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September 8th, 2017 at 9:02:59 AM permalink
Quote: Romes

Fixed that for you. Perhaps if the cops killing American citizens wasn't one of the top 10 ways to die in America, there wouldn't be a problem?

You mean top ten in media coverage, right? Because if you are talking leading causes of death, it doesn't even crack the top 100 (probably not even top 1,000).

Take 2014, one of the worst years for people killed by the police (1.5 x average of the past 10 years). Total number of deaths in the US: 2,626,418 (source) The total number of these deaths caused by police? 632 (source)

That's 0.02% of all deaths. And this number includes justified killings. I would imagine, based on what I see in the news, that the number of those 632 deaths that rise to the level of murder would be in the single digits.

Romes, I understand the outrage. One police murder is too many, but by vastly overstating the statistics, you only hurt your argument.
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September 8th, 2017 at 9:20:02 AM permalink
Quote: Romes

Quote: MidwestAP

I can't stand the environment we live in now, where police citizen literal bashing has become common and accepted...

Fixed that for you. Perhaps if the cops killing American citizens wasn't one of the top 10 ways to die in America, there wouldn't be a problem?

It's just ironic, because that's exactly what the police do and why you see so many murders by them... They don't know the facts and they start pulling the triggers.

I'm not even trying to put a ton of race in to this post, but the most obvious example to me... Last September... Female cop pulls over black man because she thought he looked like someone they were searching for (who knows how true that is - but basically the man didn't even commit a traffic violation). Draws her weapon and orders him out of the vehicle. He cooperates with every word she says. When out she orders him to put his hands on his car. With his hands raised he goes to put them on his car and then she starts shooting him, claiming he was reaching in the vehicle for a weapon when in fact the DOOR AND WINDOW WERE CLOSED. This man committed no crime, at all, and she cold blooded murdered him... THEN SHE WAS ACQUITTED OF THE MURDER EVEN THOUGH IT WAS ALL CAUGHT ON VIDEO. This is THE standard for the problem of police brutality in America. Cops keep killing people, and then because they're "a cop" they just get away with MURDER. You can only MURDER people for so long before they start to get pissed off and/or do something back. It's obvious. After this is when the "cop shootings" started to happen. I don't support the murders ON EITHER SIDE, but s**t, how obvious is it that if you keep murdering innocent civilians that they're going to start murdering you back?

I'm somewhere in the middle on this, but:

I find it HIGHLY ironic that the same people who insist on their second amendment rights with no restrictions, tend to be the people who dismiss killings by cops as automatically justified . Supposedly, the 2nd amendment (literal statement in the Constitution, not interpreted) is to allow an armed citizenry to fight back in the case of government tyranny . That same govt tyranny the police are using on profiled citizens.

Same thought process down through the generations. Goes back to that 3/5th thing, I think. As opposed to being counted as a full citizen if you're white and male.
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September 8th, 2017 at 9:45:16 AM permalink
Quote: RS

Yes, it is a myth. The supposed "wage gap" is due to taking the yearly income from all men and women who work full time jobs. It doesn't take into account the different jobs or any other factor.

To say there's a 22% wage gap (78 cents per $1) between men and women for doing the same comparable work.....is like saying there's a wage gap in my family. My dad and I both work full time in comparable jobs, he makes $250k/year and I only make $20k/year (who cares that I work at McDonald's but he's an anesthesiologist).*

What percentage pay did you make compared to the men you worked with?

BBB was in a union and likely got paid at the same rate as her male counterparts. There are major causes for the wage gap:

(1) Women working lesser hours in their prime earning years as a result of pregnancy and/or child care commitments.
(2) Employers choose to pay them less because they assume that they will not be as committed to their jobs, and because they are paid and valued less, choose to stay at home to raise kids, perpetuating the cycle.
(3) Women not getting promoted or getting raises at the same time as men. Men are chosen for promotions and raises at much higher rates then women.
(4) Men are getting hired at higher paying jobs than women do, despite the same qualifications.
(5) Men get paid much more when they choose to transfer jobs and they do so at a much higher rates (likely because women value their benefits more).
(6) Educational differences (degrees) but this reason is rapidly closing as more women pursue more traditional degrees in the sciences. It does explain the wage gap among genders who did not complete college, for example.

