Quote: DeMangoObviously you haven't been to Vegas Casino Talk forums. You come up there every now and then. See you there.
I didn’t know this Las Vegas forum existed. Is that where he’s posting now?
Does it get any crapsforum.com cast offs?
NOT TRUE!Quote: onenickelmiracleThis whole drama is stupid. The site is paid for by all these fake bonuses nobody can win on.
Quote: AussieMy point is about the disgusting trolling that he receives which one can only conclude is sanctioned by the moderators. If he wasn’t/isn’t wanted then boot him from the start. Don’t pretend that you are following the rules by waiting for him to react to the bullying.
MDawg mentioned multiple times about how he would block certain people here. It's interesting that someone who would advertise doing that so much would still engage in the type of back-and-forth that would get a suspension.
Quote: AxelWolfApparently this guy always wins playing baccarat. He gets all the fancy comps at places like cosmopolitan, Bellagio, he seems to move around hitting and running.
Seems legit 🤣
Great video and does a great job substantiating MDawg's claims of being able to consistently win thousands at baccarat.
At 08:49 they give the absolute proof that Baccarat is beaten.Quote: TomGGreat video and does a great job substantiating MDawg's claims of being able to consistently win thousands at baccarat.
Quote: OnceDearAt 08:49 they give the absolute proof that Baccarat is beaten.
By repeatedly telling you how much they just won for about 12 minutes. Only a complete moron would send the requisite $750..... But plenty do.
I don't know what it is with these "sellers"....but they all have one universal trait.....they all come off sounding like used car salesmen, aluminum siding hustlers or time share barkers.
Run, baby, run.
Quote: TomGMDawg mentioned multiple times about how he would block certain people here. It's interesting that someone who would advertise doing that so much would still engage in the type of back-and-forth that would get a suspension.
There's no question he enjoyed the give and take. His best path would have been to discuss his adventures and leave it at that. No replies. Block everyone and just put up your diary.
I will find and post more. Apparently, someone else made a video showing some evidence of how all his wealth claims were fake, or something like that.Quote: TomGGreat video and does a great job substantiating MDawg's claims of being able to consistently win thousands at baccarat.
Not sure if fake rolexes were involved or not... since I didn't watch it all I wanted to know know the backstory first. like many others, this guy is gambling... forum fluffer(would that be a good term for a braggart who is frequently posting pic's of comped stuff , OP cash, etc while telling tall tales of allway winning?)
A fact is, at least 140 properties in Las Vegas are no longer looking into the matter of markers and comps.😁Quote: Marcusclark66A fact is, at least four properties in Las Vegas are looking into the matter of the markers and the comps.
Quote: TDVegasI didn’t know this Las Vegas forum existed. Is that where he’s posting now?
Does it get any crapsforum.com cast offs?
They both do. You will find some of the greatest ExPats in both places!
So booting MDawg just because the gestalt of the site is supposed to be something about "mathematically sound gambling advice" is inappropriate.
Quote: redietzYou know, there are some other folks on here who actively advocate unsound gambling
As opposed to "sound" gambling?
Such as...?
Quote: redietzYou know, there are some other folks on here who actively advocate unsound gambling, while MDawg, far as I can tell, just implies it. MDawg doesn't really say, "Do as I do." He just says he can do it. Some other folks directly advocate "do as I do," and what they advocate is incorrect.
So booting MDawg just because the gestalt of the site is supposed to be something about "mathematically sound gambling advice" is inappropriate.
He says that riding the streaks and varying bet size are how he wins. You think that type of worthless nonsense posting should be permitted here ? If he wants to unknowingly make a fool out of himself, that’s one thing, but what if someone else joins the forum , reads it, and thinks mdawg knows what he’s talking about? Then that member could make poor decisions as well
And then this forum risks getting a reputation for misinforming people , severe lack of knowledge of gambling math , and horrible advice.
Some people can’t accept that they’re playing a game where the results are nothing but dumb luck , and that there’s nothing you can do to change that. Every baccarat bet is nothing more than a guess, and then you hoping it goes your way. You are in no better position to win than anyone else sitting at your table.
I actually feel sorry for mdawg. The more and more he speaks, the more clear it becomes how sadly lost he is
Quote: redietz
So booting MDawg just because the gestalt of the site is supposed to be something about "mathematically sound gambling advice" is inappropriate.
I don't think MDawg has ever been "booted" for talking about his baccarat "systems."
He's been booted for trolling and insulting people, and I think once for doxxing.
Quote: TigerWuI don't think MDawg has ever been "booted" for talking about his baccarat "systems."
He's been booted for trolling and insulting people, and I think once for doxxing.
