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50 members have voted
Essentially, the day before you started smoking again you were a twenty pound overweight non-smoker, and made the decision that the best way for you to lose weight was to start smoking? No non-smoker would ever make such a decision. Essentially, you were still a smoker, just on a hiatus from the filthy habit! Your proclamations about it being easy, and your self assuredness, have been proven false. The compendium of forces have beaten you, and like most who try to quit, you have failed. I have seen the devastating effects of both cigarettes and being a tad overweight my entire career. The cigarettes are FAR worse! If it is easy for you to quit, re-think it, tolerate the extra weight for a while, and quit the tar and nicotine torches. You KNOW what the smart decision for Mission, wife of Mission, and kids of Mission is!
Anyway, I fully intend to quit after first dropping a ton of weight so that I won't mind gaining a bit. I'm up to 225, now, so my goal is to get down to approximately 190 and then quit smoking again in the hopes of not getting above 210.
As far as my overall health is concerned, clearly, I'm not too worried about that or it wouldn't have taken a bet to get me to quit smoking to begin with. I care enough about my health to stop smoking at such time that I am not physically unattractive due to being overweight. I'll also be better prepared to keep a strict diet at that time.
The only other thing that I must admit is that I will enjoy this few months of my sense of smell being impaired until my weight drops back down and I quit smoking again.
Quote: beachbumbabsYou might be the ideal candidate for an e-cig. The medium-sized barrel type, that has liquids of different strengths, and you're taking in water vapor/nicotine without the carcinogens. You can use it to your heart's content at hunger times and not bother with it otherwise. No carbon monoxide or tar involved, but it serves the oral fixation and physical habit.
Is there anything dangerous or unhealthy about e-cigs at all? Are they considered to be as addictive as regular ones?
on the other hand, I was the first to warn about the weight gain. It is such a depressing aspect of quitting that I still remember it and, yes, do rank it high.
Quote: michael99000Is there anything dangerous or unhealthy about e-cigs at all? Are they considered to be as addictive as regular ones?
Probably too soon for any reliable studies. None of the health experts wants to go out there and encourage any tobacco by-product. They are reporting an increase in teen smoking after seeing a plateau when including the incidence of e-cigs. Their main complaint about that in the report I saw (non-comprehensive) is that it enables addictive behavior and acts as a gateway to actual smoking. It sounded speculative rather than grounded in science.
Quote: Mission146I've only been firing one up anytime I feel hungry.
Maybe somebody can confirm this, but I think the main effect the nicotine has is not just appetite suppression, but that it increases metabolism, burning calories too.
Quote: odiousgambitMaybe somebody can confirm this, but I think the main effect the nicotine has is not just appetite suppression, but that it increases metabolism, burning calories too.
My understanding is that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and has a calming effect on the nervous system; I've never heard that it increases metabolism and would have thought it did the opposite, but can't cite anything one way or the other on that. The soothing of any oral fixation also calms hunger cravings by giving your mouth something to do, related to fingernail chewing, gum chewing (even sugarless), or any other habit involving lip and mouth stimulation.
Quote: beachbumbabsMy understanding is that nicotine is an appetite suppressant and has a calming effect on the nervous system
Nicotine is a stimulant, which likely does increase the metabolism as odiousgambit mentioned.
I never Welch on bets, However if you start smoking on purpose after quitting for 1 year. you will get your money in pennies, one at a time . You know dam well, I made the bet for you to stop smoking period. Not so you could win money or I could win money. SERIOUSLY, it's one thing start smoking again because you can't handle it, but intending to smoke on purpose just because you won the bet is not what was intended. The "bet" was an incentive to get you to STOP smoking for good. I didn't make the bet because, I thought you would fail and I would win some easy money. Again, I made the bet so you would stop smoking.Quote: djatcMine is a year too so the day I win I'm going to light up.
DON'T BE DUMB, and start smoking again especially after 1 year of quitting.
Quote: Mission146Due to weight concerns, I have decided to start smoking again.
I said I'd quit smoking when I reached my desired weight. I think I discovered how my subconscious mind can make me over-eat and not excercise. After all, if I don't drop the weight, I don't quit smoking. And I don't like working out anyway. So win-win-win.
That said, having worked out this past month I find myself less hungry. But even when I eat things I shoulnd't, I'm working them off. I do indulge in a bit of junk food still, but less so than in january (and December and November, etc)
I heard you say you lack the time. I lack the time, too. So I made some (sort of). It may not work as well for you, I get that, but look and see what you can do without or combine with excercise. For instance, if you spend half an hour every day reading, read on the treadmill. Or even see whther you can walk rather than drive somewhere at elast four days a week.
Me, I'll quit smoking when I decide I want to quit smoking. But if I tie it to losing weight, I'll never lose the weight.
Here's hoping it will be easier or better for you.
Quote: NareedI said I'd quit smoking when I reached my desired weight. I think I discovered how my subconscious mind can make me over-eat and not excercise. After all, if I don't drop the weight, I don't quit smoking. And I don't like working out anyway. So win-win-win.
That said, having worked out this past month I find myself less hungry. But even when I eat things I shoulnd't, I'm working them off. I do indulge in a bit of junk food still, but less so than in january (and December and November, etc)
I heard you say you lack the time. I lack the time, too. So I made some (sort of). It may not work as well for you, I get that, but look and see what you can do without or combine with excercise. For instance, if you spend half an hour every day reading, read on the treadmill. Or even see whther you can walk rather than drive somewhere at elast four days a week.
