it correctly.
But seriously, that's exactly how some people develop gambling addictions. They start varying their bets and get a taste of success. Then they start chasing that same success even when they're running horribly bad, thinking it will eventually work, because somehow they can outsmart/trick the house advantage.
There's some financially dangerous people on this forum.
p.s Great post, I love how you put it in perspective.
Not speaking about anyone in particular, but anyone who doesn't "get" that even if Baccarat were a straight 50-50 game with no house advantage, still high rollers would win and lose millions per a session at it, most of them refusing to get off the table until they had lost their entire lines, isn't qualified to comment on the game.
I just had this thought about the one night in the suite where we won't be staying, on New Year's Eve. Going to mess up the sheets and leave the Do Not Disturb light OFF - on NY's Eve the casinos always bring some gift into the room and leave it there. I have a lot of these bottles of wine crated with two Baccarat crystal goblets, but still worth receiving. One casino actually gave me a Waterford crystal clock, not bad. Where the waste of time comes in though is in having to go back up to the room at some point during the party just to check to see if the gift is there yet. Plus we're planning on dividing time between two NY Eve's parties across the street from each other. Actually my wife thinks such events are silly and doesn't even want to go, plus she thinks the typical age group is too old, but still we get to see the fireworks off the roof that one of the casinos we're staying at are launching at midnight. I don't usually gamble NY's Eve the tables are too crowded.
One thing I really like about high end casinos and high end play is the interesting people I meet. Good people, wealthy people from my peer group. Not so much the Asian Bacc. players, many of them tend to be degenerates that care only about playing, but if you get to know the people who check in to some of these top hotels on the Strip in the VIP lounges they are coming to these resorts somewhat regularly. I've gotten to know a lot of good people all around the world via casinos.
Quote: MDawgwealthy people from my peer group.
well, since you're being so revealing - why don't you go a little farther and tell everybody exactly how wealthy you are?
what is your net worth? - $10 million - 20? - $100 million? - a billion?
and how did you acquire this great wealth?
you've taken us this far - enquiring minds want to know - as they say
and also, since you seem to be so fascinated by wealthy people such as yourself and you find them so very interesting -
why are you so interested in participating in this forum where as far as I know nobody other than you has ever claimed to be wealthy ?
I would think that you would not find the proletariat very interesting -
Sorry I had to go puke from reading the braggadocios garbage that you write.
PG lighten up man, or else I guess you'll have to stop posting all your travelogue threads, which I assume others including me don't mind seeing. Whatever is going on in your life feel free to post about; I'm not going to come in and get bitter about it the way you seem to. 😊
Okay get back to you at some point after check in.
Quote: MDawgLilR: We all post here, and elsewhere such as the other forum I was given my own corner.
Nice. Usually people are given their own corner because everything they say is interesting ,believable , and accurate.
It’s that way here too.
Quote: MDawgLilR: We all post here, and elsewhere such as the other forum I was given my own corner at, because we have a common interest. GAMBLING. Duh. 😁
you don't seem to have much knowledge of gambling - your knowledge is roughly equal to those at gamblingforums.com who believe in bogus systems - those who have fooled themselves into believing them
you seem to be much more interested in acquiring and flashing luxury merchandise - and desperately trying to impress others with your tales of your material possessions
and you also love to have casino personnel fawning over you - if your account has any truth to it
if casino personnel are fawning over you - if it's true - they have a good reason for doing it - you're a mark
Quote: lilredrooster
why are you so interested in participating in this forum where as far as I know nobody other than you has ever claimed to be wealthy ?
I would think that you would not find the proletariat very interesting -
What is the cutoff point for net worth where one is not allowed to mingle with the "proletariat" regarding common interests?
I need to know how much money I can make before I'm not allowed to post here anymore...
Quote: TigerWu
I need to know how much money I can make before I'm 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 to post here anymore...
I said nothing about being 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 - you're twisting the words and the meaning
