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119 members have voted
The kind you'll want to spend the rest of your life with are.Quote: AxelWolfGirls are not initially attracted to nice guys.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikI can't believe I have to explain this to you.
Lunging at a woman and kissing her in the hope that she won't object--or worse, not caring whether she objects or not--has until recently been considered a male prerogative. It's sexual assault though, and was then as it is now. One of the elements of the recent empowerment of women is that they're no longer expected to put up with it.
I agree.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikThere are degrees of behavior as well. A man can communicate with gestures that he wants to kiss a woman and do it slowly and gently enough that she has a chance to refuse--and can do it without a shove or a slap.
What you're describing is IMPLICIT consent, not EXPLICIT consent. You need explicit consent. Implicit consent (among other things) might include a lack of refusal. Legally, what you're describing, is sexual assault. (Not that I think it is or should be.)
Quote: JoeshlabotnikAnd yes, in fact, asking "May I kiss you?" would be gentlemanly as well as decent behavior. Male macho culture, which Trump enthusiastically supports, says you should grab first and ask questions later. After all, what's a harmless little kiss?
Degrading and devaluing how women feel has been going on for all of human history, and that we no longer feel that's appropriate really bothers some men. I hesitate to put you in that category, but...
I don't degrade or devalue women or how they feel. I'd appreciate if you didn't say insinuate that.
Quote: RS
I don't degrade or devalue women or how they feel. I'd appreciate if you didn't say insinuate that.
As I said, I hesitate to put you into that category. A couple of the things you said sounded...odd.
Some guys don't know the difference and will tell you they've been acting like a nice guy whereas they have been a doormat. They can even point out how much they do and effort they put into it and are resentful that the woman doesn't appreciate all they do. The reality is their attention to her has become overbearing, and or annoying, and their reactions needy, and the woman will hang around if she can use them or run away if she can't.
Works both ways too.
Quote: MathExtremistThe kind you'll want to spend the rest of your life with are.
If only that was true ? I have seen too many nice girls fall for losers. SIGH
You're skipping a couple of my favorite steps.Quote: onenickelmiracleGrabbing pussy is the next logical step after kissing.
Quote: prozemaTrump loves casinos. I thought this group would be behind him for sure, but it seems not.
I think the most vocal anti-Trump (or Hillary supporters) here don't really gamble all that much.
And, no it's not because he was a Democrat -- it's a local race with no party affiliations.
Quote: MichaelBluejayI voted today, and as I was voting for a Muslim in one race, I remembered how one member here who didn't understand my posts called me an Islamaphobe and said I hate all Muslims. Of course I'm not the only one here who says that member misunderstands their posts and puts words in their mouth.
And, no it's not because he was a Democrat -- it's a local race with no party affiliations.
I believe you're referring to me, and as I recall, I was reacting to a crazy assertion of yours that squllions of Muslims were seeking "to enter the US to practice Sharia law" and you cited some polls taken in places like Indonesia (?) to support that assertion.
Most of the things you've said since then have made much more sense than that, so if I misinterpreted your attitudes based on that slim evidence, I apologize. But we only have what people say here as evidence for what they believe.
Quote: rxwineI guess it needs to be pointed out, that there is a difference between "nice guy" and acting like a "door mat."
Some guys don't know the difference and will tell you they've been acting like a nice guy whereas they have been a doormat.
And some guys who aren't inclined to be nice say that they aren't that way because they don't want to be doormats. When they aren't nice because they don't like being nice.
It's very reminiscent of people saying they'll continue to use racial slurs because they disdain "political correctness." Being nice doesn't mean you let yourself be walked on. But you know, being polite and basically decent DOES mean that you're willing to let yourself be taken advantage of on occasion rather than have your guard constantly up and a chip always on your shoulder.
Quote: prozemaTrump loves casinos. I thought this group would be behind him for sure, but it seems not.
Look at the poll results! It's almost 2-1 Trumpers. A random sampling of the population would be less than 50%. This group is overwhelmingly male, so that has a lot to do with it. There are very few completely dumb people here, though, which makes all the Trump-love a bit puzzling.
