Apr 18, 2013
Diabolical Dastardly Darkside Dunk Defeats Dazzling Deal
Happened again.I can't seem to learn my lesson with the e-craps at Md Live. Wednesday I am checking out the early morning scene. Craps tables look like they are going to be available 24/7 at the joint but for now at least minimums are a killer. I was expecting that, so sought out the e-craps instead, might as well play a bit. Sure enough $5 minimum is available. I always play the darkside with the e-craps since there is a certain degree of privacy and I like the idea there should be fewer losing streaks on darkly winning your points. But the 3 or so times I've been there and let the dice "roll" enough times to win or lose a bit of money it has gone the same way, disaster! I am totally snakebit now!
It was typical on how the darkside gets me there. The history on 7 shows fewer 7s than average [which I trust since it is auto-posted]. First thing that happens is 7-winner [darkside loser] grrrrr. Then I'm winning the next couple of bets, 7-out [darkside winners with odds]. The next point is a 6 and I make a DC bet and another point is to be resolved. This is supposed to be a nice situation! Why not another DC? As long as points are to be resolved, it's just loading up the gun with bets that I am now favored to win! Sure enough I've got about 5 going, I've loaded a dazzling deal! It's noticeable now, though, that the machine can't seem to roll a 7. I lay off any more betting for a bit, but after a couple of my bets get knocked off, I do the DC again and replace one or two. But that 7 won't come! The history is now showing it's the longest roll in the history [ although pretty sure that is a very limited history... still!] Diabolically each and every bet gets knocked off as I watch, now too miffed to replace them. To add insult to injury, a 6 is finally rolled to lose the line bet too. All my bets are gone! I am down $150 in no time flat.
The most perverse thing? The history shows only three 7s were rolled and of course one of them was 7-winner taking out one of my line bets!
I can't seem to learn my lesson with the e-craps at Md Live Lesson learned. No more perverse e-craps at Md Live.
Mar 21, 2013
Harrington Cools But Stays Fun
Finally made it to Harrington DE this Tuesday, a week later than planned due to car problems. So I had a bill to pay, time to play some craps! [g]Harrington has found a way to get me there "and I can't say no" by sending me each month $30 in match play coupons, a free ace coupon playable up to $100, and $50 to spend on food. Plus free breakfast buffet certain days. The value is way more than my play generates in theoretical losses, even including the tipping it's quite a bit more. So if this continues I'll find a day to go to Harrington as long as I live somewhat close.
This time around my luck was the complete opposite of last time, when the coupons bombed but my luck generally was very good. This time the free ace caught a king for a $100 win and 2 out of 3 match play coupons won at the craps line [didn't play odds on those]. I played through one shoe at BJ; I managed to sit down at a $25 table. A lower limit table was possibly available but I was getting frustrated, having sat down at what looked like a BJ table that instead was not BJ but "Ace King Blackjack", whatever the hell that is supposed to mean, and was told I couldn't play the free ace there. The sign just showed the letters A and K and the word Blackjack. Grrrr. So by the time I found somewhere I could play it it was just time to play. After playing through the 8 deck shoe I left exactly $100 up, from the free ace. The shoe gave me a couple of other Blackjacks but my doubling down is cursed, doomed when I do it, and I lost a couple of those to give the BJ wins back. It's just not my game, certainly not for $25 minimum and the lousy luck with doubling I've had.
The first session at Craps was $5 min, 3x4x5x, the whole 2.5 hours or so. This was through the lunch hour and I had expected $10 min. Aside from a few brief shining moments, though, the house was scooping it all up. Towards the end we went through about 8 shooters who couldnt make a point. I colored up $300 down, which I was happy about actually, imagining I must be down almost $500. The $5 min, plus the coupon wins, must have saved the session from total disaster.
After taking some breaks reading some mags and going through the BJ diversion [which actually occurred between craps sessions] it was time for another session. Much of this session was played $10 on the line and I went 4x odds much of that time. Actually the table was still $5 min when I started but I misunderstood a comment. Luckily the table was hot for a while and I clawed back a chunk of my money. Soon enough though nobody could make enough of their points to keep us above water and I was giving it back. A lady showed up at that point and spanked the dice good [why is it always a woman?] and we got it back and then some. The table then turned $10 min and I waited for the dice to come back to her, but the cubes were ready and weren't to be pushed around this time. At that point it was time to color up again, I had bet pretty heavy with her, piling up my come bets and odds as is my M.O. I was up about $150 for the session, left a tip, and found myself down $75 for the day, including tips. Not bad, no complaints.
