It may make helicopter flights from Los Angeles to Las Vegas reasonable (meaning for the well to do, but not just for ultra rich).
Cruise speed could increase from 130 nmh to 220 nmh, which would make the trip closer to an hour.

Quote: Eurocopter
Eurocopter has begun test flights of the X3 demonstrator for its innovative High-speed, long-range Hybrid Helicopter (H3) concept, which combines excellent vertical takeoff and landing capabilities with fast cruise speeds of more than 220 kts.
The X3 demonstrator is equipped with two turboshaft engines that power a five-blade main rotor system and two propellers installed on short-span fixed wings. This creates an advanced transportation system offering the speed of a turboprop-powered aircraft and the full hover flight capabilities of a helicopter. The concept is tailored to applications where operational costs, flight duration and mission success depend directly on the maximum cruising speed.
A wide range of utilizations are envisaged for the H3 configuration, including long-distance search and rescue (SAR) missions, coast guard duties, border patrol missions, passenger transport and inter-city shuttle services. It also may be well-suited for military missions in special forces operations, troop transport, combat SAR and medical evacuation – benefitting from the hybrid aircraft’s combination of higher cruise speeds with excellent vertical takeoff/landing performance.
“Innovation is at the core of Eurocopter’s strategy to continue its leadership in the global helicopter sector, and the X3 demonstrator represents a key element of our innovation roadmap,” said Lutz Bertling, Eurocopter’s President & CEO. “The teams at Eurocopter took this hybrid helicopter from concept to first flight in less than three years, which demonstrates their skills, capabilities and dedication to defining the future of rotary-wing aircraft.”
The X3 demonstrator’s first flight occurred September 6 in southern France at the Istres Center of “DGA Flight Testing”, which is operated by the French DGA government agency and ensures a secure and controlled environment. Initial testing will continue through December with reduced power, progressively opening the flight envelope to speeds of approximately 180 kts. After a three-month upgrade, X3 flights will resume in March 2011 with the goal of reaching sustained cruise speeds in excess of 220 kts.
About Eurocopter
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 15,600 people. In 2009, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer in the civil and parapublic market, with a turnover of 4.6 billion Euros, orders for 344 new helicopters, and a 52 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s products account for 30 percent of the total world helicopter fleet. Its strong worldwide presence is ensured by its 18 subsidiaries on five continents, along with a dense network of distributors, certified agents and maintenance centres. More than 10,500 Eurocopter helicopters are currently in service with over 2,800 customers in more than 140 countries. Eurocopter offers the largest civil and military helicopter range in the world.

An auto-gyro is designed to go slow, not fast. The world speed record for an autogyro is 111.7 mph.
Although they could cover the distance to Las Vegas it would take over 3 hours.
There is a helipad at Excalibur hotel so it would make a nice link from downtown Los Angeles if you can do it in about an hour.
If memory serves, the rotor in an auto-gyro is unpowered and windmills as the propeller moves the craft forward. This generates some lift. A helicopter's rotor is powered and it both provides lift and propulsion (the craft moves forward as the rotor tilts at an angle; it can fly backwards and sideways, too).
I think tilt-rotor craft like the Osprey are a better compromise bewteen vertical take-off and speedy flight. Jump-jets like the Harrier simply use too much fuel, in fact the Royal Navy launches harriers off a short deck with a ski slope.
What we really need is antigravity....
Quote: dudestupidI looked at that airport map. Does that mean the helipad at the Sahara is no longer active? I figured Sinatra still choppered in there all the time.
I don't think the helipad is used anymore. Sahara is giving away rooms for $1 on facebook. I can't imagine them bringing in people by helicopter.
Quote: pacomartinI don't think the helipad is used anymore. Sahara is giving away rooms for $1 on facebook. I can't imagine them bringing in people by helicopter.
As shown it can't be used. At least not safely. There's not even a windsock in the frame.
As a follow up to this earlier post, Sikorsky did break 250 knots (288 mph) with their X2. The theoretical top speed is 290 knots. Initial markets will probably be trauma helicopters and military use, not shuffling gamblers to Las Vegas.
The Eurocopter X3 was planning to try and break 220 knots this month. No word on the scheduled date. However, that design seems to be more roomy, and may have more commercial appeal.