FYI: Here's that thread:
Discussions about that system can be addressed here.
In short, it's a two-pronged system.
1 - Bet the inside minimum on the five most recent numbers hit. This plays into the fact that when glancing at the recent results display, you often see multiples. I'm still on the fence about the optimal number of recent numbers to bet on.
2 - Bet the outside minimum on the most recent dozens, as well as the least recent dozens. This plays into the system that some people have that you're very likely to hit, and it pays double, etc. Of course, a a win is combined with a loss and a loss is TWO losses. But it also plays into the emotion of betting on a 'hot' section of numbers, as well as a section that is 'due'.
Pressing the bets if it actually works and I'm doing OK, etc.
On most spins, one of the dozens would win, meaning an overall push.
I was planning on pressing the dozens bet by 50¢, but my problems were getting in my way.
Also, althogh on two spins NONE of my bets paid, on one spin, one of the inside numbers hit. And on the spin that my frustrations got the better of me where I hit the Cash Out button, another inside number hit, and one of the dozens would have hit.
I would have been ahead at that point if I played that last spin....
Quote: DJTeddyBear
> - This plays into the fact that when glancing at the recent results display, you often see multiples.
I'm glad!! Its really good to hear that others see more than one annunciator. I always thought it was because I was drunk. Oh... by multiples you mean repeating numbers even if not immediately in succession. Well, I don't know if takes place often but I assume that it would. Don't know if that means anything for the next roll though.
>I'm still on the fence about the optimal number of recent numbers to bet on.
I thought the whole point was that each number has the same chance of winning so its only a question of how high your bankroll is.
>Bet the outside minimum on the most recent dozens, as well as the least recent dozens.
>It plays into the emotion of betting on a 'hot' section of numbers, as well as a section that is 'due'.
You said it: EMOTION.
But prior to my trip in February, a friend suggested the idea of betting on two dozens. And something in a post here got me thinking about hot / repeating numbers.
So I figured I'd try it on RapidRoulette, since that should have gotten me the maximum number of trials for the time I was going to allot to it, and the lower betting unit appealed to me.
Yeah, each number has the same chance of hitting. But as is so often shown on those annunciator displays, there are frequent repeaters. Or one or two gap repeaters.
Yeah, I realize that the entire concept goes against all the math, but I'm willing to throw a few bucks at it to satisy my emotional belief that there might actually be something to the theory. I welcome discussion and comments about the optimal number of prior numbers to bet on.
Um.... Have a drink on me. You obviously need another. :)Quote:Its really good to hear that others see more than one annunciator. I always thought it was because I was drunk.
Simplest might be to do the most recent three numbers, but since in describing your impressions you focused on a one or two number gap that is what I would suggest you go for: Don't do a straight up bet on the most recent number, but do inside bets on the two previously spun numbers.
My first time at roulette I was doing Middle Dozen, Color and Middle Row ... for a long time it was working out great. And I didn't even really know what I was doing.
What I'm looking for is the optimal number of most recent hits to bet on.
For the record, when the interface allowed me to get my bets in, I was betting on the 5 most recent hits. The one time that one of those five hit, I left all five up.
Personally, I truly believe that, whatever the number, adding a gap to the mix is irrelevant and just makes it easier to screw up.
I.E. If this has any merit, and assuming that *5* is the optimum number of numbers to bet on, then betting on the 5 most recent hits, is just as good as betting on the 3rd thru 7th most recent hits.
My favorites:
Ten $10 bets on "36"--I have done okay with this. Minimal losses (my limit is $100) and some nice wins, including a repeater at Sahara.
Bet two columns at the bottom of the layout. I've had some long sessions with this one...
$10 spread with $5 on 17 and each of the three number groups covered in the middle. The extra $1 goes on the 36, of course!! When I have an odd number of chips after a winner, $1 often goes on the zero.
I'd like to hear what others do. I know it doesn't change the math behind the game, but I still enjoy a little roulette every trip. I just don't play more than one or two sessions of $100...
Quote: corvette888No,no no.I am a professional roulette player for over 30 years.Its the ONLY game I play in the casino.
A much better system,better than yours?Sure!I'm not going to go into detail.But just pick up the 2 roulette tapes or DVD's from John Patrick.
Try the action number system!But NOT on a choppy table!Chart the tables first and make sure your "action numbers"are coming in on that table.And if you lose 3 times in a row,leave that table immediately!Thats another problem with amateur roulette players!