All in all a lot of fun and I ate free of cost [just tips]. We'll have to see what the H. has to offer for April. Could be once winter is over, the nice offers will end. I could tell a lot of people had the food comps and were there with gaming coupons, every once in a while there would be a big line various places. I waited those out, might have been buses unloading [plenty of old folks].
PS: just confirmed today, 3-26-13, same deal is in the works for April. I was thinking, if someone told me this stuff, I'd figure they were just getting regular comps in line with their action. Full of it, in other words.
It sounds like you only got paid even money for your blackjack with the free Ace coupon?
>you only got paid even money for your blackjack with the free Ace coupon?
Correct. Apparently that is to be expected. One of the best coupons you can get, if only a guy had a pocketful!
Feb 23, 2013
Gambling and Family
This thread got me thinking. http://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/craps/13130-craps-betting-strategies/I offered this opinion:
"IMO this is the wrong goal to have; earning enough, saving enough. investing correctly, keeping control of yourself along with maintaining and enjoying the support of your spouse and family so that you have such a sufficient bankroll, with family support, for your recreation that the ups and downs won't matter.
This is the right goal for Craps play if I may be so flattered as to think anyone cares for my opinion. "
I've given this some thought. *All* these things have to be juggled or there will be problems, and I think you can say it is quite a challenge to pull it all off. But I have highlighted the spouse/family thing because I am in fairly good shape with all the other factors but am still struggling to get my wife on board to the degree I would like. And she gambles [some] herself! As far as other family, I barely have ventured into that area. It's less important, but can't blow it off completely. I don't like the idea of a brother, say, going tsk tsk about it. We are not a gambling family, generally speaking, and you know what that means.
In fact I am sad to report that it is imperative to misrepresent things somewhat to my wife. In my life in general I have taken great pride in my honesty, but I have not been able to maintain this in my marriage. Even outside of gambling I have to take care to have control over the representation of various matters, lest those matters go in to a different direction than I would like. This has been a disappointment to me, but to be sure I would put my wife up against 99% of the other women in the world when it comes to being a good mate. We are very close and loving with very few issues, and the marriage is strong. That's astounding when you think about it.
When it comes to gambling, it is just a fact that she will over-react to it. She has no idea how much cash I need to have around for one thing, that just remains undiscussed. As far as the gambling itself, when I lose, it's just better to minimize how much. But when I win, I also have found I have to play that down! Otherwise she will consider it a windfall and want to blow the money! I would say that indeed I do want to work on improving this situation. As of now I have made little progress. Seems as though it would take some sort of ingenuity as a husband I just havent figured out yet.
These things I have done:
*I have put it bluntly that I am not asking her permission when I plan to gamble. If you want my advice, this is imperative.
*I don't lie to her about what I am doing [like claiming I am fishing when I go to a casino instead]. This was a close call, though, and I was tempted in the past.
*I have explained that it is possible to get over-compensated in the way of free play, match play, free ace coupons, etc., and that it makes complete sense to take advantage of it when it comes by. I get the feeling she is not buying it 100% though.
These things I have failed at:
*She has a fear of ruin that happens to so many gamblers. Of course, there is foundation for this outside of my own experience. That is not to say I think I should be smug about it. But she is not fully on board here.
*Having come to a figure myself only recently about sufficient bankroll, $10,000, I haven't broached the subject to her. I imagine she thinks it is in the hundreds as that is all she ever sees or knows about. But this figure needs to be what I am willing to lose completely and live with it, if it comes to that. I add 0.1% of easily liquidate-able assets to that every year for maintenance and currently it is topping $10k, but the fact is, I can't comfortable play craps and worry about losing $5k or so [with bad luck over many sessions of course] and figure my gambling is over. She has no concept of this.
I wouldnt mind some advice if anyone has the spouse/family thing under control! Fire away!
PS: recently I figured out that I have lost $175/yr gambling in casinos, or $250 if you don't count the years that had no gambling [since 1998 when I first truly would spend any time in a casino]. She is going to hear the first figure next time we talk on this subject. She'll have to do the math herself to add it up though [g]
That's a bitch, OG. My ex was like this, only worse, and for everything About the best I could hope for was resentful brooding, so you're way ahead of the game there.
All of the stuff you're doing leaves little for improvement, so I've only got one thing that might give her pause to think - Show her how much hobbies cost.
Gambling, since it usually ends in a loss, is easy to vilify. It’s a black and white number, BOOM, you’re down this much. All the other things that could cost way more aren’t so obvious.
