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November 19th, 2023 at 10:01:39 PM permalink
Hello everybody !

My name is Cedric and I would like to talk about a new card counting strategy I developped.

Everyone know the classic HiLo strategy based on +1/-1 operations to perform the "True Count" and play only when it let you an advantage. The issue with this method is that you need a really huge bankroll to have low benefits because the system is not adaptative about decision during the game. I know, you have Illustratous table when the shoe is hot but it's still approximative...

I worked as Game Engine Developper for a popular online Casino company in Belgium during 7 years and I developped a lot of games, including Blackjack of course. With this experience I developped a new card counting strategy that dynamically adapt the choice table depending on the cards drawn. This algorithm is really more accurate because performed by a computer. With this I reach a RTP of about 101.5% when the shoe is hot. And it is hot really faster than on the classic HiLo counting system.

I also wanted to perform the side bets RTP because even if its pretty rare it give you a advantage, when it does it is pretty huge so after multiple simulation of 100.000 games, each time I got an advantage of about 2.5% against the house.

It is really simple to use and I published a website about this strategy some weeks ago. I dont know if I can post the link here so I prefer to tell you the website is reachable from google, just search about "EBCC blackjack" and you will find it really quick.

If you have any question, feel free to ask it Will be a pleasure for me to answer :)
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November 20th, 2023 at 2:36:07 AM permalink
I notice a subscription is required.

Does your service act as a blackjack computer? (similar to "Thor" or "David"?)

No judgement to the spam status of this post should be inferred; you are free to judge on your own and do as you deem appropriate. I'm curious on the subject matter, and recuse for now.
May the cards fall in your favor.
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November 20th, 2023 at 3:35:17 AM permalink
I am linking his site
he claims that Hi/Lo strategy (combined with Basic Strategy (expert play of the hands) which he does not state) will return to the player 100.1% of his action
that is an error
he meant 101%
he claims that his EBCC strategy will return to player 102.5%

edit - from his post the much higher return comes from side bets although this is not indicated on site's home page which to me seems disingenuous

his site requires a subscription - I don't know if it requires a payment - I didn't get that far

I'm not recommending anybody pay if it does require that - in fact I would recommend against that

Last edited by: lilredrooster on Nov 20, 2023
the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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November 20th, 2023 at 4:07:51 AM permalink
I posted about this on which is run by Norm Wattenberger
He is one of the world's top bj experts who has developed software for advantage play - he then posted this:

"I delinked the url, but it can still be copied into a browser. It appears that the "strategy" requires that you enter into the software every card in the discard tray and table and it does a composition dependent calculation. Also the claims are based on far too small a sample.

I already removed one spam of his. If there is another, please point it out."

the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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November 20th, 2023 at 4:59:39 AM permalink
Quote: lilredrooster

"I delinked the url, but it can still be copied into a browser. It appears that the "strategy" requires that you enter into the software every card in the discard tray and table and it does a composition dependent calculation. Also the claims are based on far too small a sample.

link to original post


CD strategy computer for a subscription (fee?). Got it.

(If I were offering an 8D 50% pen game, I don't think I'd lose sleep worrying about edge erosion.)
May the cards fall in your favor.
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November 20th, 2023 at 7:29:50 AM permalink
this guy states:

"I reach a RTP of about 101.5% when the shoe is hot"
on that same other forum I posed a question to Don Schlesinger, author of the book "Blackjack Attack" - one of the greatest BJ books ever written
my question relates to his statement and his answer indicates that it does not require that "the shoe is hot"

here is my question and his response:


I have a question for Don too.
How much would a player gain in profitability by using all of the advanced strategies in your book_______?
Compared to a player who simply plays Hi/Lo and does not deviate from Basic.
I am guessing that he would increase his profitability by about 20%.
Is that about right______?

Quote: DSchles;311682

No, it's not right.
The answer depends a great deal on the game and rules. I'll give you the answer for 6-deck 4.5/6 S17 DAS Play All 1-12.
Using no indices and just BS, SCORE = 11.84
Using all indices (117), SCORE = 21.94
Increase is 85.3%. And, understand that if you use only a fraction of those 117 indices, you will nonetheless obtain most of the available gain.

as you can see, the gain from using the indices in Don's book is much greater - and does not require a "hot shoe"

the foolish sayings of a rich man often pass for words of wisdom by the fools around him
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