Quote: BozBottom line is there are multiple members including the Wizard who are willing to come and meet this guy on the strip and watch him play. And will buy him drinks for hours and watch him play.
And I believe they are willing to sign non disclosure agreements on anything they learn from his play methods.
Otherwise it’s obvious he is a typical high roller with lots of cash, and successful in business, that the casinos thrive upon.
Come on Doggy, you have 6 days left in Vegas, make a “sure” bet on your methods, it’s more easy money.
Hell if the money is right, I’ll fly in to watch.
Producing mathematically far-fetched results is the very definition of a paranormal event and paranormal abilities, so this discussion is in my wheelhouse. Count me in. I was a card carrying investigator for the short-lived Society for the Scientific Documentation of Paranormal Experiments. Have followed CSICOP and the Randi Foundation since their origins. If MDawg wants to demonstrate his abilities/systems to the Wizard, let me know the date(s). I'll see you there, Boz.
LOL. I won't hold my breath, however. Ain't gonna happen.
Now that sounds super cool! Will you elaborate?Quote: redietzCount me in. I was a card carrying investigator for the short-lived Society for the Scientific Documentation of Paranormal Experiments.
Quote: MDawgand then hit a bad run until I put down four grand on a player hand which the shoe indicated that four players were in order.
Very nice
maybe you like meet with me i have money not like the other here I think they just like talk like all the people who no money they talk too much mierda
if you send me texto i talk you more
Quote: AxelWolfNow that sounds super cool! Will you elaborate?
They recruited me from an essay I had published, "Scientists, Gamblers, and Magicians."
It wasn't very exciting. It lasted about two years and nobody wanted us to investigate them, which is the way of most claims. I did get to tour Charles Honorton's psi lab in New Jersey, however. Most of the high-profile guys were working with CSICOP, and many of the claimants wanted Randi's million dollar prize, so we didn't do much of anything. It was regional, and I didn't get called to do investigating in my region (northeast), but it was nice to be involved for a couple of years. You had to think through the angles and pitfalls of in the field investigating, as well as put some thought into lab protocols. Plus put some thought into debunking with kindness, more or less. Basically, we followed Randi's work and tried to copy his perspective and style while not being so adversarial. The people who made claims that we contacted in my region all backed out and decided to not be investigated.
Quote: redietzIf MDawg wants to demonstrate his abilities/systems to the Wizard, let me know the date(s). I'll see you there, Boz.
I'm in for this meet-up too. Been looking forward to it for some time.
It won't happen.Quote: coachbellyI'm in for this meet-up too. Been looking forward to it for some time.
if you don't have anything negative to say....Quote: michael99000Very nice
Quote: OnceDearIt won't happen.
Do you want it to happen?
Quote: OnceDearIt won't happen.
Do you want it to happen?
I'm asking twice for emphasis.
Quote: OnceDearIt won't happen.
Yep. No chance. Zero.
Not sure what the story is. He could just be a big gambler. He could be a trust fund baby ala Dan Bilzerian type flaunting money and big claims. He could be a personal assistant to a big gambler. On the Internet....we can be anyone we like.
If people are reading the thread...enjoy. I wouldn't put too much stock in all of it, but that's up to the reader to decide.
If people enjoy reading it all...great. If people want to respond. Also great. I mean, after all...this is a public thread, a public forum and discussion will ensue when threads like this are made.
All good...FWIW.
He probably should have stuck to narrative...saying it's just an "adventure blog" and he's not intent on proving anything or making wild statements about challenging people to bring $50,000, then he will meet. That opened up a new window.
OBVIOUSLY! But, that honour could only be bestowed upon me by the Wizard himself.🤣Quote: MintyI think WOV should give you the honorary title of puppet master for your investigative work over the years. Hahahaha.
