Straight Flush 50 to 1
Four of a Kind 10 to 1
Full House 3 to 1
Flush 3 to 2
Straight 1 to 1
All other Push
are the typical payouts on the blind that being said its supposed to be like 2.8% house edge with basic strategy. but what happens when you change the flush payout to 2/1
It has come to my attention a casino in Florida is doing this. ( they have really bad trips rules and this may be the compensation) .
Any math types wanna break it down? or would the wizard of odds help?
you sure it's 2:1 for Flush for the blind bet?Quote: DevlinstormRoyal Flush 500 to 1
Straight Flush 50 to 1
Four of a Kind 10 to 1
Full House 3 to 1
Flush 3 to 2
Straight 1 to 1
All other Push
are the typical payouts on the blind that being said its supposed to be like 2.8% house edge with basic strategy. but what happens when you change the flush payout to 2/1
It has come to my attention a casino in Florida is doing this. ( they have really bad trips rules and this may be the compensation) .
Any math types wanna break it down? or would the wizard of odds help?
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In FL, the TRIPS paytable seems great (ie: 10:1 for a Boat) except you dont get paid unless you win. (so it's like the Blind bet but with a HIGH house edge.)
If the Blind's Flush pays 2:1 and you dont have to bet Trips to get it, then it lowers the HE a little.
no idea by how much tho.
BTW- How are new members able to create threads?
Thought you needed 10 posts before having that ability?
not my vid not promoting it .... but look at that blind pay table its 2/1 for flush
Someone should probably check my math on that. I did a literal back of the envelope calculation.
Basic house edge of the game is 2.185% with optimal strategy.
Basic house edge of the game is 2.185% with optimal strategy. =.0235% house edge. or close to 1 quarter of 1%
Quote: 100xOddsBTW- How are new members able to create threads?
Thought you needed 10 posts before having that ability?
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I think you thunk wrong. New members need links blessed.
... like that.
It would be a safe assumption, assuming they didn't have any great video poker or really good blackjack rules.Quote: Devlinstormim i correct to assume then this would be close to the lowest house edge game?
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where is this casino in FL?Quote: Devlinstormadds 1.95% to the return
Basic house edge of the game is 2.185% with optimal strategy. =.0235% house edge. or close to 1 quarter of 1%
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Does that work? I added 0.5 to every flush payout (there are 6), and recalculated the numbers. I got 1.95% benefit.Quote: charliepatrickYou can see how often a flush is paid out by looking for the probabilities for payouts ending in ".5" on . Then dividing by 2 (because the additional paid out is .5) means about 1.286% is subtracted from the 2.185%. If so this seems a good game (but assumes you play perfect strategy!).
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Yes - I dragged and dropped the info from wizard's page into a spreadsheet and got -0.899222%. (When you're adding 1/2, don't use TRUNC(x+.5,0); if x is negative as it changes -2 to -1!)Quote: teddys[...Does that work? I added 0.5 to every flush payout (there are 6), and recalculated the numbers. I got 1.95% benefit.
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Is that the consensus ? 1.95% benefit?
Quote: charliepatrickYou can see how often a flush is paid out by looking for the probabilities for payouts ending in ".5" on . Then dividing by 2 (because the additional paid out is .5) means about 1.286% is subtracted from the 2.185%. If so this seems a good game (but assumes you play perfect strategy!).
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I agree with the above “1.286% figure” (I got ~1.25%*** ).
*** important: I just roughly added the flush chances up in my head and multiplied by 0.5 .
Sent from phone
When I ask Google Maps, it shows Oxford Downs to be just south of Ocala, near The Villages. Are there two locations?Quote: DevlinstormOxford downs its between Tampa and ft Lauderdale
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Interestingly, I just checked out Ocala/Gainesville Poker's*** website, and they actually publish their rules & payouts for UTH.
Quote: Ocala Gainesville PokerBLIND
Royal Flush 200 to 1
Straight Flush 50 to 1
Quads 10 to 1
Full house 3 to 1
Flush 2 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
All Other Push
You can see that, indeed, the flush payout is 2 to 1. However, they have reduced the Royal payout to 200 to 1.
Devlinstorm, did you notice if the Royal at Oxford Downs was 200:1 or 500:1?
what's the math now with 200:1 royal?Quote: JoemanWhen I ask Google Maps, it shows Oxford Downs to be just south of Ocala, near The Villages. Are there two locations?Quote: DevlinstormOxford downs its between Tampa and ft Lauderdale
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Interestingly, I just checked out Ocala/Gainesville Poker's*** website, and they actually publish their rules & payouts for UTH.Quote: Ocala Gainesville PokerBLIND
Royal Flush 200 to 1
Straight Flush 50 to 1
Quads 10 to 1
Full house 3 to 1
Flush 2 to 1
Straight 1 to 1
All Other Push
You can see that, indeed, the flush payout is 2 to 1. However, they have reduced the Royal payout to 200 to 1.
Devlinstorm, did you notice if the Royal at Oxford Downs was 200:1 or 500:1?Ocala Gainesville Poker is a different card room located, oddly enough, between Gainesville and Ocala. It used to be my haunt 30 years ago when it was Ocala Jai Alai. Back then, it was literally in the middle of a cow pasture.
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I just googled oxford downs and got a website
Quote: DieterQuote: 100xOddsBTW- How are new members able to create threads?
Thought you needed 10 posts before having that ability?
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I think you thunk wrong. New members need links blessed.
... like that.
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I watched this video and found it interesting. These people were not playing Wizard’s basic strategy but self claimed them as professional players.
Also interesting, they says that a player’s King+3 off suit should bet 2x after flop when there is a pair of 6s in the flop three cards. Is this the correct strategy?
I'd refer to Stephen how flop strategy on discount gambling sometimes I believe it can be correct to bet on your high card king on paired boards
No. You only bet a king kicker on the flop when a pair of aces hit the board, or if you're drawing to a straight (gutshot or otherwise). Flush draw, too.Quote: acesideAlso interesting, they says that a player’s King+3 off suit should bet 2x after flop when there is a pair of 6s in the flop three cards. Is this the correct strategy?
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No. It's 1.286% benefit. I calculated wrongly.Quote: DevlinstormI added 0.5 to every flush payout (there are 6), and recalculated the numbers. I got a 1.95% benefit.
Is that the consensus ? 1.95% benefit?
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It's a huge advantage but it doesn't happen that often. Dealers are quickly corrected. A lot of dealers will forget to push back the ante, too, and pay it. Overall, dealer mistakes long-term have made a non-insignificant contribution to my E.V. on this game.Quote: acesideI noticed some opportunities on this game. Some dealers do not know the paytable very well and thus make mistakes in their paying out. Particularly, these dealers mistakenly pay out the "Blind" bet when the hands are a tie at a straight or better. Can somebody help calculate the player edge gain from these dealers?
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the wizard has a return table for this game. Substitute your changed return in 3 places, as he has broken it down for large, medium, and small raises. All the other is the same, so add it up with the changes.Quote: itseddieTI found a game that pays 3 to 1 on a flush for the blind bet. My calculations yielded a player edge of about 1.5%. Can someone confirm?
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I might have time to get to this to do it myself or not. I'd need to study a bit at how the normal return is done for each.
Find the return table close to the top at:
PS: I sure would look hard to find if they made some other change to compensate. And if the table isn't attracting players of a 'certain type', why not?
Quote: itseddieTI found a game that pays 3 to 1 on a flush for the blind bet. My calculations yielded a player edge of about 1.5%. Can someone confirm?
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Yes, that's about right. But as posted above, it's likely there's a cut somewhere else.