I really hope a man of his stature isn't reading his threadsQuote: WizardQuote: TankoAnyone considering accepting MDawg's challenge should view the first five minutes of this video. I will save you from losing 50K.
Great video! It was posted yesterday. I wonder if the MDawg drama here may have had something to do with it.
Rarely do I understand what you are saying or getting at. SOMETIMES I DO..Quote: ChumpChangeIf I get a few lucky streaks I'll be so far up the graph in winnings it won't even register.
mostly I'm confused and I'm just guessing.
Question.. Do you thin .MDawg is a big winner or big loser? That's all I need to to know to n understand you.
My motivation is YouTube ... I've been looking for a gambling niche on YouTube that isn't well-trod. Debunking baccarat posers seems to be fairly untouched on YouTube. There have been infinitely many such people here on Mike's site over the years, so any current application of my demonstrations is purely coincidental.
What leads you to believe any of that is real? We have seen member's fake such things.Quote: ChumpChangeI think MDawg had a gambling problem a long time ago, he came out of a long retirement, he's making a new go of it, and he's getting insanely reckless with his bets, but he could be insanely rich so it doesn't matter. His 7 week trip reports claim he's a recent winner, but having chips and cash and checked out markers and casino checks on a win are just evidence of activity. Getting comped $60K in RFB is a whole other story, but it indicates activity. I'll never see action like that unless I become a big winner too.
Should I go though the trouble of faking all the things he's posted up?
When a casino generates a win/loss statement, is a tip considered the same as a loss?
Quote: SOOPOOhas still been ahead nearly every session.
This is the part that is the biggest problem for me. Is it possible that a player hit some extremely positive variance, and win at -EV play over a period of time? Sure. That is the reason people gamble. But this winning nearly every session over many trips is flat out BS. If that were to happen, even the casino would stop comping him until they figured out what was going on. And that is what he has said numerous time....nearly every session over many trips.
Quote: AlanMendelsonI've been following this. I have no opinion about what is true or not. But I do not rule out the possibility that someone could be showing a profit on a negative expectation game. I do not rule out the possibility that someone could be ahead at "nearly every session." I also do not rule out the possibility of huge comps while having a profit. All of these things are possible and do not violate any rules of math.
It's not about "violating rules of math". It's about something being so improbable that it's overwhelmingly more likely that the event didn't happen and the person made it up.
For example, if some rando came around saying he witnessed a 2.54153E-23 event without any evidence then it would only be reasonable to conclude that it didn't happen and the rando was telling a fictional story.
Quote: AlanMendelsonI once interviewed a gaming author who said that at some point 97% of Vegas visitors were ahead... but only 3% actually left with a profit.
That sounds about right to me.
ChumpChange: I do not use any mechanical, fixed betting system, progressive or otherwise. I do not have unlimited lines of credit. Just because you play big doesn’t mean that you will end up ahead massively – there are sessions where a big player might end up even, barely ahead, or only ahead a few bet units based on his average bet. To some extent, it has to do with where he stops too. For example, I might end up even after being down a lot, and stop just 500 or 1000 ahead. It really depends on your style of play, and at what points you decide to stop. If your goal is just to win a few thousand a shoe, then you might notice that this is what happens more often than shoes where you win a lot more. There are just so many variables - bottom line, just because you bet average a thousand a hand or even three thousand a hand (and again this is average, many bets could be smaller, some bets could be larger) does not mean that you "should" wind up a great deal ahead on your shoes.
Soopoo: As I’ve explained, I don’t hand the dealers tips – I place side bets for the dealers on the side and when I win, they win. Whatever ends up in the dealer’s toke box is counted as a win for me, which is why the casinos tend to have a higher win noted than I take from the table. This is standard at all table games.
AxelWolf: You really know nothing whatsoever about any of this. I won’t waste time getting into the areas where your knowledge is deficient, as it’s really on the level of risible that you try to pass yourself off as any kind of knowledgeable about this level of gaming.