If it's $500K, I could go home an $8.5 million winner on one shoe!
Quote: lilredroosterI said nothing about being 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 - you're twisting the words and the meaning
What is the cutoff point for net worth where one is criticized for mingling with the "proletariat" regarding common interests?
Quote: TigerWuAmended:
What is the cutoff point for net worth where one is criticized for mingling with the "proletariat" regarding common interests?
it wasn't so much of a criticism as a wondering why. he posted how much he enjoys associating with wealthy people. his answer didn't strike me as truthful because I don't really believe from his posts that he's interested in gambling knowledge - he doesn't have much - as I said - I believe he is posting for other reasons - which is fine - it's also fine for me to point it out
even though it wasn't really a criticism anybody can be criticized for anything they post here
if the criticism is unfair the person or others can respond and criticize the critic
nobody can be assured that if they post they won't be criticized - as long as the criticism is within the guidelines of the forum administration
Quote: lilredrooster
this is an internet forum - it's not a kindergarten class
I'm not so sure about that.
We all know exactly why people are given their own corners.Quote: MDawgLilR: We all post here, and elsewhere such as the other forum I was given my own corner at, because we have a common interest.
You might be a lot of things but braggadocious certainly isn't one of them.Quote: PokerGrinderLol at you comparing your braggadocios crap to what I write.
No, that's just what you focused on because everything else I said was spot-on. It's a common tactic people use on forums.Quote: MDawgIf you had something intelligent to say, it's detracted from when you say inane things like "Maybe that's how you can earn yourself some Rolex watches." It's not even an ad hominen argument, because neither you nor anyone who reads what you write believes it.
I was unaware you slummed it over there.Quote: lilredroosteryou don't seem to have much knowledge of gambling - your knowledge is roughly equal to those at gamblingforums.com who believe in bogus systems - those who have fooled themselves into believing them
Quote: AxelWolfYou might be a lot of things but braggadocious certainly isn't one of them.
Quote: AxelWolfWe all know exactly why people are given their own corners.
Because it’s more convenient to only need to block one thread ?
That's one of many good reasons. Aside from that, I have 2 words for you that says it all... NATHAN'S CORNER. Take from that what you will.Quote: michael99000Because it’s more convenient to only need to block one thread ?
Quote: AxelWolfBut she won(of course). Apparently, results are the only thing that matters.
I agree that long term results do matter quite a lot. And the long term results from MDawg's methods show a consistently high profit. A rate far greater than what most anyone else achieves from casino games. Based on those results, I would bet a lot that he continues to earn a lot from casinos in 2020. If this woman uses those same methods, I would expect the same results for her.
Quote: lilredroosterwell, since you're being so revealing - why don't you go a little farther and tell everybody exactly how wealthy you are?
what is your net worth? - $10 million - 20? - $100 million? - a billion?
You might be able to come up with a very close approximation based on reading between the lines of what he tells us. His income and net worth is high enough, that earning $500 per hour at table games is only worth doing on vacation and not as something that would require giving up other sources of income. Yet it is low enough that standard RFB comps are still noteworthy. That should put his financial situation in a very small range.
Quote: TomGYou might be able to come up with a very close approximation based on reading between the lines of what he tells us. His income and net worth is high enough, that earning $500 per hour at table games is only worth doing on vacation and not as something that would require giving up other sources of income. Yet it is low enough that standard RFB comps are still noteworthy. That should put his financial situation in a very small range.
Don't forget to add to the equation that he seems to get excited about comp bottles of Perrier water.😃
He certainly won't share His Holy Grail system with us because......Quote: TomGI agree that long term results do matter quite a lot. And the long term results from MDawg's methods show a consistently high profit. A rate far greater than what most anyone else achieves from casino games. Based on those results, I would bet a lot that he continues to earn a lot from casinos in 2020. If this woman uses those same methods, I would expect the same results for her.
Been ensconced for several hours. I don't usually play the first night.
Here are some random pictures:

It's a decent suite, not the best but not bad as far as decor. 1300 square feet or so.
The closet is good, and we sad to say, haven't learned the art of traveling light and need a large closet. Many of her things don't need to be hung up and are easier to pack, but still, we need those drawers, which we haven't even started to fill yet! We do bring a lot of stuff on each trip, but then we never know how long we will stay here. I have some pressing business towards end of January so must get home by then, realistically, will be back by mid-January. Most of my business I am able to conduct remotely but, must return to reality eventually.

We turned the wall art into a fruit receptacle. We're always traveling with bottles and bottles of health drinks including Kombucha; healthful foodstuffs and drinks the hotels never seem to have.

When the bellman came he just shoved all the luggage right inside the door; this is just a few pieces of it I had already moved everything else to the closet myself. I gave him a full tip; he glanced at it and gave me a look like, well if I had known you were going to tip like that I would have brought the stuff all the way to the closet.

😄No biggie, like a mini TRX workout carrying suitcases? 😆
We were actually delayed getting here. I couldn't find something that I was sure I had brought back from the last trip, but the last trip to Vegas we had arrived, unpacked, and then left the very next day for another (non-gambling, non-Vegas) trip, and it just was not where I had remembered it to be. Well I spent a good two hours looking for it, and my wife said finally, let's just go you'll find it eventually but I was half-certain that I had lost it in Vegas when, on the way out the door I asked the housekeeper to keep an eye out for it and she said, oh, I found that on the floor of your bedroom a month ago, and put it in your ____. Of course there was the why didn't you tell me, and "I forgot," but I was so happy she had found it I didn't care about any of that, the important thing was that it wasn't lost. It wasn't a watch by the way.
I hate losing things. I dislike even more having to think about that something is lost. It's not even so much about the actual loss as that the idea of losing anything seems so undisciplined.
Okay there is one thing that is annoying. We're on nearly the top floor, not exactly right above the sidewalk, and yet there is a sound like a foghorn going off somewhat regularly outside. I have not pinned this down yet. Or is it just some East Coast lean on the horn, get the buggers moving, idiot driver that is passing through on a regular basis.
Quote: TomGYou might be able to come up with a very close approximation based on reading between the lines of what he tells us. His income and net worth is high enough, that earning $500 per hour at table games is only worth doing on vacation and not as something that would require giving up other sources of income. Yet it is low enough that standard RFB comps are still noteworthy. That should put his financial situation in a very small range.
The RFB comps give me a disproportionate positive feeling. I love getting a free buffet after my two hours of guppy play, even though at work I can earn the buffet in a few minutes. I think multimillionaires appreciate a comp WAY more than the actual value of the comp. it says "you are important".
For Paulie, the best part of the night was getting over on somebody! It didn't matter that he could afford to buy the whole restaurant, he just liked getting something for free.
Similarly, comp'ed meals sometimes do taste better. 😁
Woke up early. Not stock market early, but early for a Sunday, definitely early for a Sunday in Vegas, and definitely early for a Sunday in Vegas given how late we went to bed.

Will probably putz around for a bit then go back to sleep. Then eat something and head to the gym. Or maybe do the gym first then go back to sleep.
That fog horn sound from nearby - I am thinking it has something to do with the construction at Resorts World. Maybe something that started recently because I don't recall hearing anything from across the street in November, but maybe their glass is thicker, I dunno. After moving all our stuff into here would not want to move and I think this style of suite all face the same way so moving might not not accomplish anything. Hmm, actually the noise has stopped. All night but not all day?
Quote: MDawgThat fog horn sound from nearby - I am thinking it has something to do with the construction at Resorts World. Maybe something that started recently because I don't recall hearing anything from across the street in November, but maybe their glass is thicker, I dunno. After moving all our stuff into here would not want to move and I think this style of suite all face the same way so moving might not not accomplish anything. Hmm, actually the noise has stopped. All night but not all day?
I think the Resorts World construction is probably the source of the horn. As a safety matter, on some construction sites a horn is blown when ever a crane hoists a load of concrete or materials off of a flatbed. On sites in heavily populated areas, this work sometimes occurs at night because otherwise the mixers and/or trucks might get stuck in daytime traffic, and screw up the construction schedule.
Other troubles in Paradise are that the shower is stopped up, been waiting close to an hour for the guy to come up and snake it.

but he just arrived.
Also the internet wasn't connecting well, so I called and Cox boosted us to a higher tier speed free. At the end of the trip the host comps off internet charges but you still have to ask. And when you do ask asking to comp off twenty-four bucks a day for two basic devices X 11.95 each per day, is easier than asking to comp off whatever it costs for premium x 2 a day. So at the moment we have two devices running off the basic rate, but getting the premium speed. Got somethin' else for free! 🏌🏻
Okay the repair guy just left, said "All set!"
Now we may start the day.
Quote: MDawg
Also the internet wasn't connecting well, so I called and Cox boosted us to a higher tier speed free. At the end of the trip the host comps off internet charges but you still have to ask. And when you do ask asking to comp off twenty-four bucks a day for two basic devices X 11.95 each per day, is easier than asking to comp off whatever it costs for premium x 2 a day. So at the moment we have two devices running off the basic rate, but getting the premium speed. Got somethin' else for free! 🏌🏻
I'm so cheap that I used to travel with a wireless router so I would only get charged one fee and if colleagues are staying nearby they could use my internet connection.
Back from the gym. Drinking a protein shake, then I have to meet a business partner for lunch. We're buying an office building here. The escrow was extended twice by us because we didn't have all the funds, and now extended once by the owner for reasons unknown. It's a good deal I think, it was empty anchor tenant left so the price was already low and we are buying it for about 15% below listing price. More importantly, with minimal improvements we are able to rent it out such that if there were a mortgage (there won't be, all cash deal) would have positive cash flow. We have been showing it to prospective tenants during the escrow and have commitments for all of it. Hey, I never said the only reason I come to Vegas is to gamble!
My business partner says "Vegas is booming!" I'm not so sure, but this particular office building is a good deal. We plan to later build apartments on its huge parking lot; zoning will allow it. For that we will need a loan or investors.
You guys who live in Vegas, in your opinion, is it booming again?
I'd love to say that I met this business partner at the tables, but no - he's from back home, and maintains a second residence in Vegas. He does come to the tables with me occasionally and brags to all his friends about how I am always beating the hell out of the casinos. Luckily every time he has come to the tables with me I have won. As we know, it's not always that way! (see below)
As far as my friend - not so good.