Though if you like casinos, you should dislike Trump quite a bit, since he builds them, guts them, and shuts them down. That's his bankruptcy-based Successful Businessjerk M.O.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikLook at the poll results! It's almost 2-1 Trumpers. A random sampling of the population would be less than 50%. This group is overwhelmingly male, so that has a lot to do with it. There are very few completely dumb people here, though, which makes all the Trump-love a bit puzzling.
Though if you like casinos, you should dislike Trump quite a bit, since he builds them, guts them, and shuts them down. That's his bankruptcy-based Successful Businessjerk M.O.
The white and older person percentage might be higher here than the "average voter" as well. Dunno for sure, but I am thinking our active female forum members are all for Hillary. But depending on your definition of "active", that could be as few as one? I can only think of the the most obvious woman on the forum. MustangSally hasn't been too active lately...Hot Blonde? Nareed? (and many of the trumpers will call her a he) Who am I missing that used to be a regular? Just writing this out reminds me how much of a "boys' club" this place is. Hell, I used to post here a LOT more myself. Hell "Even Bob" stopped posting on this forum as well...I thought he would never quit!
But general bickering and less gambling discussion has made me and some other notable members a lot less active. I'm now much more active on forums where political discussion is expressly prohibited. Wizard tried to separate this discussion by starting "Diversity Tomorrow", but it failed because people still talked about it here and he didn't explicitly punish people for it because he still believes in "free speech", which is noble. However, constant political discussion helps drive this forum off course significantly. I also have a bad feeling it won't significantly tail off after November 8th either here.
P.S. And let the record show this terribly long thread that was forced into a Part II was started by a hard-core Republican now banned from this forum for his numerous insults toward others.
Quote: MichaelBluejayI voted today, and as I was voting for a Muslim in one race, I remembered how one member here who didn't understand my posts called me an Islamaphobe and said I hate all Muslims
I don't know, that could be proof you really hate him, if you're trying to make him an American politician!
Americans often hold their politicians in lower regard than a snake belly.
(1) IBD now shows a 3-point lead for Clinton.
(2) Trump supporters liked to say that the IBD poll was the "most accurate" of any poll over the last three election cycles. That's because they just swallowed whatever they read on some right-wing website without looking at the details.
. . . (a) First, it wasn't the most accurate in *each* of the last three cycles, no other poll was more accurate than it *on average*. There were other polls that were more accurate in the last cycle.
. . . (b) IBD wasn't the "most accurate", it's that "no other poll was more accurate", which is the way you have to describe it when there's a TIE for most accurate average. The other poll tied for most accurate over the last three cycles was Pew. And Pew shows Clinton at +7 now.
A week ago, Trump supporters were insistent that IBD mattered (and according to their numbers and logic, that by extension Pew mattered, also). But watch them suddenly dismiss IBD as unimportant/irrelevant now that it no longer shows their candidate winning. Definition of hypocrisy.
Quote: mikeabiomedHillary FBI case re-opens minutes ago....Now what?
bovada has hillary at -300, trump at +200.
hillary at -300 is free money
Quote: mikeabiomedHillary FBI case re-opens minutes ago....Now what?
Republicans are acting like Christmas came early.
Meanwhile, in reality:
Quote: kurteichenwald1. FBI not reopening the investigation.
2. Comey legally had 2 inform Congress, because he testified they had finished reviewing evidence,
Quote: kurteichenwaldDetails of FBI: They found 3 emails that "might" be relevant to the case. None of them were withheld by Clinton.
3 emails! I'm shaking in my boots!
Quote: mikeabiomedHillary FBI case re-opens minutes ago....Now what?
Now, nothing. Or at least a tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. All other considerations aside, this new investigation won't be even close to concluded by Election Day, at which point the political motivation for it will have become irrelevant.
Also, the public, Trumpers aside, really doesn't give a rat's rectum that Hillary sent emails.
Quote: crazydazybovada has hillary at -300, trump at +200.
hillary at -300 is free money
Assuming, of course, that you'll get paid if you win, which is not exactly a given on the internet.
