Quote: ExpectedvalueIt is not a win or lose. It’s all in mdawga court. It’s a minor donation for him to substantiate some of his claims. It’s a win win for him
First of all, if this comes to fruition, I will extend sincere thanks to you, EV! I have to say, I have a decent 'bankroll', and would not conceive of dumping $2500 on this. I feel like I 'know' so many members here (Axel, Wiz, BBB, OnceDear, kewlj, BillyRyan, DRich, terapined, ams, etc....) even though I haven't 'met' most of them...... Expectedvalue.... I feel I don't know you at all! Are you a gambler? an AP? in Vegas? A CPA? CEO? Police chief? Old? Young? Male? Female?
Or do you want to remain "Batman" and only be known by Alfred?
Obviously I am playing for serious money and will try to win as always but your offer that I accepted did not include that as a condition. Why would I allow you to change the terms of what you offered to include a condition that makes it, as you all love to pipe up about, "less +EV" to me?
Now come on, if I wanted to play hardball I would force you to accept the exact deal you offered. I'm bending even though I don't have to. Don't make this into something where you made an offer and then later thought better of it and decided to modify it. We already have a member who did that sort of thing, such as involving Wizard's Audemars watch.
Even MDawg has admitted to losing shoes (although insisting he always wins it back later).
But the luck of the draw could blow MDawg I'll.
And if MDawg does win it will still be called dumb luck.
If this was about me, for example, trying to establish how use of multiple players comps could generate profit I could see that as a prerequisite to a challenge.
But MDawg IS gambling!
What's more important is Wizards verification that MDawg is playing at levels he boasts (I never really doubted) and an opinion of Wizards professional skill what he feels about it (a winning or losing system etc). Without necessarily divulging what it is that MDawg does
Quote: ExpectedvalueOk so you will you agree then to a minimum number of hands- to be agreed upon by us, you may obviously go over by any amount you want, and agree to 200 minimum bet with no continuous flat bet?
I think that is where I am at in order to finish this off
Quote: MDawgI'll commit to playing at least 3/4 of a shoe which average shoe is 75 hands,
in order to receive the 2000.
If I'm up massively after say twenty hands I'll just forgo the $2000. and leave,
I mean why wouldn't I, but that would be rare anyway.
I try to pick a table that has no one at it, so if that is a 100 minimum table
that will be it, but lately they have all been 200 minimums anyway.
And there will be no continuous flat betting.
And I will pull an initial marker of at least 8K as always.
Quote: coachbellyBe prepared for Expectedvalue to add additional terms and conditions.
And I didn't even need to look at a crystal ball.
Quote: coachbellyAnd I didn't even need to look at a crystal ball.
To know that the challenge would never happen? Read THE FIRST post in the ‘forum challenge thread’. CLEARLY states MDawg would need to win to earn the $2k. Now apparently MDawg wants the money even if he loses?!?!! I was wondering what the final excuse to cancel would be. No need to wonder anymore... I mean really, someone will pay me $2k to bet 57 hands of baccarat at a minimum $200 with me just not needing to flat bet? I’d do it EVERY time if I only had $10k to my name.
Come on MDawg, accept the challenge with you needing to win to get the $2k. I mean, you are risking ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Since you would have been gambling exactly as you say you would! The forum would be on its knees to you if you take the challenge, win $10k quickly and STOP before qualifying for EV’s 2k!
Quote: MDawgI just read what DarkOz wrote above and it is amazing sensible.
You know what sounds sensible, is that the day that you meet up with Mike S you also show him your driver's license.
Quote: SOOPOORead THE FIRST post in the ‘forum challenge thread’.
That's a different challenge, not the challenge that was presented,
agreed to and accepted in this thread.
MDawg hasn't posted in that other thread,
he may not have even read that other thread.
Once Dear made all that perfectly clear earlier...
Quote: OnceDearSadly EV, I have to side with others on this.
You made ONE very simple offer in THIS thread
and that;s what was accepted x2.