The end results... in high paying jobs, the bulk of wage inequity due to all of the reasons above.

To use your examples... yes the same worker gets paid the same amount at McDonalds but management will disproportionately give raises and promotions to men over women because of discrimination.

... anesthesiologists likely suffer a wage gap for the same reasons.

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September 8th, 2017 at 10:30:29 AM permalink
Using the statistic that women make 78 cents on the dollar as evidence of rampant discrimination has been debunked over and over again. That statistic doesn’t take into account a lot of choices that women and men make—education, years of experience and hours worked—that influence earnings. If we want to have a fruitful discussion about a gender wage gap, we should have it after the comparison is adjusted for those factors. In a 2013 Slate article, Hanna Rosin, author of The End of Men, for example, wrote:

The official Bureau of Labor Department statistics show that the median earnings of full-time female workers is 77 percent of the median earnings of full-time male workers. But that is very different than “77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men.” The latter gives the impression that a man and a woman standing next to each other doing the same job for the same number of hours get paid different salaries. That’s not at all the case. “Full time” officially means 35 hours, but men work more hours than women. That’s the first problem: We could be comparing men working 40 hours to women working 35
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September 8th, 2017 at 10:47:10 AM permalink
Quote: Homelessnyc

Using the statistic that women make 78 cents on the dollar as evidence of rampant discrimination has been debunked over and over again. That statistic doesn’t take into account a lot of choices that women and men make—education, years of experience and hours worked—that influence earnings. If we want to have a fruitful discussion about a gender wage gap, we should have it after the comparison is adjusted for those factors. In a 2013 Slate article, Hanna Rosin, author of The End of Men, for example, wrote:

The official Bureau of Labor Department statistics show that the median earnings of full-time female workers is 77 percent of the median earnings of full-time male workers. But that is very different than “77 cents on the dollar for doing the same work as men.” The latter gives the impression that a man and a woman standing next to each other doing the same job for the same number of hours get paid different salaries. That’s not at all the case. “Full time” officially means 35 hours, but men work more hours than women. That’s the first problem: We could be comparing men working 40 hours to women working 35

I fail to understand how us white guys can't admit that we have every advantage in life. For example, the chart in the post above takes those factors into account (education, experience, hours) and still finds an unexplained gap. Even the quote you give above isn't very compelling "could be". Are we?

Instead of just dissing race inequality and wage inequality some of us try to say it doesn't exist and explain it away using statistical anomalies and unverifiable anecdotal information.

Yes, some of the 22% is attributable to education and women's propensity to take time out for child-rearing and care. Not all of it. A NYT article says that 41% of the gender pay gap is unexplained.
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September 8th, 2017 at 12:22:10 PM permalink
I think it's a myth as well. But if its true, women get enough free drinks to make up for it.
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September 8th, 2017 at 12:28:14 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

I fail to understand how us white guys can't admit that we have every advantage in life. For example, the chart in the post above takes those factors into account (education, experience, hours) and still finds an unexplained gap. Even the quote you give above isn't very compelling "could be". Are we?

Instead of just dissing race inequality and wage inequality some of us try to say it doesn't exist and explain it away using statistical anomalies and unverifiable anecdotal information.

Yes, some of the 22% is attributable to education and women's propensity to take time out for child-rearing and care. Not all of it. A NYT article says that 41% of the gender pay gap is unexplained.

I fail to understand why you think it's ok to make broad generalizations based on race as long as it's the white race. Clearly, not every white male has an advantage because of his skin color. In many cases his skin color is a disadvantage (staying outside too long or trying to pick up Puerto Rican chicks). Jokes aside, this may be hard for a white person to understand who was raised in a white neighborhood to rich, white parents (not saying you were).
Last edited by: RogerKint on Sep 8, 2017
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September 8th, 2017 at 12:42:57 PM permalink
Quote: Romes

Fixed that for you. Perhaps if the cops killing American citizens wasn't one of the top 10 ways to die in America, there wouldn't be a problem?

No chance in hell is being killed by a cop (in USA) anywhere near top 10 most likely ways to die.