Hockey is a good example for me. My season costs ~$180 a year, that’s ice time and insurance. Hard to argue that one, it’s incredible value for enjoyment. But if I actually broke it down all the way…my god. When you figure broken sticks, skate maintenance, travel, tourney fees, and time lost at work, the actual total of a year of hockey for me is $2,825.72, and that doesn’t include food, beer, and medical bills. Food and beer alone will push that over $3,500, and I’m guessing my impending surgery will put it over $6,000. But, unlike the black and white gaming statement, it’s easy to hide that ~$3,000 and just call it “$180”.
I remember the same for motorsports, too. You think in terms of cost of vehicle. If you can afford $5,000 for a toy and can get more than $5,000 of enjoyment, it seems an obvious choice. But then figure fuel, tolls, entry fees to tracks, something to haul with, trailer, maintenance, repairs, and damn medical bills again (lol) and you’re talking an extra several thousand a year, every year, all of it “easy to hide”. After all, your toy “only cost $5,000”.
Break down something she likes, or something you gave up, or something you almost did but thought twice about, just like this. Perhaps a little perspective is all it takes. I do this a lot for the things I do (in case you couldn’t tell =P) As you’ve seen on DT, I shave my head, something I’ve done myself since ’98. That $6.50 every two weeks I’ve saved comes to $4,225 saved so far, or $169 a year, basically the same as your gambling expense. Losing $4k seems like a kick to the nuts. Seeing that it’s no more expensive than a bi-weekly haircut at ‘90s prices kind of puts it into perspective.
And hey! You might actually come home with money! For all I’ve spent, all I have to show for it is brain, ligament and cartilage damage =p
You're right. I'll have to work this into the conversation. With gambling, the travel expense is sometimes picked up by the comping, too, so the unseen expenses of gambling are less of a whitewash.
Good thinking! btw, perhaps inspired, the conversation got along a bit last night and seemed to go OK.
No matter how much you talk of being Over-Comped and taking advantage of a FREE-THISORTHAT, she knows its a lure to get you in the casino's doors and this time you are going to lose heavily and wake up between a blonde and a red-head. Face it, some wives are just experts at gambling ... until you take them along.
Fleastiff, you are right. Whatever happens, good or bad, fact is she does not have control. Lest you think I am slamming her for that, on the contrary, it just means she's normal. We all want control. It's human.
I think that advice goes for all gambling, not just craps :-)
Feb 06, 2013
3 Suits Show at Hot Table in Harrington
Out of the blue the Casino in Harrington DE sends me some great coupons etc. for February. Go figure, I was definitely in the Low Roller file for the last year or so, Piker Division, Category Send-This-Guy-A-Chance-At-A-Drawing-THAT'S-IT. But all of a sudden in the mail I get 3 $10 match play coupons and a Free Ace coupon allowing a $100 bet. The Match play is good for a ton of even money bets including the pass line in Craps. Furthermore certain days the breakfast buffet is free, and to top it off I have $50 to generally blow on food comps in the place. I honestly have no idea how I got out of the Low Roller file, that someone made a mistake is probably a good guess.Tuesday I get a chance to go over there. After the breakfast buffet I'm in the mood for a couple of good sessions of Right-Side Craps, and need to play at least a little BJ to use the Free Ace Coupon. So I make a Match Play bet to start out my Craps; shooter needs to make a point and I find I can bet the free odds not only on the ten dollars I put down but also the value of the match, so I can bet free odds of $200 on that bet with their 10x odds rules. I chicken out and go with $100; it's a seven-out. Next match play goes down with 3-Craps. Next match play winner-7, but not such a good start for the coupons.
It is a $5 3x4x5x table actually as usual for 9:30 when I started; 10x odds are for $10 line bets. I'm betting $5 on the Pass Line with full odds, getting extra action once in a while with come bets. Players are betting plenty in the center and doing fire bets and the whole 9 yards, but the table is kind and favoring especially the Yo bettors and people are mostly sticking around. I am up plenty and ready for a break, but can't make myself leave this table. Finally around noon the table changes to $10 minimum and I am wary, not making come bets now, but things are still chugging along good enough for me to want to wait and see. I decide to go with 5x odds. I grow the 'roll a bit and give it back some, but it recovers again. Then shooters really start making long rolls and I start making the come bets. The Yo bettors and the Field bettors are cleaning up with lots of 11's and 12's getting rolled [12s pay 3x]. The table is getting pretty excited and it just keeps getting better. I am going for it with plenty of action on line bets, but don't want more than 3 numbers to make at any time. Finally it comes around to a lady shooter and she gets hot and I decide I am going for broke, putting up as many Come bets as I can, but she keeps making her points! I don't care how many numbers I have up! When I do have 3 numbers up she hits those and I have to keep replacing them to keep 3 up, most of the time I can't keep 3 up. My favorite situation! I start betting 6 or 8 on $30 Place bets, unusual for me, to make sure both of those numbers are covered, but she is rolling them all and I can't believe all the Yo's.