He desperately needs attention. People like that generally end up violating numerous forum rules.
Vdara death ray burns guests

Could the Vdara death ray do it? Talking strictly science here no politics please. 😎
Interesting reading, have a nice day.
Then in mid-June gyms reopened in Cali! We were back in on the first day.
But then by mid July, Cali gyms were shut down again. 😣 This time though, we quickly joined a "rogue" gym - one that stays open illegally. It's been harassed, it's been cited, arrests have been made (of the gym owners), but it stays open! Inside, we wipe down before and after use of each piece of equipment. We wear masks at all times except on cardio equipment, but unfortunately, almost no others in this rogue gym wear masks while lifting. We're pretty much the only masked ones. Still going in, every other day!
Right now one of our regular gyms just re-opened, legally, for an outdoor only workout. That remains an option but equipment is limited.
When our gyms closed was thinking of moving to Vegas for the duration of the gym lockdown, as everything we want remains open over there, but then re-thought the idea and joined the rogue local gym instead.
Quote: MDawgSo supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it. Then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you could do, either through the skin or some other way and I think you said you were going to test that, too. Sounds interesting.
Could the Vdara death ray do it? Talking strictly science here no politics please. 😎
Back in my youth, we referred to these things as Masers (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation). Then they took all the fun out of it and started using it to cook food.
I bet if you stand in front of a microwave door with holes poked in it while in a dark room lit by ultraviolet light bulbs and cap it off with a stint in a 1960's style tanning bed, you'd solve the whole virus problem. One way or another.
Who let dem dogs out!?!
(Back in the fifties and sixties they sold protective screens for radiation threats from television emissions)
The other day some homeless black guy came up to me, albeit masked, and kept trying to high five me and hug me while hitting me up for smash ("change"). (He actually had a pretty good angle...I mean, it worked.) I handed him a couple dollars just to make him go away. Plus you know my predisposition for handing out money to mendicants for luck. Then that night...I thought I felt some kind of dizziness coming on...uh oh.
Quote: MDawgWho else whenever he has a cough or any kind of weird feeling in the gulliver (head) thinks...uh oh...this is IT. I'd have to raise my hand, although it's gotten to where I now realize that if I had come down with it, I'd know, and any other past minor "symptoms" were just hypochondria or psychosomatic and are much easier to disregard these days.
The other day some homeless black guy came up to me, albeit masked, and kept trying to high five me and hug me while hitting me up for smash ("change"). (He actually had a pretty good angle...I mean, it worked.) I handed him a couple dollars just to make him go away. Plus you know my predisposition for handing out money to mendicants for luck. Then that night...I thought I felt some kind of dizziness coming on...uh oh.
Sounds like you need some fuzzy wuzzies to soothe your bleeding warbles.
Just take some Velocet or Synthemesc or Drenkrom and you should be singing in the rain in the morning me blocko
A Horrorshow of ultra-violence and the old in-out in-out never hurt any droog under an azure sky of deepest summer
Quote: MDawg
But in something like Baccarat, the cards are set in the shoe, and whatever happens in the next hand is fixed and may not change. Here is a shoe I recently played,
I respectfully disagree. Baccarat is just as random as a coin flip. Forget the technicalities of banker having a very slightly higher chance than player being dealt.
Do you somehow think that you would be able to predict a coin flip better if someone were to flip a coin 70 times, record it, then you had to guess heads or tails VS. you having to guess heads or tails before each flip? To me it's all the same unless you're psychic or something, so you can read the information that was written down or connect to it somehow.
Cards that were already used from the deck only affect the results so insignificantly, that it's still like a coin flip.
These are my beliefs based on my own experience and knowledge. Almost like everyone in the world, I could be wrong.
Just to clarify, in my coin flip guessing/predicting simulation experiment, I am saying that you would be able to guess heads or tails going result by result (though all 70 results are already recorded). Also, you can skip results if you want, if you think that "opportunity" moves exist or something of that nature.
Quote: MDawgAs to that rather intolerable pain in the gulliver, I'm sure I'll be as right as dodgers for this after. Or certainly by this nochy.
Welcome back to the forum 655321! Undergo the Ludovico Technique perhaps, or did you serve out your full suspension?
Good question!
But it was the full four months I believe.
All those vitamins and rich pishcha I had smuggled in made the time go faster.

Appy polly loggies but - while I confess to looking at WOV regularly from isolation at first, within about a month I was no longer even clicking here or loading the URL whatsoever. There was no need anyway, as you know, there are threads at VCT and GF that give you a play by play without having to read any of it yourself. Freddy lives!