I think it would be amusing if you posted three years worth of casino and resort action as I have - complete with chips, millions of dollars of paid markers, pictures of shoes, cash won, many hundreds of thousands of dollars in watches, video of WIN statements while logged into player card accounts to corroborate the exact wins, and pictures of the televisions inside your suites displaying folios (along with pictures of these same suites) to show that you were comp'ed. If you tried to do this with "fake" pictures, and made yourself look anything other than ridiculous, I would be very surprised. You've stated that you could do it - so, now, do it! I think you'll end up looking like a joke. It certainly won’t look anything like the real thing, which is what my posts all are.
KewlJ: I doubt you’ve ever been comp’ed consistently at a high level (or perhaps consistently, at any level) which is probably why you don’t accept that it is possible to win and be comp’ed consistently. The casino really doesn’t care what happens as long as you are playing what they view as a game of chance like Baccarat, and even with BJ, they generally wouldn’t turn off the comps by way of trying to stop you, they would simply ban you from BJ if they suspected for example card counting, which they have banned me from BJ in the past.
Where I will give you credit is in recognizing that anyone intelligent on these forums is not going to be interested in uncloaking his anonymity just to make someone happy or to prove a point. Which is something that the Wizard and I have discussed, and he has made it clear to me that he doesn’t demand that I uncloak my anonymity and play in front of him, and that’s why there is no need to comment further on his challenge – he and I have already discussed it.
As far as playing in front of someone else from this forum, given all the spiteful people on various forums, it would not be wise, as you yourself point out.
DarkOz: What I said for AxelWolf applies double to you. This DarkOz guy has evidently never held a table game promo chip in his life, and yet he keeps repeating himself as to what a player of my caliber should or should not have received in the way of promo chips, without knowing anything about my exact long term statistics or the policies of the casinos where I play. Whatever DarkOz has to say about any of this is to be discounted.
To be honest, the comments from people who state that it is mathematically impossible or improbable to win long term at Baccarat, I respect the most. At least these comments don’t even try to enter the high roller’s world and try to tell someone who has lived it what should or should not be happening, instead they merely try to state a mathematical proposition. Doesn’t mean they are right, but at least they are stating something that makes sense to them, and has something to do with something they understand and might have some expertise in.
As far as what Alan just said, he is correct based on that is exactly what I have been doing. The best proof that what I do is possible, is that I have been doing it. And it really is true that most people in Vegas are ahead at some point but don’t leave with it.
I’m continuing with posting at the TruePassage forum.
I will provide actual live videos of the 2020, WIN statements after the end of the year to prove that the exact wins I claim from 2020, did in fact happen, the same way I provided video of the 2018, and 2019, WIN statements. (By the way, the Wizard reviewed these 2018 and 2019 videos and thanked me for that.)
As the Wizard is aware, I have some pressing real world business events in the next few months such that probably won't be back in Vegas right away.
Quote: MDawgJust because you play big doesn’t mean that you will end up ahead massively – there are sessions where a big player might end up even, barely ahead, or only ahead a few bet units based on his average bet. To some extent, it has to do with where he stops too. For example, I might end up even after being down a lot, and stop just 500 or 1000 ahead. It really depends on your style of play, and at what points you decide to stop.
You know what is missing from the above statement? any mention of a losing session. You can be up a little, a lot or just barely ahead. No mention of the possibility of losing.
And it seems like you are telling us it is because you are a high roller. As if the math is different at higher stakes. And actually it could be. The casino could give you something at higher stakes (high roller level) that could change the math. For instance in blackjack you can get s17 at higher limit table. That changes the math, reduces the house edge, but doesn't overcome it. I repeatedly asked you starting many months ago if you were getting something, some rule change, some rebate that would change the math and you repeatedly said no. Without that your $1000 a hand is no different than the guy playing much lower stakes. Playing high stakes doesn't mean you always win, and that sure seems like your explanation. I don't think it unreasonable to ask you to prove that.
Quote: MDawg
KewlJ: I doubt you’ve ever been comp’ed consistently at a high level (or perhaps consistently, at any level) which is probably why you don’t accept that it is possible to win and be comp’ed consistently. The casino really doesn’t care what happens as long as you are playing what they view as a game of chance like Baccarat, and even with BJ, they generally wouldn’t turn off the comps by way of trying to stop you, they would simply ban you from BJ if they suspected for example card counting, which they have banned me from BJ in the past.