That's highly doubtful since I'm fairly certain he doesn't read most of the posts unless they are math-related or dealing with unicycles. He's unaware of the hard thankless work I do. The most likely scenario is that he's only alerted to one of my posts by some Cry-Baby who's complaining I hurt their little feelings(Axel, big bad man). He's probably thinking, "oh crap, what's that Axel up to now, it can't be good.
At the blackjack table a couple BJs I hit with 400 were nice snappers too, given that most of my bets at that table were 100 in that I was LOSING most every hand. Back to the old days when you could throw down your "snappers" I gotta salute this casino for allowing us to hold the BJ cards.
But the grand daddy of all recollections was during this one trip in the old days when I ended up winning almost 290 grand (over about a ten day period) at that casino which had been preceded with a just under 130K win (in one night) at the prior casino, all of which I had wired home. That 290 grand run started with a $15K bet (this is the short version of the story) where I examined the cards and said,
very quietly.
There was complete silence all around the table when the dealer opened a natural 8.
"NINE!" I exclaimed, slamming the cards on the table.
And that's when this homeless guy who had wandered into the high limit pit and latched onto me grabbed me and literally lifted me off the ground and started spinning me around. He was just a LITTLE guy but wiry, evidently! (That whole story, is part of the long version, you gotta buy the book to get it.)
I'm not saying that these moments eclipse other beautiful moments or memories of my life, not at all, but as gambling goes, you can't put a price on the feeling you get with a table limit nine over eight win, especially if it's not a bet that you make every day. Not quite as beautiful, but nice, is when you have a million plus in stock on a trade and your fill to sell it gets hit just minutes or even seconds after you entered it. Until any of you guys have experienced these things, living at a high volume like that, you can't really understand what it means, and should perhaps think: do I have a right to question or put it down?
Meantime, *sigh, back to your banal chants of Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad, or the equivalent. Have fun. I'm going down in a couple hours, probably no gym today since I went yesterday unless I finish early, and then I might work out again.
Good luck to any of us that are actually DOING it today.
Quote: TDVegasYep. No chance. Zero.
From my perspective, I don't see MD hiding from anybody....he has made a commendable effort to get his point across.
I see the naysayers unwilling to make an equal effort.
If I lived in LV, and was so interested in MDs play and invested in trying to prove him a fraud, I'd be able to figure out how to meet him at the Palms.
He's given enough info to make that happen, and he'll be there for a substantial period of time...he's been posting his itinerary.
Quote: MDawgYesterday when I won 4K with a natural nine that was exciting, I slammed the cards on the felt, but in a way even more exciting were two hands when I had 1500 and 1000 and won with nine over eight.
At the blackjack table a couple BJs I hit with 400 were nice snappers too, given that most of my bets at that table were 100 in that I was LOSING most every hand. Back to the old days when you could throw down your "snappers" I gotta salute this casino for allowing us to hold the BJ cards.
But the grand daddy of all recollections was during this one trip in the old days when I ended up winning almost 290 grand (over about a ten day period) at that casino which had been preceded with a just under 130K win (in one night) at the prior casino, all of which I had wired home. That 290 grand run started with a $15K bet (this is the short version of the story) where I examined the cards and said,
very quietly.
There was complete silence all around the table when the dealer opened a natural 8.
"NINE!" I exclaimed, slamming the cards on the table.
And that's when this homeless guy who had wandered into the high limit pit and latched onto me grabbed me and literally lifted me off the ground and started spinning me around. He was just a LITTLE guy but wiry, evidently! (That whole story, is part of the long version, you gotta buy the book to get it.)
I'm not saying that these moments eclipse other beautiful moments or memories of my life, not at all, but as gambling goes, you can't put a price on the feeling you get with a table limit nine over eight win, especially if it's not a bet that you make every day. Not quite as beautiful, but nice, is when you have a million plus in stock on a trade and your fill to sell it gets hit just minutes or even seconds after you entered it. Until any of you guys have experienced these things, living at a high volume like that, you can't really understand what it means, and have no right to question or put it down.