I can't tell if you ARE John Patrick, or if you actually think it's possible to play roulette profitably over the long run on a fair wheel. I'll assume the former, since the latter is pretty obviously impossible.
Quote: corvette888No,no no.I am a professional roulette player for over 30 years.Its the ONLY game I play in the casino.
A much better system,better than yours?Sure!
Ahahahahahaha.....Thanks, I was having a pretty crappy morning until I read this post and got a good laugh. Obviously you like your system because it mentally stimulates you by having to do constant calculations under the assumption you are actually accomplishing something. Either that, or like POTUS said, you are John Patrick.
Not hundreds of dollars,atleast not all the time ect ect.Impossible?What rock did you crawl out from under?You more than likely have no idea of what the action number system is...and I only described it here in a little detail.Its obvious that when you are playing 22 numbers out of 38 numbers for every spin,your chances are very good,but the pay off is small and a grind.Impossible?Wow,I never heard such ignorance.Proof?Sure!All you have to do is buy his tapes.They were shot in Alantic City on a real roulette table....Harrahs,Clariage Casino's.With no setups,live with the dealers and a pit boss overlooking the whole scene.No cheating,no camera tricks.Certainly there is no system that will pay money all the time...the casino's would go out of business.But Roulette not paying off in the long run?I care to differ!I average a modest 1000-2000 dollars profit every year by Dec 31st.I keep strict records of my wins and losses.My bankroll is not too high,else I would win more.
The casino's do not have to have an unfair wheel or have that misconception about dealers knowing how to land that ball on a certain spot on the wheel.Its players like you rdw4potus,that "give away"your money with no real type of purly good system,or good money management system that will reduce the vigor of over 5% the Casino has on roulette.
So,you can "gawk"or say whatever you want...I have met guys like you every year who say impossible,this ,that...yes....impossible TO YOU,since you think just plugging down chips(like you do)and hoping for the "best"without charting,without preparation,without anything but false hope will in the long run actually lose for you!
Sorry,rdw4potus.You talk in "cliches".I've heard it before.I've heard it right aside of me at the table.The guy next to me had a buy in of 500 dollars.I had 80 dollars.After 45 minutes the guy next to me went broke.I was up 125 dollars,quit and got some dinner and two drinks.Later went back made one double dozen bet for 50 dollars.Hit and quit for the evening.Went home with 150 dollars.Not a big win but thats the key...conservative betting and quitting.
Never say impossible rdw4potus.For you maybe yes!Without even attempting to buy John Patricks tapes,you automatically make a statement like that?No system is perfect,but he goes into systems that are also not the martingale and others.Systems give you an approach to better gambling,once you have mastered the system that is best for you relative to your bankroll.You said it is impossible to pay a profit in the long run?Well,what length of time are you talking about?A long run could be a few weeks,months or a year or three.I might gamble only 5 months out of the year and only make 7 or 8 visits in 5 months.Are you saying that I can't come ahead after 8 visits covering the long run of 5 months?Stop talking silly!Its obvious you need some lessons on gambling.Well,I just gave you some advise above.Take it and stop trying to claim indirectly that others are lying!
As I recently commented on this forum, for 2010 ytd, I am ahead at craps. I have had 18 winning sessions, 14 losing sessions, and 5 break-even sessions. My winning sessions have netted 34.8% more than I lost in the losing sessions. Does that suggest that I have a winning system? No way!
I plan on giving myself every chance to make it into the negative realm before the end of the year, and I am committed to having as much fun as possible along the way. Next week brings a trip through Tunica, Greenville, Vicksburg, Pearl River, and Biloxi (at least 7 casinos on the schedule). In September I will be heading northeast, hitting casinos in Connecticut, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia, with the possibility of adding a few in Delaware on the trip home. Entertainment is the objective (and collecting souvenir chips). Money is just a way of keeping score.
Proper systems with charting and money management will logically yield better results,than guys who gamble like you...blindly and hoping for the best,which will not come nearly as often as me,aleast on the roulette table.
The casino's will always make money off of guys like you who have no real clue of whats going on,but think you do.
Did you ever try the system(s)i'm speaking of?Of course you did not!But you want to laugh?Well,its a dumb laugh for sure.You aren't retarded are you?