Where I will give you credit is in recognizing that anyone intelligent on these forums is not going to be interested in uncloaking his anonymity just to make someone happy or to prove a point. Which is something that the Wizard and I have discussed, and he has made it clear to me that he doesn’t demand that I uncloak my anonymity and play in front of him, and that’s why there is no need to comment further on his challenge – he and I have already discussed it.
As far as playing in front of someone else from this forum, given all the spiteful people on various forums, it would not be wise, as you yourself point out.
I care much less about the comp part, than the always winning (every session, every trip) part. That is what defies the math. But while I don't play at your level and am not comped at your level, I have friends that work in casino management, and a casino is simply not going to keep comping you everything you claim, trip after trip, year after year, if you win every trip. Do you understand what the casino business model is? They are in it to make money. lol
Quote: MDawg
At least these comments don’t even try to enter the high roller’s world and try to tell someone who has lived it what should or should not be happening, instead they merely try to state a mathematical proposition.
Again, with "the high roller" as if that some how magically changes the math.
Quote: MDawg
I will provide actual live videos of the 2020, WIN statements after the end of the year to prove that the exact wins I claim from 2020, did in fact happen, the same way I provided video of the 2018, and 2019, WIN statements. (By the way, the Wizard reviewed these 2018 and 2019 videos and thanked me for that.)
Win statement mean nothing. They are often inaccurate and can easily be manipulated and faked. Why do you think the IRS doesn't accept them.
Quote: MDawg
As the Wizard is aware, I have some pressing real world business events in the next few months such that probably won't be back in Vegas right away.
Kind of funny that within the past few days, after you returned home from your trip, you posted that you would be willing to come right back to prove your claims for the right price. But now all of the sudden, you are unavailable for a few months. But that's ok, whatever!
Quote: MDawg
As the Wizard is aware, I have some pressing real world business events in the next few months such that probably won't be back in Vegas right away.

Anyway, you guys may knock yourselves out trying to figure out how any of this works, but you're as outside the box as may be. You know where to find me. At TruePassage! I'd rather spend time talking to a blank wall than with those who should recognize that all of this is completely outside their ken.
The reality is that I won this last trip, and many many prior trips all as documented here. You want to cry over that it can't be done? Doesn't make it any less true.
Just be sure to keep talking about me while I'm elsewhere, and keep my thread going strong. Thanks!
Quote: MDawgAgain, KewlJ - you don't get win statements. You play anonymously. You know nothing about any of that. For you to state that they may be "easily faked" - means nothing, really, less than nothing, and indeed doubly proves that you know nothing about any of this. You have no personal knowledge whatsoever about any of this. Seriously, no one would or should take anything you have to say on this subject seriously.
Excuse me. I play blackjack anonymously. My machine play I play on a card and get win statements, and comps and offers. It might not be at your level, but I know exactly how it works. And while I am finished playing blackjack for the year due to covid outbreak, I am still picking up thousands of dollars in free play for December. So I guess it is YOU who knows nothing about ME. And yet you continue to talk and try elevate yourself above me and others like Axelwolf and everyone else. "Oh, I am the big high roller, and none of you even know how anything works". Complete BS and no one is buying.
Look, you are in no danger of being outed and losing your anonymity by playing in front of Wizard. You trusted him to hold money during a bet, why would you not trust him to not out you. THAT is just an excuse you came up with. Just show Mike that you bet the amounts you claim and win "constantly" and this all ends. You would be undisputed 'king of the hill'. Failure to do so or dragging it out with excuses after excuse is pretty much sealing your fate. But you do what you gotta do.
Quote: MDawgYou know where to find me. At TruePassage! I'd rather spend time talking to a blank wall than with those who should recognize that all of this is completely outside their ken.
Have fun over at that other forum, where readers are more receptive to your stories.
I don't think we need to bother. You are not a legend in your own lifetime.Quote:Just be sure to keep talking about me while I'm elsewhere, and keep my thread going strong. Thanks!
In case you missed it..Quote: MDawgI took a couple days just to listen, and not comment. I now understand more fully why some people here cannot relate to any of this. Many comments from forum members show me that many haven’t experienced anything like this in their own lives, which is fine, except when people try to pronounce judgement on that which they lack the experience to comprehend.