Meantime, *sigh, back to your banal chants of Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad, or the equivalent. Have fun. I'm going down in a couple hours, probably no gym today since I went yesterday unless I finish early, and then I might work out again.
Good luck to any of us that are actually DOING it today.
They let homeless guys (who grab and twirl around their high rollers) into the high limit pits?
Quote: MDawg(That whole story, is part of the long version, you gotta buy the book to get it.)
Is that what this whole thread is about?
Promotion of an upcoming gambling exploits book?
Absolutely. If it did it would throw the cat amongst the pigeons.Quote: coachbellyDo you want it to happen?
How many Bacc tables are open at the Palms when you play?
Is there any reason why a LV resident...for instance AxelWolf...wouldn't be able to find you at the tables when you said that you would be there?
Quote: OnceDearAbsolutely. If it did it would throw the cat amongst the pigeons.
Then you should encourage the meet-up.
But you didn't do that...why not?
As far as just having someone I don't know and don't trust who has no money show up to stalk me, no I would not encourage that.
Someone like the Wizard, he and I probably will meet at some point for real business, and he is someone I would trust to not stalk me, based on outside communications he and I have had outside this forum. I am sure on down the line the Wiz and I will meet for some legitimate reason, and if he deems it important enough and we meet in a casino I can walk him to the pit and have him stand by while I ask the pit boss how much I have available, if that is going to prove anything but you'd have to be pretty dense by this point not believe that I have credit lines all over Vegas, so what would it prove?
Should I? Well OK guys. Make it happen. I look forward to the consequences.Quote: coachbellyThen you should encourage the meet-up.
But you didn't do that...why not?
Quote: MDawgAs far as just having someone I don't know and don't trust who has no money show up to stalk me, no I would not encourage that.
But if I was a WOV forum "regular", and a LV resident hell-bent on proving you to be a fraud, then based on the information you provide on this forum, I should be able to find you without too much trouble....right?
Quote: MDawgSomeone like the Wizard, he and I probably will meet at some point for real business
What about Axel? Do you not trust him?
Axel has calmed down and been more polite lately. But otherwise, no I don't know him the way I have gotten to know the Wizard, and just the way the Wizard carries himself versus the way Axel does is far more lending to trust.
Showing up with fifty grand cash goes a long way towards establishing that you are legitimate, and the guy I proposed that challenge to, as I mentioned, whiffed and started talking a lot of crap so he's not someone worthy of any trust either.
Quote: MDawgIf you're saying that if someone scopes out the guy at the high limit tables wearing a fifty or hundred grand watch with a stack of chips in front of him and yells MDAWG! that that guy would not turn around and say, "Who the F. are you?" Well, yes, correct. There is such a person in Vegas for the next week or two playing heavily
My point, exactly.
So if anybody really wanted to check you out, they would have little problem doing that this week...especially if they live in LV.
They wouldn't need 50K, or an appointment...although a heads-up through a PM would be respectful.
If they were genuinely interested in in proving you to be a fraud, then they wouldn't need to spend time disparaging you on this forum...they could easily find you at the tables and report back....right?
Quote: coachbellyMy point, exactly.
So if anybody really wanted to check you out, they would have little problem doing that this week...especially if they live in LV.
They wouldn't need 50K, or an appointment...although a heads-up through a PM would be respectful.
If they were genuinely interested in in proving you to be a fraud, then they wouldn't need to spend time disparaging you on this forum...they could easily find you at the tables and report back....right?
No way. You can't go stalking a player or players in the high limit pit...asking "you MDawg"?
That's creepy...and an utterly stupid thing to do.
He would have to be ok with a member meeting him and observing his play...if he's ok with that. The "come with $50,000" is a ruse, IMO. Showing up with $50,000 shows you are "legitimate"...??? Legitimate what?