Hey where is EvenBob and his imprecise Gore Vidal quote? I disagree with that quote - I want my friend to succeed, not fail!
yes it did, and quite predictable. Despite the kind words from The Wizard, the mods are mia.Quote: mcallister3200Wow, this thread turned into the player haters ball (chappelle show).
You want more moderation, or less?Quote: DeMangoyes it did, and quite predictable. Despite the kind words from The Wizard, the mods are mia.
Quote: MDawg...I have to meet a business partner for lunch. We're buying an office building here. The escrow was extended twice by us because we didn't have all the funds, and now extended once by the owner for reasons unknown. It's a good deal I think, it was empty anchor tenant left so the price was already low and we are buying it for about 15% below listing price. More importantly, with minimal improvements we are able to rent it out such that if there were a mortgage (there won't be, all cash deal) would have positive cash flow. We have been showing it to prospective tenants during the escrow and have commitments for all of it. Hey, I never said the only reason I come to Vegas is to gamble!
My business partner says "Vegas is booming!" I'm not so sure, but this particular office building is a good deal. We plan to later build apartments on its huge parking lot; zoning will allow it. For that we will need a loan or investors.
Good luck with the deal. LV's residential real estate market imploded in 2008, and the effects still linger. In light of that, the most problematic aspect of your project is the plan build apartments on the lot. Get the commercial tenants in there, convert your equity into a mortgage (this is an all cash deal), reinvest the cash flow, and in a few years you should be in good shape on this.
Quote: MDawgBest to ignore. Looking from the outside would appear that they are all just trying to fill whatever dark empty hole exists within them. Is this the case? I suppose only they themselves would know.
All I can say is I live a very fulfilling life and there is no dark empty hole for me. I just hate arrogant braggadocios garbage posts and then you add in that you make claims that you can beat a negative expectation game which is harmful to the gambling community. While you may be able to absorb the losses others who can’t will lose more than money believing in your garbage claims.
Quote: MDawgBest to ignore. Looking from the outside would appear that they are all just trying to fill whatever dark empty hole exists within them. Is this the case? I suppose only they themselves would know.
Pretty effing rude there, guy. Getting tired of being attacked personally by you, when I'm actually trying to give you and some others a chance to have a conversation here, despite the chipping. Back off your complaining about the other people on this board, including the moderators, or expect to be gone. Last warning.
Thanks again UP84, we are proceeding with the project. Hope it goes as planned, both short and long term.
Actually haven't even started playing yet.
To put it in the vernacular, I could dwell in this place! it's not just the size of the suite but that it has so many surface areas to put stuff on, vitamins, teas, fruit, even the men's bathroom has a lot of surface area

My friend (down -3K) hasn't played today either but I wanted to play where we are staying, and she wanted to go elsewhere to a casino where I do play, but will not be staying this trip. I nixed that idea.
Just going to go to dinner with the wife, and if not too tired later will play right here. I played pretty big at this casino two trips ago and didn't use a nickel of comps other than a buffet, and I flat out emailed my host before coming on this trip that I expected that all of my comps were earned up front, and he didn't say a word. I calculate that six nights in this suite at RFB even if I didn't play at all they would still owe me comps. Of course, I AM going to play, but when I "feel lucky...punk." On my time, not theirs. 🏄🏻♂️
I like your strategy there. You established a psychological advantage in case your host gives you any trouble on the back end.Quote: MDawgI played pretty big at this casino two trips ago and didn't use a nickel of comps other than a buffet, and I flat out emailed my host before coming on this trip that I expected that all of my comps were earned up front, and he didn't say a word. I calculate that six nights in this suite at RFB even if I didn't play at all they would still owe me comps.
I usually don't comment a lot, but I'm enjoying all your posts. You're providing some of the best content on the site.