Setting aside the rest of what you say, how may you disagree with my statement. The cards are set in the shoe, and whatever happens is fixed.
Welcome! to the Adventures of MDawg, qualified.
Quote: MDawg
Setting aside the rest of what you say, how may you disagree with my statement. The cards are set in the shoe, and whatever happens is fixed.
Welcome! to the Adventures of MDawg, qualified.
Maybe we actually agree. You're right; the cards are fixed.
Maybe we agree on this as well. I am interested in your stance on this issue: IMHO, a baccarat shoe is just as random as someone flipping a coin 70 times, recording the result of each flip, then feeding you the result (from the list of "fixed" results) one at a time, allowing you to bet heads, tails, or skip/no bet. Do you agree?
I humbly admit that I could be wrong on this and many other issues in my own and our lives. There are many things that exist that people classify as bunk, probably because there is a lot of bunk in the mix as well, and maybe there is even more bunk than what's real for certain things.
If you really a professional baccarat player, then congratulations, and I wonder what kind of tips you could give someone. How does one research or practice or what do you do to successfully beat baccarat? I realize one could make tons of money even with a very small edge on table games.
P.S. what is GF? Is that some forum?
VCT = VegasCasinoTalk
Yes, forums.
The difference between 70 coin tosses (or 70 spins of the Roulette wheel) and 70 hands in Baccarat is just that the coin toss/spins are truly independent events, where whatever happens is not fixed.
Imagine 10 slot machines in a room. Two are set to payout big. Eight will not payout big. As long as you play those two, you will win.
A room full of ten Baccarat shoes. Already shuffled and placed in the shoes. Let's keep it simple: two have massive bank or player streaks in them, the rest do not. Any decent Baccarat player who runs into those two shoes will clean up. My best shoe ever had parallel runs in it, massive long streaks separated by only one intervening hand of the opposite side. That shoe culminated a $400K trip win for me where I took all of it home.
Once you get past the thinking that "all Baccarat shoes are the same" you may start to understand that it is possible to win at the game.
You can't really listen to anyone who hasn't played the game for a long time. These people might as well be trying to gaze at the world through burlap bags covering their heads. All they do is spout the house edge and insist that it is impossible to win. Leave them be and wish them well.
The main reason Baccarat players lose is they keep playing even after presented with a good shoe or a good streak. The house edge doesn't have much to do with it, and most high rollers just play until they lose their entire bankroll - and for many, this happens much faster than may be explained by the house edge. For most high rollers take away the house edge and they'd still lose consistently every chip in front of them at Baccarat. And again, people who gainsay such statements either haven't won at gambling in their lives or are armchair mathematicians who declare that something cannot be without ever really trying it - they've lost before they've begun. These same people will tell you it's impossible to win at stock trading and yet I book thousands of trades a year at a close to a 100% success rate. I have not won anywhere near 100% of all Baccarat shoes but I have won consistently, and over all, at both Baccarat and Blackjack.
What I will concede is that looking from the outside, it's hard to comprehend how anyone could realize that he is in a good Baccarat shoe versus a bad shoe. But any gambler will tell you that there are times when you realize that there is no way this session will end short of your losing it all, and times when you can't lose a hand. Gamble long enough and you'll know which phase you're in well enough, and how to take advantage.
Have you ever claimed to have a mathematical edge in baccarat?
Is a mathematical edge required to win consistently at baccarat?

Well after all, he was qualified with a q not a Capital Q. 😎
Quote: coachbellyHave you ever claimed to be a professional baccarat player?
Have you ever claimed to have a mathematical edge in baccarat?
Is a mathematical edge required to win consistently at baccarat?
I assume the questions are for me? not for qualified?
1) No
2) The house edge remains.
3) The house edge remains, so, evidently not.
Quote: MDawgI assume the questions are for me? not for qualified?
1) No
2) The house edge remains.
3) The house edge remains, so, evidently not.
MDawg, you are killing me.
1) Does Darkoz claim to be a scientist
A) no
2) Can a perpetual motion machine work?
A) the laws of science say no
3) Does the laws of science prevent Darkoz from building a perpetual motion machine?
A) He did so evidently not
Quote: MDawgI assume the questions are for me? not for qualified?
1) No
2) The house edge remains.
3) The house edge remains, so, evidently not.
You're contradicting yourself. Any game where the player wins money through a repeatable and evidence-based strategy, like you have described with baccarat, has a players edge, not a house edge. Or did you mean there is a negative house edge? Like when I use a match play coupon in roulette, my edge is 42%, which is a house edge of -42%
Player's edge, loss rebates, etc. - correct yes, these change the odds.