Also, what if Bovada is run by Trumpers, and they refuse to pay out because the election was "rigged"?
Quote: @kurteichenwald1. Case not reopened. 2. Comey had tocorrect testimony. 3. Involves 3 emails whose classification must be determined. 4. None w/held by HRC.
FBI Director Comey's letter was so vague. Very irresponsible to give so few details when he knew the Trumpsters would jump all over this.
The fact that Anthony Weiner is still alive is proof that the Clintons aren't the secret murderers the right wishes they were.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikNow, nothing. Or at least a tale full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. All other considerations aside, this new investigation won't be even close to concluded by Election Day, at which point the political motivation for it will have become irrelevant.
Also, the public, Trumpers aside, really doesn't give a rat's rectum that Hillary sent emails.
Basically, Comey is pacifying the conservative movement whether they are for Trump or not. Comey was obviously coaxed by his peers to re-open, re-investigate new findings that would not sit well if unaddressed before the election. Unfortunately, it's late in the game for people who have already voted to change their vote, or, more realistically, it's foolish to think a shift would occur at this point based on political preference. Not sure about rat rectums, "butt" like opinions, everyone's got one.
because 1) I don't want to spend 10 minutes posting an image and 2) you can't say I'm cherry picking.
We get screwed really badly. We pay much more than other people, and the non-rich get less in return.
That does not even count all of the unpaid labor we do sorting through policies, filling out forms, combing through fine print, etc. and the anxiety that comes with never knowing you'll be taken care of, or knowing that you will not. Nor does it count the costs that come with bankruptcies, divorces following bankruptcies, crimes committed by the children of divorced, bankrupt (or dead) parents. etc. etc.
That anybody who disapproves of this situation could support someone so deeply in the pockets of its architects as Hillary, the Wal-Mart corporate lawyer, is dizzying.
"Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has received more campaign cash from drug companies than any candidate in either party, even as she proudly declares the industry is one of her biggest enemies."
If there's ever a cirque du solie show with mental gymnastics...
But, I agree, as with the military industrial complex, the corruption runs so deep that removing it might be impossible. That's why we're becoming a country on the third word/Russian model. But, it's not an accident.
Trumps road to 270 is almost impossible, if the polls are anywhere correct. If Mrs Clinton wins North Carolina, it's over. Even if Trump wins NC, Florida and Ohio, he's still short.
Quote: crazydazybovada has hillary at -300, trump at +200.
hillary at -300 is free money
I thought Trump not winning the nomination was free money. One of my friends, who is going to retire in his forties from sports betting, described it as "a CD paying 9%."
However, I think Hillary -300 is a good bet. Gonna make it now. Thanks for the tip.
Quote: billryanI imagine he was required by law to inform Congress and knew it would get leaked. I don't think it is a game changer. More like a lead off triple in the top of the ninth, with the team trailing by four.
Yes that's correct. He had already testified before Congress that the FBI had completed it's investigation.
Then yesterday the FBI found three new emails they need to determine the classification on. He had to update Congress.
The problem is his letter was so vague, Republicans are acting like it's a game changer.
This could be nothing more than a prelude, orchestrated at levels higher than Comey, to another announcement that the DoJ or FBI is also opening an investigation into Donald Trump for tax fraud (his returns and charitable contributions) or wire fraud (any of his fraudulent businesses communicating over phones/the Internet). If you haven't read the state charges against Trump U, they're worth reading:Quote: ams288Yes that's correct. He had already testified before Congress that the FBI had completed it's investigation.
Then yesterday the FBI found three new emails they need to determine the classification on. He had to update Congress.
The problem is his letter was so vague, Republicans are acting like it's a game changer.
So Trump advertised his school over the Internet, e.g.,
And here's what federal law says about wire fraud:
Quote: 18 USC 1343Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, transmits or causes to be transmitted by means of wire, radio, or television communication in interstate or foreign commerce, any writings, signs, signals, pictures, or sounds for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
That NY State case is still ongoing, and if a court in NY rules that Trump committed fraud, I can't imagine that the same fact pattern wouldn't be respected by a federal court. In other words, regardless of whether Trump beats Hillary, he may be facing up to 20 years in federal prison.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikAssuming, of course, that you'll get paid if you win, which is not exactly a given on the internet.