Actually even with a 57 hand minimum,
MDawg would be onto a great EV opportunity
in the absense of a min bet.
Nothing in this challenge to stop him
Martying table min till he wins one unit.
It's easy done, but by popular consensus.
You've messed up.
Quote: MDawgExpectedValue I did accept the exact offer you made here. And, although I am under no obligation, I am willing to allow you to alter its terms to include the minimum 3/4 of a shoe, and yes 17 max free hands is okay I won't even use that many, yes 200 minimum bet is fine, and yes no flat betting for great periods. So those are three conditions/modifications I will allow even though I don't need to allow it. However there was nothing about having to win in the offer I accepted so that's not a part of this.
Obviously I am playing for serious money and will try to win as always but your offer that I accepted did not include that as a condition. Why would I allow you to change the terms of what you offered to include a condition that makes it, as you all love to pipe up about, "less +EV" to me?
Now come on, if I wanted to play hardball I would force you to accept the exact deal you offered. I'm bending even though I don't have to. Don't make this into something where you made an offer and then later thought better of it and decided to modify it. We already have a member who did that sort of thing, such as involving Wizard's Audemars watch.
We are getting close. I think we have now agreed on hands 57
Minimum bet 200
I asked in the original offer that you play your normal full session. You did say you have won countless days in a row. I would ask for you to simply win again. However since I do WANT this to happen I’m willing to offer a compromise of 2k if you win and 1k I’d you have a losing session. You may play as long as your wish. Or a minimum of 57 hands bet. If we agree on this let’s get it typed up with the few rules we discussed and I will send escrow over to the wizard. Keep in mind I’m not challenging you to win. I’m just asking to go about your nornal daily play. Allow wizard to watch and confirm it is you and that you are the one drawing the marker and no chips are added to the table . Let’s make this happen
Terms to agree on
57 hands bet at minimum
Marker drawn in your name to match your valid id I’m at least 8k
No chips added to table
200 dollar minimum bet. No continued flat betting
Wizard writes about session
Book a winning session get 2k book a losing session still get 1k
Quote: ExpectedvalueBook a winning session get 2k book a losing session still get 1k
Free unsolicited extraneous advice...counter with 4K / 2K
+ automatic rematch clause regardless of bonus awarded
Quote: ExpectedvalueI don’t need your advice
I wasn't offering you any advice.
This thread is the Adventures of MDawg
Quote: ExpectedvalueThen just sit back instead of starting troubl
I didn't start this touble, you did.
But OK...I'll sit back as long as all other parties not involved sit back as well.
Fair enough?
Quote: coachbellyFree unsolicited extraneous advice...counter with 4K / 2K
+ automatic rematch clause regardless of bonus awarded
Statement can only be read to be trying to stop any challenges from happening by screwing up where EV and MDawg may get to. Let’s let the parties to the deal figure it out.
Quote: MDawgalthough I am under no obligation, I am willing to allow you to alter its terms to include the minimum 3/4 of a shoe, and yes 17 max free hands is okay I won't even use that many, yes 200 minimum bet is fine, and yes no flat betting for great periods.
You made the offer 1:07:42

At least one of us, Wizard, accepted the offer shortly afterwards, at 1:35:30, which locks the offer with acceptance of at least one of the parties to this.

Then, looks like at around 2pm, you started some whole new thread with a different offer in it. That's a non-event. That thread should be locked and closed so as not to confuse people. I never even saw that thread before I accepted the offer made in this thread, that the Wizard had already accepted.

If you may give me a good reason why I should simply "give up" $1000 of the absolute consideration you offered in this thread, and accept now a fifth altered/added term, I will consider it. As you know from my trip reports, I am down plenty of times after the first shoe, including as much as -8000.