Quote: Romes

It's just ironic, because that's exactly what the police do and why you see so many murders by them... They don't know the facts and they start pulling the triggers.

I'm not even trying to put a ton of race in to this post, but the most obvious example to me... Last September... Female cop pulls over black man because she thought he looked like someone they were searching for (who knows how true that is - but basically the man didn't even commit a traffic violation). Draws her weapon and orders him out of the vehicle. He cooperates with every word she says. When out she orders him to put his hands on his car. With his hands raised he goes to put them on his car and then she starts shooting him, claiming he was reaching in the vehicle for a weapon when in fact the DOOR AND WINDOW WERE CLOSED. This man committed no crime, at all, and she cold blooded murdered him... THEN SHE WAS ACQUITTED OF THE MURDER EVEN THOUGH IT WAS ALL CAUGHT ON VIDEO. This is THE standard for the problem of police brutality in America. Cops keep killing people, and then because they're "a cop" they just get away with MURDER. You can only MURDER people for so long before they start to get pissed off and/or do something back. It's obvious. After this is when the "cop shootings" started to happen. I don't support the murders ON EITHER SIDE, but s**t, how obvious is it that if you keep murdering innocent civilians that they're going to start murdering you back?

Of course police brutality and over-use of power and all that exists....but lumping in a bunch of cases where that isn't the case just hurts the argument that police brutality exists. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

Quote: beachbumbabs

I'm somewhere in the middle on this, but:

I find it HIGHLY ironic that the same people who insist on their second amendment rights with no restrictions, tend to be the people who dismiss killings by cops as automatically justified . Supposedly, the 2nd amendment (literal statement in the Constitution, not interpreted) is to allow an armed citizenry to fight back in the case of government tyranny . That same govt tyranny the police are using on profiled citizens.

Same thought process down through the generations. Goes back to that 3/5th thing, I think. As opposed to being counted as a full citizen if you're white and male.

I'm not seeing many people who are automatically dismissing killings of cops (cops killing others) and saying or thinking they're automatically justified. It's just that the facts are usually a bit deeper than, "He a racist!!!" or "Police brutality exists because Trayvon Martin* & Michael Brown...."

Trayvon Martin case --- George Zimmerman wasn't a policeman
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September 8th, 2017 at 1:03:55 PM permalink
Murder is not even among the top 10 causes of death in US, so yeah no way. You definitely do have a major policing problem however, when foreign goverments are issuing travel advisories about law enforcement officers being far more likely to use deadly force than other developed countries and not to travel with cash as it is a high risk of being stolen by law enforcement. The only way that's not a problem is if you automatically blame everything you disagree with as being the medias fault. I bet if police settlements came out of their pensions the legitimate problems would drastically reduce.
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September 8th, 2017 at 1:39:39 PM permalink
Quote: LuckyPhow

Agreed. Tomorrow's headline will feature the storm. But, this could still be a big deal.
As I see it, that's the "big deal." Thanx for asking.

Thanks for your very well presented views. My 'ho hum' post was meant to be an illustration of the police views on the matter, not my views. If they had shot someone for being black and running from gunfire when everyone else is running from gunfire, it would soon be off the front page, the storm, Trump Folies, Korean saber rattling, bit coin, German elections, forrest fires, etc.

Things rarely stay in the headlines, reporters no longer sink their teeth into bones and hang on, reporters no longer have any teeth, the press is too oriented to entertainment. Its all 'fair and balanced' coverage of one side's press release and the other side's press release and then onto some other pablum.
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September 8th, 2017 at 4:07:34 PM permalink
There is some minor discrimination involved in the wage gap. Of course, it never takes things like alimony into consideration. Many women who take time off to have and raise kids are compensated that way. And if they don't get a divorce, or even if they do, guess what...


This stuff gets so nutty.

Plus, women get more tips. There are also a lot of women's jobs that, while lower paying than engineer, pay very well for educational level and difficulty of work. Cocktail waitresses do great. Bartender. Hair stylist, estitician (?) Working at Sephora or a high end clothing store. Etc etc.