There is no such thing as a get rich method in any gambling system,but definitely a better way to win with the proper system,charting,money management and more.These things its obvious you do not do.You have neither the patience or desire to do the things I walking around for atleast a half hour or more charting the table for numbers that appear to match the numbers in the system,driving to the casino only when the minimums are DECREASED to 5 or 10 dollars which sometimes is only in the early morning hours at some casino's...this is part of the system to be able to drop down to the minimums when in a small losing streak ect.You have no clue Ruascott,it appears to laugh on guy!You will probably be sitting down aside of me one day,acting big,wearing a suit and smoking a cuban cigar.You will proudly display 2000 in chips piled high in front of you with a few black ones.I'll be the guy sitting aside of you with a measely 150 dollars in chips.After about an hour,after playing your favorite roulette numbers,anniversary numbers,birthdate numbers and a few outside big color bets that you have been losing quickly over the hour,you will stand up,sigh,and cash out all but the 20 dollars you have left,claming the wheel is fixed or the dealer is some kind of cheat.
After my hour is up,i'll stretch,and say the words "cash out" with 280 dollars on the table for a profit of 130 dollars.Get a buffet for 10 dollars and a margarita for another 10 dollars and drive home to Allentown,Pa.
Yes,Ruscott,you remind me of the guy that laughs(at guys like me) and plunks down the money with no real true game plan and goes away a loser.Hell,you say to yourself...if i can't win with a big bankroll like 2000 dollars,there is no way someone can beat ME in profit starting with only 150 dollars in chips!!!!
Ha,ha,the ignorance of some of you guys!
Doc,do not misunderstand me,I am not claming some kind of constant winning get rich system,but a system that will edge out players most of the time that simply plug down chips on their birthdate numbers!Its not hard to understand what I am saying here about profits and playing action # systems,hitting,then leaving the casino with small profits and no greed.
Congratulations, corvette, on your positive outcomes over the past decade. I hope you do not take offense if I attribute the results more to positive variance in your sample set rather than inherent advantages for whatever system you use. That's certainly how I view my own money-winning experience, in spite of the various "techniques" of rolling, wagering, and bankroll management that I might employ. In 2009, I was in the positive until a very negative period on a cruise ship in November. (That's negative in terms of net winnings; the entertainment was still great.) I did not keep detailed records before 2009, just assuming that I have to be a long-term losing bettor because of the games I choose to play.
I've read John Patrick Craps and used it. I've also read some of his Roulette "tips".
It's noise. Entertaining noise, and you write just like him. I have no doubt that some people following his method can churn a small profit. It'll just be a small percentage of people who try it. I also like the way that Mr Patrick always always blames the personality and temperament of the player for losing. it reminds of reading The Gambler by Dostoevsky.
Quote: corvette888Its obvious that when you are playing 22 numbers out of 38 numbers for every spin,your chances are very good,but the pay off is small and a grind.Impossible?Wow,I never heard such ignorance.
The house edge in double 0 roulette is 5.26%. It doesn't matter if you play 1 number, 22 numbers, or 37 numbers. There are 38 numbers on the board, and the house pays wins at 35:1.
Your 22 number system will win on 57.9% of spins. On those spins, you'll win 35 on the winning number and lose 21 on the numbers that didn't win. Your net win will be 14. You'll lose 42.1% of the time. When you lose, you'll lose 22 units. .421*22>.579*14. So your expected loss is greater than your expected win. How do you expect this to make you money over time?
Do I really have to go buy your book in order to "discover the secret of this winning system?"
And John Patrick is have already shown that players will not try things they refuse to believe in and you admitted it...only a small percentage try these things.Thats because roulette is an intimidating game for many and players like you with the personality that you possess will never succeed like me,and obviously no "discipline and patience"in charting tables and money management and probably play with no system at all....winning big at times on a straight up number and losing the next 5 times over the course of a year,bringing you down in the red.You have no patience for one.Did you purchase the tapes rather than the book?No,of course not!You can see live,how some of these systems can churn out a small profit..or larger depending upon your bankroll.Mine is small,but if I had 1000 dollar session money instead of 100 to 200 dollars,i'm sure I would be churning out alot more.
Casino's love players like you cesspit,keep up the good work and help pay their taxes.
"I could make 5 tapes on brain surgery.Dosen't mean i'd be good at it"
But it could also mean that John IS GOOD at it,right?
So,enough of YOUR nonsence cesspit!I met John many times at Harrahs in Alantic City and watched him play.More than once,they closed the table down on him after he was up 40-50 grand.I watched him play his systems not only in Roulette,but Craps and other games.His house in NJ was paid for with gambling wins.So all entertaining noise you say cesspit?