Quote: MDawgIf you're saying that if someone scopes out the guy at the high limit tables wearing a fifty or hundred grand watch with a stack of chips in front of him and yells MDAWG! that that guy would not turn around and say, "Who the F. are you?" Well, yes, correct. There is such a person in Vegas for the next week or two playing heavily.
Axel has calmed down and been more polite lately. But otherwise, no I don't know him the way I have gotten to know the Wizard, and just the way the Wizard carries himself versus the way Axel does is far more lending to trust.
Showing up with fifty grand cash goes a long way towards establishing that you are legitimate, and the guy I proposed that challenge to, as I mentioned, whiffed and started talking a lot of crap so he's not someone worthy of any trust either.
I am certain there is a Bernie Madoff type around who can show up with the fifty grand since possession of large amounts of money proves what a responsible and trustworthy person you are
You know, Michael99000 is absolutely right about one thing: there are two distinct issues here.
One is, is MDawg really a rich bastard? Thinking back over especially the more recent posts of mine, I have perhaps myself to blame for going a bit too far down that rabbit hole. This thread was not intended to be about flaunting my wherewithal but somehow parts of it seem to have become about that. I intend to reel that back, I'd rather not have anonymous people know too much about my finances, even though it may appear that way. I just got a little carried away in responding to some posts.
The other issue is, does MDawg really win at the casinos. YES, he does! Or else he wouldn't still be gambling after all these years, because MDawg is very against any negative cash flow events or behavior.
But when ya think about it, the first claim is already settled for any but the most dense. And while having the Wizard show up to see me withdraw chips or hold a $100K watch of mine in his hands to establish that it is real (which anyone who knows anything at all about watches, knows from the video I posted that all of my watches are genuine, which I made a video about just a small portion of my watches by no means all of them), none of that addresses the second issue.
As to the second issue, having the Wizard show up to watch me even if I did win that session, what would it prove? Nothing - whoever observed would just go back and say yeah I saw him win, but who knows if he always wins. Which I don't claim to win ALWAYS every shuffle, I just claim to win over all.
So to this extend Michael99000 is right. But, he still didn't show up with fifty grand to challenge me to who will win the most over two weeks.
Just finished eating this

and she's on her way to the spa pretty soon, so I shall be heading down to play.
I guess I'll just wish myself luck unless someone else is going to. 🤩
Quote: darkozI am certain there is a Bernie Madoff type around who can show up with the fifty grand since possession of large amounts of money proves what a responsible and trustworthy person you are
I'd start with $30K and win to $300K at the $15K table max, just one session though. How do I deposit that in Canada before I get back in the US though? Border patrol is detaining people illegally today, especially Iranians.
Quote: MDawgAs to the second issue, having the Wizard show up to watch me even if I did win that session, what would it prove? Nothing - whoever observed would just go back and say yeah I saw him win, but who knows if he always wins. Which I don't claim to win ALWAYS every shuffle, I just claim to win over all.
This is 100% correct. A session or two or few will prove nothing...win or lose, which goes to the heart of it. Why are you challenging people to bring $50,000? What's the purpose?
Quote: TDVegasNo way.
Quote: MDawgcoachbelly: Correct.
So TD...why is your opinion in this matter of any consequence?
Quote: TDVegasWhy are you challenging people to bring $50,000?
How about..."put your money where your mouth is"
Or..."talk shit get hit"
Good luck MDawg!Quote: MDawgI guess I'll just wish myself luck unless someone else is going to. 🤩
Quote: AxelWolfNow that sounds super cool! Will you elaborate?
Axel whatever happened to the bet for $5,000 where you wanted to watch and measure another guy's penis on the board? You still looking forward to that bro? When you look at them juicy eggs and see that runny yolk doesn't that remind you of measuring someone's penis that you were so desperate to do and the bet you wanted part of?
Wasn't it with Robert Singer and you and Boz we're going to do the measuring. Kind of what I remember. We love you Axel we love all 18 to 20,000 of your one line insults or foolish questions, absolutely fantastic!