The comparable men's jobs are way crappier. Roofer, plumber, etc
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September 8th, 2017 at 5:32:45 PM permalink
Quote: AxelWolf

I think it's a myth as well. But if its true, women get enough free drinks to make up for it.

They can also work some lucrative jobs as well that I'm not able to like the street and pole. I know some girls that get 200 dollars just to show up to your hotel door... that's just to the door!! Every time I ever had an Asian Massage they seemed to make good hourly rate. I know every decent looking woman who was a bartender or dealer beside me always made more tips. Besides, wasn't it really bad for women say up to 100 years ago? I thought they fought for this equal rights and working jobs thing and won so they don't have to make dinner and babies?

Although I am clearly a chauvinist pig at heart I think I am just stirring the pot here having fun.
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September 8th, 2017 at 6:32:45 PM permalink
Quote: boymimbo

There are major causes for the wage gap...

Many thanx for your effort to add substance to the discussion.

I happened across this story about Google, which claims to be posted only 3 hours ago:

Quote: Headline:

Google calls The New York Times' report that female Google employees make less than men 'extremely flawed'

Brief summary:
  • First, New York Times issued a report Friday that showed a gender pay gap within the company based on data compiled by employees in a shared internal spreadsheet
  • Then, Google pushed back, saying the spreadsheet only contained salary information for about 1,200 US Google employees, or 2% of the company, an extremely small sample size (among other problems Google has with the Times report).
  • Except, when the US Department of Labor accused Google of underpaying women last April, Google said it couldn't provide more data to disprove the accusation because it'd cost $100,000 and 500 hours of labor. (By my estimate, that's about 4 people working about 3 weeks to document Google's fair compensation of 60,000 employees. Gimmie a break, Google!)
  • My Take: Really? Google cannot google its own payroll and personnel data systems for employee salary data? I'm starting to think the Times may be onto something here.

Since it seemed timely, and IMHO makes Google look mighty two-faced about this issue, I thought I'd share.

Hmmm... Google might be a rascal if...
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September 8th, 2017 at 7:24:11 PM permalink
Quote: LuckyPhow

Many thanx for your effort to add substance to the discussion.

I happened across this story about Google, which claims to be posted only 3 hours ago:

Really? Google cannot google its own payroll and personnel data systems for employee salary data? I'm starting to think the Times may be onto something here. Since it seemed timely, and IMHO makes Google look mighty two-faced about this issue, I thought I'd share.

Hmmm... Google might be a rascal if...

Gee whiz, if Google was using a major payroll system (like the one I am quite familiar with) they could execute something like this...


That took me 2 minutes to come up with. I am sure that with another hour's effort I could finish this for them. Yes, I know it does not include age, and seniority but all of this is sitting in the tables mentioned. And I need to add some date criteria too.

So I call bull crap on Google and any large company who claims that they cannot come up with the data.
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September 8th, 2017 at 7:54:28 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

I suppose that the majority of prison inmates being black is due to racism as well? Or maybe is just that they aren't smart enough to get away with their crimes.

And, perhaps the large majority of Miami area hurricane shelters are in neighborhoods of rich white residents only because of geography, and not racism. Here's the story:

Quote: Headline:

Florida Accused Of Limiting South Miami Shelters To Wealthy, White Neighborhoods

According to the Coalition for Racial Justice, local and state governments in Florida ignored neighborhoods inhabited predominantly by lower income people of color in providing shelters for Hurricane Irma evacuees. A local who previously worked on projects with the Coalition, summed up the situation this way:


We’ve had shelters open in our communities in the past, but not this time. We don’t have anywhere else to go. Historically, the communities that suffer the most went for weeks without electricity. We had water up to our doors, we expected alligators in those waters, and the National Guard wouldn’t even enter those areas during prior hurricanes like Andrew and Katrina.

Maybe some Miami residents just aren't smart enough to live in better-off neighborhoods that get their needs met first, just like they aren't smart enough to avoid prison. Or, maybe it's racism. To me, it sounds like a death sentence to be unprotected in Miami with this hurricane fast approaching.
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September 8th, 2017 at 8:04:11 PM permalink
To me, it IS 100% STUPID to live in any area that's prone to natural disasters.

