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December 1st, 2010 at 9:26:54 PM permalink
The Brooking's Institute Ranked 150 worldwide metropolitan areas by recovery from the recession. Predictably Las Vegas had the lowest ranking in the USA, but ominously it was in the bottom five worldwide. You can google news articles about this report in the Las Vegas Review Journal.

Here is the bottom 50 and the top 50. Predictably asian cities are near the top, with Guadalajara Mexico being the only North American city in the top 25. Austin (rank #26) is the top American metropolis.

Dublin 150 San Francisco 125 Seattle 50 São Paulo 25
Dubai 149 Helsinki 124 Cleveland 49 Riyadh 24
Barcelona 148 London 123 Nashville 48 Kuala Lumpur 23
Thessaloniki 147 Kansas City 122 Moscow 47 Belo Horizonte 22
Las Vegas 146 Hartford 121 Detroit 46 Taipei 21
Valencia 145 Buffalo 120 Sydney 45 Jakarta 20
Riga 144 Glasgow 119 Minneapolis 44 Buenos Aires 19
Johannesburg 143 Vilnius 118 Abu Dhabi 43 Tianjin 18
Madrid 142 Cape Town 117 Baltimore 42 Chennai 17
Athens 141 Los Angeles 116 Monterrey 41 Kolkata 16
Porto 140 Edinburgh 115 New Delhi 40 Guadalajara 15
Atlanta 139 Ljubljana 114 Dallas 39 Melbourne 14
Tallinn 138 Frankfurt 113 Krakow 38 Bangalore 13
Indianapolis 137 Lisbon 112 Washington 37 Mumbai 12
Sofia 136 Berlin 111 Virginia Beach 36 Hyderabad 11
Naples 135 Milan 110 Bangkok 35 Rio de Janeiro 10
Manchester 134 Munich 109 Mexico City 34 Manila 9
Brussels 133 Stuttgart 108 Seoul 33 Beijing 8
Amsterdam 132 Riverside 107 Brasilia 32 Guangzhou 7
Birmingham 131 Rome 106 Bogotá 31 Shanghai 6
Stockholm 130 Budapest 105 Hong Kong 30 Santiago 5
Pittsburgh 129 Cologne 104 Cairo 29 Singapore 4
Rochester 128 Turin 103 Alexandria 28 Lima 3
Philadelphia 127 Portland 102 Montreal 27 Shenzhen 2
Rotterdam 126 Zurich 101 Austin 26 Istanbul 1

Note: This is a ranking by recovery from the recession. Even though Istanbul is #1 and Dublin is #150 that does not imply that Istanbul has a higher standard of living than Dublin, just that it has done the best at recovery to it's pre-recessional position.

Quote: Brookings Report Analysis

Many of the metros in the United States and Europe that flew highest before the recession experienced tremendous falls. Dublin, Madrid, and the three Baltic capitals (Riga, Tallinn, and Vilnius), along with Las Vegas and Riverside (California) in the United States, moved from the top 30 spots pre-recession to the bottom 30 spots during the recession. These regions exhibited significant asset bubbles in the 2000s, as evidenced by the fall in home prices in their respective nations in recent years. Overall, the Great Recession appeared to hit U.S. metros hardest, while it improved the relative position of metros outside the United States and Europe.

P.S. I wrote sea in the poll by mistake. Unfortunately there is no way to correct those entries.
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December 2nd, 2010 at 4:57:02 PM permalink
What is it about Istanbul that makes it more recession proof than, say, Manila? When you had almost nothing pre-recession, I guess you don't have much more to lose in an economic downturn.

I see Las Vegas coming back, only because there is so much work already in the pipeline, and apparently, from the Macau/Singapore numbers, a lot of gambling liquidity in South & South East Asia.
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December 2nd, 2010 at 5:58:47 PM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

What is it about Istanbul that makes it more recession proof than, say, Manila? When you had almost nothing pre-recession, I guess you don't have much more to lose in an economic downturn.

I see Las Vegas coming back, only because there is so much work already in the pipeline, and apparently, from the Macau/Singapore numbers, a lot of gambling liquidity in South & South East Asia.

There is certainly a lot of the "higher you fly, the further you fall" in these rankings.Dublin is one of the great economic miracles of the last twenty years leading to the phrase, The Celtic Tiger.

Detroit is ranked #7 from the top out of 50 major American cities for recovery. When was the last time you saw Detroit in the top 15% of an economic ranking?
Virginia Beach
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December 2nd, 2010 at 6:25:20 PM permalink
Quote: Ayecarumba

I see Las Vegas coming back,

I'm not sure. Vegas was so over-built in the 90's and 2000's that I don't see it coming back to what it was. Like every boom town, its glory days may be gone.
"It's not called gambling if the math is on your side."
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