Oh,with a name like cesspit,i'm sure you know for sure... what I and Patrick says is all hot air and noise!?Right?
It is guys/players like you that Patrick is talking about.Don't make me laugh!
For example: if I place 3 one dollar chips on the line between 1/4,i'm playing 6 numbers at a payoff of 5:1.I repeat this with 3 chips on 10/13 line playing all 6 numbers and 3 chips on the line of 28/31.Then 2 chips on the square 17,18,20,21 which pays 8:1.Safety bet on zero,straight up,but not all the time.On a double zero table the single chip would go as a split between 0-00.This is all done for EACH spin of the ball,I repeat,each spin.After a few wins I add a chip or two to either all the chips or the line bets(double streets,sometimes skipping 1/5 line.)
So,NOW do the math!
3+3+3 chips on the 3 line bets =9 dollars+ 2 chips on the square bet=11 dollars total bet on that spin.
Say #2 came in.That will pay me 3x5 or 15 dollars.Subtract the losses....-8 dollars for a small profit of 7 dollars,or 6 dollars if I made a safety bet on that spin.
Not much,but that is just the beginning.If 17 came in that would pay 8:1,so then the profit would be:
2 chips x 8=16 dollars.Then minus the other chips....9 dollars for a profit of 7 dollars.
If zero comes in(on my safety bet) its 35:1 so its 35 dollars won minus 11 dollars on the 3 streets and square with 2 chips.....
or a profit of 24 dollars.If it is a double 00 table and 00 came in with my safety bet the profit would be:17 dollars minus 11 dollars on the other bets or 6 dollars profit.
After 3 wins,i'll add a chip to the streets and maybe the square,but only when i'm on a roll.
A few of those and i'm up 100-150 in no time..then its time to quit,atleast for that session.
And playing 22 numbers(23 numbers with the safety bet) out of 38 possibilities with the way the chips are spread across the wheel makes it one of the best system bets (for small but more consistant profits) on the roulette table!
That house edge you speak of is true(its called the vigor),but the house edge is reduced with this system substancially,especially since the edge is NOT 5.26 on the table at Harrahs in Alantic City which has a single zero green....its about one half that.But even on 00 tables this system is fairly good.On a roll if you combine the action number system with a double dozen bet,you can rack up some profit pretty quickly,as long as you quit after 9 or 10 spins!So not only is your math all screwed up rdw4...its obvious you need roulette/systems training...but i'm couldn't afford it!
First of all what you said about winning 50 dollars on 4 sessions(200 dollars profit) or 5 sessions(250 profit)then losing it all back in the 5th or 6th session of 300 dollars lost=50 to 100 dollars not a winning strategy,no way!
All this proves is that you have a loss limit that is way,way too high!Never lose 300 dollars at the roulette table....NEVER!Unless you are one of those rich guys that start your session at 1000 dollars or more,(which I doubt).
If I start with a 200 dollar buy in(common...either 200 or 300 is a common buy in)and this is generally the minimum amount buy in to effectively play roulette due to the ups and downs,especially on a choppy table.Then if you start with 200 dollars,have a loss limit of no more than say 80 dollars.And less than that with the action # system I described here in this forum.3 losses in a row or say 33 dollars max,then leave that table!Go to another table or quit for the night!Never bleed that amount of loss into your profits.Place a seperate pile of chips for your profits and bet placement chips.See,I would never lose 300 dollars at my 5th session...and thats why my profits will exist and other gamblers will lose.Most professional gamblers know that if you win 10% profit on your initial bankroll,you have done WELL for that session!Not much profit on 300 dollars,but thats because pro's gamble with thousands,not hundreds.So if i'm up 80 dollars and i started with 150 dollars...well time to quit!!!!!!An excellent night!
Now see the way I think as opposed to others here?And thats the difference in my "psyche"as compared to others who are not disciplined.
Good luck!
On a single zero roulette table, one can expect to get back $36 out of every $37 wagered, on average. Changing your wagers around to different numbers and different amounts does not affect this expectation. By increasing the portion of the 37 numbers that are covered on each roll, the variance in the outcome can be reduced. In fact, in the extreme it can be reduced enough that it is impossible to win. If you allow the variance to remain high enough, then it is possible that you can win on a single roll, for multiple rolls, and perhaps even over an extended period, but it is more likely that you will lose money on a single roll, for multiple rolls, and over an extended period. The more wagers that are placed, the more likely you are to approach the average of getting $36 back out of every $37 wagered.