Quote: MDawgEValue, first off, some of what you keep adding to the fray is self evident. For example, presenting ID to the pit boss. The pit bosses will ask for ID if they want it, but almost all of them know me and don't ask for ID. I'm the only one allowed to draw markers on my account - you must know how any of this works, or don't you? As well, as I stated already, if the purpose of this is to try to get my identity, then forget it. Anyway - Are you going to keep adding to this, or are you going to keep to what was offered? with just the few additions to which I am amenable: 57 hands at least played, no more than 17 free hands during the shoe, 200 minimum, no extended flat betting.
You made the offer 1:07:42
At least one of us, Wizard, accepted the offer shortly afterwards, at 1:35:30, which locks the offer with acceptance of at least one of the parties to this.
Then, looks like at around 2pm, you started some whole new thread with a different offer in it. That's a non-event. That thread should be locked and closed so as not to confuse people. I never even saw that thread before I accepted the offer made in this thread, that the Wizard had already accepted.
If you may give me a good reason why I should simply "give up" $1000 of the absolute consideration you offered in this thread, and accept now a fifth altered/added term, I will consider it. As you know from my trip reports, I am down plenty of times after the first shoe, including as much as -8000.
The only thing I am concerned about is . And I am not 100 percent sure if this could happen. But are agents allowed to draw on markers on behalf of players? If anyone could definitely confirm they yes mdawg I do not need to to show I’d as long as wizard is present when you pull the marker
Quote: BoSoxYou know what sounds sensible, is that the day that you meet up with Mike S you also show him your driver's license.
OR, Following along further with that, if I am up after the first shoe, may I just end the challenge then, be entitled to the 2K, and then continue to play if I choose?
No, no one is allowed to draw markers on anyone else's credit line. Additionally, when paying off a credit line only the owner of the line may pay it off, for example a cashier's check used to pay a line if a credit line player loses must be issued by the owner of the line. The compliance rules are something along the lines of stock accounts and follow along with anti-money laundering laws.
lol how about if we take a picture of my infamous beat-up palm at the table wearing a Rolex and send that to everyone as a souvenir.
Quote: MDawgFollowing along with this...what if I am down after the first shoe, then up after the second, or third or whatever, which happens all the time. Do I get the 2K then? as per your revised , 1K no matter what / 2K if I win , offer I mean.
OR, Following along further with that, if I am up after the first shoe, may I just end the challenge then, be entitled to the 2K, and then continue to play if I choose?
Absolutely! Basically after the first show with you betting on at least 3/4 of the hands, you, and you alone decide when your ‘session’ ends. I have followed your reports... you have mentioned MANY times coming back from more than $10k down to finish up as little as $100.
And, of course you can quit after the first show of ahead. That is consistent with many of your trip reports.
I would think if after being up after one shoe you could DEFINITELY end the contest, collect the $2k, and politely have the Wiz go on his own way. And if you want to start a new session, go for it!
As previously mentioned, your analysis is why this is a HUGE + EV opportunity for you! I will be side betting on your success if this comes to fruition.
Quote: MDawgFollowing along with this...what if I am down after the first shoe, then up after the second, or third or whatever, which happens all the time. Do I get the 2K then? as per your revised , 1K no matter what / 2K if I win , offer I mean.
OR, Following along further with that, if I am up after the first shoe, may I just end the challenge then, be entitled to the 2K, and then continue to play if I choose?
No, no one is allowed to draw markers on anyone else's credit line. Additionally, when paying off a credit line only the owner of the line may pay it off, for example a cashier's check used to pay a line if a credit line player loses must be issued by the owner of the line. The compliance rules are something along the lines of stock accounts and follow along with anti-money laundering laws.
lol how about if we take a picture of my infamous beat-up palm at the table wearing a Rolex and send that to everyone as a souvenir.
May I make a suggestion??
If MDawg quits the session a loser (with you guys defining the limits of a session clearly. For example a day or four hours play as opposed to a shoe) then he gets the lower amount however MDawg is at his own disposal to continue the session as long as he feels such that if he is down at the end of the minimum 57 hands required, he can attempt to turn it around through further play.