ChumpChange: I do not use any mechanical, fixed betting system, progressive or otherwise. I do not have unlimited lines of credit. Just because you play big doesn’t mean that you will end up ahead massively – there are sessions where a big player might end up even, barely ahead, or only ahead a few bet units based on his average bet. To some extent, it has to do with where he stops too. For example, I might end up even after being down a lot, and stop just 500 or 1000 ahead. It really depends on your style of play, and at what points you decide to stop. If your goal is just to win a few thousand a shoe, then you might notice that this is what happens more often than shoes where you win a lot more. There are just so many variables - bottom line, just because you bet average a thousand a hand or even three thousand a hand (and again this is average, many bets could be smaller, some bets could be larger) does not mean that you "should" wind up a great deal ahead on your shoes.
Soopoo: As I’ve explained, I don’t hand the dealers tips – I place side bets for the dealers on the side and when I win, they win. Whatever ends up in the dealer’s toke box is counted as a win for me, which is why the casinos tend to have a higher win noted than I take from the table. This is standard at all table games.
AxelWolf: You really know nothing whatsoever about any of this. I won’t waste time getting into the areas where your knowledge is deficient, as it’s really on the level of risible that you try to pass yourself off as any kind of knowledgeable about this level of gaming.
I think it would be amusing if you posted three years worth of casino and resort action as I have - complete with chips, millions of dollars of paid markers, pictures of shoes, cash won, many hundreds of thousands of dollars in watches, video of WIN statements while logged into player card accounts to corroborate the exact wins, and pictures of the televisions inside your suites displaying folios (along with pictures of these same suites) to show that you were comp'ed. If you tried to do this with "fake" pictures, and made yourself look anything other than ridiculous, I would be very surprised. You've stated that you could do it - so, now, do it! I think you'll end up looking like a joke. It certainly won’t look anything like the real thing, which is what my posts all are.
KewlJ: I doubt you’ve ever been comp’ed consistently at a high level (or perhaps consistently, at any level) which is probably why you don’t accept that it is possible to win and be comp’ed consistently. The casino really doesn’t care what happens as long as you are playing what they view as a game of chance like Baccarat, and even with BJ, they generally wouldn’t turn off the comps by way of trying to stop you, they would simply ban you from BJ if they suspected for example card counting, which they have banned me from BJ in the past.
Where I will give you credit is in recognizing that anyone intelligent on these forums is not going to be interested in uncloaking his anonymity just to make someone happy or to prove a point. Which is something that the Wizard and I have discussed, and he has made it clear to me that he doesn’t demand that I uncloak my anonymity and play in front of him, and that’s why there is no need to comment further on his challenge – he and I have already discussed it.
As far as playing in front of someone else from this forum, given all the spiteful people on various forums, it would not be wise, as you yourself point out.
DarkOz: What I said for AxelWolf applies double to you. This DarkOz guy has evidently never held a table game promo chip in his life, and yet he keeps repeating himself as to what a player of my caliber should or should not have received in the way of promo chips, without knowing anything about my exact long term statistics or the policies of the casinos where I play. Whatever DarkOz has to say about any of this is to be discounted.
To be honest, the comments from people who state that it is mathematically impossible or improbable to win long term at Baccarat, I respect the most. At least these comments don’t even try to enter the high roller’s world and try to tell someone who has lived it what should or should not be happening, instead they merely try to state a mathematical proposition. Doesn’t mean they are right, but at least they are stating something that makes sense to them, and has something to do with something they understand and might have some expertise in.
As far as what Alan just said, he is correct based on that is exactly what I have been doing. The best proof that what I do is possible, is that I have been doing it. And it really is true that most people in Vegas are ahead at some point but don’t leave with it.
I’m continuing with posting at the TruePassage forum.
I will provide actual live videos of the 2020, WIN statements after the end of the year to prove that the exact wins I claim from 2020, did in fact happen, the same way I provided video of the 2018, and 2019, WIN statements. (By the way, the Wizard reviewed these 2018 and 2019 videos and thanked me for that.)
As the Wizard is aware, I have some pressing real world business events in the next few months such that probably won't be back in Vegas right away.
And you?