But if you are having fun with the game and your wins and losses are in a range that you can afford, then keep at it. If you are not having fun, it seems like an awful way to be spending your time.
By the way, I don't play roulette any more. I decided that it is a mindless game that no longer provides me any entertainment. I acknowledge that craps is very similar in that it involves making (perhaps random) wagers on random numbers, but that game still entertains me.
edit: Perhaps I would still play roulette if they just let me spin the wheel and ball every once in a while.
Quote: corvette888Its obvious that when you are playing 22 numbers out of 38 numbers for every spin,your chances are very good,but the pay off is small and a grind.
Quote: corvette888In addition,I am playing on a single zero green table,not a double green 00 table!
There are 37 spaces on a single 0 wheel. Are you playing a wheel with one 0, or a wheel with 38 spaces?
Quote: corvette888
That house edge you speak of is true(its called the vigor),but the house edge is reduced with this system substancially,especially since the edge is NOT 5.26 on the table at Harrahs in Alantic City which has a single zero green....its about one half that.But even on 00 tables this system is fairly good.On a roll if you combine the action number system with a double dozen bet,you can rack up some profit pretty quickly,as long as you quit after 9 or 10 spins!So not only is your math all screwed up rdw4...its obvious you need roulette/systems training...but i'm couldn't afford it!
The vigor on a single 0 wheel is exactly half of the vigor on a double zero wheel. 1 green space is half of 2 green spaces.
The value of every win is lessened by, and directly proportional to, the number of green spaces on the wheel. Any dozen will pay 2:1, but the odds of winning are 12 in 37. Any inside bet will pay 35:1, but the odds of winning are 1 in 37. Since every individual bet on the board has a negative expectation, there is no way that a combination of negative expectation bets can increase the likelihood that you will win overall.
I do like the idea of walking away after a small win. Setting a low win threshold is a great way to go. But what do you do when you're losing? It seems like it wouldn't take very many losses before you'd undo several of those little wins.
As to what you said about averaging 36 back out of every 37 wagered on roulette?Thats ludicrous!Maybe the way you play or have played over 20 sessions or so,but there must be something wrong with the total disipline,style,sytems(if any)and money management ways you play.36 from 37?Wow.Unbelievable,this makes me sick...and time to leave this forum for now,i'm ready to throw up with unbelievably actually reading this?Where did you get that?Off a bathroom stall?
Sorry,but you are talking to a true pro in roulette and Craps and if I was to lose everthing back by the end of the year with that 36:37 formula you speak of,there is no way I would waste my gas in the Corvette to drive to Alantic City,NJ or the Sands in Bethlehem,Pa.!
Bye bye!
Quote: corvette888No,the losses are controlled,Rdw4.Like I said 3 losses in a row,then I quit for the night or move to another table.Sometimes I leave the table after 2 losses in a row...extreme disipline,but only if there are a few open tables at 5am!Loss limit is critical in small profit systems.So is win limit!
I fail to see how leaving the table for a finite amount of time and returning later increases your chance of winning over staying at the table. Did the ball see you leave? Does it know when you left that it made you lose 2x in a row and when you come back it owes you a couple? Will it let the ball at the other table know?
Quote: RPToroSorry to butt in with a meaningless post, but I truly hope that corvette isn't gone from this thread for good. This is way too entertaining.
I hate to get snarky, but sometimes you can't resist. Plus I always look at it as we are obliged to defend the math, not for the dissenting poster, but for all of the new gamblers that might be finding this forum and thinking that something looks too good to be true.
If you are new to gaming, Corvette DID say the most honest thing in this thread so far, regarding this system:
"...I'm couldn't afford it."
Quote: corvette888
As to what you said about averaging 36 back out of every 37 wagered on roulette?Thats ludicrous!
Are you joking now? Name one Roulette bet that has a positive expectation. You can't. There aren't any. Add two negative numbers together in your head (use paper if necessary). Did you get an even bigger negative number? How in the world can you possibly think you have a strategy to actually beat a fair roulette game?
It's one thing to shamelessly shill for a worthless-but-entertaining gambling book. It's another to actually believe the crap "strategy" in the book. If this strategy was NOT mathematically guaranteed to fail, do you really think that casinos would continue to offer the game?