Ex. If MDawg is down after 57 minimum hands but decided to keep playing and two hours later he ends the extended session a winner then he is owed the full $2000.
I think next you probably will argue definition of a winner. If MDawg starts with $8000 and ends with $8001?
But that's between you guys
EDIT: I think Wizard will need to chime in here as the witness. He probably doesn't want to spend ten+ hours observing for a mere $500
Okay just write up once more exactly what it is and I will agree. I'm not happy about giving up a guaranteed 1K "just 'cause" but I will do it in the interests of moving this forward.
WOW, my little comment about your hand got you all worried and thinking about your palms. This would highly suggest that you are very... Oh, never mind.Quote: MDawgGetting back to my palms...lol...as I look at them now and feel them they are soft, so maybe they are simply not photogenic? 😂 I do know that they say that attorneys and others who handle a lot of paper are hard to fingerprint in LiveScan background checks, such as if we want to be licensed in another state or get a different type of state license (real estate, notary, etc.), or if a paralegal who handled a lot of paper in his lifetime tries to be admitted to the Bar, as handing all that paper supposedly wears down the ridges in our finger tips, but I don't know if handling a lot of paper makes our palms less photo op worthy. I tend to think that if my palms appear any different from anyone else's it is due to my free weight lifting and having been on the crew team in college. Once I got those calluses in college from rowing they never went away (of course, lifting weights continuously since college probably reinforced the crew team calluses).
WOW, my little comment about your hand got you all worried and thinking about your palms. This would highly suggest that you are very... Oh, never mind.Quote: MDawgGetting back to my palms...lol...as I look at them now and feel them they are soft, so maybe they are simply not photogenic? 😂 I do know that they say that attorneys and others who handle a lot of paper are hard to fingerprint in LiveScan background checks, such as if we want to be licensed in another state or get a different type of state license (real estate, notary, etc.), or if a paralegal who handled a lot of paper in his lifetime tries to be admitted to the Bar, as handing all that paper supposedly wears down the ridges in our finger tips, but I don't know if handling a lot of paper makes our palms less photo op worthy. I tend to think that if my palms appear any different from anyone else's it is due to my free weight lifting and having been on the crew team in college. Once I got those calluses in college from rowing they never went away (of course, lifting weights continuously since college probably reinforced the crew team calluses).
Wizard holds 2k
Mdawg pulls 8k marker or greater
Bets at least 200 minimum. No continually flat betting.
Bets. At least 57 hands
If upafter session to be determined by mdawg. He gets 2k
If down 1k
Chips on table must be the same form start to finish. No adding of chips to table unless it’s a fill. Minus any tips of course. As mdawg states and just to clarify. If he tips that’s on him. He doesn’t count it in his win. If he wishes not to tip for this event then that is up to him.
If I missed anything that was discussed feel free for anyone to add what was already discusssed just if I inadvertently forgot to type.
Not wading into the discussions between you guys. Just saying that if you did the bold you would be breaking your “one session per day” rule.Quote: MDawgFollowing along with this...what if I am down after the first shoe, then up after the second, or third or whatever, which happens all the time. Do I get the 2K then? as per your revised , 1K no matter what / 2K if I win , offer I mean.
OR, Following along further with that, if I am up after the first shoe, may I just end the challenge then, be entitled to the 2K, and then continue to play if I choose?
No, no one is allowed to draw markers on anyone else's credit line. Additionally, when paying off a credit line only the owner of the line may pay it off, for example a cashier's check used to pay a line if a credit line player loses must be issued by the owner of the line. The compliance rules are something along the lines of stock accounts and follow along with anti-money laundering laws.
lol how about if we take a picture of my infamous beat-up palm at the table wearing a Rolex and send that to everyone as a souvenir.
Quote: ExpectedvalueTerms
Wizard holds 2k
Mdawg pulls 8k marker or greater
Bets at least 200 minimum. No continually flat betting.