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September 8th, 2017 at 8:25:07 PM permalink
Quote: Ibeatyouraces

To me, it IS 100% STUPID to live in any area that's prone to natural disasters.


I still have sympathy but holy hell is the North East Coast a great place to live. As long as you aren't directly on the coast, there's literally 0 worries of hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, droughts, or any other crap I don't have time for.

The worst thing that happens is the occasional freakish snowstorm that throws down 4ft overnight, but all I do then is go back to sleep.
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September 8th, 2017 at 9:24:02 PM permalink
And there's this lawsuit, news from Bloomberg Bloomberg -
How America's top law firms get away with paying women less
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September 9th, 2017 at 9:57:44 AM permalink
Quote: gamerfreak

... holy hell is the North East Coast a great place to live. As long as you aren't directly on the coast, there's literally 0 worries of hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, droughts, or any other crap I don't have time for. The worst thing that happens is the occasional freakish snowstorm that throws down 4ft overnight, but all I do then is go back to sleep.

I once thought that, as I was born and raised in NJ.

But then I actually started to travel, see the country, and my opinion quickly changed.

NJ and surrounding environs SUCKS compares to many other places; summer humidity can be brutal, people are pretty much wall to wall, traffic is bad, and taxes are punitive.

I recall when we lived in south Jersey both of my parents worked in Philadelphia; they paid NJ income tax, Pennsylvania income tax, Philadelphia city income tax, and of course the IRS got their share.

The land is mostly flat, boring, and covered with buildings and roads.

I traveled across this fair land, and found three places I'd consider living in for the duration: outside of Boulder, Colo.; Taos, NM; and Portland, Oregon.

I learned to put up with a volcano, as well as wild fires: so long as my 'hood is safe, the more the merrier (keeps things interesting).

Then again, in the immortal words of Buckaroo Banzai, "No matter where you go, there you are."
"What, me worry?"
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September 9th, 2017 at 10:24:31 AM permalink
I'm in Nevada a bit over a year. Three things I don't miss about NY are humidity, winters and the flatness.
When I look out on my patio and see the mountains, I'm still awed.
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September 9th, 2017 at 12:11:32 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

I'm in Nevada a bit over a year. Three things I don't miss about NY are humidity, winters and the flatness.
When I look out on my patio and see the mountains, I'm still awed.

Unfortunately they barren ugly mountains. When it comes to the outdoors, LV is boring in my opinion.

I wish I would have spent more time in Lake Tahoe when it had much better stuff.
♪♪Now you swear and kick and beg us That you're not a gamblin' man Then you find you're back in Vegas With a handle in your hand♪♪ Your black cards can make you money So you hide them when you're able In the land of casinos and money You must put them on the table♪♪ You go back Jack do it again roulette wheels turinin' 'round and 'round♪♪ You go back Jack do it again♪♪
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September 9th, 2017 at 1:33:33 PM permalink
You are entitled to your opinions, wrong as they are.
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September 9th, 2017 at 2:12:09 PM permalink
Quote: LuckyPhow

Maybe some Miami residents just aren't smart enough to live in better-off neighborhoods that get their needs met first, just like they aren't smart enough to avoid prison. Or, maybe it's racism. To me, it sounds like a death sentence to be unprotected in Miami with this hurricane fast approaching.

Wanna change that to Tampa? I'm evacuating to Biloxi, where they seldom have canes! Will we see you there?
When a rock is thrown into a pack of dogs, the one that yells the loudest is the one who got hit.
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September 9th, 2017 at 4:44:54 PM permalink
About the "Women making 77 cents on the dollar compared to a man's dollar for the SAME or comparable job, there was a study that simply said,"This happens because women tend to be hesitant to ask for raises wheras a man will not be hesitant to ask for a raises."
In both The Hunger Games and in gambling, may the odds be ever in your favor. :D "Man Babes" #AxelFabulous "Olive oil is processed but it only has one ingredient, olive oil."-Even Bob, March 27/28th. :D The 2 year war is over! Woo-hoo! :D I sometimes speak in metaphors. ;) Remember this. ;) Crack the code. :D! :D "For about the 4096th time, let me offer a radical idea to those of you who don't like Nathan -- block her and don't visit Nathan's Corner. What is so complicated about it?" Wizard, August 21st. :D
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September 9th, 2017 at 5:32:21 PM permalink
Quote: Nathan

About the "Women making 77 cents on the dollar compared to a man's dollar for the SAME or comparable job, there was a study that simply said,"This happens because women tend to be hesitant to ask for raises wheras a man will not be hesitant to ask for a raises."