Nothing, nothing, nothing... but words and stuff that CAN be faked, all while dodging any possibility of meeting anyone legitimate for any reason who could verify anything about you.
I thought Mike asked you to put up or shut up.
Im staying out of this.
Its an enigma. its like peeling an onion, crying.
Before MDawg claims I always play anonymous, let me be clear. I never play anonymous.
I play rated. But on other people's player cards
I have access to seeing how win/loss statements can be manipulated thousands of times over across multiple casinos and multiple players
Trust me, win/loss statements as testimony of real world play cannot be trusted as accurate
It's also very easy to log in to a web account and show massive profits, even video recording that fabrication... Same with the displayed account on a hotel room tv (They have HDMI in)Quote: darkozWin/Loss statement's are easily faked.
I'm not saying MDawg does that, only that it's easy to fake. I might demonstrate later if the mood takes me.
Quote: Expectedvalueif you were winning at that rate every single trip. You would be on the radar of the shift and casino manager at every property. At an absolute bare minimum you would no longer be given comp.
Winning players get comped. Casinos will want winning players to return to lose.
Quote: Expectedvaluealso why in the world are you taking and buying back so many markers ?
Why would a high roller risk traveling with cash?
When a casino generates a win/loss statement, is a tip considered the same as a loss?
On table games it is probably considered a loss as the pit bosses just look at what the player is leaving the table with.
Quote: ExpectedvalueThe part about the casino counting all tips as a win is OUTRIGHT NOT TRUE.
You are incorrect.
The supervisors account for every chip in the rack., especially the high-denom chips.
The dealer tokes aren't returned to the rack, they are noted in the player's win column.
Quote: coachbellyYou are incorrect.
The supervisors account for every chip in the rack., especially the high-denom chips.
The dealer tokes aren't returned to the rack, they are noted in the player's win column.
A post with no question. Interesting.
I find MDawg’s trip reports to be highly entertaining and very highly mathematically improbable. Can’t really get more invested in it than that. I’m glad this thread exists.
There was a strange character that showed up on another forum in support of MD not too long ago. Eventually that person was banned by Dan (Dan almost never banns anyone) very soon after that a new member showed up with the name pitboss1 apparently with some pitbossing knowledge.Quote: unJonA post with no question. Interesting.
I find MDawg’s trip reports to be highly entertaining and very highly mathematically improbable. Can’t really get more invested in it than that. I’m glad this thread exists.
Does all this remind anyone of anything?
Quote: AlanMendelsonWinning players get comped. Casinos will want winning players to return to lose.
Why would a high roller risk traveling with cash?
Alan. As I said below you should read drich post, it’s considered a loss, definitely not part of the Wynn as MDAWG. Would claim. I’m pretty certain and would be willing to wager that it’s the almost 100 percent norm. And not vice versa
Quote: ExpectedvalueAs I said below you should read drich post, it’s considered a loss...I’m pretty certain
You are certain that tips are considered gaming losses? How about tips to the servers?
Doesn't sound like DRich is certain...that's why he wrote "probably".
Quote: DRichOn table games it is probably considered a loss as the pit bosses just look at what the player is leaving the table with.
Quote: AxelWolfThere was a strange character that showed up on another forum in support of MD not too long ago. Eventually that person was banned by Dan (Dan almost never banns anyone) very soon after that a new member showed up with the name pitboss1 apparently with some pitbossing knowledge.
Does all this remind anyone of anything?
It reminds me of several different cases actually. You are probably speaking of the case of the bac dude on this forum a while back. I didn't read or get involved in that. But almost any of these guys that make claims that can't be mathematically, and are catching a lot of heat and little support, come up with sock puppets to give them support and credibility.
The case I am most familiar with recently is Rob Singer. And he had a history of that dating back to THIS forum. But it is the common play. No one supporting the person and their almost impossible claims and all of the sudden a "new" member pops up offering support and credibility. And usually that sockpuppet claims to have some expertise, like being a pit boss. lol
Quote: kewljThe case I am most familiar with recently is Rob Singer. And he had a history of that dating back to THIS forum.
Have any members been caught or admitted to creating sock puppets on this forum?
Was Singer suspected of creating socks, or was it confirmed by the admins?