Bets. At least 57 hands
If upafter session to be determined by mdawg. He gets 2k
If down 1k
To be completed within next 30 days. Or void
Chips on table must be the same form start to finish. No adding of chips to table unless it’s a fill. Minus any tips of course. As mdawg states and just to clarify. If he tips that’s on him. He doesn’t count it in his win. If he wishes not to tip for this event then that is up to him.
If I missed anything that was discussed feel free for anyone to add what was already discusssed just if I inadvertently forgot to type.
There you go
I will be on a plane for the next 6 hours. If this is agreed to wizard will be in receipt of the additional 2k by Thursday
Quote: ExpectedvalueThere you go
LOL...you edited your own quote.
You added an additional condition into your quote,
after the terms in the original quote were accepted.
Quote: ExpectedvalueTerms
Wizard holds 2k
Mdawg pulls 8k marker or greater
Bets at least 200 minimum. No continually flat betting.
Bets. At least 57 hands
If upafter session to be determined by mdawg. He gets 2k
If down 1k
To be completed within next 30 days. Or void
Quote: ExpectedvalueTerms
Wizard holds 2k
Mdawg pulls 8k marker or greater
Bets at least 200 minimum. No continually flat betting.
Bets. At least 57 hands
If upafter session to be determined by mdawg. He gets 2k
If down 1k
Chips on table must be the same form start to finish. No adding of chips to table unless it’s a fill. Minus any tips of course. As mdawg states and just to clarify. If he tips that’s on him. He doesn’t count it in his win. If he wishes not to tip for this event then that is up to him.
If I missed anything that was discussed feel free for anyone to add what was already discusssed just if I inadvertently forgot to type.
"No adding of chips to table unless it’s a fill."
Fill is not the right word, it should be taking out additional markers.

AGREED. I'll wait for you to confirm that the additional 2K is there. Hope BTC doesn't go down after you ship it to Wizard.
Quote: MDawgAGREED. I'll wait for you to confirm that the additional 2K is there. Hope BTC doesn't go down after you ship it to Wizard.
Great! I will request the other 2k from EV. I'll be out scaling another mountain much of the day tomorrow, so be patient for my next update.
I'm a bit confused with all the back and forth.
Does Axle have a part of this or is Axel the main money behind the challenge?
I'm really curious and I want to hear it from the MDawg what the answer is not from sideline people thank you.
Quote: ExpectedvalueMarcus, your post makes no sense . There is no more discussion. Axel wolf was never a part of the money. Best for you to sit back and zip your lip as of now
I merely asked a question to MDawg. I did not ask you for your wise ass comment or derogatory and rude statement.
Quote: Marcusclark66Please MDawg, confirm?
I'm a bit confused with all the back and forth.
Does Axle have a part of this or is Axel the main money behind the challenge?
I'm really curious and I want to hear it from the MDawg what the answer is not from sideline people thank you.
Page after page of back and forth discussion between MDawg, Expected Value and the Wizard and you see Axelwolf as a suspect?
Oh yeah, you work in casino surveillance.
Quote: Marcusclark66I merely asked a question to MDawg. I did not ask you for your wise ass comment or derogatory and rude statement.
Then why didn't you PM him?
Sometimes, I just ask for a large but not massive suite, knowing that we'll be there a long time and that way it will be easier to maintain the full RFB ride, but we are in the King Daddy for a while now. Elvis would approve.
Quote: MDawgHi MarcusClark, as usual there was a lot of extraneous input from others including from AW but AW has nothing to do with this matter.
Thank you a nice civilized clear and concise answer. I just wanted to be clear if Axel was a part or was not part of it, with all of the interaction and all of the comments and commentary that he has going in this thread.
Once again I appreciate it!
Many of these guys are jealous members. A few are currently panicking as they are starting to realize that they must come up with ever more bizarre alternate theories as to how the Big Dog could have accepted this wager. In other words, they don't want to accept that the MDawg is for real and tries to explain it all away in ever more speculative and absurd ways.