One more thing...if you really think your strategy works, you should talk to the Wizard or JB about their system testing challenge. If you're up after 1 billion (?) simulated spins, JB will give you $1,000,000 (?). And you don't have to front any money at all to participate in the trial(?). I can't find the details of the challenge right now, but if you're interested I'm sure someone can point you in the right direction...
Quote: corvette888
So,enough of YOUR nonsence cesspit!I met John many times at Harrahs in Alantic City and watched him play.More than once,they closed the table down on him after he was up 40-50 grand.I watched him play his systems not only in Roulette,but Craps and other games.His house in NJ was paid for with gambling wins.So all entertaining noise you say cesspit?
Oh,with a name like cesspit,i'm sure you know for sure... what I and Patrick says is all hot air and noise!?Right?
It is guys/players like you that Patrick is talking about.Don't make me laugh!
No, his house was paid for by fools like yourself who bought his books and videos. Quit wasting your time typing on this forum, people here are too intelligent to buy into any of the crap you are spewing. Besides, if you want people to actually read what you write, learn how to type and put some spaces after your sentences. My 6 yr old nephew can type more legibly than you, but he probably has more sense than you too, since he does believe in math.
Quote: RPToroSorry to butt in with a meaningless post, but I truly hope that corvette isn't gone from this thread for good. This is way too entertaining.
I'm quite sure he is gone, off to some other site to sell his worthless books/systems/fake-math.
Quote: ruascottNo, his house was paid for by fools like yourself who bought his books and videos. Quit wasting your time typing on this forum, people here are too intelligent to buy into any of the crap you are spewing. Besides, if you want people to actually read what you write, learn how to type and put some spaces after your sentences. My 6 yr old nephew can type more legibly than you, but he probably has more sense than you too, since he does believe in math.
I'd lay dollars to donuts that was John Patrick. The style was so similar. Right down to the bile for anyone who challenges his system and basing it all on 'money management' and 'discipline'.
I noted how there was no explanation of the action point system in detail (JPatrick's 'systems' are always very vague on how they progress) or even in general. It's a classic process... create a strawman so you can knock the oppostion down when they point it out. "Oh you think I meant that! Oh you are dumb!".
No fun if they've left, I was going to list the logical fallacies. I always love ad hominem attack... especially one's based on Login Names :)
Quote: DJTeddyBearit's a two-pronged system.
1 - Bet on the five most recent numbers.
2 - Bet on the most recent dozens, as well as the least recent dozens.
So how has this system been doing for you recently?
Today I played Channel Roulette! I happened to come across a repeat of those Travel Channel Secrets of Las Vegas and one man was saying that the casinos profits increased thirty percent when they installed the tote boards. I know those annunciators do not predict that next spin, but apparently alot of players think it helps to know that last fifteen numbers. I didn't see who it was who made the statement and I don't quite recall if he meant Drop, Hold or Handle or Whatever.
Let me put it this way: I was in Vegas last week. I didn't play Roulette at all.Quote: FleaStiffSo how has this system been doing for you recently?Quote: DJTeddyBearit's a two-pronged system.
1 - Bet on the five most recent numbers.
2 - Bet on the most recent dozens, as well as the least recent dozens.
I KNOW all systems, ultimately, are losers. So if I was gonna donate to the Vegas bottom line, I'd do it at a game I have more fun playing.
Like I said in the original post. I provided the system details just to share something that Roulette players might find interesting and/or useful.
Quote: DJTeddyBearLet me put it this way: I was in Vegas last week. I didn't play Roulette at all.
LOL. I guess it is not to your liking then. At 5.26 percent, it might well not be to my particular liking either, but I often need to sit down after playing craps, so its a way of taking a break.
>I provided the system details just to share something that Roulette players might find interesting and/or useful.
Despite some heated comments on the thread, I'm sure we all appreciate your thoughtfulness. It was interesting. Clearly it was interesting but I wondered how useful it had been. So if you've no inclination to put it to the test, perhaps someday I shall do it in a slightly modified fashion.
I did that months ago, as indicated earlier (first post?)
It was actually working that time, but I got tripped up with problems using the RapidRoulette system.
By the way, I DO see the irony in that my Hit It Again bet is for Roulette, and I generally don't play Roulette.
Do you stick to the double street all the time or at times you shift to i.e 7/10 or 31/34?
Quote: DJTeddyBearLet me put it this way: I was in Vegas last week. I didn't play Roulette at all.