Also, what if Bovada is run by Trumpers, and they refuse to pay out because the election was "rigged"?
Good point, but I've yet to have trouble with payouts from bovada. Sometimes it takes a while but it always arrives.
Quote: RigondeauxI thought Trump not winning the nomination was free money. One of my friends, who is going to retire in his forties from sports betting, described it as "a CD paying 9%."
However, I think Hillary -300 is a good bet. Gonna make it now. Thanks for the tip.
It's moved now to -325, I think bovada closes action on october 30 so I would put the action down while I can.
Quote: ams288FBI Director Comey's letter was so vague. Very irresponsible to give so few details when he knew the Trumpsters would jump all over this.
Comey is a friend of Clinton. He knows the ramifications of this action and its impact yet he still reopened the investigation. Why? Because it is in your face and really that blatantly hideous of a crime.
Here's the deal. Hillary is losing the election and she knows it. Her failure to win will cause her to go to prison if Trump is elected. She will be disqualified before the election so that Obama can pardon her. She can't quit or the money on her will take her out. She has to be disqualified. RNC calling for it now.
Sorry Hilltard's but the game is coming to its logical conclusion. ;-)
Quote: MaxPenComey is a friend of Clinton.
Poor, poor sad Max. You probably aren't even aware that Comes led the Whitewater investigation, are you? That's why the Republicans chose him to lead the (failed) witch hunt.
But by all means, don't let that spoil your adversarial relationship with the facts.
I would be more confident if it was a sports bet you said was good.Quote: RigondeauxI thought Trump not winning the nomination was free money. One of my friends, who is going to retire in his forties from sports betting, described it as "a CD paying 9%."
However, I think Hillary -300 is a good bet. Gonna make it now. Thanks for the tip.
I'm on the fence.
How much can you get down at BV on this?
Quote: JoeshlabotnikPoor, poor sad Max. You probably aren't even aware that Comes led the Whitewater investigation, are you? That's why the Republicans chose him to lead the (failed) witch hunt.
But by all means, don't let that spoil your adversarial relationship with the facts.
Poor, poor you. Comeys brother works for the Clinton Foundation. There's a river you might want to canoe down.
Quote: MaxPenPoor, poor you. Comeys brother works for the Clinton Foundation. There's a river you might want to canoe down.
I don't actually believe you, and you're not real big on supplying proof for your assertions, but what does it prove even in the very unlikely event that it's true? A person's brother works for an organization. Yessiree, that means that that person is automatically friends with the persons who own that organization!
You're going to have to work a little harder on your horse pucky, Max. This latest steaming pile isn't even remotely believable.
The emails weren't to or from Hillary, weren't housed on her private server, and may be duplicates of emails that have already been analyzed/released.
Comey hasn't even seen the emails yet, but somehow feels the need to write a vague letter to Congressional Republicans that he knows will set their hair on fire. Just irresponsible.
Quote: KeyserI believe the reason that Comey did the letter is because the FBI has knowledge that some wild Wikileaks will be coming out next week. Leaks possibly containing emails, comments regarding collusion with the FBI, etc...
Well, that may be your belief, but if Wikileaks had anything of substance, they wouldn't have waited until the election was a loss-in-progress for Trump before releasing it.
And why does anyone take Wikileaks seriously anyway, given that it is just an espionage ally of the Russians? Just because it hurts Hillary? How does anyone know that the emails they release aren't completely faked?
I think that Comey wrote the letter because of the Republican bleating that his investigation must not have been fair because it found Clinton innocent of any wrongdoing.
Quote: Joeshlabotnik
And why does anyone take Wikileaks seriously anyway, given that it is just an espionage ally of the Russians? Just because it hurts Hillary? How does anyone know that the emails they release aren't completely faked?