Was that the study that concluded that 68% of studies cited on the internet exist only in the posters mind?
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September 9th, 2017 at 11:39:27 PM permalink
Quote: billryan

I'm in Nevada a bit over a year. Three things I don't miss about NY are humidity, winters and the flatness.
When I look out on my patio and see the mountains, I'm still awed.

You didn't have to go to Nevada for mountains,NY has plenty :)
Happy days are here again
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September 10th, 2017 at 12:02:38 AM permalink
Not anywhere I ever lived. Tallest hill on Long Island is about 500 feet. NYC is even flatter. Went to school in Rochester. Not a hill in sight. About 100 miles to anything resembling a mountain.
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September 10th, 2017 at 5:39:27 AM permalink
43 min dead south of Rochester...

And that, minus the falls, is exactly what my backyard looks like. I can see less than 300' in any direction save one, where I can see both ontariodealer's and SOOPOO's places of employ (approx 25-30mi away as the crow flies). T'ain't the Sierra's, but all walks are hikes in my parts.

My condolences. No one should have to endure LI.
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September 10th, 2017 at 7:53:22 AM permalink
Quote: Face

And that, minus the falls, is exactly what my backyard looks like. I can see less than 300' in any direction save one, where I can see both ontariodealer's and SOOPOO's places of employ (approx 25-30mi away as the crow flies). T'ain't the Sierra's, but all walks are hikes in my parts.

And while gazing out over the lake I assume you are eating a white hot and drinking a Genny Cream?
My goal of being well informed conflicts with my goal of remaining sane.
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September 10th, 2017 at 8:09:11 AM permalink
Way too many trees. Gross. There's a reason logging is an industry, and it's not because they need wood for construction etc. Its just the excuse to solve the tree infestation.
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September 10th, 2017 at 9:04:36 AM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200

Way too many trees. Gross. There's a reason logging is an industry, and it's not because they need wood for construction etc. Its just the excuse to solve the tree infestation.

Man, you better steer clear of the Pacific NW..... my earlier stomping grounds have lots of men who spend their winters knitting neckties for people with attitudes like that.
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September 10th, 2017 at 9:09:41 AM permalink
Metaphorically speaking, trees are literally* the worst things ever.

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September 10th, 2017 at 11:09:26 AM permalink
I don't consider Letchworth to be mountains, it's a canyon. Mountains are tall, canyons are holes in the ground. Letchworth is gorgeous, as is Ausable Chasm, but they ain't mountains. Foothills,at best.
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September 14th, 2017 at 5:54:43 PM permalink
Trees are great. Except when they grow into your power lines.
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September 14th, 2017 at 10:31:52 PM permalink
Trees are GREAT! They help you with oxygen they provide a nice breeze and a nice shade for you! Edit. That awkward moment when the topic starts off about Vegas Police threatening to murder Superbowl Champ and transforms into a conversation about trees! LOL. :D
In both The Hunger Games and in gambling, may the odds be ever in your favor. :D "Man Babes" #AxelFabulous "Olive oil is processed but it only has one ingredient, olive oil."-Even Bob, March 27/28th. :D The 2 year war is over! Woo-hoo! :D I sometimes speak in metaphors. ;) Remember this. ;) Crack the code. :D! :D "For about the 4096th time, let me offer a radical idea to those of you who don't like Nathan -- block her and don't visit Nathan's Corner. What is so complicated about it?" Wizard, August 21st. :D
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September 15th, 2017 at 2:15:13 AM permalink
Quote: Nathan

Trees are GREAT! they provide a nice breeze

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September 15th, 2017 at 3:47:40 AM permalink
Quote: mcallister3200


Indisputable evidence trees are bad! They cause wind!!!!

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