I KNOW all systems, ultimately, are losers. So if I was gonna donate to the Vegas bottom line, I'd do it at a game I have more fun playing.
Like I said in the original post. I provided the system details just to share something that Roulette players might find interesting and/or useful.
"I KNOW all systems, ultimately, are losers" >>> As long as this is YOUR belief, thats fine. I'm only saying, please dont state that because you feel PRESSURED (to fit in) into stating it.
we r gonna call 1-12 dozen (A) and 13-24 dozen (B) and 25-36 Dozen (C)
ok say the last number to come out was 36, then that was dozen C
Bet $25 on Dozen C
Bet $25 on Dozen B
Now the only numbers uncovered are, 0,00,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
bet $5 on 5 numbers therefore risking $25 ( Im gonna call it the Free-Roll system)
so bet $5 on any of the 5 remaining numbers, i would go with ( MY HOTT! #'s) 0,00 SPLIT!, 3,10,11,12 thats 6 numbers but its 5 bets risking $25. so if the ball lands in either dozen B or C U BREAK EVEN. If they ball lands on 3,10,11,12 u win $175. however u lose $25 on dozen B as well as $25 on Dozen C as well as $5 on 4 of the numbers that equals $70. 175-70 = 105 profit. Leaving u only 8 numbers to lose all of ur bets which would equal a loss of 25+25+25 = 75, keep repeating and win money!! and of course i am open to any suggestions by anyone...i was also thinking about increasing the bet on the **2 dozens if i lose previous spin, maybe go from 25 and 25 to 75 and 75 after a loss, only on the dozens... lemme know what u guys think PLEASE!
Quote: corvette888Try the action number system!But NOT on a choppy table!
Aha, so that's your exit strategy - when your system loses (i.e., almost always), it's a wrong table!
Quote: System2Win87i also believe in HOTT! numbers that come out on every roulette wheel often, i believe there are 17 (HOTT! numbers) of them and it would b useful to memorize them, they are as follows:
Just asking... what makes you think the numbers you cited come out more often than the numbers you didn't cite? If they really did, why wouldn't you just bet on those exact numbers over and over again? Don't you find it odd that in the history of roulette no one other than you has ever noticed this amazing list of 'hot numbers'?
Quote: teddysAre you Lucky Ned?
Teddy, clearly you don't follow Lucky Ned's IncrediSystem for Roulette, or you would know that (s)he's not him. Here is what Lucky Ned says on 10
And on 0 and 00Quote: Lucky NedThis ten ain't no ten for luck.
Quote:AVOID THE GREENS ..... the ball avoids them unless it is tired and can't go anywhere else.
there are however a few minor flaws in the game most dont realize. "nothing is perfect". yes betting systems work to a degree, but no matter what if you play long enough you will eventually lose your money to the mathematics.
the dozen column on the far right labeled 2 to 1 has most of the numbers in a clump generally on one half of the wheel. the way i think of it, is instead of having a 1 in 3 chance of hitting that column, i have a 1 in 2 chance of hitting that specific column, as the ball no matter what will land on only "half of the wheel". its kind of like thinking that i have closer to a 50% chance of winning as compared to a 33% chance. hence the third 2 to 1 column (the one with the number 36) could in theory have slightly better odds then the other 2 where the numbers are randomly sprawled around the wheel intermixed with the other two rows???? yes, you can lose all your money no matter what, but every little thing you can do to try your best to increase you CHANCES is better then doing nothing at all.
also if you place 5 line bets(double street bets or six number bets) you will have covered 30 of, and all but 8 of the numbers. thats something like 79% of them. that bets wins 5 to 1 when it wins, you will lose the other 4 but get your 5 to 1 payout on the winning one, hence gaining 1 chips value 79% of the time(plus keeping the winning bet). its actually really hard for the game to beat you playing this way as you will only typically lose all of them 21% of the time. in reality you have pretty damn good odds doing so, you need a heftier bank roll but its def better odds then betting red or black. (something like 47% chance for each) as always you can of course still lose all your money, but you have to have some pretty bad luck at the time. if you place more then 5 of these bets you will be guaranteeing the house gets atleast on chip, and if you bet any less your making it harder for yourself to win.
i have also found that by placing a chip on all the red numbers on the board is much greater of a payoff then placing one chip on the red spot, as you will lose 17 chips and get 35 everytime it lands on red. but of course it is also a much greater loss at the same time.