Because it is doing the serious work our own media refuses to do. The Blonde Baboon set up an unsecured server in her house so she could hide information the public has a legal right to know about. This breaks the law and internal procedure on so many levels that an unbiased media would be screaming that she should pull out of the election. Then there is the security issue, of which she used none. Any person of average intelligence who has used email at work should instantly understand how seriously bad judgement this showed.
Now, if the Blonde Baboon had released all the emails as she was legally ordered to do, Wikileaks would have no bearing on things. But what happened? She "wiped it clean." Then she joked about what that meant. She knew the media would give her a pass and her supporters are such suckers for whatever she says ever that they will not leave her.
Notice she has not said, "The emails are fake, here are the real ones."
People still think this woman is qualified to be POTUS? The only way she should be allowed in the WH is as a chambermaid. Anything else is clearly above her mental pay grade.
Quote: MaxPenPoor, poor you. Comeys brother works for the Clinton Foundation. There's a river you might want to canoe down.
that statement is really not based in reality, you should do some research before posting stuff from Faux News.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikI think that Comey wrote the letter because of the Republican bleating that his investigation must not have been fair because it found Clinton innocent of any wrongdoing.
Comey wrote the letter because he was required by law to do so.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikWell, that may be your belief, but if Wikileaks had anything of substance, they wouldn't have waited until the election was a loss-in-progress for Trump before releasing it.
Perhaps if they had a real 'disqualifier' of Hillary they will wait until it is too late for the Dems to select a replacement. They might have felt if Hillary was axed a month ago that either Biden or Sanders or Kaine could still beat Trump. As I have said from the beginning, a severely bad email leak could swing the election, just as a new Trump tape could drop him to zero electoral votes. If nothing major happens it's an easy Clinton win.
Ask yourself, what on earth would a guy who sexts his weiner, possibly want to keep three emails on his computer, which were classified, and from Hillary. They were leverage to have the Clintons protect him or his wife if he needed it. If not leverage for protection, then for help obtaining more power and money. I see no reason for them to keep them knowing how harmful they could be to Hillary.
I'd rather have anarchy than corruption, because at least anarchy is fair for everyone.
Quote: SOOPOOPerhaps if they had a real 'disqualifier' of Hillary they will wait until it is too late for the Dems to select a replacement. They might have felt if Hillary was axed a month ago that either Biden or Sanders or Kaine could still beat Trump. As I have said from the beginning, a severely bad email leak could swing the election, just as a new Trump tape could drop him to zero electoral votes. If nothing major happens it's an easy Clinton win.
And what could any leaked emails say that would be earth-shattering enough to make millions flee from Clinton to the welcoming arms of Trump (because that's what it would take, not just people not voting for her)? That she was at the heart of a vast conspiracy to take over the world? To defraud the universe? To destroy the ozone layer?
The Republicans don't seem to realize that for the American public, the emails Clinton may or may not have sent aren't that big of an issue. Anyway, most people have already made up their minds without needing any silly old evidence--Hillary is a crook! So she was found innocent of any criminal wrongdoing--the investigation was rigged! Lock her up! I suppose we'll hear about this for at least as long as we heard that Obama is a Muslim from Ooga Booga.
And for what it's worth, I don't think a video of Trump actually raping a woman would affect things at this point. The people who form his base have already decided to stick with him no matter how repulsive he proves to be. Not that the Republicans don't have some kind of desperate, dying gasp in store. Maybe an intercepted radio communication from the aliens thanking Hillary for paving the way for their invasion and promising her a high position in the new world order.
Quote: JoeshlabotnikWell, that may be your belief, but if Wikileaks had anything of substance, they wouldn't have waited until the election was a loss-in-progress for Trump before releasing it.
And why does anyone take Wikileaks seriously anyway, given that it is just an espionage ally of the Russians? Just because it hurts Hillary? How does anyone know that the emails they release aren't completely faked?
I think that Comey wrote the letter because of the Republican bleating that his investigation must not have been fair because it found Clinton innocent of any wrongdoing.
If the emails are fake, that's on the Clinton campaign. They won't deny the content, because they don't want the stories getting bigger, which would be more damaging.
This Russian thing can be very dangerous with Clinton imo, because she might get us into wars if she is president. Clintons love grudges.