Me, I'll quit smoking when I decide I want to quit smoking. But if I tie it to losing weight, I'll never lose the weight.
Here's hoping it will be easier or better for you.
I don't buy the excuse about weight issues and smoking. Not from just you Mission but from anyone. I am struggling with weight loss which is an addiction just like smoking but you don't see me picking up a crack habit to curtail my eating (although maybe I should it would help). I think if you are substituting smoking with something else then you are either not prepared to quit or not quitting in a method that works best for you.
The above is strictly my opinion which may be completely wrong.
Quote: wudgedMission, as a way to recoup some of your losses, you could join dietbet.com. You can join games of either 4% / 4 weeks or 10% / 6 months. Everybody puts in $x (determined by which game you pick, typically $25) and the pool is split at the end (minus a rake) among whoever succeeded.
That would probably be fun, how does the weight get verified?
Quote: Mission146Smoking seriously dulled my sense of smell which I am now finding is quite powerful, and much more of the world stinks than smells good.
The nicotine addiction sure would be a different ballgame if (hypothetically) smoking somehow ruined your eyesight or hearing. There are probably advantages to losing one's sense of smell. However, taste is closely linked to smell, so I wonder if non-smokers can taste delicate subtleties of food flavor that smokers are oblivious to.
Quote: Mission146I smell things that I used to not notice. The smell of smoke bothers me and thick smoke makes me cough and makes my throat hurt. This is annoying.
Welcome to the world of being a non-smoker! Us smug non-smokers are notorious for being intolerant, sanctimonious, and self-righteous. We're intolerant because smoke makes us cough, it hurts our throat, and it's annoying.
And we're self-righteous because we're self-righteous.
Quote: Mission146That would probably be fun, how does the weight get verified?
you have to take a picture with you on the scale and also a full picture of yourself. You enter your weight and they have judges that verify it by looking at it.
Quote: renoUs smug non-smokers are notorious for being intolerant, sanctimonious, and self-righteous. We're intolerant because smoke makes us cough, it hurts our throat, and it's annoying.
Quote: renoUs smug non-smokers are notorious for being intolerant, sanctimonious, and self-righteous. We're intolerant because smoke makes us cough, it hurts our throat, and it's annoying.
One thing. If/when I quit, I promise not to complain to any smoker about the smell, unless I admit it's because I miss it.
Quote: GWAEyou have to take a picture with you on the scale and also a full picture of yourself. You enter your weight and they have judges that verify it by looking at it.
Yep, at the start of the game you take a full body picture and then a picture of the scale readout, with a keyword they provide to identify yourself. At the end of the game, if you've succeeded, you do it again and wait for approval. Supposedly if they suspect foul play they will make you submit a video weigh-in, but I haven't had that requested (yet.)
I like to lose my 4% and finish a game, binge on lots of salt/carbs for a day or two (gaining LOTS of water weight) and then start a new game. The water weight comes off very quickly :) and goes a long way towards the new game's 4%. I did 2 games for January and 2 for February, and also just started 3 for March. Of the 4 I've finished, I've put in $110 and pulled out $165.36 for a 50% return. I'm down about 25 pounds since the start of the year.
I'm also in a 6 month game from January to July. This game is $25 per month - half goes to monthly check-ins and half goes to the final weigh-in. The first month was a measly $2.xx return on the $12.50 but this past month was $23.72. I assume it will keep going up as more people fall off. Also, if you want to pay all up front, they only charge you $125 instead of $150 so you get an even better deal out of it.
Of course, you do have to lose the weight, but based on your commitments to these 2 WoV challenges, I can't imagine you having much trouble.
Quote: BuzzardHey Mission 0 and 2 ! Is the word LOSER starting to sound familiar ?
Quote: WizardI had a $100 bet with JW17 on Mission to fail. Upon the announcement that Mission failed, JW paid promptly and without having to be asked, as a gentleman should.
As did Wudged in our bet. He was so prompt, I found out what happened that way first, rather than by reading the thread!
Quote: odiousgambitOuch!
It's worse than that. Had I the bankroll, I would have bet big on Mission both times. Guess I better stick to the horses.
So anyway my tobacco free lifestyle made me think of this thread. I had no idea mission failed until just now. Anyway mission, how is the weight loss going?
Quote: Beardgoat
So anyway my tobacco free lifestyle made me think of this thread. I had no idea mission failed until just now. Anyway mission, how is the weight loss going?
It's going pretty well, ten pounds less than when I started smoking again, but still above my December weight. That will come off, and then some, over the Summer, just a matter of maintaining my post-Summer weight this time...
When I was in 6th grade I got a can of Kodiak. It seed fun. I got sick that day. I didn't know why.
Tried it again the second day ....Duh.... Got sick again. I tossed that can of chew so fast and far down the street. that was the last time I ever chewed on purpose.
What do i mean on purpose? Well, when I was about 20 I had a friend that chewed big wads of chew. We were playing cards with a few friends. I liked rum with coke back. He bough us some 16oz bottles of coke and some Myers rum. We were playing cards, drinking and having fun. I would take a swig of rum and a big swig of coke.
Apparently he would use his empty coke bottle to spit his chew in (Looks kind of like coke). Unfortunately I found out he did this out the hard way. Swig of Myers rum Big swig of ....OMFG... I pick up his chew bottle instead of My coke bottle. They laughed...... I got deathly sick. To this day, I cant even think of Myers rum without getting slightly nauseous.