Quote: coachbellyYou are incorrect.
The supervisors account for every chip in the rack., especially the high-denom chips.
The dealer tokes aren't returned to the rack, they are noted in the player's win column.
I disagree. That is how the house calculates their win but not the individual players. They don't count the rack every time a player leaves and then subtract the chips for each remaining player at the table.
The pit boss just looks at about how much the player is walking away with to calculate the players win.
Quote: DRichThey don't count the rack every time a player leaves
They keep track of the buy-ins, and are constantly counting the rack.
That's why they have the dealers rearrange the chips and use the lammers.
Try ratholing a pumpkin and see if they don't catch it.
Well yes indeed, but take to heart that Wizard does not particularly like nonsense imported from other forums. as KJ will attest..Quote: AxelWolfThere was a strange character that showed up on another forum in support of MD not too long ago. Eventually that person was banned by Dan (Dan almost never banns anyone) very soon after that a new member showed up with the name pitboss1 apparently with some pitbossing knowledge.
Does all this remind anyone of anything?
Many and often, of courseQuote: coachbellyHave any members been caught or admitted to creating sock puppets on this forum?
Before my time if he did.Quote:Was Singer suspected of creating socks, or was it confirmed by the admins?
Why do you ask?
Quote: OnceDearWell yes indeed, but take to heart that Wizard does not particularly like nonsense imported from other forums. as KJ will attest..
While I can appreciate the logic behind this, there is a mirror discussion going on on another site, with many of the same participants and a few that can't participate here. There are things being said that are relevant. It makes it hard to not be able to reference something that one of the primary people like MDawg said over there, but is very relevant point here. Just a bit frustrating.
So was Singers sock "Jerry Logan" officially busted here or not?
Quote: OnceDearWhy do you ask?
It's problematic when accusations are presented as facts.
Singer was named (below) as a member who created sock puppets on this forum,
I'm interested to know if he was simply accused, or was that confirmed by the admins?
Quote: kewljBut almost any of these guys that make claims that can't be mathematically, and are catching a lot of heat and little support, come up with sock puppets to give them support and credibility.
The case I am most familiar with recently is Rob Singer. And he had a history of that dating back to THIS forum.
Quote: kewljwas Singers sock "Jerry Logan" officially busted here or not?
Were you discovered creating sock puppets on this forum?
I can confirm there are a couple of ex socks = Jerry Logan. AIUI, It predates my tenure here, so I don't know the circumstances of their banning. But yes. I do understand that singer did use that handle.Quote: kewlj
So was Singers sock "Jerry Logan" officially busted here or not?
Quote: coachbellyWere you discovered creating sock puppets on this forum?
Absolutely! several.
after my banning I wanted to refute a few things being said that were not accurate and I created several socks with names like Kewlj2 of KJ2 or KJ3 or things like that.
And I created "spiderman" for the purpose of sharing an experience of cheating that I encountered and wanting to warn other players. This is probably the one you are referring to.
BUT here is the difference. These socks were not created to support or lend credibility which is the troll playbook.
Quote: OnceDearI do understand that singer did use that handle.
How did you come by that understanding?
Was Jerry Logan confirmed by the admins to be a Singer sock puppet or not?
So after months and months of calling out and challenges, and proposed wagers that were never going to happen, because terms set were unachievable., Wizard finally called MDawg out and said something like "He doesn't disbelieve everything MDawg says, but the claims about his Baccarat play are not believable". Wizard asks for a demonstration.
So MDawg who just days ago said he was available to return to Vegas for a bet, is now all of the sudden very busy and can't provide such a demonstration. However, he isn't so busy that he hasn't posted here and on other forum frequently for many hours today. (That is not cross forum referencing of something said, just an observation that he has been pretty active) for such a busy guy. LOL
Quote: kewljI wanted to refute a few things being said that were not accurate and I created several socks
Quote: kewljThese socks were not created to support or lend credibility
Your statements above are contradictory.
Quote: coachbellyHow did you come by that understanding?
Was Jerry Logan confirmed by the admins to be a Singer sock puppet or not?
WTF!! What part of OnceDear's response "it predates my tenure here" do you not understand?
Why not direct your question to Mike who can actually answer it.