Quote: coachbellySo TD...why is your opinion in this matter of any consequence?
It’s no more or less of a consequence than yours.
Quote: MDawg
Showing up with fifty grand cash goes a long way towards establishing that you are legitimate
What does someone else playing Bacc with their own money have to do with proving that you’re a fraud ?
Quote: TDVegasIt’s no more or less of a consequence than yours.
MD's reply renders your opinion inconsequential since you are not involved.
Don't you agree?
Quote: michael99000What does someone else playing Bacc with their own money have to do with proving that you’re a fraud ?
It demonstrates the strength of their convictions.
It's easy to claim someone is a fraud, but are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?
This guy is wagering 50+K a day, he is putting his money up.
What are you doing?
Quote: coachbellyIt demonstrates the strength of their convictions.
It's easy to claim someone is a fraud, but are you willing to put your money where your mouth is?
This guy is wagering 50+K a day, he is putting his money up.
What are you doing?
Lol you make zero sense.
I never said I’m a lifetime consistent winner at Bacc.
So what does the results of my own play have to do with proving this guy is a total fraud ?
My claim is that his methods are complete nonsense. Any proof of that, or that I’m wrong, would only have to involve witnessing his play
Quote: michael99000Lol you make zero sense.
I never said I’m a lifetime consistent winner at Bacc.
So what does the results of my own play have to do with proving this guy is a total fraud ?
My claim is that his methods are complete nonsense. Any proof of that, or that I’m wrong, would only have to involve witnessing his play. He has said he wins at baccarat by being able to predict the upcoming cards , many would enjoy witnessing that type of psychic ability
Quote: michael99000I never said I’m a lifetime consistent winner at Bacc.
But you are not challenging your winnings, you are challenging his.
He maintains that he can win by using his methods, and he risks his money to that end.
If you are convinced that he cannot win with those methods, then risk your money to prove your convictions.
Bet his dark side, or whatever you need to disprove his methods.
But this guy is playing to prove his claims...what are you doing?
Quote: michael99000My claim is that his methods are complete nonsense. Any proof of that, or that I’m wrong, would only have to involve witnessing his play
What is stopping you from witnessing his play?
The guy is playing in LV for the next month, he posts his intinerary every day.
Quote: coachbellyWhat is stopping you from witnessing his play?
The guy is playing in LV for the next month, he posts his intinerary every day.
Ridiculous. You can’t go and stalk the guy....asking some baccarat player “are you MDawg”...?
I highly doubt he would be amenable to that person.
Stop being ridiculous.
Quote: coachbellyBut you are not challenging your winnings, you are challenging his.
He maintains that he can win by using his methods, and he risks his money to that end.
If you are convinced that he cannot win with those methods, then risk your money to prove your convictions.
Bet his dark side, or whatever you need to disprove his methods.
But this guy is playing to prove his claims...what are you doing?
Playing by yourself and then posting about winning on gambling forums doesn’t prove anything.
Quote: coachbellyBut you are not challenging your winnings, you are challenging his.
He maintains that he can win by using his methods, and he risks his money to that end.
If you are convinced that he cannot win with those methods, then risk your money to prove your convictions.
Bet his dark side, or whatever you need to disprove his methods.
But this guy is playing to prove his claims...what are you doing?
"Bet his dark side"???
I hope you realize that in Baccarat both the Player and Banker bets are -EV.
Hope this helps!
Dog Hand
Quote: TDVegasRidiculous. You can’t go and stalk the guy....I highly doubt he would be amenable to that
MDawg seems amenable...
Quote: MDawgIf you're saying that if someone scopes out the guy at the high limit tables wearing a fifty or hundred grand watch with a stack of chips in front of him and yells MDAWG! that that guy would not turn around and say, "Who the F. are you?" Well, yes, correct. There is such a person in Vegas for the next week or two playing heavily.