Are you aware that if you put 1 chip on each of the 18 red numbers, or 18 chips on the Red space, the payoff is EXACTLY the same?Quote: ponyboyi have also found that by placing a chip on all the red numbers on the board is much greater of a payoff then placing one chip on the red spot, as you will lose 17 chips and get 35 everytime it lands on red. but of course it is also a much greater loss at the same time.
Quote: ponyboythe dozen column on the far right labeled 2 to 1 has most of the numbers in a clump generally on one half of the wheel.
the way i think of it, is instead of having a 1 in 3 chance of hitting that column, i have a 1 in 2 chance of hitting that specific column, as the ball no matter what will land on only "half of the wheel". its kind of like thinking that i have closer to a 50% chance of winning as compared to a 33% chance. hence the third 2 to 1 column (the one with the number 36) could in theory have slightly better odds then the other 2 where the numbers are randomly sprawled around the wheel intermixed with the other two rows???? yes, you can lose all your money no matter what, but every little thing you can do to try your best to increase you CHANCES is better then doing nothing at all.
Colums 2 and 3 are close to each other. (column #1 is the column with the #1 on top etc.)
Also note the 2nd 12.
Unless the dealer is aware of the wheel distribution and can hit them more than random, it is something just nice to see.
The American 00 wheel looks as below.

Dozens (or Sections)

The Euro 0 wheel looks as below.

Dozens (or Sections)

and hey thanks for the diagrams. column 2 and 3 appear very similar, column 3 "half being from 15 to 16. its sure better then or closer to what i described then column 1 is. i would still say that column 3 has the best odds, the numbers are more evenly spaced and "the half" takes up "more of half" in theory.
thanks, those are cool.
what do you think?
Stopping the wheel.
I did my own research. If you look at the wheel, notice that the 2nd twelve numbers. You can see 3 gaps where they do not exist. Each dead zone is 8 numbers long and totals 16 spaces. The 1st 12 on the wheel you can see 6 gaps 3 spaces long with one 1st 12 number in the middle of each 2 groups of 3. The total number of spaces in the 3 gaps totals 21 total spaces with 3 winning 1st 12 numbers. If you subtract the 3 winners from the 21 total spaces, the 1st 12 numbers have 18 spaces where the player 1st 12 will loss. For the 3rd 12 has 4 gaps, 7 spaces each and each set of 3 is separated by one 3rd 12 winning number. Doing the math the total number of spaces in the for areas the 4 gaps have 28 numbers. Subtract the four 3rd 12 winning numbers and the total number of spaces in those areas is 24 for the 3rd 12 player.
What's my point:
The 2nd 12 "dead zones" cover roughly 1/2 the wheel implying that 2nd 12 is a little better than an even money bet.
The 3rd 12 "zones with life in the middle" covers 24 spaces and looks like the entire wheel, yet the double numbers make this section almost a 2-1 bet.
The 1st 12 "Zones with life" covers 2/3's of the wheel, looks like a good 2-1 bet, but is actually closer to 3-1.
College Try:
So I when back May 1st. I bet the 2nd 12 and redeemed a 40 dollar coupon for cash and walked out with 95.00 that hour. This was followed by 7 days of winning and an average with of $92.50 per hour. Monday. It was coupon day again. I was tired and misplaced my 1st 2 bets on the 2nd 12. a 2nd 12 won and I played my next bet. I then used the coupon chips and eventually hit a 135 wager. I left the casino after 15 minutes 125 up for the hour. In this time I waded through an 8 spin series and came in at the tail end of a 20-0 run for the house versus the 2nd 12.
Wagering System. Assuming all bets are lost. 5, 5, 10, 20 , 30, 40, 65, 100, 150
The Complete View:
Bank: Cash In Pocket ($200 minimum)
Bet only 2nd 12 2-1 Wager:
Wagering system: where after win (if any) 2nd 12 bettor reverts back to top 5 dollars bet.
2nd 12 player plays for an hour to 75 minutes
2nd 12 player Options:
...plays until he or she runs out of money, or slams into house limit
The Very Bottom Line:
...With wagering system above, 2nd 12 player must catch a winner before runing out of money, or slams into house limit
...I needs to put half the money in my pocket in the bank but that will cut my bankroll in half
if the house beats a 2nd 12 number 5 times in a row, what are the odds of the house catching the 6th number in a row? 10-1? about 3-1?