April 7th, 2018 at 1:32:28 PM
An interesting article "China Has the Cards to Call Trump's Bluff" includes the observation that:
Makes sense but 2022 is along way off. I'm wondering what sort of pressure they can put on Adelson in the next couple of months.
Quote:Las Vegas Sands Inc., controlled by 2016's biggest conservative political donor Sheldon Adelson, doesn't technically export anything much to China -- but if Macau authorities decided to strip away the license for his casinos that's up for renewal in 2022, the company could lose three-fifths of its revenue in a flash.
Makes sense but 2022 is along way off. I'm wondering what sort of pressure they can put on Adelson in the next couple of months.
My goal of being well informed conflicts with my goal of remaining sane.
April 7th, 2018 at 2:16:46 PM
Just the threat not to renew would cause the stock to fall at least as much as Trumps lies about Amazon did this week.
The older I get, the better I recall things that never happened