This is when 3 Suits show up to check out the action. It's clear they are paying out thousands, probably 10s of thousands, and they really seem to want to make sure all is on the up and up. I have decided to color up along with 3 or 4 other players. I have nearly doubled my $1000 buy-in with a $900 win, first $100 odds loser and all gotten back and more, and brother that is excellent for me. Somehow it's 3:30 in the afternoon.
I call home and find out I have forgotten about an appointment late in the afternoon. I have to leave but stop by to use the Free Ace coupon. That's a loser! So I get to laugh at how my coupons were a bust, but it was a great day at the Craps table.
I don't even have time to find out how to spend the $50 in comps, and I am unlikely to return to the H this month!
Out of time now too, will post this.
What a great Craps session, congratulations!
Jan 27, 2013
The 'Brier
Some enjoyable gaming at the 'Brier in WV this week. So my New Year's resolution, to gamble more, is under way.A change in the BJ being offered, it's no longer S17 but H17. This time lost a minor amount playing BJ for a couple of hours. Only saw one hand where dealer took another card to hit soft 17, and it didnt matter to anyone's hand. In Craps, I'm amazed that merely pushing on '12' sends a darkside player from @ 1.4% PA to @1.4% HE as you get no sense the 12 is playing much of a role. Now at BJ I'll evidently be amazed at the effect of this rule change that matters a lot but [so far] is seldom seen in action.
Good couple of days at the Craps table slugging it out for about 3 hours each day. Apparently will still not be able to hang with the Big Boys at the WoV forum as such stretches are quite enough, thank you. $5 table action was never upped to anything higher, and still 3x4x5x. The second night the table was hot nearly the whole time and I made back all losses in BJ and prior day's Craps. Gave a lot of it back when the table cooled but was up too much to wind up down for the trip. Naturally the table was lots of fun with everybody winning. Tipped pretty heavy and walked out happy to be up just a bit overall. My new way of looking at my bankroll is working great, not playing scared now. The dice seemed to sense it and cooperated! A larger session bankroll was in view and the dice had to bow to such confidence, unable to come after it [indulging that superstition].
As for further gambling opps, out the blue Harrington DE is sending some great coupons my way, including the free Ace for up to $100. A February thing for everybody I'd guess, otherwise somehow my name was retrieved from the Low Roller file where it has been for months. I'd like to think some competitiveness is kicking in.
I've only been to the Greenbrier once, and I posted a report here about that a few years ago. At the time, the main casino was still under construction, and the only games (no craps) were in their Tavern Casino. Is that small space still operating? I'm glad to hear that they are offering the low minimums -- if you have to spend a small fortune to stay there and gain entry to the casino, at least they aren't gouging you at the tables. Do you know whether they hike the limits on weekends? (I didn't catch which days you were there.)
It's a bit pricey to stay there alright. Not the place to go "regularly" to gamble.
The tavern casino is no more. The new area is very nice with very friendly dealers. The minimums were lower this time compared to the two other times we've gone. I suspect they go up on the weekend, but I haven't been there on a weekend! They evidently take in plenty with the casino, so weekends must be busier for the gaming.
I received an email promo yesterday for their Winter Escape special, which is still priced out of my comfort zone. I looked at the web site, and the Tavern Casino is described as available for private events. What a place to hold a private casino night!
Heh. I guess that's called "losing." :) Seriously, better luck.
I'm pretty sure someone else at the machine was influencing the e-dice. You have to know who you're e-playing against. :)
stop looking at the stats board! it'll drive u crazy.
i learned. i even made a thread about it: http://wizardofvegas.com/forum/gambling/craps/13070-i-gotta-ignore-the-stats-board/
i'm up a little since Md Live opened and play twice a month on avg. I only play e-Craps and mostly Dark.
sorry to hear about your luck :(
Nothing worse than sitting there, looking at a big stack of chips on various DC numbers, and knowing that you have the best of it, while slowly but surely each one of them is picked off...
Something to be said about 'not playing scared' but my heart just isn't in with e-craps.
I can't stand e-craps...nothing about heart, I just don't enjoy it as much. I understand if you like the low limits and exact payouts on smaller bets, but that's never an issue for me. I just love the social interaction at the table, whether I'm playing light side or dark...if light side, all the general shit-shooting with other players and dealers, sharing in the joy of a big win, or commiserating about a loss. If dark side, the subtlety of not celebrating and trying to nonchalantly pick up a big stack of chips after the shooter set up about 4 numbers and then hit the big red...
Anyway, none of that at an e-craps table. I guess the celebrating together part maybe, but it's much subdued in my experience.